One the Application of Recitation Combined with Communicative Approach 背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用_第1页
One the Application of Recitation Combined with Communicative Approach 背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用_第2页
One the Application of Recitation Combined with Communicative Approach 背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用_第3页
One the Application of Recitation Combined with Communicative Approach 背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用_第4页
One the Application of Recitation Combined with Communicative Approach 背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用_第5页
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1、背诵法和交际法在口语中的应用 on the application of recitation combined with communicative approachabstractnowadays english plays an important role in china as well as in the world. english is the international language and widely used. however, when students want to learn it, its difficult to speak english fluent

2、ly. there are three factors influencing english-speaking. the influence of mother tongue is most important. this kind of phenomenon is called mother tongue transfer on the psychology. the others are language atmosphere and learning motive. so the teachers and students can make use of the current con

3、dition to create good environment that is good for study, and the english learning motive is the reason and purpose of studying english. so the teacher should help students to set up a correct learning motive and overcome difficulties.luckily many teaching methodology and relevant theories are provi

4、ded for oral teaching and learning. so we need to solve the problems that come with it. in this paper recitation as a speaking learning model is firstly suggested. so we have to choose materials carefully according to some standards. but it is not enough to achieve the goal for communication. then c

5、ommunicative approach is required to combine with recitation. only in this way can the function of language be fully performed and communication be achieved.key words: oral english; recitation; communicative approach内 容 摘 要现在英语在中国以及世界上都起着重要的作用。它是一门国际语言并且被广泛的使用。然而,当学生学英语时,发现能流利的说英语是有一定困难的。这里有三个因素影响英语

6、口语。其中母语的影响是最重要的,在心理学上这种现象被称为母语迁移。另外还有语言环境和学习动机。因此老师和学生要利用当前的条件去创造有利于学习的良好环境。并且英语学习动机是学习英语的理由和目的,所以老师必须帮助学生去建立正确的学习动机并战胜困难。可喜的是许多教学流派与相关理论给口语教学提供了强有力的支持。所以我们必须克服由此带来的相关问题。本论文首先建议用背诵法作为一种口语学习模式,并要根据几个标准选好背诵材料。但这与达到语言交际的目的还有差距。因此作者建议采用在交际法中配合使用背诵法。只有把两者结合才能达到交际的目的。 关键词;口语;背诵法;交际法contentsintroduction11

7、importance of english22 the status of oral english33 factors influencing oral english43.1 mother tongue53.2 language environment73.3 learning motive84. the application of recitation combined with communicative approach in oral english94.1 the feature of recitation combined with communicative approac

8、h in oral english104.2 the functions of recitation combined with communicative approach in oral english154.2.1 stimulating potential energy154.2.2 improving oral english18conclusion21notes22acknowledgments24introductionthe basic function of language is communication. under whatever circumstance, bei

9、ng capable of fluently and confidently expressing ones thoughts is the essential need of human beings. the lack of ability to express a language in a free way cannot be considered to have been in command of the language. english is no exception. there is no doubt, with its appearance and evolution,

10、english plays a significant role in every field under the sun. moreover, after chinas open-door policy and comparatively recent entry into the wto, english has become more important and urgent than ever, which in turn brings chinese the opportunity and challenge as well. though chinese are given the

11、 platform to learn english, more exactly, to communicate in english, the problem is that, though chinas middle schools have set up english courses in every level and attach great importance to it in the university entrance examinations to increase awareness, the defects in english teaching and learn

12、ing cannot be neglected. most chinese middle school teachers lay emphasis on grammar for the sake of written exams, while on the other hand ignore the students development of speaking ability, leaving so many people getting high scores in paper but unable to speak english out. we may improve oral en

13、glish though the application of recitation combined with communicative approach in oral english. 1 importance of englishenglish is the international language. according to 1986 statistics, nearly 400 million people spoke english. around 20 countries in the official language or english as a second la

14、nguage using, was a total of about 8 million people.from official site, english is one of the major languages of the world. at the beginning of the 19th century, english was the native speech of barely 15 million people. today it is regularly by more than 320 million and is 2nd only to chinese, whos

15、e world primacy in number of speakers is accounted for largely by the vast population of mainland china. english as one of the influential and growing languages is spoken in areas widely scattered over the globe. it is native or official language of one 5th of the earths land surface, being use thro

16、ughout most of the north american continent and in the british isles, australia, new zealand, and the republic of south africa. of the languages of colonization it has been the one most important in africa, asia and the island of the central and southern pacific. at present, english is the most wide

17、ly studied language in areas where it is not native. it is chief foreign language taught in the schools of latin american and european countries. in japan, children begin the study of the english in the 7th grade, and in the philippines all classes are conducted in english from the 4th grade on. in

18、india, english is an official language alternative to hindi, the chief official language. in addition, the use of english is widespread in international trade, international scholarship, and scientific research, more than half of the worlds scientific and technical support journals, as will as newsp

19、apers, are printed in english. three fourths of the worlds mail is written in english and english is the language of the worlds fifths of the worlds radio stations. the soviet union and china use english to a great extent in their propaganda broadcast the developing countries of africa and asia. the

20、 u.s. information agency, with its centers and libraries in various countries, and the british council and its english-language schools aid greatly in spreading the knowledge of english. as a result a speaker of english can travel around the world and almost never find it necessary in major cities t

21、o employ a language other than his own in order to be understood.our country is playing an important role in the word. therefore, learning english is historical significance.2 the status of oral englishthe learning of speaking includes pronunciation, vocabulary, phrases, and grammar and sentence pat

22、terns. it is related to language systems. if learners develop an ability to put these all together in a right way, they have mastered the linguistic competence. but this is never enough. speaking is the most obvious form of communication between people. the objective of speaking is that students par

23、ticipate a great deal of oral communication, meanwhile through which foster linguistic competence, social linguistic ability and strategic capability, such as ability through speaking, ability to grasp languages communicative function, thinking ability in the social intercourse and qualifications as

24、 a fluent reader and so forth. this double characteristic places english speaking in the unique position and creates quite a few barriers for teaching. for example, teachers own level of proficiency should be guaranteed. there are lots of materials to cover. what they face is usually a large class,

25、so getting most students to speak is not a piece of cake. they also have to design various activities and choose what to use and how or when to perform. therefore, teachers should improve themselves in english speaking and teaching methodology. in addition, several factors influence speaking such as

26、 expressive motivation, size of vocabulary, communication strategy, atmosphere and interaction mode. so finding a way to improve students comprehensive ability is the key. 3 factors influencing oral english there are three factors, mother tongue, language environment and learning motive. people in s

27、tudying english process always have the influence of mother tongue mode of thinking and expression habit. the teachers and students can make use of the current condition to create good environment that is advantage for studying. the english learning motive is the reason and purpose of studying engli

28、sh. the teacher should help students to set up a correct learning motive and overcome difficulties.3.1 mother tonguepeople in studying english process always have the influence of mother tongue mode of thinking and expression habit. this kind of phenomenon is called mother tongue transfer. in the sp

29、eech,the mother tongue is the voice language and depend a voice to identify; but english is a euphonic language. chinese students while delivering these sounds is also special difficulty. and they have already been accustomed to mother tongue pronunciation, so they always dont aware of using the sou

30、nd of the speech likeness to replace, or use mother tongue to replace english euphonic. therefore its hardly to read english of standard the grammar, the mother tongue grammar migration is a problem. the main is in the article method of using, language preface, tense and tone. in cultura

31、l, during the period of studying english, the students always are used to use own mother tongue to express his/her own thought. they care about feelings, but british and american persons care about the privacy. british and american persons talk about the weather, because it doesnt involve privacy. c

32、hinese often talk about a living detail, so many chinese habitually use “where are you going? how old are you?”.3.2 language environmentenglish is our students first foreign language. the most important factor that studies learn english is language environment. to learn english the best environment

33、regard english as a mother tongue, but it is impossible. the teachers and students can make use of the current condition to create good environment. for example at english classroom the teachers combine the contents of text to use scene teaching. although performance isnt fascinating, the students t

34、hrow into it. the atmosphere of studying is very warm. thus, the students learn language knowledge, improve the ability for listening, improve the courage and ability of taking part in the social communication activity, more important raised the interest and position in english studies. for example,

35、 the teacher: excuse me! may i borrow your glasses, please? the student answers politely: certainly! here you are! thank you! the atmosphere is very harmonious. 3.3 learning motive the english learning motive is the reason and purpose of studying english.english is the most extensive language in the

36、 world.someone is for diploma through an examination, someone is for being promoted . someone is for going abroad,also someone is for understanding society or science culture of english nation, also someone is interested in english the eyes of the education psychology, learning english r

37、eason have two kinds: for the material incentive of surface layer, for example for the diploma, going abroad etc., are called surface motive. for deeply non-material incentive, for example because of interest and enlarge knowledge etc., are called deep motive.many of students think the school set up

38、 an english course. they have to learn.but the surface motive doesnt have long time than the deep motive , because the incitement of surface lcontains time limit.for example geting diploma riginal stimulate have no effect. dependening surface motive to study english usually obtain an external materi

39、al condition for the end of target.but those students who have deep motive usually are full of tremendous enthusiasm to the study english .they always thinks how to learn english knowledge .for example much more listen to and read english on their own initiative, seek an extracurricular book to rais

40、e english level by themselves and have well studying effect .in the eyes of the psychology, the deep motive comes from the strong interest to the thing .the interest contributes to learn this subject and then deeply contribute to stir up interest .if the students are lack of interest ,they feel the

41、study is dull and certainly also lose the persistence and perseverance of study.if having no interest this task is hard to the key of teaching method according to the different content of course is to stir up the students interest and promise that the student keeps on this kind of appear

42、ance. teaching is able to acquire the best effect. the motive is the inside strength of pushing study, and the degree of hard work is a performance of changing motive into behavior. that means you spend how much time on studying english. the degree of hard work influence directly the choice of study

43、ing method.for example a student who spend time usually like recite a single phrase, carry on a text, sentence construction and carry on gammer.every homeworks are completed , but the lazy student would not like to spend too many time on studying english, they hope to finish the homework with the mi

44、nimal time, even homework is not completed.the teacher should help students to set up a correct learning motive and overcome difficulities.4. the application of recitation combined with communi- cative approach in oral english its helpful to speak english though application of recitation combined wi

45、th communicative approach in oral english. this method of reciting and reading is quite popular today, but still, it is of great importance.4.1 the feature of recitation combined with communicative approach in oral englishthis method of reciting and reading is quite popular today, but still, it is o

46、f great importance. though many people know about this way of learning well, most of them turn a deaf ear. more probably they never think why it is advocated, not to mention to have a try. they consider the rote learning not clever and a waste of time. another reason for their not trying is their la

47、ck of perseverance because it needs relentless practice. as it is, though demanding, it can be of big help.why should ask students to read several times first? it is common rule that reading aloud is the basis of remembering. what makes different is how many times are required by different persons.

48、reading helps develop an instinctive feel of the english. behaviorism believes learning is the cooperation between stimulus and response or reinforcement and transformation of behavioral habit. thorndike put forward law of practice and law of effect to directly explain humans behavior. he thought re

49、petition and its favorable results would unceasingly stimulate and reinforce behavior until the forming of stimulus response result. witt rock said the brain is not a passive consumer of information. the stored memories and information-processing strategies of our cognitive system interact with the

50、sensory information received from the environment, selectively attend to this information, relate it to memory and actively construct meaning for it.1 that is why when reading over and over again, readers can understand it a little more every time, provided a little thinking is involved. it can be c

51、alled comprehensively reciting. according to chomsky, language is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system.2 cognitive theory suggests that people have potential linguistic competence to disintegrate complicated grammatical rules. while r

52、eading, human brains begin to think out the constitution and sentence patterns. therefore, if the chosen sentences are of the same structure or grammar, it is easy to perceive the similarity thus to keep it in mind. we know how the brain works in the process of receiving information, based on the as

53、sumptions of cognitive theory that the memory system is an organized processor where the processed information are stored in long-term memory. through this, the information is transferred into knowledge. constructivism also rises that learning is a process in which learners actively compose the mean

54、ings of knowledge. it contains the composition of new information and restructure of previous experience as well. 3 so when speakers use the knowledge to create new sentences, they already developed the ability of speaking. it can be called creatively reciting. how does the creation happen? in the l

55、ight of form-practice theory: transfer is the result of psychological factors being trained thus improved. when students read materials countless times, all those factors work together to practice your creative sentence making.proficiency is what all english learners would like to abstain. reciting

56、is absolutely a way to achieve proficiency. it can be looked at as a goal and thus be defined in terms of objectives or standards. these can then serve as criteria by which to assess proficiency as an empirical fact, that is actual performance of given individual learners of groups of learners.4 onc

57、e proficiency has been established, it can be related to the other variables in the language: context. when context and situation are involved in language speaking, it is time to get to the phase of real communication. by situation we mean events in which we consider such things as setting, particip

58、ants, purpose, topic, etc. context refers to the body of information that the body of information that results in language being used.” the ultimate goal for learning a language is to know in what situation certain pieces of language are used. in other words, learners achieve communicative efficienc

59、y including learning of both language and situation at the same is the uniqueness of learning and teaching a language as a communi- cation tool that sets it apart from other courses taken in the classroom. arising from the truth is communicative approach which becomes popular as time goes by. according to windows, author of teaching


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