1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 外文文献译文12 外文文献原文11餐饮服务质量的管理餐饮服务的优劣,直接影响着销售的结果。这里所说的优质服务,就是指服务质量的好坏。服务质量直接影响着销售结果,因此,它必将对餐厅和饭店的声誉、客源和经济效益产生重大影响。可以说服务质量的好坏决定了饭店的前途与命运,也直接关系到我国的政治声誉和旅游事业的前途。对饭店所有员工不断地进行培训,特别是进行全员岗位职务培训,从服务知识、服务态度、服务技巧、职业习惯等方面来提高员工素质,是提高服务质量,提供优质服务,
2、为顾客提供舒适的旅游环境的最佳途径。1 餐饮服务质量 一个在经营上获得成功的餐厅,除了管理水平高、地理位置好、就餐环境优美、经营规模适度、经营策略灵活、食品饮料适销对路等因素外,更重要的是该餐厅的服务质量好。服务质量好的标志是为顾客提供使人心情舒畅的服务态度,高于他人的服务技巧和规范而优雅的服务方式。 服务质量就是指服务能满足服务需求的特性的总和。这里所说的服务是包含由餐厅为顾客所提供的有形产品和无形产品。而服务需求是指被服务者即顾客的需求。餐厅顾客的需求既有物质方面的,也有精神方面的,具体反映在顾客对食品饮料的价格、质量、卫生和服务是否及时、周到、热情、礼貌等要求上。 我们的服务工作能否满足
3、顾客的需求,很大程度上取决于进行服务工作的人的水平和能力的发挥。即是由服务工作质量所决定的。服务需求质量反映了顾客的要求。服务工作质量反映了为保证和提高需求质量而进行各方面工作的水平或能力。前者与后者的紧密结合构成了服务质量的完整概念。2 提高服务质量的意义提高餐饮服务质量,把精湛的烹饪技术与完美的服务艺术有机的结合,是餐厅赢得信誉的根本所在。在餐饮管理工作中确保制作质量和服务质量具有十分重要的意义。 2.1 服务质量是饭店的生命线 所谓服务标准包括:设备设施水准、服务水准、管理水准。而这三个水准的高低与服务质量的优劣有着相同的内涵。事实上,国内外许多饭店的良好声誉与经营成功,无一不是靠饭店自
4、身的服务质量所创造出来的。服务质量关系到国家和企业的声誉,关系到客源,关系到企业经济效益和经营的成功。这是当今旅游业特别重视服务质量的重要原因j 2.2 提高服务质量是竞争的需要 随着旅游业的发展,我国饭店也如雨后春笋般地建立起来。大家都处于同一个旅游市场,因此进行着激烈的竞争,所有饭店竞争的惟一目的是吸引宾客,增加经济收益。 竞争包含着不同的方面和不同的内容。它可以在地理位置、外观装饰、宣传广告方面进行,也可以在服务项目、商品推销、价格优惠等方面进行。但无论如何,饭店的竞争以质量竞争为首。谁能够为宾客提供全面的最佳服务,谁就能取得优势地位,谁就能招来更多的宾客。 旅游饭店的餐饮部门除了为住店
5、宾客提供膳食和服务外,更多的服务对象是入店顾客,即本地区的非住店宾客。这些宾客虽然消费层次不同,但都是宴会和零餐的最大顾主,他们为餐厅经营带来了相当数量的收入。 人店顾客在年龄、职业、经济收入、教育水平、民族、宗教信仰、生活习惯上差异很大。分析顾客的消费心理,影响他们的选择,从而有效地进行销售活动,都有赖于服务质量的好坏。谁能够吸引住人店顾客,谁就能在竞争中稳操胜券,取得成功。因此,不断提高服务质量,不仅是竞争的需要,而且是在激烈的竞争中取胜所必备的重要条件。 2.3 服务质量的优劣是判断管理水平的重要标志 饭店管理的目标是利用本单位的人力资源、物资资源和信息资源为宾客提供第一流的服务,为国家
6、赚取利润和外汇,并训练和培养一批高水准的从业人员和管理人才。 饭店的人力资源是最重要的资源。这是因为经营管理是一项复杂细致的工作,而服务员的劳动对象是人不是物,商品仅仅是饭店顾客之间的中介物。我们说的:饭店生产的商品最终是人对人的工作,这就是服务。有良好的服务才能招来并留住顾客,而顾客是企业生存和发展的基础和条件。被誉为“饭店之父”的斯塔特勒就:“饭店出售的商品只有一个,那就是服务。”因此,饭店管理者总是在开发人力资源上花大力气、下大功夫做好工作。饭店工作以提高服务质量为中心。要提高服务质量,必须使管理的各种职能充分发挥作用并互相配合才能达到目的。服务质量的提高有赖于计划、业务、设备、物资、人
7、事、财务等方面工作的配合,所以说服务质量是饭店管理的综合反映,从服务质量的优劣上,可以判断饭店管理水平的高低。3 餐饮服务质量的内容 我们知道,酒店出售的商品有别于一般市场上的商品。它是通过固定的有形设施和服务员热情周到的无形服务相结合来体现其价值的。 在有形设施上,要为顾客提供优美、舒适的就餐环境,质价相符的精美膳食;在无形的服务上,则在“情”字上下功夫,作到热情、友好、好客、相助。有形设施和精美食品虽然是为顾客提供的基本物质基础,然而要提供一流水平的服务,则只有通过服务员的精心工作、热情服务和熟练的服务技术技巧去体现和完成。 3.1 餐饮服务质量的特点 服务是无形的,无法象有形产品那样定出
8、一系列数量化的标准。但我们可以根据顾客对酒店服务的共同的、普遍的要求对服务质量的特点进行分析,进而有针对性地采取相应措施,加强管理,实现优质服务。一般认为,服务质量有下述四个显著特性。 (1)综合性 餐饮服务是一个精细复杂的过程,而服务质量则是餐饮管理水平的综合反映。它的实现有赖于餐饮计划、餐饮业务控制、设备、物资、劳动组合、餐饮服务人员的素质、财务等多方面的保证。 (2)短暂性 餐饮产品现生产、现销售,生产与消费几乎同时进行。短暂的时间限制对餐饮管理及餐饮工作人员的素质是一个考验。能否在短暂的时限内很好地完成一系列工作任务,也是对服务质量的一种检验。 (3)关联性(也称协调性) 从饮食产品生
9、产的后台服务到为宾客提供餐饮产品的前台服务有众多环节,而每个环节的好坏都关系到服务质量的优劣。这众多的工序与人员只有通力合作、协调配合,发挥集体的才智与力量,才能够保证实现优质服务。 (4)一致性这里说的一致性是指餐饮服务与餐饮产品的一致性。质量标准是通过制定服务规程这个形式来表现的,因此服务标准和服务质量是一致的。即产品质量、规格标准、产品价格与服务态度均保持一致。 3.2 餐饮服务质量的内容 餐饮服务质量包含两方面的内容,即餐厅的设施条件和服务水平。这里着重讨论服务质量的无形内容。 根据宾客需要配齐和增添新的设备,改善就餐条件,美化就餐环境和就餐气氛是提供餐饮服务和提高餐饮服务质量的物质基
10、础。而服务水平则是检验服务质量的重要内容。餐饮服务水平主要包括:礼节礼貌,服务态度,清洁卫生,服务技能技巧,服务效率等方面。 (1)礼节礼貌 礼节礼貌在整个服务工作中是很重要的。 礼貌是人与人之间在接触交往中,相互表示敬重和友好的行为规范,它体现了时代的风格与道德品质。礼节是人们在日常生活和交际场合中,相互问候、致意、祝愿、慰问以及给予必要的协助与照料的惯用形式。礼节是礼貌的具体表现。 饭店中的礼节礼貌,则是通过服务人员的语言、行动或仪式来表示对宾客的尊重、欢迎、感谢和表达谦逊、和气、崇敬的态度和意愿。 一个优秀的餐厅服务员要注重仪容仪表,服装发型,使用敬语,讲究形体动作、举止合乎规范。要时时
11、、事事、处处表现出彬彬有礼,和霭可亲,友谊好客的态度,给宾客一种如归之感。 (2)服务态度 整个餐饮销售过程,从迎宾到就餐,直到送走宾客,自始至终一直伴随着服务员的服务性劳动。作为服务员,不仅要担任出售食品的技术性劳动,还要把服务性劳动作为本身主要的职责。 服务员为顾客服务的过程,首先是从接待开始的。通常顾客对服务员的印象先来自服务员的外表,再来自服务员的语言、手势、举止等。服务员要用良好的服务态度去取得顾客的信任与好感,从双方开始接触就能建立起友善的关系。因此,我们说良好的服务态度是进一步作好服务工作的基础,是贯彻“宾客第一”和员工有无“服务意识”的具体表现。 在饭店管理中特别注重处处体现出
12、“服务意识”,并且不断地灌输给所有员工,使之形成一种思想,一种下意识,并融人职业习惯,作为工作中的指南。 要遵循顾客的心理规律,采取相应的服务措施,从而保证服务质量的不断提高。 在餐厅工作中,要体现良好的服务态度应做到以下几点: 微笑,问好,最好能重复宾客的名字。 主动接近宾客,但要保持适当距离。 含蓄、冷静,在任何情况下都不急躁。 遇到宾客投诉时,让他发泄。最好是请其填写宾客意见书。如果事实证明是我们错了,应立即向宾客道歉并改正。 遇有宾客提出无理要求或宾客错了,只需向宾客解释明白,不要要求宾客认错,坚持体现“宾客总是对的”。 了解各国各阶层人士的不同心理特征,提供针对性服务。 在时间上、方
13、式上处处方便宾客,并在细节上下功夫,让宾客感到服务周到。 希尔顿酒店联号的创始人希尔顿先生的治业三训勤奋、自信、微笑中,对服务态度是十分重视的。而驰名世界的麦克唐纳快餐联号的总裁克拉克先生,把“微笑、热情、干净”看作是“达到企业旺盛的诀窃”。 这些成功者的经验,应该给我们以深刻的启迪。 (3)清洁卫生 餐饮部门的清洁卫生工作要求高,体现着经营管理水平,是服务质量的重要内容,必须认真对待。首先要制定严格的清洁卫生标准,这些卫生标准包括: 在厨房生产布局方面,应有保证所有工艺流程符合法定要求的卫生标准; 餐厅及整个就餐环境的卫生标准; 各工作岗位的卫生标准; 餐饮工作人员个人卫生标准。 其次,要制
14、定明确的清洁卫生规程和检查保证制度。清洁卫生规程要具体地规定设施、用品、服务人员、膳食饮料等在整个生产、服务操作程序中各个环节上为达到清洁卫生标准而在方法、时间上的具体要求。 在执行清洁卫生制度方面,要坚持经常和突击相结合的原则,做到清洁卫生工作制度化,标准化,经常化。 (4)服务技能技巧与服务效率 服务员的服务技能和服务技巧是服务水平的基本保证和重要标志。如果服务人员没有过硬的基本功,服务技能技巧不高,那么,既使你的服务态度再好,微笑得再甜美,宾客也只会热情而有礼貌地拒绝。因为,顾客对这种没有服务质量和实际内容的空洞服务是不需要的。 服务效率是服务工作的时间概念,是提供某种服务的时限。它不但
15、反映了服务水平,而且反映了管理的水平和服务员的素质。它是服务技能的体现与必然结果。 消费心理表明,就餐顾客对等候是最感到头痛的事情。等候会抵消我们在其它服务方面所作出的努力,稍长时间的等候,甚至会使我们前功尽弃。 、 为此,在服务中一定要讲究效率,尽量缩短就餐宾客的等候时间。缩短候餐时间,是客我两便的事情,顾客高兴而来,满意而去,餐厅的餐位利用率提高,营业收入增加。 餐饮部门有必要对菜食烹制时间、翻台作业时间、顾客候餐时间作出明确的要求和规定,并将其纳入服务规程之中。在服务人员达到一定的时限标准后,再制定新的、先进合理的时限要求来确定效率标准。餐厅应该把尽量减少甚至消灭等候现象作为服务质量的一
16、个目标来实现。4 餐厅主管的管理职能 在饭店中介于部门经理和领班之间的主管有多种称呼,有的饭店叫管理员,有的饭店叫总领班。有的饭店又把主管叫做餐厅主任或餐厅经理。餐厅主管的任务是在餐饮部经理领导之下,负责餐厅的日常工作。 根据饭店的等级和规模,餐饮部一般设置一名或多名主管。设置主管的原则是:凡已形成一定经营规模,服务人员多于一个班组,而又要独立工作的地方如餐厅、咖啡厅、宴会厅、自助餐厅、夜总会、厨房等部门,都可以设置主管。主管在组织系统中是一个承上启下,连结管理与服务的重要角色,其管理职能有以下几个方面。 1、督导 督导、指导员工按规程完成接待任务。督导的面很广,从接待服务规格到员工的仪表仪容
17、,从清洁卫生到工作纪律都在其管辖范围之内。优秀的主管是在不间断的巡视之中实现这一管理职能的。 2、沟通 主管是饭店的基层干部,在顾客面前他们代表饭店,在员工面前他们代表上级主管,在上级主管面前他们则代表着员工。主管是饭店管理体系中一个非常重要的角色。因此,主管必须具有善处人际关系,处事应变的能力和解决日常业务中突发事件的能力。 3、协调 餐厅的工作与其它部门密切相关。餐厅为了促进销售和业务发展,需要得到如厨房、前厅、客房、工程维修等部门的配合与支持。因此,餐厅主管必须具有较好的横向联系能力和协调能力。 4、计划与实施 餐厅主管配合餐饮部经理拟定各项计划,并负责具体的组织实施。主管要合理调度和安
18、排员ti作,组织并领导餐厅接待服务,为贯彻饭店和高层主管的经营决策,为执行饭店的各项规章制度与员工一起工作在第一线,对所有工作都应作出具体的安排。 5、控制餐厅主管的控制职能主要表现在:掌握餐厅各项业务工作,并使之按程序、按规格正常地开展和进行;对开餐前后各环节的人力资源、物资和经营信息进行支配、节制和调节;对违犯服务规程和店规店纪的人与事进行纠正和处理,确保为顾客提供优质服务。 6、培训 饭店的培训工作,宏观上由培训部负责,但对服务员的培训更多地是由部门自己进行。主管就是培训员工的教师,他应该懂得培训的方法,对服务知识(knowlede),服务态度(mltude),服务技巧(skill),职
19、业习惯(lablt)应有深刻的理解,并能给员工作出榜样。凡要求员工应达到的各项服务标准,都能准确地示范和作出圆满的解释。 7、激励 主管应努力工作,用自己的行为举止为下属树立良好的榜样。利用安排工作、实施计划、日常交往等机会,随时引导、激发下属的积极性和创造性,挖掘员工的潜力,发挥其优势,多表扬少责备,从而产生一种有利于培养企业精神的凝聚力。 8、评估主管身先士卒,工作在第一线,对餐饮产品质量和员工的工作表现应有充分的了解。在一定的阶段如每月、每季、每年,应能对所属员工的职业道德水平、服务水平等作出合乎实际情况的公正评价,并能以此作为对员工进行奖、惩、升、降的依据。the administra
20、tion of restaurants service qualitysource: asian case research journal (acrj) the restaurant serves superior or inferior, immediately will effect its sale results .what is the teaching high grade services here means to point out those quality good or bad .that the service quality is directly affects
21、 the sale kills, hence, it will surely be to the fame, guest source and economic results come into being the great effect in dining room and hotel. good or bad may persuade the business quality is resolved the future together with fate in the hotel, also directly affected political fame and tourism
22、undertaking of our country future. all personnel continuously cultivate to the hotel, particularly carrying on the duties in quant yuan post cultivate, through serve information, attitude in greeting on guests , service techniques, personnels quality come to lift to the respects such as profession c
23、ustoms and so on, is lifting service quality, supply the high grade service, supply the optimum method of cozy tourism environment in the interest of shopper . the meaning of restaurants service qualityone is living that the management up obtained successfully the dining room, it is tall except for
24、the administration level, geographical position is good, eating is great , the environment is fine, management scale moderate degree, the management is tactfully agile, outside the elements such as the food beverage is marketable and so on. the more significant is that service quality in that dining
25、 room is good .the good sign of service quality is in the interest of shopper supplying causing the attitude in greeting on guests that mans mood is entirely free from worry, be more than other people service technique and norm but the graceful service mode. the service quality is the total that the
26、 demand property is served to meet to serve by the fingers.the teaching service is embodying acting as visible produce that shopper supply and invisible produce through the dining room there.but serving the demand is by the immediately future demand of shopper service persons .the demand of dining r
27、oom shopper as possess substance respect, also there is essence respect, the concrete reflection is living , and shopper adjust food beverage price, quality, without delay whether the health with is served, it is considerate, warm-hearted, that the politeness await requires . whether our service wor
28、k is meeting the demand of shopper, being decided by in the very great degree serves the brining into play of level and capability of work man .in immediate future is work quality resolution through serve. serving the demand quality made known the demand of shopper.serving the work quality made know
29、n in the interest of the guarantee and the raise demand quality but carries on various sides work level either capability .that the former inseparable combination against the latter constituted service quality integrated approximately attends school. lift the service quality sense lifting meal drink
30、s service quality, exquisite culinary art technique together with consummate service organic combination of art, it is the fundamental location that credit was wined in the dining room .the meal being living is guaranteed that manufacturing quality and service quality have the fully significant sens
31、e in drinking to administer work.a the service quality is the life blood in hotelit is so-called :installation facilities standards, service standard, administration standard .but this the three standard height possess the same connotation against the service quality superior and inferior .as a matt
32、er of fact, the well fames of much hotels of home and abroad are succeeded against the management, does not there is not one production not being service quality near the hotel oneself what comes out .the service quality affects country and the business fame, affect the guest source, affect business
33、 economic results and the management success .this is the significant reason j of tourism particularly high opinion at present service quality b lifting service quality is the contest necessaries in the wake of the tourism development, also same as establishes like rain the queen bamboo shoots in ou
34、r country hotel .all wholly is in identical tourism marketplace, hence carrying on the intense contest, the most sole aims of all hotel contests are drawing visitors, add the economic profit . the contest is embodying difference respect and the difference substance .it may be living in the geographi
35、cal position, exterior ornament, the propaganda advertisement respect is underway, also may be living serve the item, goods are marketed, the respects such as price is favorable and so on are underway .at any rate yet, the contest of hotel is with the quality contest headed by .who can be in the int
36、erest of visitors supply the optimum comprehensive service, who be able to acquire the preponderance position, who be able to enlist even more visitors . meal in tourism hotel is drink the department except for supplies the food with serving in the interest of visitors in store residing, even more c
37、ustomers are into shopper in store, in immediate future this the area non- store accommodating visitors .although these visitors consume the step difference, yet wholly is the largest test client of feast and fragmentary meal, they operate bringing the appropriate amount revenue in the interest of t
38、he dining room.shopper in man store is living age, profession, economy revenue, education level, nationality, religious belief, divergence is very great on the habits and customs .analyze the consumption psychology of shopper, their selection affect, thereby effectively market the maneuver, wholly r
39、ely on good or bad to service quality .who can draw accommodating shopper in man store, who be able to be living firm behaviors confidence in victory in the contest, acquire successfully .hence, continuously lift service quality, they not merely are the contest necessaries, but also is being living
40、the significant term certainly get ready in the intense contest scoured a success .c the superior and inferior of service quality is the significant sign that the level administered in the judgmentthe target that administer in the hotel is the human resource that utilizes native unit, goods and mate
41、rials resources and the informations resource supply the first-class service in the interest of visitors, in the interest of the country earns gets profit and foreign exchange, moreover drill and foster the one crowd high standard employed and administration a talented person. resources that the hum
42、an resource of hotel is the most significant .that this is for the business administration is a complex meticulous job, but the subject of labor of attendant is that man is not the matter, the goods merely are the intermediary matters between the shopper of hotel .we what say :the goods that gives b
43、irth to in the hotel finally are the work to man of man, this is served quite right .possess the well service can enlist remains shopper, but shopper is base and term that the business exists and the development .praised “pa of hotel ”the particular lox of this pagoda :“the goods that offer for sale
44、 in the hotel have only one, that is served quite right.” hence, administration person in hotel always is living to open up to expend great strength on the human resource, down great skill good work was act. the hotel is deed takes raise service quality as the heart .lift service quality, have to ca
45、use the different functions of administration sufficiently bring into play the action coordinates mutually to attain the aim .the raise of service quality relies on to the shame, professional work, installation, goods and materials, occurrences in human, respect work such as financial affairs and so
46、 on adoptions, therefore persuading the business quality is that the hotel administration synthesis makes known, on the service quality superior and inferior, the height that the level was administered in the hotel may be decided . the restaurants service quality substance we realize, the goods that
47、 offers for sale in the public house have difference the goods the ordinary marketplace on .its considerate by means of the settled admittedly visible facilities as attendants warm-heartedness invisible service one another unite displays such value . be living on the visible facilities, will be in t
48、he interest of shopper supplies finely, cozy environment easing, elegant food that the character price tallies with ;be living on the invisible service, piece be living “affection ”character old and young skill, act as up warm-heartedness, it is amicable, keep open house, come to sibs help .although
49、 the visible facilities are the fundamental materials base which supplied in the interest of shopper with elegant food, however supply the classic level service, piece merely by means of doing painstakingly of attendant, embodiment and completing are leave to service technique that the warm-heartedn
50、ess was served with practiced .a the meal is drink the service quality distinguishing feature the service is invisible, can not map out such as the visible produce the a series of ammonization criterions .yet we may be common on the basis of what shopper served to the public house, the distinguishin
51、g feature to service quality of general demand is analyzed, take the relevant step and then possessing in view of the quality, strengthen administration, the realization high grade is served .ordinarily think, the service quality possess following four marked property. (1)comprehensiveness it is a f
52、ine complex process that the meal is drink the service, but the service quality is that the meal is drink administering the level synthesis to make known .that its realization relies on drinks the shame to meal, the meal is drink professional work control, installation, goods and materials, labor co
53、mbination, the meal is drink serving the quality of personnel staff, many-sides such as financial affairs and so on guarantees. (2)transient quality the meal is drink the produce to give birth to current, market current, giving birth to nearly is underway moreover against consumption .to meal is dri
54、nk administration and meal quality drinking work personnel staff to the transient time limit are trials .whether is living transiently time limit inner place very a series of work missions of good the earth completing, it also is one kind of inspection to service quality. (3)guan leanings (also call
55、ing harmonization quality) behind-the-scenes backers through diet produce manufacture serves up supplies numerous segments of proscenium service that the meal is drink the produce in the interest of visitors, but every one segment good or bad wholly affects the service quality superior and inferior
56、.this numerous workmans sequence is merely make a concerted effort against personnel staff, harmonization coordinates, collective ability and in diligence together with force are brought into play, can sufficiently guarantee achieving the high grade to serve . (4)compatibility the compatibility which talk here is that the meal is drink to serve together with the compatibility that the meal is drink the produce .the quality standard express by means of formulation service regulation this shape, hence serving standard sum s
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