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2、前熟悉评分标准和细则,到阅卷伊始的感叹不已,熟悉阅卷后对学生写作亮点的一览无余,直至阅卷之后不断反思和总结,一路走来,俯拾仰取,收获颇丰。蓦然回首,方才发觉原本对学生的写作指导还存在一定的不足和欠缺,“问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来。”体验与反思之后,方能明确努力的方向,在教学的路上越走越远。在这里我将尽量把阅卷始末纤毫毕现地呈现出来,供各位老师参考。 阅卷流程:6月13日下午阅卷点负责人就严格阅卷程序和评卷守则对全体阅卷老师进行了集中培训和动员,6月14日上午下发2012年高考评卷评分细则,仔细研读和学习后,我们进入了试评阶段,专家选取了12篇比较典型的高考作文让我们试批,这既是一个统一评分


4、果所给的分数相差六分以上,则分数将被视为“无效分”,该试卷将随机分给第三位阅卷老师进行“三评”,取第三位老师的评分和前两位老师中打分与之接近的分数取平均分。质检小组成员会关注打分出现明显差距的“无效卷”,甚至对有效卷,他们也会随机复核检查。阅卷过程中每天完成量平均为600左右,大约每半分钟阅一篇作文。平均分为21分。当然,阅卷老师中一天能阅一千多份的也是有的,不仅速度上风驰电掣,完成的质量也是极好的,不由得令人望尘莫及。2012年普通高考评卷英语作文评分细则极优档 (30分):书写规范;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;词汇丰富,行文流畅,有修辞意识。优秀档 (26-29) :紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内

5、容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文较为流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,语言小错不超过6个。 良好档 (22-25):紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实,语言有少量错误,但基本不影响意思表达。 一般档 (18-21):紧扣主题,基本覆盖所有要点,能够表达基本内容,语言错误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。 较差(1317) :内容不完整,要点不全,行文不连贯,语言错误(尤其是大错)较多,多数句子基本正确。 差(712) :内容混乱,或主要内容偏离主题,能够写出少数与内容相关的可读句。 极差(06) :只能写出与内容相关的词语,没有有效信息,抄写其他文章,或只写出与作文无关的内容。 注

6、意事项:1. 无题目,写成书信格式均不扣分。作文引言中没有明确提到背景(“在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得一等奖”等等)的也不宜做扣分处理。2. 评分时,先根据文章要点的涵盖度及语言表达来初步确定是否达到及格线。3. 词数若少于120字,从应得分中扣2分。关于大错、小错问题的说明:小错:单词拼写、冠词、大小写、标点符号错误。大错:搭配错误、用词错误(介词、名词、动词、形容词、副词);时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错误。高考题目重现:假设你是新华中学的学生李华。不久前在学校的英语竞赛中获得一等奖。校报请你写一篇稿件刊登在英文版面上。介绍你在课外学习英语的经验。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文。

7、1. 参加英语角的益处;2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;3. 英文阅读网站(enjoyreading)对你的帮助注意:1. 词数120-150 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 前面提到过,在熟悉和体会评分标准时,专家就挑选了几份比较典型的作文让我们试批,然后统一了标准,之后的阅卷过程中,组长也反复要求我们回顾标准卷。由于这次阅卷自始至终管理地都比较严格,电脑里的各种防范和保护措施都极其到位,保密工作的严谨完全超乎想象,杜宁老师和我费尽心机终不能如愿将学生的原文拷回来。无奈之下,我们只能悄悄地把学生的作文手抄之后原封不动地输入到电脑中。当然,学生的书写错误也都如实录入:标准卷1hello eve

8、ryday.my name is li hua. last weekend, i got no.1 in english text. i have a lot of experience in english.as far as im concerned, take part in english activity can improve you speak skills. you can make lots of friends and study plenty of experience.then, take english daydate everyday. it is befits t

9、o yours write skills. you can write something interesting and happily story in you daydate.fininally, read english enjoyreading can help you realise a lot of voluable. it is good to you reading skills. you can read english story.if you have some problems in english, you can tell me.i think if you ma

10、ke hard, you can success in english.专家评分:16分。 这篇作文涵盖了需要涉及的要点,有分段和使用连接成份的意识,而且多数句子基本正确。但作文中拼写错误较多,很多句子的开头字母都没有大写。此外,词性不分,搭配不准确,非谓语动词使用错误等大错也屡屡出现,因此被列入“较差档”,是较差档中比较高的分数。标准卷2dear students, i am luckily to be the first one in the english game. our english teachers hope we can share the experience of lea

11、rning english with each others. now, i want to tell you mine. at first, i can take part in the english anction every time, taking part in the english is a very useful way to learn english, it can increase our spoken-english. then you should write date book everyday. if you can do it, i believe you w

12、ill learn english more and more easily. if you want to find a english website to study, i have a good one, it is enjoyreading. there are many good books for you to read. i hope it can help you. thats all my experience. i hope to know your study ways. i believe it will better than mine.专家评分:18分这篇作文基本

13、覆盖所有要点,能够表达基本内容,有好几处单词拼写和语法错误,而且语言错误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。因此,被列入了“一般档”,专家打出的18分也给了我们一个及格标准的判定和依据。标准卷3 as is known to all, english is an important subject. its necessary for us to learn it well. therefore, i want to share my own experience with my classmates. as for me, i have been studying at the co

14、rner of english since i was 10 years old. i think its very useful. it can help us to improve our level of english speaking. furthermore, im used to writing english diary. its good for our handwriting and expression. and in my opinion, surfing the english website is also helpful. enjoyreading is very

15、 good. it helps me a lot. anyway, as an old saying goes, rome was not built in a day. we should be persistent. come on!专家评分:22分 这篇作文主题鲜明,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实,语言表达存在少量错误,如english speaking等,但基本不影响意思的表达。但在语法结构多样,词汇丰富方面还存在一定差距,因此专家给出的是“较好档”中的最低分。标准卷4im glad to win the first prize in english competition. i think

16、 it is related to my studying habit. so there is some experience i want to share with you.in the first place, i keep taking part in the english corner 3 times a week. i think it provides us with an opportunity to communicate with others, which is good for our spoken english.in the 2nd place, i keep

17、writing english diary where i try to use some good sentences. gradually, i made a great progress in writing.finally, i often suffer the internet. enjoyreading is a good website which has an effect on my reading.just keep going until you succeed.专家评分:25分 这篇作文紧扣主题,要点全面,跟上一篇文章比起来,这一篇在语法结构和词汇运用方面要好一些,运用

18、了不少较为恰当的搭配,定语从句的运用也很准确。但made a great progress以及将surf错用成了suffer等错误显得美中不足。因此专家打出了“较好档”中的最高分。标准卷5 im lihua, studied in xinhua middle school. im the student who won the first at the recent english competition held by our school. because of the invitation of the school newspaper, ill introduce some exper

19、ience of my english study after class. to begin with, im studying at an english corner, where i can improve my spoken english by communicating with others. moreover, its a good way for us to keep on writing english diaries, which can train your writing skills and the ability of english spelling. wha

20、ts more, the website called enjoyreading can also do us a favor on learning english well. it can make our vocabulary large. we can get more important information of learning english through it as well. as far as im concerned, if you take these suggestions, youll make a large progress at english.专家评分

21、:27分 标准卷6 my experience of learning english hello, every classmate, im li hua, who got the 1st prize in the schools english contest recently. today im honored to have a chance to deliver my experience to you. as we all know, oral english is very important. as for me, i usually go to english corner t

22、o practice my spoken english with foreign teachers. additionally, improving my grammar and structures of sentences, writing english diary also benefits me a lot. furthermore, it is the website called enjoyreading that promotes my reading skills and vocabulary. indeed, what really counts is that i ca

23、n stick to these good habits, or nothing miraculous like my success would have happened. so believe yourself and do what i do, you can succeed as well.专家评分:28分这两篇作文紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文较为流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,因此被专家列入了“优秀档”。但27分作文中“im li hua, studied in xinhua middle school.”这句有明显语法错误。阅卷过程中最重要的一步

24、是将文章“定档”,而最先需要做的,是根据文章要点的涵盖度及语言表达来初步确定是否达到及格线。18分以上的文章看缺点和不足,而18分以下的文章则尽量找优点。在阅卷的过程中,我们领教了学生们匪夷所思的表述和五花八门的错误,难免有“怒恨难成利刃钢”的叹息。不及格的作文中普遍存在以下问题:1. 内容太少,要点和次要点遗漏,词数不达标。2. 病句太多,语法错误层出不穷,语言运用不当。3. 表达单一,遣词造句单调,形式不丰富,连贯性差,结构散乱,缺乏恰当的逻辑承接。4. 文不对题,生搬硬套,文体错乱或不得要领,不知所云。 当然,以上问题主要是不及格作文的普遍特点,不能代表大多数。而纵观整个阅卷过程,最具代




28、定,各种各样让人哭笑不得的发明创造让人不得不佩服学生们的智慧,以“english corner”为例,写成“english center”“english angle”算是不错的,我还见过“english foot”“english jiao”,最绝的还有“english jue”,看得我目瞪口呆。不仅“english corner”,“日记”这个单词也难倒了一片学生,有把“diary”拼成“daily”“dictionary”,还有把“journal”拼成“journalist”“journey”的。在提“英语口语”时,不少学生将“spoken english”“oral english”拼

29、成了“speaking english”“speak english”,将“书面英语”“written english”拼成“writing english”甚至“writting english”。还有把“improve”拼成“prove”“impress”的,“website”、“effective”、“regularly”、“frequently”这些词也是学生拼错比较多的,五花八门的拼写简直亮瞎了我的眼。面对简单基础的词汇,老师以为学生会拼,学生自己也觉得拼起来没问题,看来我们都错了。常见的冠词错误主要有两处:1. 在元音因素开头的单词前没有用“an”,而用了“a”,如:a engli

30、sh competition held by our school,a important thing等等,2. 不可数名词前加了不定冠词,如:make a progress, an advice, an experience(经验)大小写和标点符号错误还是屡见不鲜,有的学生分不清楚一个完整的句子到哪里结束,应该是逗号的用成了句号,而本应该结束的句子却依然用逗号。大错:和小错比起来,大错就更加离奇多彩了,说明中提到的大错有:搭配错误、用词错误(介词、名词、动词、形容词、副词);时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、句式等错误。这些问题简直是比比皆是,仅举几个例子。 介词使用错误:speak wit

31、h english (in) 非谓语使用错误:i think join/ take an active part in the english corner is important.( joining/ taking) 词性混淆:you an speak english correct. (correctly)im pleasure to have a chance to share my experience. (pleased) 主谓一致:insisting on keeping diaries play an important part in studying english. (p

32、lays). 汉语化表述:i very like english./ good study, day day up. 句型使用不恰当 enjoyreading is a website which is useful.i am to english what fish is to water. 虽然不时被学生们形形色色的大小错误雷得外焦里嫩,但是随着阅卷的不断深入,在看尽学生的大错小错之后,也发现了不少亮点,其中不乏神来之笔和恰当的表达,让人啧啧称奇。一奇:经典句式和句型的灵活运用its my great honor/ im honored to / im more than delighte

33、d to share my experience of learning english.nothing is more important than to join english corner.there is no denying / there is no doubt that vocabulary is of great significance in english study.there is no one but longs to learn english well.it is conceivable/ universally acknowledged that englis

34、h is drawing more and more attention.it is high time that we spent/ should spend more time in studying english.by looking through the website, such as enjoyreading, we can broaden our horizon.the harder you work, the more progress you make.the reason why we should keep writing diary is that it can i

35、mprove our english level.we cant emphasize the importance of english corner too much.as far as im concerned/ in my opinion/ from my point of view, if you take these suggestions, youll make great progress at english.when it comes to english corner, no one can deny its importance position.二奇:连接词语和成分的恰

36、当使用在优秀档的判定中,专家特意提到了“行文较为流畅”这一要求。由于近几年高考频频写信,弄不弄就会让写三条建议,因此从老师到学生对连接成分的使用都心领神会。在阅卷中,学生们对连接词的把握很老道,简直到了信手拈来的程度。递进:then, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition转折:however, but, on the contrary总结:finally, at last, in brief, in conclusion强调:indeed, certainly, surely, above all对比:while, in the same wa

37、y, just as, on the one handon the other hand三奇:语法和语言结构的合理应用 用词准确count /benefit/ beneficialsignificance/ significant/ essentialmarvelous/ miraculous 短语搭配be based on .due to/ owing tocontribute todraw the conclusionbroaden ones horizonspare no effort to do/ insist onbe beneficial to / be of benefit to

38、/ be of great importance (significance) 强调句it is a website called enjoyreading that plays a significant part in learning english. it做形式主语或形式宾语it is my privilege to have a chance to share my experience here.i hope you can make it possible to form the habit of writing diary. 倒装句only in this way, can w

39、e go further on the way of english study.on no account/ by no means can we ignore the value of knowledge.not only can i speak english correctly, but also i speak it fluently. 非谓语的使用whats more, the website called enjoyreading can also do us a favor on learning english well.taking part in the english

40、corner is a very useful way to learn english.i usually go to english corner to practice my spoken english with foreign teachers. 虚拟语气i couldnt have made such amazing progress without it. if it were not for / but for the habit, i wouldnt lay so solid foundation.what really counts is that i can stick

41、to these good habits, or nothing miraculous like my success would have happened. 从句的使用what really counts is that i can stick to these good habits.im studying at an english corner, where i can improve my spoken english by communicating with others. 谚语的使用大约统计了一下,出现频率最高的谚语top8如下:no pains, no gains.rome

42、 was not built in a day.practice makes perfect.nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.where there is a will, there is a way.well begun is half done.constant dropping wears the stone.there is no royal road to learning. 阅卷之后,感慨良多,对今后写作教学有了些新的认识和领悟: 一悟:严抓基础,过好词汇关在写作中,如果基本单词的拼写也频频出错的话恐怕连

43、及格都会比较困难,因此在平时的教学中要严抓基础。针对重要词汇,学生应会读、会拼、会用,把词性和意义理解到位;在固定搭配方面,要让学生掌握准确,不可似是而非,模棱两可。此外,有学生对短语的使用缺乏重视,不妨提倡学生使用“短语优先”原则,引导学生不断积累短语。如果学生总是使用简单词汇和表达,不妨介绍一些更为高级的词汇和短语让他们进行替换,例如:good: excellent/ outstanding/ wonderful / amazing / fantastic / terrific/ marvelous important: vital/ of great importance/ signif

44、icant/ of great significance/ essential/ nothing is more important than to do very: quite/ fairly/ pretty/ considerably/ extraordinarily/ extremely/ remarkably/ amazingly/ strikingly / impressively i think: in my opinion/ in my point of view/ as far as i am concerned / from my perspective 需要指出的是,我们应




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