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1、第二部分高考英语语法实战训练unit 11. kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _.a. theirb. theirsc. herd. hers2. its a fine day. lets go fishing, _?a. wont web. will wec. dont wed. shall we3. can you make sure _ the gold ring?a. where alice had putb. where had alice putc. where alice has putd. where h

2、as alice put4. -can i help you?-well, im afraid the box is _ heavy for you, but thank you all the same.a. so b. much c. veryd. too5. _ the days went on, the weather got worse.a. withb. since c. whiled. as6. the new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.a. will arrive b. arr

3、ivesc. is going to arrived. is arriving7. if we had followed his plan, we could have done the job better with _ money and _ people.a. less; lessb. fewer; fewerc. less; fewerd. fewer; less8. beyond _ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _ space.a. the; (不填)b. (不填); thec. (不填); (不填)d. the; the9. not u

4、ntil i began to work _ how much time i had wasted.a. didnt i realizeb. did i realizec. i didnt realized. i realized10. a library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift.a. is offeredb. has offeredc. are offeredd. have offered11. i dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without

5、 much memory work.a. thisb. thatc. itsd. it12. last summer i took a course on _.a. how to make dressesb. how dresses be madec. how to be made dressesd. how dresses to be made13. when i was at college i _ three foreign languages, but i _ all except a few words of each.a. spoke; had forgottenb. spoke;

6、 have forgottenc. had spoken; had forgottend. had spoken; have forgotten14. he paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.a. theseb. thosec. that d. which15. he _ you more help, even though he was very busy.a. might have givenb. might givec. may have g

7、ivend. may give16. the horrible noise from the mans room simply _ me mad.a. put b. caused c. droved. turned17. tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.a. so not as to b. so as not to c. so as to not d. not so as to18. most of the artists _ to the party were from south africa.a. invitedb. to

8、 invitec. being invitedd. had been invited19. -do you mind my taking this seat?-_.a. yes, sit down pleaseb. no, of course notc. yes, take it pleased. no, you cant take it20. his father died and _ him a lot of money.a. gaveb. leftc. sentd. offered21. after the new technique was introduced, the factor

9、y produced _ tractors in 1988 as the year before.a. as twice many b. as many twicec. twice as many d. twice many as22. the police found that the house _ and a lot of things _.a. has broken into ; has been stolenb. had broken into; had been stolenc. has been broken into; stolend. had been broken into

10、; stolen23. _ more attention, the trees could have grown better.a. givenb. to givec. givingd. having given24. -excuse me, is this mr. browns office?-im sorry, but mr. brown _ works here. he left about three weeks ago.a. not nowb. no morec. not stilld. no longer25. the pianos in the other shop will b

11、e _, but _.a. cheaper; not as betterb. more cheap; not as betterc. cheaper; not as goodd. more cheap; not as good26. -come on in, peter. i want to show you something.-oh, how nice of you! i _ you _ to bring me a gift.a. never think; are goingb. never thought; were goingc. didnt think; were goingd. h

12、adnt thought; were going27. _ this book and tell me what you think of it.a. look throughb. look onc. look intod. look up28. _ of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.a. eachb. anyc. no oned. none29. she reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path.

13、a. to have restedb. restingc. to restd. rest30. oh, john. _ you gave us!a. how a pleasant surpriseb. how pleasant surprisec. what a pleasant surprised. what pleasant surpriseunit 21. will you _ me a favor, please?a. give b. makec. do d. doing2. _, i went to the railway station to see my friend off.a

14、. after eating quickly my dinnerb. after my quickly eating dinnerc. after eating my dinner quicklyd. after eating my quickly dinner3. i learned to _ a bicycle as a small boy.a. drive b. ridec. operate d. run4. does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?a. thisb. thatc. he d. it5. a computer _ t

15、hink for itself; it must be told what to do.a. cant b. couldnt c. may not d. might not6. dont smoke in the meeting room, _?a. do you b. will you c. can you d. could you7. have you moved into the new house?-not yet. the rooms _.a. are being paintedb. are paintingc. are paintedd. are being painting8.

16、alexander graham bell invented _ telephone in 1876.a. (不填)b. ac. thed. one9. we _ each other the best of luck in the examination.a. hoped b. wanted c. expectedd. wished10. _! theres a train coming.a. look outb. look aroundc. look forwardd. look on11. - will somebody go and get dr. white?- hes alread

17、y been_. a. asked forb. sent forc. called for d. looked for12. the murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.a. being tied b. having tiedc. to be tiedd. tied13. - we havent heard from jane for a long time.- what do you suppose _ to her? a. was happeningb. to happenc. has happenedd. h

18、aving happened14. she heard a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her mouth.a. it b. which c. thisd. that15. mrs. smith warned her daughter _ after drinking.a. never to driveb. to never drivec. never drivingd. never drive16. - do you know jim quarreled with his brother?- i dont know, _.a. nor d

19、ont i careb. nor do i carec. i dont care neitherd. i dont care also17. -how did you find your visit to the museum?-i thoroughly enjoyed it. it was _ than i expected.a. far more interestingb. even much interestingc. so more interestingd. a lot much interesting18. we couldnt eat in a restaurant becaus

20、e _ of us had _ money on us.a. all; nob. any; noc. none; anyd. no one; any19. on saturday afternoon, mrs. green went to the market, _ some bananas and visited her cousin.a. bought b. buying c. to buyd. buy20. these oranges taste _.a. good b. wellc. to be good d. to be well21. the students _ busily w

21、hen miss brown went to get a book she _ in the office.a. had written; leftb. were writing; has leftc. had written; had leftd. were writing; had left22. when and where to build the new factory _ yet.a. is not decidedb. are not decidedc. has not decidedd. have not decided23. the secretary worked late

22、into the night, _ a long speech for the president.a. to prepareb. preparingc. prepared d. was preparing24. i can hardly imagine peter _ across the atlantic ocean in five days.a. sail b. to sail c. sailing d. to have sailed25. -the light in the office is still on.-oh, i forgot _.a. turning it offb. t

23、urn it offc. to turn it off d. having turned it out26. the hero of the story is an artist in his _.a. thirtiethb. thirtyc. thirtysd. thirties27. no one can be sure _ in a million years.a. what man will look like b. what will man look likec. man will look like whatd. what look will man like28. withou

24、t electricity human life _ quite different today.a. is b. will be c. would have been d. would be29. john was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.a. to wash b. washing c. washd. to be washing30. although he is considered a great writer, _.a. his works are not widely readb. but his works are n

25、ot widely readc. however his works are not widely readd. still his works are not widely readunit 31. little jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.a. to be takenb. to take c. being takend. taking2. -could i borrow your dictionary?-yes, of course you _.a. mightb. will c. cand. should3. -shall

26、we go skating or stay at home?-which _ do yourself?a. do you ratherb. would you ratherc. will you ratherd. should you rather4. -i usually go there by train.-why not _ by boat for a change?a. to try going b. trying to go c. to try and go d. try going5. -hello. may i speak to zhao hua?-yes. _.a. my na

27、mes zhao huab. im zhao huac. this is zhao hua speakingd. zhao huas me6. when jack arrived he learned mary _ for almost an hour.a. had goneb. had set offc. had leftd. had been away7. i really dont want to go to the party, but i dont see how i can _ it.a. get back from b. get out ofc. get awayd. get o

28、ff8. i would appreciate _ back this afternoon.a. you to call b. you callc. your callingd. youre calling9. -have a nice weekend!-_.a. the same to you b. you do tooc. the same as you d. you have it too10. the doctor will be free _.a. 10 minutes later b. after 10 minutesc. in 10 minutesd. 10 minutes af

29、ter11. how _ can you finish the drawing?a. often b. soon c. long d. rapid12. -do you know our town at all?-no, this is the first time i _ here.a. wasb. have been c. camed. am coming13. mr. zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except _ who had already taken them.a. the onesb. ones c. some d. th

30、e others14. _ terrible weather weve been having these days!a. how a b. what a c. how d. what15. therere so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that i cant make up my mind _ to buy.a. whatb. whichc. howd. where16. -we could have walked to the station; it was so near.-yes. a taxi _ at all necessary.a

31、. wasntb. hadnt been c. wouldnt be d. wont be17. in the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.a. that b. whoc. from whomd. to whom18. which is _ country, canada or australia?a. a largeb. largerc. a larger d. the larger19. shortly after the accident, two _ police were sen

32、t to the spot to keep order.a. dozen of b. dozens c. dozend. dozens of20. it was not _ she took off her dark glasses _ i realized she was a famous film star.a. when; that b. until; thatc. until; whend. when; then21. if city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to be heard even at the dinner tabl

33、e 20 years from now.a. are not kept; will have to b. are not kept; have toc. do not keep; will have tod. do not keep; have to22. _ the 2000 olympic games will be held in beijing is not known yet.a. wheneverb. ifc. whether d. that23. go and get your coat. its _ you left.a. there b where c. there wher

34、e d. where there24. john was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes_.a. open b. to be opened c. to opend. opening25. it worried her a bit _ her hair was turning gray.a. while b. that c. if d. for26. -wheres jack?-i think hes still in _ bed, but he might just be in _ bathroom.a. (不填); (不填)b. th

35、e; thec. the; (不填)d. (不填); the27. -will you give this message to mr. white, please?-sorry, i cant. he_.a. doesnt any more work hereb. doesnt any longer here workc. doesnt work any more hered. doesnt work here any longer28. we have worked out the plan and now we must put it into _.a. factb. realityc.

36、 practice d. deed29. _ a reply, he decided to write again.a. not receivingb. receiving notc. not having receivedd. having not received30. tom _ into the house when no one _.a. slipped; was lookingb. had slipped; lookedc. slipped; had lookedd. was slipping; lookedunit 41. _ from beijing to london!a.

37、how long way it isb. what a long way is itc. how long way is itd. what a long way it is2. -let me introduce myself. im albert.-_.a. what a pleasureb. its my pleasurec. pleased to meet youd. im very pleased3. “cant you read?” mary said _ to the notice.a. angrily pointingb. and point angrilyc. angrily

38、 pointedd. and angrily pointing4. the captain _ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.a. madeb. saidc. putd. passed5. tom ought not to _ me your secret, but he meant no harm.a. have told b. tell c. be telling d. having told6. -would you like some wine?-yes, just_.a. little

39、b. very littlec. a littled. little bit7. how about the two of us_ a walk down the garden?a. to takeb. take c. takingd. to be taking8. we were all surprised when he made it clear that he _ office soon.a. leavesb. would leave c. leftd. had left9. many people are still in _ habit of writing silly thing

40、s in _ public places.a. the; theb. 不填; 不填c. the; 不填d. 不填, the10. she doesnt speak _ her friend, but her written work is excellent.a. as well asb. so often as c. so much as d. as good as11. peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet.a. must b. may c. cand. will12. -what was the party lik

41、e?-wonderful. its years _ i enjoyed myself so much.a. after b. beforec. when d. since13. _ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.a. whatb. that c. the factd. the matter14. _ down the radiothe babys asleep in the next room.a. turning b. to turnc. turnedd. turn15. -if he _, he _ that foo

42、d.-luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.a. was warned; would not takeb. had been warned; would not have takenc. would be warned; had not takend. would have been warned; had not taken16. readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.a. get overb. get inc. get alon

43、gd. get through17. toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help.a. he b. whichc. shed. it18. i remember _ this used to be a quiet village.a. whenb. how c. where d. what19. -i dont like chicken _ fish.-i dont like chicken _ i like fish very much.a. and; andb. and; butc. o

44、r; andd. or; but20. in some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.a. is servingb. is servedc. servesd. served21. the computer center, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school.a. open b. openingc. having openedd. opened22. -is _ here?-no, bob and tim have asked for leave

45、.a. anybodyb. somebodyc. everybodyd. nobody23. weve missed the last bus. im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.a. wayb. choice c. possibilityd. selection24. charles babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.a. to inventb. inventingc. to have inventedd. having invented25. be sure to wr

46、ite to us, _?a. will you b. arent you c. can youd. mustnt you26. the pen i _ i _ is on my desk, right under my nose.a. think; lostb. thought; had lostc. think; had lostd. thought; have lost27. i take a long time to go there by train; its _ by road.a. quickb. the quickestc. much quickd. quicker28. he dropped the _ and broke it.a. cup of coffeeb. coffees cupc. cup for coffeed. coffee cup29. we offered him our congratulations _ his passing the college entrance exams.a. at b. on c. for d. of30. -hows the young man?-_.a. hes twentyb. hes doctor


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