1、the bibliographythe definitionthe bibliography (also sometimes called the references or list of sources) is a list of all the books/articles you have mentioned in your writing.the why 1. to acknowledge and give credit to sources of words, ideas, diagrams, illustrations, quotations borrowed, or any m
2、aterials summarized or paraphrased. 2. to show that you are respectfully borrowing other peoples ideas, not stealing them, i.e. to prove that you are not plagiarizing. 3. to offer additional information to your readers who may wish to further pursue your topic. 4. to give readers an opportunity to c
3、heck out your sources for accuracy. an honest bibliography inspires reader confidence in your writing. 5. your teacher insists that you do a bibliography or marks will be deducted. the styles:mla : the modern language associationapa: american psychological associationthe what: author title place of
4、publication publisher date of publication page number(s) (for articles from magazines, journals, periodicals, newspapers, encyclopedias, or in anthologies).the how: a: the mla stylethe mla style is widely used for identifying research sources. in mla style you briefly credit sources with parenthetic
5、al citations in the text of your paper, and give the complete description of each source in your works cited list. the works cited list, or bibliography, is a list of all the sources used in your paper, arranged alphabetically by authors last name, or when there is no author, by the first word of th
6、e title (except a, an or the). e.g.:in your text/paper ( citations): results of studies done by hawaiis ocean mammal institute indicated that humpback whales were affected by the noise of marine engines (calvez 41). or, according to leigh calvez, studies by the ocean mammal institute indicated that
7、hawaiian humpback whales were affected by the noise of marine engines (41). in your works cited list: calvez, leigh. by the time we have proof. ocean realm spring 2000: 41-47.i. booksbooks:author*. title of book. city of publication: publisher, year.* the authors name should be written last name, fi
8、rst name. (1) one author borg, jim. tigers of the sea: hawaiis deadly sharks. honolulu: mutual, 1993.reagan, michael d. curing the crisis: options for americas health care. boulder: westview press, 1992.(2) editor or compiler if the person named on the title page is the editor, rather than the autho
9、r, add a comma then the abbreviation ed. for a compiler, use comp. fitzgerald, terence j., ed. police in society. new york: h.w. wilson, 2000.(3) two or more authors list the names in the order they appear on the title page. only the first authors name should be reversed: last name, first name. use
10、a comma between the authors names. place a period after the last authors name. landre, rick, mike miller, and dee porter. gangs: a handbook for community awareness. new york: facts on file, 1997. if the persons named on the title page are editors, add a comma after the final name, then the abbreviat
11、ion eds. for compilers, use comps. if there are more than three authors, name only the first and add “et al.”, or give all the names. cott, nancy r., and elizabeth h. pleck, eds. a heritage of her own: toward a new social history of american women. new york: simon and schuster, 1979.daconta, michael
12、 c., et al. java 1.2 and javascript for c and c+ programmers. new york: wiley, 1998.(4) two or more works by the same authors when citing two or more sources by the same author, give the name in the first entry only. for the subsequent entries, type three hyphens, add a period, and skip a space (-.
13、) then give the title. the three hyphens stand for the name(s) in the preceding entry. mead, margaret. coming of age in samoa: a psychological study of primitive youth for western civilisation. new york: morrow, 1961.-. people and places. cleveland: world, 1959.encyclopedias and reference books auth
14、or of article.(if given) article title. title of book. city of publication: publisher, year. when citing familiar reference books, especially those that often appear in new editions, it is not necessary to include full publication information. give the edition (if available) and the year of publicat
15、ion. if articles are arranged alphabetically, you do not need to give volume and page numbers. faron, louis c. inca. encyclopedia americana. international edition. 1999. when citing less familiar reference books, give full publication information. refrigeration. the new illustrated science and inven
16、tion encyclopedia. ed. donald clarke. 28 vols. westport: h.s. stuttman, 1989.hosick, howard l. cloning. magills medical guide. ed. tracy irons-georges. rev. ed. 3 vols. pasadena: salem press, 1998.multivolume setsauthor or editor. title of set. total number of vols. city of publication: publisher, y
17、ear. use this format when citing two or more volumes of a multivolume set. reference to specific volumes and page numbers belong in the text of your paper (e.g. 4: 149-53 means volume 4, pages 149-153), not in the works cited. jaffe, jerome h., ed. encyclopedia of drugs and alcohol. 4 vols. new york
18、: macmillan, 1995.poem or short story in an anthology author of story. title of story. title of book. name of editor. city of publication: publisher, year. page numbers of the story.pukui, mary kawena. the marchers of the night. a hawaii anthology. ed. joseph stanton. honolulu: state foundation on c
19、ulture and the arts, 1997. 82-84.organizations, companies, or government agencies as authors (5) corporate author cite a book by corporate author when a group (such as an organization or association), rather than individual persons, is the author. american welding society. structural welding code: a
20、luminum. miami, fl: aws, 1997.international fire service training association. essentials of fire fighting. 3rd ed. tulsa, ok: fire protection publications, 1992.(6) government agency as author give the name of the government first, then the name of the agency. abbreviations may be used. hawaii. dep
21、t. of business and economic development. the state of hawaii data book: a statistical abstract. honolulu: dept. of business and economic development, 1998. ii. periodicalsmagazine articles author. title of article. title of magazine date: page(s). abbreviate the months (except may, june, july). give
22、 complete dates for magazines issued every week or every two weeks, written in this order:day month year, e.g.19 january 1998 if the article is on consecutive pages, specify the page numbers of the entire article, e.g. 16-20. give just the last two digits of the second number, when possible: 188-89,
23、 but 196-200 if the article is not on consecutive pages - if, for example, it begins on page 27, then skips to page 30, and continues on page 32 - write only the first page number, followed by a plus sign: 27+. do not give volume and issue numbers. mcculley, jeff. on the mark. hawaii business feb. 1
24、998: 20+.risen, james, and judy l. thomas. pro-life turns deadly. newsweek 26 jan. 1998: 68-69.taubes, gary. the cell-phone scare. technology review nov./dec. 2000: 117-19. (7) no author given if no authors name is given, begin with the title of the article. where the business is. motor age sep. 200
25、0: 58.newspaper articles author. title of article. name of newspaper date, edition: page(s). take the name of the newspaper from the masthead, but omit any introductory article: honolulu advertiser, not the honolulu advertiser. if the city of publication is not part of the newspapers name, add it in
26、 square brackets: news and observer raleigh, nc specify the edition of the newspaper, if one is given on the masthead. if the article is not on consecutive pages, write the first page number and a plus sign: b1+. kakesako, gregg k. clinton vows to support akaka bill. honolulu star-bulletin 14 nov. 1
27、998, night final ed.: a1+.scholarly journal articles author. title of article. title of journal volume number (year): pages.cooksey, elizabeth c. consequences of young mothers marital histories for childrens cognitive development. journal of marriage and the family 59 (1997): 245-61. if the journal
28、begins each issue on page 1, include the issue number: e.g. 21.3 means vol. 21, no. 3. lenhoff, rosalyn, and lynn huber. young children make maps! young children 55.5 (2000): 6-12.iii. other sourcestelevision programstitle of episode or segment. credit (performer or author). title of program. name o
29、f network. call letters (if any), city of local station (if any). broadcast date.designing woman. rept. by maria shriver. dateline. nbc. khnl, honolulu. 15 mar. 1998.hurricane. raging planet. discovery channel. 21 mar. 1998.secrets of lost empires. nova. pbs. khet, honolulu. 26 may 1998.videotapes,
30、dvds, laserdiscs title. director, producer, and/or writers. medium. distributor, year.monet: legacy of light. writ., dir., and prod. by michael miller. videocassette. wbgh boston, 1989.interviews person interviewed. type of interview (personal or telephone). date.mink, patsy t. telephone interview.
31、21 october 2000. for a broadcast or published interview, add descriptive and bibliographic information. waihee, john. interview with leslie wilcox. channel 2 news. fox. khon, honolulu. 7 nov. 2000.iv. internet resourcesweb site - professional or personal creators name (if given). web page title. ins
32、titution or organization. date of access .basic hula words. 8 nov. 2000 li, rong-chang. english as a second language. 6 nov. 2000 http:/www.rong-harden, mark. picasso the legend. the artchive. 6 nov. 2000 dinosaurs in hawaii! honolulu community college. 6 nov. 2000.online service: infotrac authors n
33、ame (if given). title of article. name of magazine date of publication: pages. name of database. infotrac. library name. date of access milius, susan. science pokes loopholes in cloning bans. science news 28 feb. 1998: 137. general reference center. infotrac. honolulu community college library. 6 no
34、v. 2000 online newspaper article authors name (if given). title of article. name of newspaper date of publication. date of access .barayuga, debra. verdict in uyesugi trial prompts new stage of grief. star b 15 june 2000. 6 nov. 2000 tenbruggencate, jan. blue shark may be on road to recovery. honolu
35、lua18 june 2000. 6 nov. 2000 online magazine article authors name (if given). title of article. name of magazine date of publication. date of access .bremner, brian. japan takes the first step to recovery. business week 10 oct. 2000. 6 nov. 2000 youmans, susanne. henry lee returns to investigating.
36、popular science 10 oct. 2000. 6 nov. 2000 e-mail senders name. title. (from subject line) e-mail to the author. date of message.crispen, patrick d. online tutorials. e-mail to the author. 31 aug. 2000.online discussion lists writers name. title of message. (from subject line) online posting. date of
37、 message. name of discussion group/list. date of access .dargen, michael. netscape woes. online posting. 7 nov. 2000. web4lib. 8 nov. 2000 .b: the apa stylei. text citationssource material must be documented in the body of the paper by citing the author(s) and date(s) of the sources. the underlying
38、principle is that ideas and words of others must be formally acknowledged. the reader can obtain the full source citation from the list of references that follows the body of the paper.a: integral: wirth and mitchell (1994) found that although there was a reduction in insulin dosage over a period of
39、 two weeks in the treatment condition compared to the control condition, the difference was not statistically significant.note:and is used when multiple authors are identified as part of the formal structure of the sentence. compare this to the example below.b: non-integral: reviews of research on r
40、eligion and health have concluded that at least some types of religious behaviors are related to higher levels of physical and mental health (gartner, larson, & allen, 1991; koenig, 1990; levin & vanderpool, 1991; maton & pargament, 1987; paloma & pendleton, 1991; payne, bergin, bielema, & jenkins,
41、1991).note:& is used when multiple authors are identified in parenthetical material. note also that when several sources are cited parenthetically, they are ordered alphabetically by first authors surnames.note 1: when a source that has two authors is cited, both authors are included e every time th
42、e source is cited.note 2: when a source that has three, four, or five authors is cited, all authors are included the first time the source is cited. when that source is cited again, the first authors surname and et al. are used. e.g.: reviews of research on religion and health have concluded that at
43、 least some types of religious behaviors are related to higher levels of physical and mental health (payne, bergin, bielema, & jenkins, 1991).payne et al. (1991) showed that.when a source that has six or more authors is cited, the first authors surname and et al. are used every time the source is ci
44、ted (including the first time).note 3: every effort should be made to cite only sources that you have actually read. when it is necessary to cite a source that you have not read (grayson in the following example) that is cited in a source that you have read (murzynski & degelman in the following exa
45、mple), use the following format for the text citation and list only the source you have read in the references list: grayson (as cited in murzynski & degelman, 1996) identified four components of body language that were related to judgments of vulnerability.note 4: to cite a personal communication (
46、including letters, emails, and telephone interviews), include initials, surname, and as exact a date as possible. because a personal communication is not recoverable information, it is not included in the references section. for the text citation, use the following format: b. f. skinner (personal co
47、mmunication, february 12, 1978)claimed .ii. quotationswhen a direct quotation is used, always include the author, year, and page number as part of the citation.a. a quotation of fewer than 40 words should be enclosed in double quotation marks and should be incorporated into the formal structure of t
48、he sentence. e.g.: patients receiving prayer had less congestive heart failure, required less diuretic and antibiotic therapy, had fewer episodes of pneumonia, had fewer cardiac arrests, and were less frequently intubated and ventilated (byrd, 1988, p. 829).b. a lengthier quotation of 40 or more wor
49、ds should appear (without quotation marks) apart from the surrounding text, in block format, with single line spacing, and with each line indented five spaces from the left margin.e.g.: smith (1982) found the following: the placebo effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner. furth
50、ermore, the behaviors were never exhibited again, even when real drugs were administered. earlier studies conducted by the same group of researchers were clearly premature in attributing the results to a placebo effect. (p. 276)iii. referencesall sources included in the references section must be ci
51、ted in the body of the paper (and all sources cited in the paper must be included in the references section). the references (with hanging indent) begin on the line following the references heading. entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors. most reference entries have three
52、componentsi. authors: authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials. commas separate all authors. when there are seven or more authors, list the first six and then use et al. for remaining authors. if no author is identified, the title of the document b
53、egins the reference. ii. year of publication: in parentheses following authors, with a period following the closing parenthesis. if no publication date is identified, use n.d. in parentheses following the authors. iii. source reference: includes title, journal, volume, pages (for journal article) or title, city of publication, publisher (for book). italicize titles of books, title
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