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1、青 岛 理 工 大 学 琴 岛 学 院毕 业 论 文题目sexism in the english language学生姓名:_指导教师:_ 外语 系 商务英语 专业 091 班 2012年 6月 10日毕业论文任务书专业 班级 姓名 下发日期2011年12月30日题目 sexism in the english language专题语言文化(或英美文学/ 翻译/商务英语,根据具体情况选择其一)主要内容及要求语言是一种社会现象并随着社会的发展而发展,性别歧视现象同样体现在英语语言中,即性别歧视语言。本文通过大量的实例分析,着重描写了英语语言表述中的性别歧视,并从社会、经济和文化方面分析这一现象

2、存在的原因,以及为如何避免性别歧视提出的建议。通过分析、阐述英语中的性别歧视现象得出本文的结论:人们必须真正意识到并做到男女平等,正确运用语言,才能根除语言中存在的性别歧视现象。主要技术参数进度及完成日期2011年12月30日 下发毕业论文任务书2012年5月6日 交开题报告和论文提纲2012年5月20日 交论文初稿2012年6月3日 交论文二稿2012年6月17日 交论文定稿系主任签字日期教研室主任签字日期指导教师签字日期指 导 教 师 评 语指导教师: 年 月 日 指 定 论 文 评 阅 人 评 语评阅人: 年 月 日 答辩委员会评语评定成绩指导教师评分评阅人评分答辩成绩总评答辩委员会主席

3、签字参 考 文 献请按照下列格式如实填写参考文献:allen, nilsen. facing difference: race, gender, and mass media. new york:association press, 1998.bolinger, d. the atomization of meaning. language 41, 1965:555-573.calvino, ian. the uses of literature. (p. creagh, trans.) san diego: harcourt, 1986.edens, walter, et al. teach

4、ing shakespeare. princeton: princeton university press, 1977.fulwiler, t. how well does writing across teaching work? college english 46, 1984:13-25.hall, david, ed. the oxford book of american literary anecdotes. new york: oxford university press, 1981.wardhaugh, carol. an introduction to socioling

5、uistics. oxford: basil blackwell, 1992.陈渊,国外英语教材初探,外国语第1期,1979:66-68。林学增,中英文化习俗比较。北京:外语教学与文化出版社,1999。张力、李斯等,语言杂谈。香港:博益出版有限公司,1978。张美芳,翻译学-关系繁多的综合性学科。黄国文主编,语文研究群言集。广州:中山大学出版社,1997:308-318。赵元任,中国话的文法(丁帮新译)。香港:香港中文大学出版社,1968。net.1. deconstruction. http:/www.brocku.ca/english/courses/4f70/deconstruction

6、.htmlnet.2. jacques derrida. http:/www.brocku.ca/english/courses/4f70/deconstruction.html5 第 页 青岛理工大学琴岛学院毕业论文用纸小四号、宋体,首行空两个字居中打印、三号、黑体、字间空一字符单号摘 要“摘要”两字下空一行在我们的社会中,妇女通常被认为是弱势群体而被轻视。这种性别歧视现象同样体现在英语语言中,这种语言被称为性别歧视语言。本文着重分析了英语语言中的性别歧视现象以及如何避免这种现象。本文由五部分组成:第部分简要介绍本文的写作背景;第二部分通过大量的实例分析,着重描写了英语语言表述中的性别歧视:

7、第三部分从社会经济和文化方面分析了语言中性别歧视现象存在的原因:第四部分为如何避免性别歧视提出了许多建议;第五部分是本文的结论:人们必须真正意识到并做到男女平等,正确运用语言,才能根除语言中存在的性别歧视现象。摘要内容后空一行,打印关键词关键词:性别歧视,性别歧视词,无性别歧视词,原因,规避小四号宋体,每一关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词后不打标点符号。小四号黑体小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符居中打印,三号、times new roman、加粗abstractabstract下空一行、小四号in our society, women are often regar

8、ded as the weaker sex and are looked down upon. this gender bias can also be found in the english language. such language is called sexist language. this paper is devoted to the study of sexism in the english language and on how to avoid sexism. it begins with a short introduction of the background

9、information. by highlighting many examples of the sexism in the english language that discriminates against women, the second part of this paper focuses on some expressions that show sexism, and analyzes the reasons for sexism in english in various aspects of society, economics and culture. moreover

10、, this paper puts forward many suggestions on how to avoid sexism in daily use. the paper ends with the conclusion that unless enough awareness is paid both to the correct use of language and to the equal rights between men and women, the sexism in the english language can not be eradicated.英文摘要内容后下

11、空一行key words: sexism, sexist word, non-sexist word, reason, avoid小四号、times new roman 、加粗粗tim小四号、times new roman,均为小写字母,每一关键词之间用逗号隔开,最后一个关键词不打标点符号居中打印,三号、times new roman、加粗contentscontents下空一行、小四号小四号times new romanintroduction.(9)chapter one sexism in english language.(10) 1.1 sexism in english names

12、.(10) 1.1.1 sexism of womens names.(10) 1.1.2 sexism of mens names.(10) 1.2 sexism in english addresses.(11) 1.3 sexism on principle part of men and variant of women.(11) 1.4 sexism in word meaning.(12) 1.5 sexism in word order: man first, then women.(13)chapter two reasons for sexism in english lan

13、guage.(14) 2.1 reasons related to social and economic positions.(14) 2.2 the explanations of psychoanalysts.(14) 2.3 the influence of mythology .(14) 2.4 the influence of social prejudice and traditional ideas.(15)chapter three how to avoid sexism in english language.(16) 3.1 turn the sexist words i

14、nto non-sexist words or gender-free words(16) 3.2 avoid citing the text directly .(16) 3.3 avoid sexism aroused by the third person pronouns .(16)conclusion.(19)acknowledgements.(20)bibliography.(21)小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗introductionintroduction下空一行、小四号 language is a

15、 mirror of the world. everything is reflected in the mirror. in english countries, though people advocate equal rights for everyone, there are a lot of inequities, such as unequal rights between men and women, which are also reflected in the mirror of language. this phenomenon is called sexism in th

16、e english language. sexist language expresses unfair assumptions about gender differences. it can be either explicit, as in the prejudicial use of male or female pronouns, or implicit. in the 1970s, womens movements flourished in western countries. due to the impact of the feminist movement, a refor

17、m aiming at eliminating sexism in language spread all over the western countries. this paper tries to illustrate sexism in english language use, analyze the reasons for that phenomenon and point out ways to eliminate the sexism in english.居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符下空一行、小

18、四号chapter one sexism in the english languagefrom the definitions, it can be found that in the area of linguistics, “sexism” means discrimination against women in communication. the following are some facts about sexism in language.空一行小四号、times new roman、加粗1.1 sexism in english names “a name is a kin

19、d of symbol for people to distinguish each other. apart from that, it does not have other social functions” (lin 1999: 86). however, in fact, when people are choosing names, they always bring their subject ideas and social attitudes into consideration.1.1.1 sexism of womens namesgenerally speaking,

20、people can judge the gender from the name. womens names usually use the words meaning beautiful, graceful, and lovely. for example, lily is the name of a kind of flower: susan comes from the hebrew language and means graceful and kind; diana stems from the greek language, with the meaning of goddess

21、 of the moon, and it is a symbol of beauty, grace and dignity. 1.1.2 sexism of mens nameswardhaugh (1992: 99) said that “man mankind” refers to all human beings just as “he” refers to the third-person pronoun.1.2 sexism in english addressesin english, mr. and mrs. is a pair of honorific addresses. p

22、eople usually put mr. in front of a mans name, and mr. does not show the matrimony status of the man. 1.3 sexism on principle part of men and variant of womenthe bible advocates that god created the man first, and the woman comes from the rib of the man. in the english language, many hyponyms show t

23、he tendency that standard language is based on men.1.4 sexism in word meaningin the english language, many words associated with men have positive or affirmative meanings. however, the words related to women usually have negative meanings.1.5 sexism in word order: man first, then women.in english gr

24、ammar, there is not a rule about “man first”. however, in practice, people usually put the man first, and then woman. for example, husband and wife, boy and girl. this kind of word order is very common. if we reverse the order, wife and husband, girl and boy, we will feel uncomfortable.小四号、times new

25、 roman每段开头空四个字符下空一行、小四号居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗chapter two reasons for sexism in the english language小四号、times new roman、加粗2.1 reasons related to social and economic positions空一行in the aspect of social and economic positions, women are at the bottom. they are greatly discriminated against. 2.2 th

26、e explanations of psychoanalysts therefore, psychoanalysis is language analysis. “men have the power of language, and women are the subordinate and are looked down upon in the aspect of language” (hauck 1995: 54).2.3 the influence of mythologythe discrimination and prejudice against women is a part

27、of culture ideology. culture ideology refers to the ideas and attitude associated with culture values. the spread of culture ideology reacts on the discrimination and prejudice against women. mythology is a form of culture. 2.4 the influence of social prejudice and traditional ideas.social prejudice

28、 is acquired from conversations of groups of people, parents, relatives, friends, or the mass media, such as broadcasts, movies, tv, and newspapers. sexism also exists in conversation or mass media. for example, when people refer to callboy, they mean the waiter in a restaurant or the one who inform

29、s the actors to prepare for the stage. however, call girl means a prostitute who makes her arrangements by telephone.正文小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗下空一行、小四号chapter three how to avoid sexism in english language小四号、times new roman、加粗3.1 turn the sexist words into non-sexist w

30、ords or gender-free words.in the daily life, it is better to use non-sexist words or gender-free words such as child, teacher, officer, and people, and try to avoid sexist words such as chairman and mankind.空一行小四号、times new roman、加粗3.2 avoid citing the text directlywhen citing a text including the w

31、ords of “man” or “men”, people can choose the following methods to avoid sexism.3.3 avoid sexism aroused by the third-person pronouns.when using the above ways to avoid sexism, it is better to pay attention to the specific situation. a specific method depends on whether it is helpful for our writing

32、 or conversation, and whether it is appropriate.conclusion下空一行、小四号居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符conclusionsexist language is a language, whether written or oral, which by its use, form or structure, demeans people on account of their gender. sexism in language has been an im

33、portant topic among people in modem times. it is a problem that begins in peoples assumptions and expectations and has attracted attention all over the world. in addition, it is a problem that will be solved only when a great many people have given it a great deal of thought. just as rosalie maggio

34、said, “it is also necessary to acknowledge that there can be no solution to the problem of sexism in society on the level of language”(1989: 35).sexism in the english language exists in english names, addresses, word meanings, word order, and many kinds of areas in our daily life. this phenomenon is

35、 rooted in the culture of society. language is a telltale evidence of the values and beliefs of the culture. sexism in the english language is influenced by social and economic reasons. it takes a long time for old words and usages to disappear. therefore, in our daily life, more attention should be

36、 paid to the usage of words, such as using non-sexist words instead of sexist words, avoiding the designation of “he/man” and the third-person pronouns. only when people are fully conscious of the equal rights between man and woman, and eradicate sexism in social culture, can the sexism in english b

37、e eliminated.小四号、times new roman每段开头空四个字符居中打印,小三号、times new roman、加粗acknowledgementsacknowledgements下空一行、小四号i am greatly indebted to all my teachers from the bottom of my heart. during the four years of study in the university, they have given me great assistance. i have learnt not only the academic knowledge but the true meanings of life as well.my thanks go to my supervisor gong xianghong,who gave me a lot of suggestions, and very willingly revised my paper again and again.thanks for all my friends for collecting information and paper materials for me.thanks for my de


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