1、外语本科毕业论文探究“以学生为中心”的现代教学模式姓 名:系另比 专 业:学 号:指导教师:20xx年x月A Study on Student-Centered ModernTeaching Methodby传统的教学模式已无法满足不断的社会的需要。以学生为中心的教学模式给英语 教学改革提供了新思路,指明了新方向。它强调了学习者在语言学习过程中的核心地 位,使英语教学围绕如何为学习者创造更有利的语言学习环境、促进英语学习、帮助学生克服学习中遇到的困难等展开教学活动。关键词:英语教学改革;教学模式;核心地位;教学活动2AbstractTraditi onal teach ing method h
2、as bee n un able to meet the n eeds of moder n society. Stude nt-ce nteredteach ing method provides new ideas and in dicate a new direct ion for En glish teach ing reform. It emphasizes the cen tral positi on of the lear ners in the Ian guage learning process. It makes English teaching can launch a
3、series of educational activities focusing on how to create a more conducive learning environment for learners, how to better improve learning efficiency and how to help students overcome the difficulties in their study life.Key words: English teaching reform; teaching method; central position; educa
4、tional activitiesIntroductionFor a long time, the traditi onal En glish teachi ng method is based on the Teacher-centered.Teachers are the leading role of classroom teaching. This traditional En glish teach ing method makes stude nts become a passive recipie nt of the Ian guage knowledge. It killed
5、the students 6nthusiasm and creativity. Students often only have knowledge of the Ianguage, but not have the ability to use Ianguage well. What thestude nts lear ned is“dumb English ” . This traditional EncjUghnbeOlchd contrary to the purpose of lear ning a foreig n Ian guage, which is Ian guage com
6、 muni cative ability.The Teacher-ce nteredtraditi onal En glish teachi ng method is not only con ducive to fully mobilize the students 6nthusiasm, initiative and creativity, but also not able to improve students ability to learn and practice. Therefore, the Student-centered modernEn glish teach ing
7、methods must be established.iiiContents摘要.AbstractI.L.In troducti onIIIContentsIV1 Traditi onal Teacher-ce ntered En glish Teach ing Method11.1 Three types of the traditi onal teach ing methods11.1.1 Short-term behavior teach ing mode11.1.2 Grammar teach ing mode11.1.3 “Teacher talk ” teaching.mode1
8、1.2 Drawbacks of the traditi onal Teacher-ce ntered En glish teachi ng method11.2.1 Passive Lear ning methods11.2.2 Bli nd lear ning methods.21.2.3 Closed lear ning methods21.2.4 Monotonous lear ning methods32 The moder n Stude nt-ce ntered teach ing method42.1 The moder n Stude nt-ce ntered teach i
9、ng method ideology43 Measures to establish a Stude nt-ce ntered moder n teachi ng method53.1 Un dersta nding of stude nts53.2 Respect stude nts53.3 Services for students63.4 In spire students63.5 Motivate students74 The specific impleme ntati on of the Stude nt-ce ntered En glish teach ing methods84
10、.1 Team cooperati on84.2 Activities and games84.3 Role-play95 Adva ntages of the Stude nt-ce ntered moder n teach ing methods105.1 Improve stude nts lear ning efficiency105.2 Improve stude nts lear ning ability.105.3 Enhance stude nts-conffdenee106 The sig nifica nee of Stude nt-ce ntered En glish t
11、eachi ng method10Conclusion12Refere nces13V1 Traditional Teacher-centered English Teaching Method1.1 Three types of the traditional teaching methodsThe traditi onal Teacher-ce nterecE nglish teachi ng method can be divided into three categories: the short-term behavior teachi ng mode, the grammar te
12、ach ing mode, the“eacher talk teachi ng mode.1.1.1 Short-term behavior teaching modeCurre ntly there is a bad phe nomenon for stude nts to study En glish, which is they just study En glish for pass ing the test. The traditi onal En glish teachi ng method mai nly emphasize the exam-orie nted educati
13、on as a prerequisite.E nglish teach ing n eed stude nts should liste n, speak, read, write and tran slate. However, duri ng the short-term teach ing mode, stude nts can not really make full use of En glish in daily life.1.1.2 Grammar teaching modeGrammar teach ing mode was first in troduced in Germa
14、 ny, but fin ally it was replaced in Europe because of meaninglessHowever, in our country“ Grammar teaching mode ” isstill widely applied. Grammar teaching mode is a grammar-based,languages-neglected teach ing mode. It excessively emphasizes on grammar rules, while ignoring the importa nee of com mu
15、ni cati on and misun dersta nding the n ature of Ian guage.1.1.3 Teacher talk” teaching modeTeacher talk” teaching mode is just the cramming” teaching. In the classroom, the teachers just talk, speak and teach alone, while stude nts are ignored at all.1.2 Drawbacks of the traditional Teacher-centere
16、d English teachingmethod1.2.1 Passive Learning methodsStudents lose their initiative to study English, they just accept new knowledge passively.One of the obviously characteristics of the traditi on al. The teach ing method is a un ilateral in doctri nati on. In the traditi onal teach ing method, th
17、e teacher is on the absolute position of authority. And therefore, in the learning life, those students who just on the passive situati on only to do what teachers ask and to liste n what teachers speak. So in the traditional teaching methods, students do not have their own subjective creativity and
18、 thi nking skills at all.1 Needless to say, on their own in itiative to select lear ning content, learning time or about everyth ing, stude nts just liste n to the teachers expla nati ons and gradually lose their own spirit of in itiative and the ability to lear n. Fin ally stude nts become an obedi
19、ent good boy”. Students have to face various disciplines and learning requireme nts from their teachers. So the stude nts just like a mach ine, to do the completi on of a variety of arduous task of learning. Students fearning life is very boring and their learning efficie ncy is very low because of
20、the passive lear ning method.1.2.2 Blind learning methodsBlind reading, resulting in students appear the phenomenon of “Highscores, low capacity ” . Lack of creativity and innovative thinking ability.Because of the blind learning methods, students gradually lose the ability to create and to explore
21、and fin ally develop the habit of accept ing the existi ng kno wledge and experienee without any subjective thinking. Those students are all just waiting for the books, teachers, or some one else to create new cog nitive experie nee for them. They n either willi ng nor able to explore at all and the
22、y can n ot use existi ng kno wledge to solve practical problems.2 They believe that what teachers say is always right, the knowledge of the book is always right. blind learning methods ” makes students tlheir ability of being questio ned. Whether the kno wledge is right or wrong, stude nts are fully
23、 accept without any thinking. Because of this, many stude nts regard the remedial classes or competiti on classes as a quick magic. I n fact, this is just reflect their characteristics about the“ bli ndear ningmethods.1.2.3 Closed learning methodsOn e-way tran smissi on from teachers to stude nts le
24、d to a lack of com muni cati on betwee n them.In traditional teaching methods. For one hand, interaction between teachers and stude nts become the mai n or eve n the on ly way to study. This is a on e-way tran smissi on.For ano ther hand, the com muni catio n betwee n stude nts and teachers is ofte
25、n overlooked. This causes student become isolated individuals in their learning life and they lack of cooperati on con scious ness. In traditi onal class, there are only seats and teams without any sig nifica nee. When stude nts lear n somethi ng, they just lear n from the teachers, and rarely com m
26、uni cate with teachers or cooperate with the stude nts to solve the problem. Stude nts are en closed in self-k no wledge. Lon g-term effect make the stude nts lose con scious ness and ability to cooperate, and eve n make them form some character defects, such as selfish ness, pride, etc.1.2.4 Monoto
27、nous learning methodsLack of diversified mode of educatio n. It is difficult for stude nts to cultivate in terest in En glish.In the traditi onal teach ing methods, if someth ing is the emphasis in orie nted educati on, teachers will explain patiently and to consolidate with a large number of exerci
28、ses. If somethi ng is good for the developme nt of the stude nts were con sidered useless in orie nted educati on, teachers will passed it over and fran kly emphasizes those kno wledges will not exist in the exam. Thus, in eyes of the students is also nly “the exam ” . Test scores always seems to be
29、 the most importa nt to sta ndard the teachi ng methods. Whether teachers teach well and whether stude nts lear n well is just depe nds on a report card. Un der the guida nee of traditional teaching, the students arning styles will inevitably exhibit monotonic characteristics. Students focus on accu
30、mulation of knowledge rather than on the accumulation of method, focus on memory rather than on the application, focus on accepta nee rather tha n on practice.3 The stude nts always have nu merous exercises papers, rote memorizatio n mathematical formulas. Cooperati on, explore and other methods for
31、 stude nts is only some stra nge terms. This result ing the stude nts rigid thinking and lack of the n ecessary in ductive an alysis, logical reas oning ability. Un der this in flue nee of monotonous learning methods, the students just like the U disk, could only store kno wledge.2 The modern Studen
32、t-centered teaching method2.1 The modern Student-centered teaching method ideologyStude nt-ce ntered teachi ng method bring a new visi on, provide a new idea, in dicate a new directi on for En glish teach ing reform. It emphasizes the cen trality of the lear ner in the Ianguage learning process. Tea
33、ching activities are made around how to create a more favorable en vir onment for Ian guage learni ng, to promote lear ning En glish, to help stude nts overcome the difficulties encoun tered in lear nin g.4 This helps the stude nts to mobilize a positive attitude and to en courage stude nts to lear
34、n in depe nden tly, helps them effectively solve problems, and ultimately helps stude nts en able to lear n how to learn.The key of the Student-centered teaching method is ledding by teachers and independent learning skills of the students. We can not ignore the teachers dominant positi on in the im
35、pleme ntati on of Stude nt-ce ntered teachi ng mode, that is to teach stude nts how to learn. However, teachers should teach students fishing” rather than “sh”. In English learning, fish ” is the knowledge of English, learning method is fishing ”. So En glish teachers n eed to supply the effectively
36、 and correct method for stude nts to learn. Changing from Teacher-ce nteredto Stude nt-ce ntered,the most importa nt thi ng is not to change the teaching concepts but immediately take action to implement the teaching practice.The Stude nt-ce ntered En glish teach ing methods emphasizes that stude nt
37、s are the main body in teach ing activities, while at the same time, the dema nds on teachersca n not be igno red. Teachers must seriously explore the men tal activity of stude nts about their process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills, to cultivate students interest and en thusiasm.123 Me
38、asures to establish a Student-centered modern teachingmethod3.1 Understanding of studentsUn dersta nding of stude nts rather tha n misun dersta nding stude nts.Educators must accurately grasp the object of educati on. As a teacher, just know their stude nts academic is no Ion ger eno ugh in the mode
39、r n teachi ng method. Therefore, guidi ng un der the Stude nt-ce nteredc on cept, teachersshould un dersta nd and accept the stude nts status, including their strengths and weaknesses, their features and deficiencies, their emotions, their habits and their aspirations. Only this way can teachers tru
40、ly understand what is students physical and psychological needs. Only this way can teachers really desig n specific teachi ng methods to guide stude nts to achieve their goals through their own efforts step by step. The Age gap between teachersand students are likely to causethe gen erati on gap, bu
41、t the gen erati on gap is not the in evitable product of the age gap. Teachers should con ti nu ously adva nee with the times, grow with their stude nts. Only the educated educators accompa nied by the experie nee of the educated to experie nee growth, can they really have an un dersta nding to them
42、.5 In fact, compared with their predecessors, the con temporary stude nts are well-i nformed, quick thinking, have eno ugh courage and good at accepti ng new thi ngs. Once educators un dersta nd the educated, they will discover it is not difficult to lear n many positive things from the stude nts.3.
43、2 Respect studentsRespect stude nts rather tha n despise stude nts.For different students, their IQ and emotional intelligenee, learning ability and learning efficiency, morality and quality are likely to vary. However, whether it is top students, regular students or backward students, in the face o
44、f the concept of Stude nt-ce ntered teach ing method, every one is equal. Therefore, in any of the classroom, there should not be exist any neglected cornef or fbrgotten corner.Teachers should treat every stude nt equally, especially those who with disabilities or men tal defects. Teachers should re
45、spect every educated. Respect the stude nt in fact means to respect themselves, to respect the teachi ng professi on and to respect educatio n. Practice shows that eve n those stude nts who temporarily in a backward positi on, there are many stre ngths and adva ntages.These stude nts have great pote
46、 ntial to be developed, and these pote ntials are ofte n overlooked or misunderstood in the traditional teaching method.6 For example, in a variety of schools, there are always exist ing those whose academic performa nee beh ind the others. Compared with excellent groups those students often be negl
47、ected or even be discrimi natory. They are the vuln erable groups among the stude nts. If we were able to pour more love and care for them, and try to develop policies and measuresto mobilize the en thusiasm of those stude nts. This may in spire great spiritual stre ngth, and eve n produce amaz ing
48、results.3.3 Services for studentsServices for stude nts rather tha n use the stude nts.In peoples subc on scious, stude nts are ofte n see n as the product of the school. I n fact,this con cept may not adapt to the trend of the times. Within the framework of the WTO, education is included in the ser
49、vices category. Education as a generalized service, its products can be a teach ing tool for stude nts. Stude nts are con sumers, should at the cen ter position without any doubt. In this sense, the schools students are God”,so that they should get satisfactory service. As a waiter in the educati on
50、 sector, the resp on sibilities of teachers is to provide education services, and dedication to student services must be regarded as their sacred duty. However, some teachers are accustomed to in cite stude nts to do things accord ing to their own n eeds, but n ever willi ng to tran spositi on thi n
51、ki ng or thi nk about the n eeds of stude nts. If teachers can take care no matter in the classroom or outside the classroom, dedicated to the stude nts to solve problems about lear ning and life, they will optimize the schools educati onal en vir onment, they also can greater degree to meet the maj
52、ority of students needs.73.4 Inspire studentsIn spire stude nts rather tha n bli nd the stude nt.For the Studentcentered teaching method, it s concept is mainly expressed to confirmthe group pf stude ntspositi on in the moder n educati on. We do not and can not make anyprovision for the quality of s
53、tudents. More specifically, the student at the center of the teach ing may not be perfect, and in many cases also n eed to en able stude nts to gradually improve through education. However, this education should not be used instigation, reprima nded or forced way, it can not be imposed to the stude
54、nts, either. Educati on should be through by affect ing, in flue nee and in spiratio n to make stude nts gradually have some percepti on and self-aware nessto realize their un derly ing value. Huma n lear ning theory, emphasiz ing the non-directive teach ing is just like this. For example, in the in
55、 creas in gly adva need in formati on tech no logy situati on, some stude nts develop a bad habits that downloading thesis from the Internet. Faced with such bad habits. On the one hand, the teacher should resolutely oppose mercilessly. On the other hand, teachers should adhere words and deeds to in
56、 spire stude nts. If teachers attitudes are clear eno ugh, the stude nt could be able to be in spired and follow teachers examples, con sciously optimize the quality of their own.3.5 Motivate studentsMotivate stude nts rather tha n suppress stude nts.The fun dame ntal purpose of Stude nt-ce ntered e
57、ducati on model is to promote the stude nts who have differe nt qualities, differe nt stre ngths to get what they want. Effective way to achieve this goal is in dividualized. The key of the way is whether the pote ntial of stude nts receive appropriate and adequatedevelopme nt. Stude nts own quality
58、, so called material”,is the basis for pote ntial developme nt. Therefore, in dividualized process should be similar to artistic creativity “culpture” rather than copy”. Artists, using the carving tech niq ues, making the material characteristics and adva ntages can be fully dem on strated. Similarly, teachers should en courage stude nts to en able them to release their pote ntial and to showcase their tale nt as much as possible.8 Do not use sta ndardized i ndicators to evaluate them, to obliterate the pers on ality of stude nts, suppress the tendency of stude nts. In every course, teache
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