人教版新版高一英语 第一册 welcome unit(经典实用)_第1页
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1、Welcome Unit高中英语第一册b y b e c kListening and SpeakingReading and ThinkingDiscovering Useful StructuresListening and TalkingReading for WritingBuilding Up Your VocabularyA thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. Laozi千里之行, 始于足下Listening and Speaking3b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know n

2、ew peopleMatch the pictures with the sentences. Describe what the people in the pictures are doing. in the classroomin the lecture hallin the registration officeA My name is Amy. Id like to have a student ID card, please. B Hi, Im Max Jackson. Im an exchange student from the UK.C Hello, everyone! We

3、lcome to our school. click click click Listening and Speaking4b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleAmy is getting her student ID card. Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table. Good morning. My name is Amy Jones. Im here for a student ID card. Nice to meet you, Amy. Im Mr. Wang.

4、 Sit down, please. ErSorry, whats your last name again. Jones. J-O-N-E-S. OK. Thank you. And where are you from?Im from the USA.OK. Whats your student number?170143.170143. Got it. Youre in Grade 1, arent you?Yes, I am. OK. Your email address?Amyj.16atpep dot com dot cn. Got it. Now, stand over ther

5、e, please. Smile. Listening and Speaking5b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleAmy is getting her student ID card. Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table. Amyfemale请将登记表格的项目翻译成中文(点击核对答案)USAListening and Speaking6b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleMax meets Amy i

6、n the dining hall. Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Maxs favorite subject and Amys favorite subject. Hi, Amy! Hows it going? Great. How about you. Im good. Lets go and sit down. What do you think about senior high school? So far, so good, Amy. Ive had maths and English this morning. The maths class

7、 is getting more difficult but its really interesting. Its my favourite class so far. How about you? I think science is more fun. Chemistrys my favourite. Listening and Speaking7b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleMax meets Amy in the dining hall. Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Max

8、s favorite subject and Amys favorite subject. 请说出各学科的汉语(点击核对答案)Listening and Speaking8b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleAmy is talking to Ms Li, a school advisor, about which courses to choose. Listen to Conversation 3 and answer the questions. Good morning, Ms Li. Morning, Amy. How

9、 are you doing? Very well, thank you, Ms Li. I want to be a designer in the future, so what courses do you think I should choose? Oh, interesting! Well, first of all, I think an art course would be helpful to you. And there are some other coursesListening and Speaking9b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Ge

10、t to know new peopleAmy is talking to Ms Li, a school advisor, about which courses to choose. Listen to Conversation 3 and answer the questions. 1. What does Amy want to be in the future?A An engineerB A designer C A writer1. What course will Amy probably choose?A English B ITC ArtListening and Spea

11、king10b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleWork in groups. Choose one of the situations and make a conversations. Try to use the introductions and greetings below. l A boy meets a girl during a break.l An exchange student is talking to a teacher on campus. l A boy and a girl are at the

12、 airport to meet a visiting group of teachers and students from England. during a breakon campusat the airportListening and Speaking11b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleWork in groups. Choose one of the situations and make a conversations. Try to use the introductions and greetings b

13、elow. IntroductionMy name is Im This isHave you met ?Do you know ?My I introduce ?Id like you to meet I dont believe you know GreetingsIntroductionHi/Hello!Good morning!Whats up?Hows it going?How are things going?How are you?How are you doing?Nice/Glad to meet you. Hi/Hey!Morning!Not much. Great. Im

14、 fine, and you?Very well, thank you.How about you?Nice/Glad to meet you, too. Listening and Speaking12b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Get to know new peopleWork in groups. Choose one of the situations and make a conversations. Try to use the introductions and greetings below. People speak in a more pol

15、ite way in formal situations. 人们在正式场合说话更有礼貌。Reading and Thinking13b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Describe your first senior high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. anxioushappyexcitedannoyedfrightenedReading and Thinking14b y

16、 b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Describe your first senior high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. First ImpressionReading and Thinking15b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元10:29 p.m.5:32 p.m.12:30 p.m.7:00 a.m.Describe your first senio

17、r high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. FIRSTIMPRESSIONSSo this is it senior high school at last! Im not outgoing so Im a little anxious right now. I want to make a good first impression. Will I make any friends? What if

18、no one talks to me?7:00 a.m.anxioushappyexcitedannoyedfrightenedReading and Thinking16b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元10:29 p.m.5:32 p.m.12:30 p.m.7:00 a.m.Describe your first senior high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. FIR

19、STIMPRESSIONSI just had my first maths class at senior high school! The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told us a funny story, and everyone laughed so much! I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.?12:30 p.m.anxioushappyexcitedannoyedfright

20、enedReading and Thinking17b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元10:29 p.m.5:32 p.m.12:30 p.m.7:00 a.m.Describe your first senior high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. FIRSTIMPRESSIONSThis afternoon, we had our chemistry class in t

21、he science lab. The lab is new and the lesson was great, but the guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. I couldnt concentrate on the experiment. I really wanted to tell him to please be quiet and leave me alone!?5:32 p.m.anxioushappyexcitedannoyedfrightenedReading and Thinking18b y b e c

22、 k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元10:29 p.m.5:32 p.m.12:30 p.m.7:00 a.m.Describe your first senior high schoolHow did you feel on your first day of senior high school? Circle the pictures that describe how you felt. FIRSTIMPRESSIONSWhat a day! This morning, I was worried that no one would talk to me. But I was wr

23、ong. I didnt feel awkward or frightened at all. I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and theres a lot to explore at senior high. I feel much more confident that I felt this morning. I think that tomorrow will be a great day. ?10:29 p.m.anxioushappyex

24、citedannoyedfrightenedReading and Thinking19b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Read the text again and discuss the questions:Describe your first senior high school1. Why did Han Jing feel anxious before school?Because she was in senior high school and all was new to her. Whats more, she was not outgoing.

25、2. How was her first maths class?The class was difficult, but the teacher was kind and friendly. He even told them a funny story, and every one laughed so much. 3. What happened in the chemistry class? What would you do if this happened to you?The guy next to her tried to talk to her the whole time.

26、 She couldnt concentrate on the experiment. 4. What did Han Jing learn from her first day at senior high school.She believe that she would make new friends in her new school. She also found there was a lot to explore in senior high. Reading and Thinking20b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Fill in the tabl

27、e with the words and phrases from the text, and tell a partner about your own first day of senior high school. Describe your first senior high schoolTimeWhat was Han Jing texting about?7:00 a.m.senior high school, a little anxious12:30 p.m.her first maths class, classmates and teachers; friendly and

28、 helpful5:32 p.m.chemistry class, lesson was great; the guy tried to talk to her. 10:29 p.m.not feel awkward or frightened, much more confidentReading and Thinking21b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Complete the passage with the correct forms of the and phrases below:Tian Hua is a new student at a school

29、 in America. She is studying at an American high school for one year. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at _ high school, but in America, she is in Grade 10! She did not _ at all when she arrived. Her first _ was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly, but soon she found that if she

30、 _ the ideas, not the single words, she could understand! She also made friends and began to _ the city with them.Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class. Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool _! Tian Hua is not sure how well she will

31、do at school this year, but she is not nervous any more. She is excited. exploreexperimentconcentrate onfeel confidentimpressionseniorReading and Thinking22b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Complete the passage with the correct forms of the and phrases below: Tian Hua is a new student at a school in Amer

32、ica. She is studying at an American high school for one year. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at _ high school, but in America, she is in Grade 10! She did not _ at all when she arrived. exploreexperimentconcentrate onfeel confidentimpressionseniorseniorfeel confidentReading and Thinking23b y b e

33、c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Complete the passage with the correct forms of the and phrases below: Her first _ was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly, but soon she found that if she _ the ideas, not the single words, she could understand! She also made friends and began to _ the city wi

34、th them. Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class. exploreexperimentconcentrate onfeel confidentimpressionseniorimpressionconcentrated onexploreReading and Thinking24b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Complete the passage with the correct forms of the and phrases below: Her favourit

35、e class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool _! Tian Hua is not sure how well she will do at school this year, but she is not nervous any more. She is excited. exploreexperimentconcentrate onfeel confidentimpressionseniorexperimentDiscovering Useful Structures25b y b e c k点 击 返

36、 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sentence structures SVOPACDOIOsubjectverbobjectpredicativeadverbialobject complementdirect objectindirect object主语谓语动词宾语表语状语宾语补足语直接宾语间接宾语Discovering Useful Structures26b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sentence structures Study the sentences structures.sentence st

37、ructuresentenceSVSVOSPS V IO DOSVOCSVOAThere beAll of us laughed!I miss my grandma.The teacher was kind and friendly.He told us a funny story. I found most of my classmates friendly and helpful. I had my first maths class at senior high school. Theres a lot to explore at senior high.SVAHe talked too

38、 much. Discovering Useful Structures27b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sentence structures Read the sentences and analyse the structures.1. The 100-year-old school lies in the centre of the city .2. We must act. 3. The maths home work looks easy. 4. The teacher found the classroom empty. S

39、VOSAVSVPSVCDiscovering Useful Structures28b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sentence structures Read the sentences and analyse the structures.5. My mum bought me a new dictionary.6. Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student. 7. There is an English Corner at our school. 8. W

40、e had chemistry in the newly built lab. SVOSIOVThere beSVADOODiscovering Useful Structures29b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sentence structures Read the passage and analyse the structures of the underlined sentences.How would you like to go to school and travel the world at the same time?

41、 For Tim, that dream has come true! This term, Tim and his classmates are living on a ship! They take the same subjects as you do, like maths and English. They also learn about ships and the sea. Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them what happened on the ship. Tim loves living on

42、 the ship. Theres always something exciting to do. Ands, after a long day of study, he likes to watch the sun go down and wait for the stars to come out. Studying and doing homework seem much more fun when you are at sea!Discovering Useful Structures30b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Analyse basic sente

43、nce structures Read the passage and analyse the structures of the underlined sentences.n that dream has come truen Tim and his classmates are living on a shipn They also learn about ships and the sean Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them what happened on the ship. n Theres alway

44、s something exciting to do. n Studying and doing homework seem much more fun SVSVSVOSVIODOAVIODOthere beSVPAListening and Talking31b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesLi Ming and Amy are talking about learning strategies. Listen to their conversation and tick w

45、hat Li Ming likes to do. p work in groupsp listen to the teacher and take notes p watch videosp use flash cardsp make mind mapsp keep a learning diaryListening and Talking32b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesLi Ming and Amy are talking about learning strategie

46、s. Listen to their conversation and tick what Li Ming likes to do. Hi, Li Ming. Ready for the test? Do you have any study tips for me?Not really. I just listen to the teacher and take notes.Oh, group work is my favourite way to learn. Im an outgoing person, so I like to discuss things. Talking to ot

47、hers helps me remember things. Im not very good at group work but I have other ways of remembering things. I like using flash cards. Theyre really effective. HmmNotes and flash cardsI think youre a visual learner. Yes, I guess so. I learn best when I look at pictures, so I make mind maps to organize

48、 my thoughts. I keep a learning diary, too. I write down what Ive learnt and my thoughts. It helps me plan my learning and what need to review for exams.Ah, thats a good idea. I want to try that! My friends and I have a study group. We talk about what were learning and help each other. Why dont you

49、join us? Sure. Id like that. Listening and Talking33b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesLi Ming and Amy are talking about learning strategies. Listen to their conversation and tick what Li Ming likes to do. Hi, Li Ming. Ready for the test? Do you have any study

50、 tips for me?Not really. I just listen to the teacher and take notes.Oh, group work is my favourite way to learn. Im an outgoing person, so I like to discuss things. Talking to others helps me remember things. Im not very good at group work but I have other ways of remembering things. I like using f

51、lash cards. Theyre really effective. HmmNotes and flash cardsI think youre a visual learner. Yes, I guess so. I learn best when I look at pictures, so I make mind maps to organize my thoughts. I keep a learning diary, too. I write down what Ive learnt and my thoughts. It helps me plan my learning an

52、d what need to review for exams.Ah, thats a good idea. I want to try that! My friends and I have a study group. We talk about what were learning and help each other. Why dont you join us? Sure. Id like that. Listening and Talking34b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and stra

53、tegiesLi Ming and Amy are talking about learning strategies. Listen to their conversation and tick what Li Ming likes to do. p working in groupslisten to the teacher and take notes p watch videosuse flash cardsmake mind mapskeep a learning diaryp listen to the teacher and take notes p use flash card

54、sp make mind mapsp keep a learning diaryListening and Talking35b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesListen again and answer the questions:1. Why does Amy like group work?She is an outgoing person, so she likes to discuss things. Talking to others helps her remem

55、ber things. 2. How does Li Ming organize his thoughts?He makes mind maps to organize his thoughts. 3. Does Li Ming like to keep a learning diary? Why or why not?Yes, he does. He writes down what he has learnt and his thoughts. It helps him plan his learning and what need to review for exams. Listeni

56、ng and Talking36b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesHow do you learn English? Rate the learning methods below. You can add more of your own to the questionnaire.1.I have learning goals and make plans for my English studies. 2.I exchange learning experience with

57、 my classmates. 3.I take notes while listening and reading.4.I read English newspapers and magazines. 5.I write down new words in my notebook and review them often. 6.I use dictionaries to check for new words. 7.I like to write about what I read or hear in English.8.I like to watch movies in English

58、. Listening and Talking37b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Reflect on your learning styles and strategiesWork in pairs. Share your ideas with your partner and discuss the questions:1. What learning strategies do you and your partner share?2. What is the best strategy for you to learn new words? How about

59、 grammar?3. What is the best way for you to improve your reading skills? How about writing. Reading for Writing38b y b e c k点 击 返 回 目 录点击进入各单元Write a student profileRead the students profiles and discuss the questions. Ann, 15Lakeside High SchoolUSAMy name is Ann Wells and Im a Grade 10 student at L

60、akeside High School. Im an active person and I love sports. Im curious about everything. I often ask questions, but I learn best by doing. My favourite subject is physics. Dancing and skating are my hobbies, and I also like to read short stories. I plan to become an engineer in the future. Reading f


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