



1、2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习语法精品代词考点考点1 人称代词主格与宾格的用法(1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。【真题再现】(1)My grandma still treats me like a child. She cant imagine _ grown up. A. my B. mine C. myself D. me解析:由语境可知“她没想到我已成年了”,应当用宾格me作imagine的宾语;短语形容词grown up(成熟的,成年的)作宾补。答案是D。(2)Catherine bought a postcard of the place she wa

2、s visiting, addressed _ to_ and then posted it at the nearby post officeA. it; her B. it; herself C. herself; her D. herself; herself解析:由address sth. to sb. (在信件或包裹上写上收件人的姓名及地址)可知,Catherine在买来的明信片上写上她自己的姓名及地址。答案是B。(3)I intended to compare notes with a friend, but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even

3、 one minute. A. they B. one C. who D. it解析:句中a friend (=one of my friends) 泛指我的朋友中的任何一个,代替名词my friends,且在but后的并列句中作主语用they。答案是A。(4)Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. Why_? John is sitting there doing nothing. A. him B. he C. I D. me解析:感叹疑问句或省略句中用人称代词的宾格。答案是D提示:下列情况也用宾格:在be后作表语。Who is

4、it? Its me. 谁?是我呀。在单独使用或带not的简略回答中。如:Who broke the cup? 谁打破了杯子?Me! (Not me!)我!(不是我!) I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。Me too. 我也是。在感叹疑问句中做主语,以引起强调。如:You can tell him. 你可以告诉他。Me tell him? Not likely!我告诉他?不可能!在下列之类的祈使句中:Hes got to repay the moneypoor him.他得偿还这笔钱可怜的他呀!考点2 名词性和形容词性物主代词的用法形容词性物主代词只能在名词前作定语,名词性物主代词

5、相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”,在句中作主语、宾语、表语或与of连用作后置定语,但不能作定语。【真题再现】(5)Some of the stamps belong to me, while the rest are _. A. him and her B. his and hers C. his and her D. him and hers解析:在句中作表语,指“他的邮票和她的邮票”用his and her (=his stamps and her stamps)。答案是B。(6)Is your camera like Bills and Anns? No, but its almost t

6、he same as _. A. her B. yours C. them D. their解析:与it(=my camera)相比的应是your camera,与“形容词性物主代词+名词”相当的应是名词性物主代词,yours=your camera。答案是B。(7) The boy promised _mother never to lie to _again. A. his, him B. her, her C. her, him D. his, her解析:形容词性物主代词his作mother的定语;宾格人称代词her作介词to的宾语。答案是D。(8)Kate and her siste

7、r went on holiday with a cousin of _. A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers解析:of要与名词性物主代词一起作定语,排除A和C;又因Kate and her sister是复数,排除D。答案是B。考点3 反身代词的用法反身代词在句中可以作enjoy, teach, hurt, buy, introduce等动词和by, for, to等介词的宾语,还可以作主语或宾语的同位语,可译作“亲自,本人”,但不能作主语。【真题再现】(12)Who called me this morning when I was out?A man ca

8、lling _ Robert. A. him B. himself C. his D.不填 解析:考查反身代词。因为“call sb./oneself+某名”就是“叫某人/自称某名字”;句意是“一个自称罗伯特的人”,用himself。答案是B。(13)You will find as you read fiats book that you just cant keep some of these stones to _. You will want to share them with a friend. A. itself B. yourself C. himself D. themsel

9、ves 解析:主语是you,要用yourself;to oneself是习语,指某人“独自享用,不与他人共享”。答案是B。考点4 指示代词的用法指示词有this, that, these, those等。注意以下4点:(1) this, these是时间或空间上的“近指”,可与here连用;that, those是时间或空间上的“远指”,可与there连用。(2) 指上文提到的事一般用that,有时也用this,指下文的事只能用this。(3) 打电话时,用this来介绍自己,用that来问对方,不用I或you。(4) this和that还可表示程度,意为“如此,那么”,相当于so,作状语。考

10、点5 疑问代词的意义和用法疑问代词有what, which, who, whom, whose等。用法要点如下:1. what除可用来询问人的身份外,一般指物;which可指人也可指物;who, whom, whose一般指人。2 / 4考点6 表示两者和多者的不定代词的比较1. 表示两者“都”用both,表示两者“都不”用neither,表示两者中的“任一”用either。 (20)If you cant decide which of the two books to borrow, why dont you take _? I wont read them this week. A. a

11、ll B. any C. either D. both 解析:由前后语境来看,应是建议对方将两本书都拿去看。答案是D。 (21)You may drop in or just give me a call. _ will do A. Either B. Each C. Neither D. All 解析:由前句可知是指两者中的“任何一个”,用either。答案是A。2. 表示多者“都”用all,表示多者“都不”用none,表示多者中的“任一”用any。4. all单独使用,或者后接一个定语从句,或者前面有物主代词时,意为everything或the only thing(s)。考点7 some, any的用法辨析 表示“一些”,一般说来,肯定句中some,


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