1、英语课前问候篇一:课堂英语篇:上课问候课堂英语篇:上课问候 Hello, guys, our class begins.今天的格雷英语,我们进入到一个全新的话题:课堂英语篇Class English。在英语日趋发展的今天,英语已经成为学生时代必修的课程之一。现在我们来看看英语老师们上英语课时都是怎么开始的。 老师们一走进教室classroom,一般会怎么进行上课问候来开始课程呢。 Beginning a class 1.Good morning,everyone.Class begins.Stand up,please. 同学们,早上好。开始上课,请起立。(大部分老师都会这样上课问候的。看到这
2、样的句子,一定很熟悉吧。) 2.Hello,everybody.Lets get ready for class. 大家好。我们开始上课。 3.Hi,guys.Its time for class. 同学们好。上课时间到了。 4.Hello, boys and girls / children. Lets start now. 同学们好。现在开始上课。 5.Good morning,children.Lets begin our class / lesson. 同学们早上好。我们开始上课。 6.Boys and girls, How are you today? May you have a
3、happy English lesson. 大家好,今天心情好吗?希望大家能愉快的度过今天的英语课。 (也有的老师们为了调节一下课堂的气氛,换用的比较亲切的方式开始上课问候。) 7.Guys,what a nice day it is.Please turn to page 22. 大伙们,今天天气真好的。我们翻到第22页。 (更有的老师,总能迅速的切换话题。跟大家聊完天气后,立马转入上课氛围。) 8.Class starts, girls and boys. Sit down, please. Open your books and turn to page 20. 女孩们男孩们,开始上课。
4、大家请坐。打开书翻到20页。 9.Morning, everyone. Ill call the roll before class. Lucy? 大家早上好。上课之前我点一下名。露西在吗? 10.-May I come in?-Come in, please. Sit down, please. We will start our Lesson 2 today. -我可以进来吗? -请进。请坐好。我今天开始上第二课。 (当刚要上课,突然一个迟到的学生站在门口的对话) 以上就是老师们要上课时的开场白了,也就是上课前地问候语。说不定哪天我们当英语老师时,就能用到了。就算不当老师,也能好好感受一下
5、我们听了不下千百次的上课问候的表达语了。说到这里,是不是脑海里浮现了以前的纯真岁月了呢。Class is over, see you next class.篇二:课前的师生问候是英语课堂的开场 Module 5 Healthy food Unit 1 Have you got any oranges Step 1 Greeting Revision A. Greeting B. Duty report C. Revision : Have you got any sisters?Have you got any borthers? Have you got any 课前的师生问候是英语课堂的开
6、场,而值日报告给了学生人前开口说的锻炼,复习以学的食物单词,要求学生说一说食物的单词,把学生分成水果组;肉类组;蔬菜组;饮料组;各组之间竞赛;为后面的活动做准备, 通过复习 Have you got any句型,调动学生的记忆思维为新内容的学习做好接收准备,充分调动他们的求知欲和学习积极性。 Step 2 Presentation A. 从复习旧知识的环节中自然的过渡到新词汇的学习;利用课件上的图片,给学生展 示新词汇,并通过比赛加强趣味性. B. Practice :group works , drill works (操练) (课件) Step 3 Match the words with
7、 the pictures A. Fill in the blanks (课件)(give a point to the Ss) (比赛加分) B. Check the answers 从听到说,再到写,落实到笔头,巩固了新学的词汇,加深记忆,以比赛的形式,使学生从头至尾保持浓厚的兴趣。 Step 4 Listen and check A. Listen to the tape , B. Listen again and check the answers (课件) (give a point to the Ss) (比赛加分) 以听力来检测所学新词,看谁听得准,看谁记得牢。 Step 5 L
8、isten and Read A. Listen to the tape, and find the answer : Have they got any apples? B. Listen again and check the answer (give a point to the Ss)(比赛加分) C. Open the book ,and read the passagegroup works , drill works (操练) D. Give Ss two mins to do the group work E. Act it out 处理对话是先从听入手,设置一个问题,带着问题
9、听录音,再打开书进行操练,注意点面结合,让每人都开口,最后,上升到表演该对话。 Step 6 writing A . Do the exercise about the passage. (课件) B. check the answers 笔头练习巩固知识点。 Step 7 Grammers A . ask Ss to find out why some words add s(课件) 让学生先找规律,引导学生总结。 B. 小结 Step 8 Practice (外延与拓展) A. writing :do the exersices ,and make sentences (课件) B. Gu
10、ess games C. Sine a song D. 评价 给优胜组以击掌鼓励。 游戏和交际之后,不能只重活动,轻效果,A.笔头练习可以让学生沉静下来,给学生一个思考,整理知识的空间,B.游戏紧紧围绕所学新词和句型,是交际运用,C.最后以轻松的画面和学唱一首食物英文歌结实本课学习。 Step 9 Homework篇三:英语课堂教学用语集锦(比较全) 实用课堂教学用语(一) 1.上课 Class begin./ Its time for class. Lets have / start the lesson. Lets begin our lesson. 2.起立 Stand up. 3.同学
11、们好 Good morning./ afternoon, everyone/ everybody/ boys and girls. 4.请坐 Sit down, please. Please be seated. 5.今天谁值日?Who is on duty today? 6.大家都来了吗?Is anyone absent? 7.出席多少人?How many students are present? 8.班级共有多少人?How many students are there in your class? 9.谁没来? Who is not here? Who isnt at school t
12、oday? Who doesnt come to school today? 10.你知道他为什么没来吗?Whats the matter with him? Do you know? 11.今天几月几日?Whats the date today? 12.今天星期几?What day is it today? 13.今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today? / How is the weather? 14.今天很冷是吧? Its very cold, isnt it? / Its a cold day, isnt it? 15.李雷,去看看是谁?Go and
13、see, Li Lei. 16.请进 Come in, please. 17.请回,下次早点来 Go to your seat, please. But dont be late next time. Go and sit down. Come earlier next time. 18.坐好了,请脱帽 Sit straight, please. Take off your cap, please. 19.讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗? What did you do last Sunday? Can you tell us?Would you please tell us what you
14、 did last Sunday? 20.那么,你能给我们讲一个故事吗?Well, could you tell us a story? 实用课堂教学用语(二) 21.谁愿意到这儿来给大家讲一个故事?Whod like to tell us a story here? 22.到谁的了?Whose turn ( is it )? 23.小张,到你的了,到这来给大家讲个故事 Xiao Zhang, its your turn. Come here and tell us a story. 24.大家注意听,然后就他讲的故事进行问答 Listen to him carefully, then ask
15、 and answer about the story. 25.就你所喜欢的话题进行对话 Make a dialogue in pairs about any topics you like. 26.好了,该学第八课了Well, its time to learn Lesson 8. Well, lets learn the 8th lesson. 27.今天这节课,我们学习新课,第八课 Today in this class well learn a new lesson, Lesson 8. 28.学习新课前,我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语 Before the new lesson Le
16、ts revise the new words and phrases in Lesson 7. 29.拿出练习本来,我们来听写 Take out your exercise books. Lets have a dictation. 30.我叫两个学生到黑板上来写 I ask two students to write on the blackboard. 31.谁愿来写?Any volunteers? Who would like to do it here? Who would like to come here and write on the blackboard? 32.准备好了吗
17、?开始! Are you ready? (Lets ) Begin. 33.就听写到这,把你们写的交上来 So much for the dictation. Please hand them in. 34.现在看图,两人一组进行问答 Now look at the pictures, then ask and answer in pairs.35.谈论这幅图,可多可少 Talk about the picture. You can say more or less. Say something about the picture more or less. 36.表演第七课的对话Act ou
18、t the dialogue in Lesson 7. 37.看教学挂图,回答我的问题 Look at the wall charts and answer my/ the questions. 38.在图上你能看到什么?What can you see in the picture? 39.还有吗?还有什么吗?Anything else / more? Any other things? 实用课堂教学用语(三) 1.看图一,猜一猜发生了什么事? Look at Picture 1, and guess what ( has ) happened? 2.谁能回答这个问题? Who would
19、like to answer this question? Who can answer it? 3.会的举手!Hands up if you can. Put up/ Raise your hands if you know the answer. 4.好,你来答OK, you please. 5.下一个,你请来(答,做) Next / The next one, you please. 6.小李,你能回答这个问题吗?Can you (answer this one), Xiao Li? 7.小林,你呢?(你能回答吗?) What /How about you, Xiao Lin? 8.你来
20、回答这个题好吗?Would you like to / please answer this one? 9.试一试,错了没关系 Just have a try. It doesnt matter if you make any mistake. 10.是否正确?( Is he / that / it )Right or wrong? Yes or no? 11.正确/ 错误 Right./ Yes./ Wrong. / No. 12.正确吗?( Is it / that / he) Right? 13.是的,正确Yes, ( it / he) is right. 14.不,不正确No, ( i
21、t / he) is wrong. 15.谁来再做一次?Who would like/ wants to do it again?16.谁能用另一种方式来做?Who can do/ say it in a different other way? 17.谁有不同观点/ 看法? Who has a different idea/ opinion? 18.你是什么观点?/ 你的看法如何?Whats your opinion? 19.没听清,请你再说一遍( I beg your ) pardon? I didnt hear clearly. Please say it again/ repeat i
22、t. 20.请大声点( A little ) Louder, please. 21.稍慢点读Read ( a bit ) slower. 22.肃静,你们最好不要在课堂上说话 Be quiet./ Keep silent. Youd better not talk in class. 23.管好自己的事/ 别管闲事Mind your own business. 24.不要朝窗外看Dont look out of the window. 实用课堂教学用语 (四) 25.下面学习生词Now word study. 26.注意发音Pay attention to your pronunciation
23、. 27.注意听我说,并观察我的动作,然后猜词意 Listen to me carefully and watch my actions, then guess the meaning of the word. 28.你们听明白/ 懂了吗? Are you clear? Do you catch my idea? 29.这个词是什么意思?Whats the meaning of the word? 30.汉语意思是什么?The Chinese ( meaning). Give the Chinese for it. 31.好了,我们学习第二部分对话 Well, lets come to Par
24、t II, the dialogue. Well, lets come to the dialogue in Part II. 32.下面听录音,听前快速看一下黑板上的问题 Now listen to the tape. Before listening, read through the questions on the blackboard. 33.听音时合上书Close/ Shut your books while listening. Books closed. / shut while listening to the tape. Listen to the tape with yo
25、ur books closed/ shut.Listen to the tape without your books. 34.回答黑板上的问题Answer the questions on the blackboard. 35.我们来核对答案Lets check the answers. 36.一题,哪个正确?No. 1, which one is right? 37.下一个,哪个正确?Next, which is the right answer? 38.最后一题最难,正确答案是C,选对的举手 The last( one ) is the most difficult/ hardest. The right answer is C. Put up your hands if you choose right. 39.再听一遍,并跟着读Listen to the tape again and read after it. Now, once again/ more /over, read after it this time. 40.注意语调Pay attention to your intonation. 41.好啦,就听到
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