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1、二十四式太极拳英文教学二十四式太极拳taiji is one of the chinesetraditionalmartialm:?l arts.long long ago,it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. as an ancient kongfu, taiji includes quan, sword, broadsword, spear, push-hand,etcetera. especially push-hand is well known for its tactic t?ktik an

2、d technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent ?p ?un ?nt being defeated by a smallclever attackor an abruptexplosiveikspl ?usiv power.as a typicalartful chinese kongfu, hand push has been highly popular with the small and weak people.太极拳是中国传统武术之一 , 是很久以前作为一种独特而高深的自卫方法诞生的。作为一种古老的功夫 ,太极包括拳、剑、刀、枪、推

3、手等。尤其是推手,素以技巧闻名 ,强大有力的对手被小而巧妙的攻击或突然的爆发力所击败。作为典型的技巧类的中国功夫 ,推手备受弱小者的青睐 .concentrating on correct posture and breathing control, tai chis movements are fluidflu(:)id, graceful and well balanced, promoting the complete harmony of body and mind. tai chi provides the mental relaxation,ri:l?ksei ? n and ph

4、ysical fitness so essential in our modern stress-filled lives.太极动作流畅、优雅、协调 ,它要求精力集中在正确的姿势和呼吸上,从而全面促进身心平衡。 在这个充满压力的现代社会, 太极所带来的精神放松与身体健康显得尤为重要。tai chi is an unusual form of martial arts whereby we believe in building二十四式太极拳英文教学strength - mental and physical from within, softness is stronger than hard

5、ness, moving in a curvek ?:v is better than a straight line, yielding is more efficient than confronting. it is especially different from western types of sports such as rugbyr ?bi where the harder and quicker the better. tai chi is a sport thatstrengthens the body as well as the mind from within.太极

6、是一项非同寻常的武术运动 ,它由内而外强健我们的身体和心灵。在这项运动中,柔比刚更强,缠绕比直线运动更好,化力比正面冲突更有效。和西方那些追求更快更强的运动如橄榄球不同, 太极强调的是从内而外地强健我们的身体和心灵。no matter you are youngor aged, male or female,no matter strong or weak,slimorplumppl ?mp,you allcan choosetaijiquanasyourideal physicalexercise.when practicingit quietly and slowly, you can s

7、ense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic,ei?r?ubik bath, meanwhile you can alsofeelallthemovementsliketherhythmicallyriemikliuninterrupted waves.taiji-theworldofyinandyang,theworld of the nature and relaxationri:l?ksei? n, will become your wholenew life style in the future.不管男女老少、 强弱胖瘦,

8、你都可以选择太极拳作为你理想的锻炼方法。在安静舒缓的运动中,你能感知空气的存在,仿佛充分享受空气浴,同时你也能感觉到所有动作连绵不断,充满韵律。太极-阴和阳的世界 ,自然和放松的世界 ,必将成为你未来崭新的生活方式。起势 starting posture第一式二十四式太极拳英文教学第二式左右野马分鬃part the wild horses mane on both sides第三式 白鹤亮翅 white crane spreads its wings,第四式 左右搂膝拗步 brush knee and twist step on both sides ,第五式 手挥琵琶 hold the lu

9、te第六式 倒卷肱 forearm rollings on both sides 第七式 左揽雀尾 grasp the birds tail-left side 第八式 右揽雀尾 grasp the birds tail-right side 第九式 单鞭 single whip ,第十式 云手 cloud hands第十一式 单鞭 single whip第十二式 高探马 high pat on horse 第十三式 右蹬脚 kick with right heel , 第十四式 双峰贯耳 twin peaks第十五式 转身左蹬脚 turn and kick with left heel,第十

10、六式 左下势独立 push down and stand on one leg-left style 第十七式 右下势独立 push down and stand on one leg-right style 第十八式 左右穿梭 work at shuttles on both sides第十九式 海底针 needle at sea bottom第二十式 闪通臂 flash the arms第二十一式 转身搬拦捶 turning body, pulling, blocking and pounding第二十二式 如封似闭 apparent close up十字手 cross hands第二十三

11、式二十四式太极拳英文教学第二十四式 收势 closing form 1 起 势 beginning弯腿开步 bent knees, set legs apart.吸气抬臂 inhale, raise arms(呼气)弯腿按掌 exhale, bent knees, lower arms, palms down2 野马分鬃 part the wild horses mane on both side抱球收脚、转身上步、 弓步分手shape arms like carrying a ball, draw back the left feet turn left, stretch the left

12、feet forward step into gong bu,set hands apart 后坐撇脚、抱球上步、弓步分手move upper body backward like sitting on the right leg, rotate the left foot outwardsetball-arms, stretch the right leg forward step into gong bu, set hands apart后坐撇脚、抱球上步、弓步分手 move upper body backward like sitting on the left leg, rotate

13、the right foot outward, set ball-arms, stretch the left leg forward step into gong bu, set hands apart3 白鹤亮翅 white crane spreads its wings跟步抱球take back the right leg, set ball-arms 后坐右转move upper body backward like sitting on the right leg, turn right 左转虚步turn left, empty step上下分手 set hands apart, l

14、ift the right hand, sink the left4 左右搂膝拗步sweep over knee and step forward二十四式太极拳英文教学落脚摆臂、右转抡臂、抬臂抬脚、落脚曲臂、弓步搂推 set the right foot down, wave the arms, turn right and wave arms again, lift the right arm and left foot, set the left foot, bend the right arm, step into gong bu, push the right hand forward

15、, and sweep the left hand over the left knee后坐撇脚、左转抬臂、上步曲臂、弓步搂推 set the gravity center back on the right foot, turn the left foot outward turn left, lift the left arm,move forward, bend the left arm, step into gong bu, push the left arm forward, sweep the right arm over the right knee; 后坐撇脚、右转抬臂、上步曲

16、臂、弓步搂推 set the gravity center back on the left foot,turn the right foot outward turn right, lift the right arm,move forward,bend the right arm, step into gong bu, push the right arm forward, sweep the left arm over the left knee;5 手挥琵琶 playing the lute跟步伸臂move the right leg forward, stretch the left

17、 arm, 后坐搓手set the gravity center back on the right foot, stretch the left arm forward; pull the right hand back to left elbow虚步合抱step into xu bu (left leg in empty toe stance), set arms like playing lute6 倒卷肱 reverse reeling forearm右转展臂、眼看右后、卷肱回看、退步推掌 turn right, stretch the right arm,look back at t

18、he right hand, bend the right arm, look forwardstep backward, push the right arm forward;左转展臂、眼看左后、卷二十四式太极拳英文教学肱回看、退步推掌 turn left, stretch the left arm,bend the left arm, look forward step backward, push left arm forward; 右转展臂、眼看右后、卷肱回看、退步推掌 turn right, stretch the right arm,look back at the right h

19、and, bend the right arm, look forwardstep backward, push theright arm forward; 左转展臂、眼看左后、卷肱回看、退步推掌turn left, stretch the left arm, look back at the left hand, bend the left arm,look forward step backward, push left arm forward;7 左揽雀尾 grasping the sparrows tail- left右转摆臂、抱球收脚、转身上步、弓步捧手、turn right and

20、 swirl the arms.wave arms like carrying a ball, move the left foot towards body.lift the left leg towards left and set the left foot down. step into gong bu, lift and stretch the left arm伸臂下捋、搭手前挤、分手后引、弓步前 按 move arms downward.put the right hand on the left wrist, and pushforwardseparate the hands,

21、and pull backward closer to body8 右揽雀尾 grasping the sparrows tail-right后坐扣脚、 move the gravity center back to the right leg, turn the left foot inwards 转身摆臂、抱球收脚、转身上步、 弓步捧手、 turn right and swirl the arms. wave arms like carrying a ball, and move the right foottowards body. lift the right leg towards

22、right and set the right footdown.step into gong bu, lift and stretch the left arm 伸臂下捋、搭手二十四式太极拳英文教学前挤、分手后引、弓步前按 move arms downward.put the right hand on the leftwrist,and push forwardseparate the hands, and pull backward closer to body9 单鞭 single whip后坐扣脚、转腰摆臂、(左臂平、右臂下)左手翻掌、move the gravity center

23、back to the left leg, turn the right foot inwardsturn the waist left, rotate the arms from right to left. (wave arms across body, left arm at thechest level, right arm at dantian (navel). turn left palm down. 右云摆、缠腕刁手、转身上步、弓步推掌 rotate the arms from left side to the right side. rotate the right wrist

24、 and hook the right hand turn to left andstep into gong bu push left hand forward10. 云手 wave hands like clouds后坐扣脚、 转腰下摆、松勾变掌、向左云摆、 翻掌并步(1) move the gravity r?v ?ti center into the bent right leg, turn the left foot inwards rotate the waist, move the left hand in downward arc unfold the hook hand an

25、d rotate arms left-wardsturn over palms, move the right legclose to the left one (1)向右云摆、翻掌开步、向左云摆、翻掌并步( 2) rotate arms right-wards, turn over palms, step the left leg far from the right onerotate arms left-wards, turn over palms, step the right legclose to the left one. (2) 向右云摆、翻掌开步、向左云摆、翻掌并步(3)二十

26、四式太极拳英文教学rotate arms right-wards, turn over palms, step the left leg far from the right leg. rotate arms left-wards, turn over palms, step the right leg close to the left leg. (3)11. 单鞭 single whip向右云摆、缠腕刁手、转身上步、弓步推掌rotate the arms from left side to the right side rotate the right wrist and hook the

27、 right hand turn left and step into gong bu push left hand forward12. 高探马 high pat on horse跟步翻掌、(眼看右后)曲臂后坐、虚步探掌draw the right foot forward a half-step, the right hand changes from a beaked hand into an open hand, upward. (eyes on right hand)withdraw the right arm andmove forward, set the gravity cen

28、ter on right leg stop the right hand at face level, with the palm facing out and away move the left hand in a downward arc to the dantian(navel) level unfold the left hand and stretch it forward, with the left leg in an empty heel stance13. 右蹬脚 kick with right heel穿掌抬脚 put the left hand above the ri

29、ght hand lift the left leg and step forward 撇脚架掌、分手绕环、 turn the left foot outwards, crossthe hands at face level swirl both arms outwards in a circle 搭手上步、二十四式太极拳英文教学cross the left hand over the right hand step the right leg forward tobring the right foot next to the left foot 举臂分手右蹬(右前 30 度)lift bo

30、th arms, push hands apart, and kick with right heel14. 双峰贯耳 struck opponents ears with both fists垂落并手、 hang down the hands, and make parallel palms落脚收掌、land the right foot, and draw both hands back to waist (腰间变拳)弓步贯拳 (close the open hands into fists at waist) step forward into gong bu, circle the a

31、rms outwards draw fists together at the head leveland strike15. 转身左蹬脚 turn and kick with left heel后坐扣脚、move the upper body back and turn the right foot inwards 转身摆臂、( 松开右拳) turn over180 degrees counterclockwise and wave the left arm, (loosen the right fist) 收脚搭手、举臂分手左蹬take back the left foot and cro

32、ss the right hand over the left at dan tjan levelliftboth arms, and separatehands at face level, with left arm at front and right arm back at shoulder height kick with the left heel16. 左下势独立 left snake creeps down & golden rooster stands on one legput down the leftleg, and rotate the leftfoot落脚内扣、重心

33、左移二十四式太极拳英文教学towards insidemove the gravity center into the left leg. 左臂右摆、刁手靠掌 ave the left arm towards righthook the right hand and attach the left hand to the hook wrist重心右移、左腿撤步move the gravity center towards right and withdraw the left leg下势穿掌、重心前移creep down with palm thrust and move the gravit

34、y center forward后扣翻勾、左脚撇正turn the left foot inwards,rotate the right hand and turn over the hook rotate the left foot towards the front独立挑掌put up the right leg and stand on the left one erect the right hand(左掌上抬下按)(turn over the left hand and push it down.) (右臂前摆挑掌) (rotate the right arm towards the

35、 front and erect the right palm erect theright hand)17. 右下势独 right snake creeps down & golden rooster stands on one leg右脚内扣、落左脚外rotate the right foot inwards and land it outside the left one重心右移、右臂左摆move the gravity center towards right and rotate the right arm towards left刁起左勾、靠上右掌raise the left ar

36、m and hook the left hand attach the right hand to the hookedwrist 重心左移、右腿撤步move the gravity center towards left and withdraw the right leg下势穿掌、重心前移creep down with palm thrust and move the gravity center forward后扣翻勾、右脚撇正turnthe left foot inwardsrotate the left hand and turn over the hook. rotate二十四式太

37、极拳英文教学the right foot towards the front.独立挑掌 lift the left leg and stand on the right one erect the left hand(右掌上抬下按)(turn over the right hand and push it down.)(左臂前摆挑掌)(rotate the left arm towards the front and erect the left hand)18. 左右穿梭 fair lady weaves shuttles左前 30 度、落脚抱球land the left foot in t

38、he eleven oclock direction and set ball-arms右前 30 度、上步架推turn the right leg towards the one oclock direction step into gong bumove the gravity center into the rightset up the right arm and push the left hand out 后坐搂摆、右前抱球move the gravity center back into the left leg. rotate the left arm and set ball

39、-arms 左前上步、弓步架推land the left foot in the eleven oclock direction with gravity center left side step into gong bu set up the left arm and push the right hand out19. 海底针 needle at the sea bottom跟进半步、 后坐下摆draw the right foot forward a half-stepset the gravity center back on the right leg, and swing the

40、 arms back towardsright 抽手抬脚、虚步搂手插掌draw the right hand, and lift the left foot step into a left toe stancesweep left hand over the left knee, andpoke the right one二十四式太极拳英文教学20 闪通背 flashing the arms like a fan搭手抬脚、落脚翻掌、弓步撑臂attach the left hand inside the right wrist, and lift the left footset down the left foot, and turn right palm outstep into gong bu, and put up two arms(角度方位 12 点 45 分) arms in shape of angle 12:45. (角度方位 12 点 45 分)21 转身搬拦捶de


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