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1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水六年级英语毕业考试试卷三套 【导语】考试既是知识的检测,又是意志的磨炼。每一位同学要科学对待考试。考试时要紧张但不能过于紧张,要沉着冷静,应临场不乱,不犯低级错误,切忌看错、写错。要对自己充满信心,认真分析试题,仔细推敲,先易后难。我准备了以下内容,供大家参考。 篇一 listening part(听力部分)38% 一、listen and circle. 听句子,圈出听到的单词。10% 1. skate skirt shirt 2.driver doctor actor 3. talk take tell 4. watch water wash 5.

2、fresh fall fail 6. angry hungry hurry 7. washed watched catched 8. work walk wake 9. stop shop drop 10.seed sweet sweep 二、listen and tick. 根据听到的句子,选择正确的答案。8% 三、listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。10% ( )1. a. hes an engineer. b. hes tall and strong. c.hes a artist. ( )2. a. shes fine. b. he has a fever.

3、c. he feels excited . ( )3. a. oct. 1st . b. june 1st. c. jan. 1st. ( )4. a. i like singing. b. he likes collecting stamps. c. he likes grapes. ( )5. a. shes watching tv. b. she often watches tv. c. she planted trees. 四、listen and write .(听音,填入所缺的单词) 10% there are _people in my family. look at my ,

4、hes a .he works in a . his favourite sports is_.my mother is a . she works in a . she likes_.my parents go to work by . im a . i go to school on foot . what about your family ? can you tell me , please ? writing part(笔试部分)62% 五、read and choose. 拼读音标,将填入相应的括号中。6% a b c d e f scarf actress doctor post

5、card clothes magazine ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、read and circle. 圈出不属于同类的单词。8% 1. older younger taller brother 2.school student factory shop 3.swim skate summer sleep 4. cucumer tomato grapes potato 5. month arm leg tail 6. magazine museum dictionary newspaper 7.cook clean reporter artist 8.leaves t

6、iger flower sprout 七、look and choose. (根据问句,选择正确的答句) 8% ( ) 1. how is your brother? a. 130yuan. ( ) 2. whats your new english teacher like? b. she is young and strong. ( ) 3. how does your father go to work? c. hes fine. ( ) 4. where does your sister work? e. no,they arent. ( ) 5. where is the cinem

7、a? f. yes,he does. ( ) 6. are john and mike playing chess? h. near the post office. ( ) 7. how much is your shirt? i. she works in a bank. ( ) 8. does mike go to school on foot? g. he goes to work by car. 八、read and write. 看图,将句子补充完整。6% 1. they go to school _ _. 2. where is the cinema? its _ to the

8、hospital. 3. i like _ best. because i can _ a snowman. 4. i often _ pictures on the weekends. 5. i like _leaves. 6. what is he doing? hes _. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 九、read and choose. 选择正确的答案。8% ( )1. lucy is 42kg . kate is 46kg. so lucy is _than kate. a. thinner b. younger c. fatter ( )2. she likes _ to

9、music. a. listens b. listening c. listen ( )3. the traffic light is yellow , you may _. a. stop b. wait c. go ( )4. my throat _ sore, my nose _. a. is, hurt b. are, hurts c. is hurts ( )5. where are you going this weekend ? im going to _. a. shanghai b. by plane c. yesterday ( )6. i like _. because

10、its cool, i can fly kites . a. fall b. summer c. spring ( )7. the national day is in _. a. october b. june c. september ( )8. where does the cloud come from? it comes from the _. a. clouds b. water c. vapour 十、make sentences. 连词成句。10% 1. go, usually, i , work , to, by, bus (.) _ 2. to, are, going, w

11、eekend, the, you, what, do, on (?) _ 3. look, so, you, angry (.) _ 4. birthday, may , his , in, is (?) _ 5. writing, tom , the, study, is, an , in, e-mail (.) _ 十一、read and judge. 阅读判断。对的写t ,错的写f .5% yesterday was sunday . it was a fine day . the sun was shinning . the sky was blue . mike got up at

12、six . he watered the flowers and did some exercises . then he woke helen up . an hour later , they went to the beihai park by taxi. the park is very beauiful. they had lunch on the grass . then they went boating . mike rowed well , but helen rowed faster than him . they rowed for a long time . they

13、went back at 4:30 . after they got hme , they helped their mother with housework . they had a good time yesterday . ( ) 1. yesterday was a sunny day . ( ) 2. helen got up earlier than mike . ( ) 3. mike and helen went to the beihai park by taxi . ( ) 4. mike rowed as fast as helen . ( ) 5. when they

14、 got home , they didnt help their mother with housework . 十二、read and answer. (根据短文,回答问题) 5% this is billy and his sisters bedroom. its not very big, but it is very clean. there are two beds in the room. there is a desk between the beds. there are some books on the desk. some are english books. some

15、 are chinese books. there is a phone on the desk, too. there are two chairs beside the desk. one is for billy, andthe other is for his sister. there is a map of america on the wall. there is a map of the world on the wall, too. billy and his sister like their bedroom very much. 1whose bedroom is it?

16、 its _bedroom. 2. whats on the desk? there are_on the desk. 3. where are the chairs? its_the desk. 4. how many maps are there on the wall? _. 5. do they like their bedroom? _. 十二、作文。my weekend.根据所给的图,写5-6句话。6% 篇二 一、语音、词汇。(34%) (一)、在括号里用阿拉伯数字标出下列单词在词典中的先后顺序,并在划线上写出它们的中文意思。(5分) ( )clean ( )kitchen ( )

17、evening ( )watermelon ( )colour _ (二)、根据所给单词的读音写出相应单词,并将中文意思写在括号里。(5分) bju:tfl tde wt swit sw ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (三)、根据所给单词首字母填入单词,使句子合理、通顺。(10分) 1、how l_are your pants? t_ are 82cm. 2、w_ is the matter? my throat is s_. my nose h_. 3、w_ did you go on your holiday? i went to xinjiang. what a_ you? 4

18、、sarahs mother is going to buy a n_ dress for her. so she is very h_. 5、turn left at the cinema, then go s_. (四)、根据首字母提示填入文中所缺单词。(10分) my name is jack. i am a p_ of grade one. im in no.1 middle s_. on _ i get up at six oclock. i have b_ at seven and then i go to school by bike. we begin our class at

19、 eight oclock in the m_. we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. at noon, i have l_ at home. classes are o_ at four fifteen in the afternoon. after class, we often p_ football in the afternoon. i go home at about five. i have supper at about six thirty in the evening. i do my

20、 homework at seven thirty. at w_, i watch tv. i often go to bed at ten. im very h_. (五)、根据上下文,写出下列句子划线部分的中文意思。(4分) 1、we are going to have a picnic. _。 2、tom, please help me to answer the phone. _。 3.according to the weather report, it will snow tomorrow. _。 4.tom, please help yourself. _。 二、句型、情景表达。

21、(35%) (一)、选择填空,将选项的序号填在题前的括号里。(10%) ( )1、when do you eat _ ? i eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. abreakfast blunch c.dinner ( )2.can you _ the bed? no,icant. a.make b.take c.think ( )3.there _ a man and two women in the room. a.are b.is c.was ( )4_ is the date today? a.which b.what c.how ( )5.there

22、 are many _in the zoo. a.duck b.cow c.sheep ( )6.i ate _ egg and went to school with _ book in hand. a. / ; a b. an , / c. an, a ( )7.its time _ get up. a.for b.about c.to ( )8the 2021 olymic game was held _ august, 2021. a.on b.in c.about ( )9whats your math teacher like? a.i like him. b.he is very

23、 funny. c.he is very young. ( )10.there is a bridge _ the river. a.on b.over c.in (二)、判断下列句子是否正确。正确的打“”,如有错漏,打,写出正确的句子。(4分) 1.my apple is biger than yours.( ) 2.lisa likes playing piano.( ) 3.my hobby is collect stamps.( ) 4.do she teach english?( ) (三)、根据所给情景写句子。(9分) 1.你告诉笔友,你的叔叔比你爸爸瘦和矮,你会说: _。 2.你

24、告诉你的朋友你也不喜欢吃鱼,你会说: _。 3.你朋友告诉你他最爱的颜色是紫色,你问他为什么喜欢紫色,你会说: _。 4.你的同学告诉你他有一个自己的卧室,你问他,你的卧室有多大,你会说: _。 5.john告诉你他最近长高了不少,你想知道他现在多高,你会说: _。 6.你的朋友穿了一件很好看的新衣服,你想知道要多少钱,你会问: _。 (四)、连词成句。用所给的单词组成一组问答句(6分) 1.want, skirt, yes, can, help, you, i, i, to, see, that ?. _。 2.ok, thirty-five, we, them, they, are, yu

25、an, take, will ?. _。 (五)、根据实际情况回答问题。(6分) 1.what does your aunt do? _. 2.wheredoyoulive? _. 三、阅读理解与书面表达。31% (一)、根据首字母,填单词,一格一词。(11分) my name is sally white. i am a s _ girl. my school is far from my h_. everyday it t_ l_ time to get there. the r_ is not flat. so i can not go to school by bike. i ofte

26、n go there by bus or on f_. it takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an h_ on foot. i m_ get up very every morning. i have no t_ for breakfast at home. i often eat something for breakfast on the w_. i dont want to be l_ for school. (二)、阅读下列短文。根据短文内容完成下列各题。(12分) a there are four people in t

27、he twins family. they are the twins, their father and their mother. the twins names are lucy and lily. they are fourteen. they are in the same class in the middle school. they are very good students. they not only work very hard but also sing very well. they want to join the music club. lucy wants t

28、o play the piano. lily can play the guitar. their father, mrking, is a teacher. he teches english in a school near his home. their mother, mrsking, is a teacher, too. she teaches chinese. mr and mrs king are in different schools. but they have the same hobbyplay the guitar. 根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。(6分) (

29、)1、the twins are very good at math. ( )2、the twins not only like drawing but also like music. ( )3、their parents both are teachers and like playing guitar. ( )4、their mother teaches in a school near their home. b mrs. jones was a teacher. her house was not far from her school, and she often walked t

30、here in the morning. all the students in the school were very young. one cold and windy morning in october, mrs. jones walked to school. the cold wind went into here yes and big tears began to run out of them. she reached the school, opened the door and went into the classroom. it was nice, warm the

31、re and mrs. jones was happy. but then as mall boy looked at her for sometime, put his arms round her and said(说):“ dont cry, mrs. jones. school isnt very bad.” 根据短文内容来回答问题: ( )1.mrs. jones was a teacher and she ususally went to school _ a. on foot. b. by train. c. by bus. d. by bike. ( )2._when she

32、went to school one morning. a. it was hot. b. it was windy and cold. c. it was sunny. d. it was snowing. ( )3.why did big tears begin to run out of hereyes? a. because she was very cold. b. because she was very sad. c. because the cold wind went into hereyes. d. because she was very happy. ( )4.thec

33、lassroomwas_. a. cold b. cool c. warm d. hot (三)书面表达: 以ourschool为题,描述一下你们的学校,例如图书馆在哪,计算机室在哪,教室办公室在哪等等。(8分) 要求: 条理清晰,意思连贯,书写工整,不少于6句话。 _ _ 篇三 一、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中(5分) ( ) 1. a. open b. look c. sit d. nice ( ) 2. a. england b. chinese c. china d.us ( ) 3. a.flute b. guitar c. hot dog d. drum ( ) 4.

34、a.pen b. pencil c. book d.watermelon ( ) 5. a.sunny b. warm c. windy d. duck 二、英汉互译(10分) 1.middle school_ 2.make a mistake_ 3.all over the world_ 4.ride a bike_ 5.fly away_ 6.举行野餐_ 7.小心_ 8.棒球帽_ 9.说汉语_ 10.在太空中_ 三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式 (10分) (1)watch(过去式)_ (2)go(过去式)_ (3)see(过去式)_ (4)sing(过去式)_ (5)spend(过

35、去式)_ (6)teach(单三式)_ (7)make(现在分词)_ (8)swim(现在分词)_ (9)fly(过去式)_ (10)do(第三人称单数形式)_ 四、单项选择(20分) ( )1.were looking _ some ducks. a. in b. at c. near ( )2.shes _ her homework. a. do b. did c. doing ( )3. the _ are playing in the park. a. child b. childs c. children ( )4. look! the boys are walking _ the

36、blackboard. . a. to b. up c. in ( )5.who _ help me. sorry, i cant. a. can b. cant c. should ( )6. how are you, mike? you look so_. its raining outside. i cant play football. a. happy b. excited c. sad ( )7. helen keller_ born in america. a. was b. were c. is d. are ( )8.did you _ pictures yesterday?

37、 a. take b. took c. taking ( )9. i_ my room and watched tv . a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning ( )10. the ducks _ in the water . a. is swimming b. are swiming. c. are swimming ( )11当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说 a.thank you very much. b.sorry. c.goodbye. ( )12.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问: a.how much is a hot dog? b. here you

38、are. c. c.how much is a hamburger? ( )13今天是小明的生日,你会对他说: a.happy new year! b.happy chirstmas! c.happy birthday! ( )14.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说: a. can i help you ? b. who can help me? c. i can help you. ( ) 15、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:_ a、how long are you ? b、how tall are you ? c、how large are you ? ( )16、were

39、 going to -chinese. a. speaking b. speak c. speaks d. making ( )17、 a dog _ under that tree. a. sleeping b, is sleeping c, sleep ( ) 18、 i want _ some tea ,please . a. to drink b. drink c. drinking ( ) 19、as a baby, helen couldnt see hear. a. and b. or c. but ( ) 20、how much is it ? it is _. a, thir

40、teen dollar and one cents. b. thirteen dollars and one cents. c. thirteen dollars and one cent. 五、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.what do you want_(eat)? 2.its 4:00 now. lets_(go)home. 3.we_(buy) some delicious food tomorrow. what about you? 4.look!the birds_(sing) in the tree. 5.they are too heavy. i cant_(car

41、ry)them all. 6.my mother_(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year. 7.he saw his father in space and he _(be)very proud of him. 8、i_(eat) an ice cream last night. 9.they _(come)to the airport to meet their friend, tom next monday. 10.he sometimes_(read) a book about famous people. 六、从方框中选出正确的句子,并将句子序号填写在横线上(5分) a.hi b. its twenty yua


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