



1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水2017六年级期末考试题【英语上册】 【导语】期末考试是指每个学期快结束时,学校往往以试卷的形式对各门学科进行该学期知识掌握的检测,对上一学期知识的查漏补缺,一般由区或市统考,也可能是几个学校进行联考。我准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮助! class_ name_ mark_ 一、 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(5%) (d )1、a. nameb. bagc. at d. and (d )2、a. ten b. desk c. bed d. me ( b)3、a. live b. his c. five d. fish ( c)4、a. on b

2、. no c. shop d. not ( a)5、a. use b. muchc. but d. lunch 二、选出最恰当的答案,把序号写在左边括号里)(20%) ( a )1how do you go to school? a. i go to school on foot.b. the school is next to the hospital. c.i am going to the cinema. ( a )2.what is your hobby? a.i like making kites. b.she goes to work by bus. c.next to the h

3、ospital. ( a )3. does she watch tv at night? a. yes, she does. b. yes, she goes to school on foot. c. no, i go to the park at night. ( b )4.turn left at the cinema, then _. its on the left. a.our school b.go straight c.green light ( a )5. at the red light. a. stop b. go c. wait ( b )6.excuse me. whe

4、re is the cinema? _. a.i am a cleaner. b. next to the bookstore . c.i am going outside. ( b )7.toms mother teaches english. what does his mother do? a.she is a policewoman . b.she is a teacher. c.she goes to work by car. ( b ) 8. when does she go to school? a.she works in beijing. b. she goes to sch

5、ool at 7:30. c. yes, she does. ( b )9what are you going to do this afternoon? a yes, he does.b. i am going to play football.c. he likes collecting stamps. ( c ) 10.does your pen pal live in shanghai? a. i like diving.b. he is tall and strong. c. yes, he does. ( b )11. im going to buy an english book

6、 . a. magazine b. this afternoon c. at ( b )12. where are you going this afternoon? _. a.next to the shoe store. b. im going to the bookstore. c.he is going to visit grandparents. ( b )13.where does he work? a.his hobby is painting. b.he works in a car company. c.he is a singer. ( b ) 14. his mother

7、 is _ actress and his father is _ good engineer. a. an, anb. an, a c. a, an ( c ) 15. -_ are you going tomorrow? -im going to school. a. whenb. what c. where ( b ) 16. he likes _. he can _ very well. a. painting, painting b. painting, paint c. paint, painting ( b ) 17. little water drop feels very h

8、ot. so it _. a. falls down b. goes up c. goes down ( a ) 18.in australia, drivers drive on the _ side of the road. a. right b. left c. straight ( a ) 19. please come to my _ birthday party. a. twelve b. twelfth c. twelveth ( a ) 20 turn right _ the bank, then look _ me near the school gate. a. at, f

9、orb. at, on c. on, for 四、连词成句。10% 1 do how you to go school ? how do you go to school? 2. farhere is it from? is it far from here? 3. she your teach does math ? do she teach your math? 4. he in car factoryworks a. he works in a car factory. 5. comesthe it from riverinwaterthe . it comes from the water in the river. 五、看图填信息(10%)。 六、读一读,给对话排序。 (7) ( 7) which bus? ( 6 ) i get there by bus. ( 2 ) im going to visit the


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