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1、本科毕业论文(设计)安徽大学教务处制2the analysis of tess and her tragedyacknowledgementsthis paper is accomplished under the patient and rigorous supervision of my respected supervisor, chen yanqin. i am grateful to her for her directions and valuable suggestions and constant encouragement throughout the writing of

2、this paper. firstly, she made a lot of corrections as to the language and form of the paper, gave me suggestions on how to write the paper and how to make it better and improved some ideas in my paper. moreover, she gave a lot of encouragement during the finishing of this paper. without her supervis

3、ing, this paper would never have come to the present form.id also like to express my thanks to all my teachers in the school of foreign studies who gave me a lot of knowledge concerning language, literature, linguistics and translation theories in my four-year study in this university. their lecture

4、s have broadened my knowledge and horizon. i have benefited a lot from their teaching which is of great help for my study.at last, my gratitude goes to my friends with whom i often have discussion. they gave me a lot of suggestions and inspirations which are of great help to the writing of this pape

5、r.、abstracttess is a tragic image of love created by thomas hardy. tess represented the sacrifice of that age. she takes on the burden of her whole family as a 17-year-old girl. tess is humiliated by alec and abandoned by angel. from the point of rural culture this paper explores the reason of the t

6、ragedy in depth by studying the characteristics of rural life, the atmosphere of traditional culture and the background of the era. by interpreting the influence of rural culture on tess and her tragic fate, this paper holds that the characters of purity, kindness, industry, bravery performed by tes

7、s and the spirit of sacrifice for family, fatalistic thinking and traditional morality are all subject to the great impact of the rural culture, which eventually led to the tragedy of tess.key words: tess of the durbervilles; sacrifice; rural culture; tragedies分析苔丝以及造成她的悲剧的原因9摘 要苔丝是一个被托马斯哈代创造的典型的爱人形

8、象,代表了那个时代的牺牲形象。苔丝在17岁时就扛起了整个家庭的重担。苔丝被艾克羞辱,并被安格抛弃。从乡村文化的角度出发,在研究德伯家的苔丝的乡村特色和传统的文化氛围以及时代背景下,深度的挖掘苔丝悲剧命运的原因。苔丝所表现的纯洁,善良,勤劳,勇敢为家人牺牲及她的想法和传统思想观念,无疑受到了乡村文化的影响,是最终导致苔丝悲剧命运的原因。关键词:徳伯家的苔丝; 牺牲; 乡村生活; 悲剧thesis statement: the rural culture and the traditional life lead to tesss tragedy. outlinei. introduction1i

9、i. literature review 3iii. subjective analysis of tess and her tragedy4a. tess4b. alec6c. angle7iv.objective analysis of tess and her tragedy8a. social convention and religions8b. moral and religious factor10v. conclusion12bibliography149the analysis of tess and her tragedy 1.论文完成时间: 2012年4月21日;作者:

10、朱其娟;出生年月:1990年12月;民族:汉族;籍贯:安徽 蚌埠;专业:经济统计i. introductionbefore the characters are analyzed a brief introduction of the novel is necessary. tess is the eldest girl of the durbeyfields, which includes her parents and her seven younger sisters and brothers. her family is poor; and father thinks that he

11、is too high- born to work so as to support his family, that merely because he learned that he was descended from the famous d ubriville line. hoping to receive help from the famous dubriville relatives tess went to the so-called relatives: a blind mother and a dapper son alec. there she got no help

12、but turned out to be a servant, and worse still, she was seduced and possessed by the relative alec. tess was deeply hurt in her heart and humiliated for that, and then escaped back for help. but the family did no help and she went to a dairy farm far in the south there she became a dairymaid, parti

13、ally to escape alec, partially to earn money for her family. there she gave birth to a baby, but it died after several months. later on she met another boy angel clare, a pastors son. they all became captures of love together. but tess was afraid of love so she rejected angel several times and she t

14、hought that she was unworthy of angel s love due to her unfortunate experience with alec. at last she failed to reject and on the night before their wedding she had to write a letter and put it under angel s door to tell him her past in order to avoid sadness in case angel could not accept her truth

15、. unfortunately angel didnt read the letter and married her without knowing her past. on their wedding night angel told tess his debauchery of an evening before, tess forgave him and told him about her dead baby pitifully. she forgot her mothers warning that never let her future husband know about h

16、er past because she believed that angel also would forgive her as she had him. but it was not the case at all, angel stunned, he could not accept tess. then he took her back her home and he left to brazil. under financial pressure tess had to work from place to place, her life was uneasy. alec in th

17、e meantime had repented of his sins and has become an itinerant preacher. they met again and alec could not help himself from lust after tess. they lived together for tess wrote to angel but got no reply for a long time. alec was kind to tess and very generous to her family. angel learned that tess

18、has lived with alec after returning from brazil. he divorced tess. tess regarded alec as source of her sadness and unhappiness; in a passion she stabbed him when he was sleeping. finally angel forgave her everything and then went away together. after a few days with her beloved husband she has got r

19、eady for her punishment. she stood up directly and faced her capture without thinking of escaping, she was not afraid.ii. literature review tess is a typical fallen woman according to the victorian norms for she losses her virginity before marriage,becomes all unmarried mother and later a mistress a

20、nd a murderessbut the subtitle of the novel ironically is:a pure woman faithfully presented by thomas hardy natural beautytess is usually considered to be the best of hardys novels and also the one with the richest connotationskarl weber commented that nobody would doubt that its his greatest novel.

21、 tess,the protagonist of the novel is the most memorable female character in hardys heroines since its publication in1891,it has always been bearing a strong appeal for readers and has been drawing attention from literary criticsit invited different schools of critical theories and has been subjecte

22、d to a multitude of interpretationsarchetypical approaches are intended to find out the biblical and mythical archetypes prevailing in tesss themes,characters,structures,plots,images and symbolsprofessor zhou zhongxin has made a full analysis of angel clare,one of the main characters in tess,to reve

23、al the complex mental activities and dual personality of angle clare by comparing him with angel in the bible and apollo in greek mythology in his essay“the multidimensional image ofangel”materialist critics concentrate their attention on the historical,social,aesthetic and ideological factors of th

24、e noveldarwinist critics attempt to dig up the root of the profound sociality of the tragedy from the perspective of darwins theory of biological origin,competition and evolution because hardy always drew in his works the deterministic notion from darwin that human life was preconditioned by such fo

25、rces as heredity and environment over which man had no control.iii. subjective analysis of tess and her tragedytess was a poor peasant girl who wanted to rely on her hands to pursuit individual happiness right, but the power forces of society cant letting off a weak girl, in the end caused her trage

26、dy. in this novel, the great intense counter- religion, ant feudal moral, counter- bourgeoisie law tendency,although meet opposition in the english upper society, received loving of the common readers. research this novel can let us know the view of morality and ethic in the hypocritical bourgeoisie

27、 in the britains victorian era, tesss tragedy is due to the moral root of society and the stable view of women chastity in the society which male is center. in sharp opposition this view when hardy guiding tesss behave of mind, the critique spear point refers society and christian church which prote

28、ct this view. we are feeling that imagine put writers discussion in the britains victorian era more than one hundred years ago , we amazing the avant-garde mind of hardy, he melted this kind of mind at times when he create tess this character, from that only then entrusts with this image richer conn

29、otation and the more profound social critique. this book became the one of the most great works in the late of victorian era, because it boldly expose hypocritical moral in the capitalist society and condemned the capitalism in the late 19th century caused impoverishment and decay of small farmers i

30、n rural england .a. tesstess of the durbervilles was a very influential work of hardy, which told the tragic life story of a beautiful country girl. tess was a poor peasant girl. sent by her mother to claim kindred with a more prosperous branch of the durbervilles family, she was seduced by the youn

31、g master of the house, alec, and had to return home in disgrace. after giving birth to a child who died in infancy, she went to work as wage-laborer at a dairy farm at talbothays. there she met angel clare, a son of clergyman, and he felled in love with her and married her. on the wedding night, tes

32、s and clare told each other about their pasts, and clare, after hearing tesss confession left her abruptly for brazil. poverty forced tess to seek for work and she worked for a long time at a capitalist farm at flint comb-ash where she was insulted and oppressed by the master. then the news of her f

33、athers death and the expulsion of her family from their cottage drove her to seek for assistance from alec, and the latter, now a preacher, soon resumes his former illicit relations with her. angel clare returned repentant and ready to be reconciled to tess, but the girl found that her living with a

34、lec hinders her from returning to clare. she killed alec and then was speedily arrested, tried and hanged.b. alecin this novel to male leading characters description has reflected at that time the capitalist society darkness and false capitalism morals view. alec is the emerging bourgeoisies represe

35、ntatives; he is representing the bourgeois societys authority, the wealth and the evil, tesss tragic life reason to him.his father is a rich merchant, but after crown by aristocrat durbervilles surname。this young man lay on his fathers money and power dominates the native place. when he meets tess,

36、the dissolute lascivious countenance is completely unmasked; he supposes the snare that destroyed young girls pure and chaste and the life happiness. harms others to benefit him, resorts to all means to satisfy own absurd fleshly desires, and not only displayed the countryside landlord classs essent

37、ial characteristic, but also manifested the property realistic characteristic. although afterwards he changed in old pastor clare help next evilly reforms, however, several dozens years abuse eradicates by no means. when he meets tess again, has temptations regeneration. alec in order to control tes

38、s even uses the money and the power and influence strength to cause region which liver tesss family is in has no home. it can be said, tesss life is the might and the violence victim which the alec thunder represents.if someone says alec representatives evil force is the direct reason to cause tesss

39、 tragedy, then the traditional ethics morality survives on angel clare devastates to tess is one kind invisible, the more fearful spirit injures. if we say because the alec thunder ferocious adversary caused the chastity losing to bring the deep pain to tess, but has not been able to disappear the d

40、esire and the future hope of her live.c. angleangel clare is a complex artistic image. on his body, not only has the certain enlightened thought, but also is retaining the traditional moral prejudice. although he born in a pastor family, not willing to be a pastor serves for god, he is willing to wo

41、rk at farming, serves for the humanity. he despises the class prejudice and the rank idea, tires of abandons the metropolis lively life, he wants to go the country to do the arduous physical labor as those farmers, tries hard to grasp each kind of class the agricultural technology. in nature bosom,

42、he feels the village life is simple and fresh when he stays with the innocent peasant family young girls. in treats feminine and in the love question, he mild-mannered and cultivated, serious and earnest, pay more attention on emotion, all of these are different with alec. this explanations he was t

43、he bourgeois intellectuals who has the free thought at that time,but he departs from to this social class also is extremely limited, he will be engaged in the agricultural production the goal is for later to be a large landed estate. he contacts with tess has not always abandoned the traditional ide

44、as the fetter. he not only as soon as starts to recognize tess could be a good steward in the future, the most important is he love tess not like her to love his such selfless and sincere. in his eyes, tess is “natures new born daughter”, however, once she confessed the insult to him which receives,

45、 then on his body preserves the inherent morals have strangled in his heart the real sentiment. although he also have had the profligate behavior, and obtained tesss forgiving, but actually is not willing to forgive originally innocent tess. this indicated his hearts core traditional morals ethics i

46、dea ingrained, he regards a woman from traditional chastity view to be chaste or not, this has given tess by devastating attack. clare lived in such conditions which the masculine authority played an important role in traditional society. angel clare was one of the victims of this society. at that a

47、ge, women were regarded as being subordinate in the household. the chastity for them is the most important thing. the traditional view on chastity considered a womans chastity as the prerogative of her husband. if the women lost her virtue, she must be immoral. on the one hand the male made the mora

48、l standards for the female, demanding of the female to be pure and virginal; on the other hand, the male indulged himself in sexual matters. they demanded that the most magnanimous act the female had should be chastity; nevertheless, those who broke the womens chastity were the males themselves. tha

49、t is to say, only the males in that society were right. the female could say nothing for his wrong. so tess asking clare “forgive me as you are forgiven! i forgive you. angel” (hardy, 1993) would become the impossibility.a persons way of seeing things plays an important role all his life. angel clar

50、e was born in a rich pastoral family, the so-called “pure” in his mind was so ingrained that he could not accept tesss past. he considers her as a fallen women? clare was also such a man with a ridiculous point that a man could have affair with many girls but a girl must keep being a virgin before s

51、he becomes a bride. it showed his cowardice in his character. tess trusted him and made a decision to confide her secret to him. but on the night of their wedding, when clare learned that tess was not a virgin and had had a bastard, the original perfect image was suddenly broken by the sad facts. ap

52、parently he said he was deeply attached to tess, but actually he could not face the truth with courage. he just loved tesss pleasing appearance rather than any other things of her. angel clare was more or less an open-minded bourgeois intellectual. in love, although he was not as despicable as alec,

53、 he was devoid of selfless and sincere feeling as tess did. clare loved tess just because of her beauty. and she could become his right hand in the future. he told tess: “i repeat, the woman i have been loving is not you. another woman in your shape.”(hardy, 1993) he could not believe this bad truth

54、 and said “tess! say it is not true! no, it is not true!” it is clear that he took a deadly knock psychologically. clares character determined tesss tragedy he could not accept her past. clare to her abandonment, said in some kind of degree, then has destroyed her spiritual prop (because tess really

55、 loves him). thus, his return caused her to feel the humiliation which own received, thus caused its pain, the lamentation; to despair has achieved the apex. her finally killed alec, not only must prove own helpless, simultaneously also are must to the person which loves prove own innocence. from th

56、is, may say that, is precisely by alec representatives evil force and clare himself preserves the traditional ethics morality, together pushed tess to the tragic abyss.iv. objective analysis of tess and her tragedythe novel ends with the death of the heroine. thomas hardy emphasizes the inevitabilit

57、y of death. although hardy try to explain the misfortune of his characters from the viewpoint of the unseen but potential fate, his characterization and truthful representation of the lives of his characters reveal that their misfortune is evidently determined by the objective factors. tess life is

58、closely linked with the world about her. tess pain, hardy shows in many different ways how her life was determined only partly by her own efforts, and how much it depends upon the pressure of things over which she had no control. to a larger extent, the bourgeois society should assume much more responsibility for tessmiserable deatha. social convention and religionsfirstly,tessdegeneration was the consequence of the social conventions and religionsshe was the victim of society that was hypocritical moralityafter the unexpected death of her baby,tess decides t


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