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1、 英文专业求职信 英文专业求职信锦集九篇日子在弹指一挥间就毫无声息的流逝,眼见着,找工作的时间马上到来,现在的你想必是在写求职信吧。那么优秀的求职信都是怎么写的呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英文专业求职信9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。英文专业求职信 篇1dear leader,hello! first of all, i appreciate your reading my materials in your busy schedule.i graduated from shandong university of traditional chinese medicine of tradition

2、al chinese medicine is professional, i dont want to enjoy books to time square hate less suffering, more dont want to be a young dont work hard, idle young, needy old useless, therefore, in the university life, to accumulate and medical knowledge, improve their various aspects ability. during this p

3、eriod, i have mastered a solid theoretical foundation and made full use of my spare time to participate in clinical practice, which will lay a solid foundation for future clinical practice. through a large number of clinical practice, i have preliminarily possessed the quality of a medical worker, i

4、 believe that the strength of the education, i will realize my life value on the medical path. if knowledge make me have the courage to step into your threshold, to choose and accept you, so, in my own ability and dedication and enthusiasm to the work, combined with their own plasticity and the purs

5、uit of better learning professional knowledge, i think ill economy in applicants, and become a member of your company. the machine will try to understand its dull, and the horse will ride and know its good will. maybe i am not the best, but i will keep trying. dont seek a comfortable environment, bu

6、t seek a chance to develop. i am confident that in my new job, i will be humble, steadfast, diligent and enterprising. i will soon be able to enter a new working environment, take on new roles and make satisfactory achievements.look forward to your good news, and wish your company a thriving busines

7、s.advancesalutesponsor: xxxx (date) (month) (year)尊敬的领导:您好!首先,非常感激您在百忙之中抽空阅读我的材料。我毕业于山东中医药大学中医学专业,我不想领略“书到用时方恨少”的苦楚,更不想做一个“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”的无用之人,为此,在大学学习生活中,不断积累各方面医学知识,努力提高自己各方面的能力。在这期间,我掌握了扎实的理论基础,并充分利用空余时间参加临床实习实践,为以后临床打下坚实的基础。通过大量的临床实践,我已初步具备一个医疗工作者应有的素质,我相信实力重于学历,我会在医学道路上实现自己的人生价值。如果说学识使我有勇气踏进您的门槛,

8、并坦然接受您的挑选,那麽,依我自身的能力和对工作的执着与热情,加之自己的可塑性和对所学专业知识的不断追求,我想我会济身于应聘者的行列,而成为贵单位的一员。“器必试而后知其利钝,马必骑而后知其良驽”。也许我不是最好的,但我会不断努力。不求安逸的环境,但求一个发展的机会。相信,在新的工作岗位上,我会谦逊、踏实、勤奋、进取,能很快容入新的工作环境,担任新的角色,做出令您满意的成绩。恭候您的佳音,并祝贵单位的事业蒸蒸日上。此致敬礼自荐人:年月日英文专业求职信 篇2dear sir or madam,at the outset, id like to thank you for giving me su

9、ch an opportunity to show myself. when you are selecting the excellent graduates for your school, it is my pleasure if i can be a member of your working unit.i am a graduate student from the foreign language department of * university. my name is *. i lived a full life in the four-year professional

10、learning. it laid a solid foundation of basic english knowledge and relevant theories. i often won teachers great approval and praise with my native grammars, fluent expressions and rich vocabularies. i learn english with more enthusiasm. during the university life, i participated in many kinds of e

11、nglish activities held in the foreign language department and won prizes. i also took part in the “sit sino-foreign college students culture- exchanging activity”. in addition, im qualified in the tem-4 exam. and i will do my best in the coming grade 8 exam (which will be held on march 8th, 20xx)aft

12、er class, i worked as a private teacher, so i have got a lot of work experience for the future job. and it gives me challenges, while it also gives me satisfaction with my ability of expressing, the level of oral english and the ability organizing. whats more, i master computer operation. i have gai

13、ned national computer rank examination certificate for grade 1. and i have the basic knowing for the author ware and windows20xx. as to my character, i am good natured, willing to work hard and have good cooperation with different people; besides, im keen on learning new things.all of the above effo

14、rts and achievements have proved my firm belief and determination-to be an english teacher. dear sir or madam, please allow me to join in your troop of english teachers! i will devote all my efforts to the construction of your schools education!looking forward to your reply and best wishes!many than

15、ks!yours sincerely,英文专业求职信 篇3dear sir / miss:hello! i would like to apply for your company in the newspapers to seek the post of medical representatives. i have confidence in line with the requirements of your company.in july this year, i will be graduating from beijing medical college. for the clin

16、ical specialties. through 3 years at school learning to master the basic medical knowledge and has participated in various school activities internship.i am a studious person, at the university has repeatedly received the scholarship, i also served as a member of propaganda, has a strong ability to

17、organize and coordinate. i am a cheerful, enthusiastic person with strong communication skills. i firmly believe that: to make sense of professionalism and responsibility of any team i have been able to face difficulties and challenges.todays health care industry is booming, i would like to join for

18、 the cause of chinas medical and your company make its own contribution to development.with the letter with my resume. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.sincerely,salute英文专业求职信 篇4dear leaders:hello!first of all, thank you for your busy schedule in my recommended read

19、ing materials for students who enthusiastically want to open a door, i called xx, is a forthcoming in july 20xx and graduated from xxxx college of business english students .i like to engage in foreign trade, i am well aware of the importance of foreign trade, this is a need for more responsible and

20、 careful work to complete. i am chinese entry speed above 100 words per minute; than good social activities, i work in earnest, patient, willing to work hard learning, meticulous work, and has a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, and the exchange of love.rather than written words, not pe

21、rmit, but i know that a youth can continue to improve their own learning, can prove himself in practice.distinguished leadership, i am a do anything people are passionate, if i can happily appreciate you, i will dutifully action to prove to you. i will live by every good-looking matter. the companys

22、 future, i would like to dedicate my life-long effort and sweat.i again extend my most sincere thanks!sincerely!salute英文专业求职信 篇5to those who may be concerned,i am jiang xi-hai, graduating from hubei macheng no.2 middle school in xx. thanks to my highest marks among the students majoring in liberal a

23、rts in this middle school, i was entitled to be a college student in the college of law, zhongnan university. during the study period at this university, i have worked very hard and thus succeeded in * good performance. my dissertation for bachelor degree has been ranked as a level. in my spare time

24、, i have spent most of my time participating in a variety of social activities. in virtue of my sociability, i was qualified as one responsible for legal assistance at hunan legal assistance center in december, xx. one of my tasks then was to call upon all the students in the college of law to go on

25、 legal consultation and legal assistance in urban areas of changsha city at weekends.towards the end of june, xx, i was employed at nanping aluminum industry co. ltd, a large enterprise, located in fujian province. i worked at contract supervising and auditing office. my major tasks are the followin

26、g: 1) to draft, make a critical examination and appraisal of and sign a contract; 2) to invite tenders, evaluate public bidding and go on business negotiations; 3) to deal with legal events with non-lawsuit and make all kinds of legal writings; 4) to assist lawyers in his judicial proceedings; 5) to

27、 draw up various kinds of regulatory *s; 6) to spend most of my spare time in going on legal consultation. whats more, i have passed the judicature examination in xx and granted the certificate (lawyers qualification certificate) by judicial department, in february, xx.i have an agile mind and am go

28、od at thinking independently. i am also competent with writing. in my university life and after-university life, i have published about 200 articles with my penname yi zijian on the following magazines and networks such as e-commerce legal consultation, chinese consumers, sohu, sina, legal idea netw

29、orks, etc. many articles have been reprinted in more than 50 magazines and networks.in the meantime, i am straight-minded and industrious. thanks to my optimism, confidence and open-mindedness, i have good ability to communicate with others and adjust myself to different environments. with a large s

30、cope of knowledge and strong ability to accept new knowledge and things, i have trained myself to be much abler to teach myself. with the exception of my familiarity with theoretical and practical knowledge about laws, i have mastered other kinds of scientific information such as human cultures, his

31、tory, economics and administration.i am looking forward to sharing the special cultural concept and atmosphere in your company. i am eager to be a member of your company and devote myself to the tasks in your company. i believe i can be competent at my task assigned to me in your company just owing

32、to my legal knowledge and working experience. now i am trying to grasp such a good chance! i do wish you all could offer me such a golden opportunity.英文专业求职信 篇6good morning/afternoon, my name is xxx ,you can call me yanzi. i like the feeling flying in the sky like a swallow.it is really a great hono

33、r to have this opportunity for an interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today.now i will introduce myself briefly. i am 20 years old, born in shandong province.i grow up in a sweet family,composed of my dad,mom,brother and myself. i am an

34、optimistic and confident girl. i have full confidence in a bright future,and i believe i can do well in caac.punctuality and diligence are crucial to most future careers,i will try my best. altough i just graduated from school, i have confidence to venture my funture.scoaring in the sky as an airhos

35、tess has been a dream for me since childhood, this is why im longing for a job on a plane, and this is why im standing here for this interview. i hope my application will be granted ,so that i will delive my best servies throughout the world as a airhostess member of caac and my dream can come ture.

36、thats all. nice talking to you .thanks.英文专业求职信 篇7敬启者:据纽约商业图书出版社信托部经理白约翰先生称:贵公司拟于六月份增加会计职员若干名,本人拟参加此等职务应征。对本人情况,阁下可从本函所附资料中获得了解,本人曾从事商业图书工作五年之久,获有各种经验。我现任职的公司已同意向阁下提供有关我在其公司服务的资料。我除在两公司的信托部和会计部服务外,在财务管制方面,亦获得若干经验。在两个部门工作时,均负责日常行政工作。我在中央商业学校和布隆克斯学院所修课程,均与阁下会计部门业务有关。希望阁下抽空给予接见。若需本人较详细资料,请按本函上方所载地址汇函通知。

37、gentlemen,i have been told by mr.john l.pak,credit manager, the business book publishing,new york, with whom i believe you are acquainted,that you are expecting to make some additions to your accounting staff in june.i should like to be considered an applicant for one of these positions. you can see

38、 from the data sheet that is enclosed with this letter that i have had five years of varied experience in the book business.the orgpanies for which i have worked have given me permission to refer you to them for information about the quality of the work i did while in their employ. my work was in th

39、e credit department and in the accounting department in both orgpanies,with some experience also in inventory control. in both positions,i have been assigned with the daily office administration.the courses taken at central orgmercial and the bronx orgmunity college specifically prepare me for doing

40、 the accounting required in your department. i hope that you will give me an interview at some time convenient to you.if there is further information that you wish in the meantime,please let me know.i can always be reached at the address given at the beginning of this letter.very truly yours,英文专业求职信

41、 篇8您好!感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的求职申请。入校以来,我坚持刻苦学习,通过四年的积累,拥有了作为一名跨世纪师范大学生应该掌握的理论基础知识和专业知识。在担任班级干部期间,注重锻炼自己的组织领导和协调合作的能力,积极热情地开展工作,在同学中享有一定的威望。同时,我也利用课余时间加强对自己实践能力的培养,积极参加各种社团活动,全方位充实自己。四年中,我一直在elic工作,通过和他们的语言交流,拓宽了自己的文化视野,提高了自己的英语运用能力。我在东北师大附中实习期间,落落大方的教态,明晰清楚的讲解,认真负责的态度获得了指导老师和学生们的一致好评。天行健,君子当自强不息。我深信我会一步一个脚印走得更

42、好!但我也明白自己的平凡,知道自己在各方面还需要进一步提高。或许在贵校的求职者中我并不是最优秀的,但我相信自己的综合实力,更相信您的慧眼。大学之道,止于至善。恳切盼望您详考、慎虑,使我与贵校共同发展,求至善、创辉煌!我的过去正是为贵校的发展准备、积蓄;我的未来正是为贵校奋斗、拼搏、奉献。英文专业求职信 篇9dear leaders:hello! i am a aviation jiangxi vocational and technical college 09 students customs and international freight.i learned from the online recruitment advertising your company wish to recruit a foreign dan zhengyuan, special liberty to write candidates. this is my candidate for the job an important cover letter.six months later, i will jiangxi vocat


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