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1、课题:liao ming yu journe y授课教师:黄诗琪sherry1 基础目的:简单回顾第九单兀课文内容并熟悉相关环境保护的词汇和表达briefly review text of unit9, to know much about the vocabulary and expressi on of environmen tai protect ion教学目的2水平目的:强化学生2种阅读技巧;预测和搜索关键词reading skills : prediction and key words search3情感目的:促动师生交流互动,和学生间的知识共享,引起学生对环保问题的注重to pr

2、omote the in teract ion betwee n the teacher and ss and share the kno wledge with ss, arous ing their atte nti on1 掌握2种阅读技巧;预测和搜索关键词reading skills : prediction and key words search教学难点重点2增强师生间的互动和学生间的交流共享to promote the in teract ion betwee n the teacher and ss3明确教学指令,保证各环节间的流畅是课堂目的达成的重要因素to en sure

3、teach ing orders and class flue ncy教学过程教学方法和手段教学目的p1 :去年炎热的天气以及未经处理的工业污水,(guanqia)直接导致了中国湖北省的吴桥 湖上大约5万公斤鱼类的死亡p2 :贵阳市露天垃圾场,捡垃圾的小女孩。简单回顾第九单元课文内容并p3:这是央国德拉克斯(drax)发电厂,它使用熟悉相关环境保护的词汇和表引入warmi ng-燃烧煤炭实行发,电供应着全英国7%勺up电力,但同时每日制造出2280万公吨的二氧化 碳。briefly review text of un it9, toknow much about thevocabulary a

4、nd expressi on ofenvironmen tai protect ionp4 : we are acting! 2008 年八月一日起,有 偿使用塑料带,提倡使用环保袋。1 .通过图片引入,回顾第九单元课文中所学的地球三 大杀手:contaminated drinking water. door sanitation, and air pollution2.提问互动,看图说话q1 : what are the pictures telli ng us?q2 : what can we do?阅读技巧讲 解read! ng skills p ractice1 .预测(predict

5、ion):预测阅读内容是指读 者在阅读过程中能够借助上下文线索、逻辑 和语法知识推测出下文将会出现的信息。2 .搜索关键词(key words search):通过寻找 与题支相对应的关键词锁定阅读目标和答 案。概念灌输,协助学生理解 2种阅读技巧的作用,结 合理论和实践应用。课堂练习例1practice for prediction (t or f)1. protecting the environment is a problem that can only be solved by governments. ( f)2. nobody liste ns to what childre n

6、 have to say about the environment.(f)3. liao mingyu and her classmates try to take action to protect the environment.(t)例2practice for key words search (t or f)1. protecting the environment is a problem that can only be solved by governments. ( f)2. nobody liste ns to what childre n have to say abo

7、ut the environment.(f)3. liao mingyu and her classmates try to take action to protect the environment.(t)1.请学生根据文章逻辑和个人常识判断正 误。(讨论并提问)课堂练习:强化学生2种阅 读技巧;预测和搜索关键词reading skills : prediction and key words search促动师生交流互动,和学生 间的知识共享,弓1起学生对 环保问题的注重arouse the ss to take better care of the earth.立完成。得出确定的答案。

8、(讨论并提问)searching for key words in the article and do some comparis on and judgme nt.key words :(in questio ns)1. only by gover nments2. nobody3. liao min gyu and her classmates(in article)1. you and me2. leaders applauded3. she and her classmates其他思维扩展 deepen your minds:questions to think about :what would you like to talk about if you will make a speech in the earth summit like mingyu?


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