An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in the novel Gone with the Wind1_第1页
An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in the novel Gone with the Wind1_第2页
An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in the novel Gone with the Wind1_第3页
An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in the novel Gone with the Wind1_第4页
An Analysis of the Character of the Heroine in the novel Gone with the Wind1_第5页
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1、小说飘中女主角的人物性格分析an analysis of the character of the heroine in the novel gone with the windcontentsabstract1key words1i. introduction.21. the background of era and the writer.2 2. my brief analysis to this novel.2ii. literature review.4iii. different reasons for scarletts to form her characters.5 1. t

2、he special natural and social environment .5 2. the scarletts love between ashley and rhett .6 3. the process of changing character.7iv. these factors interacting with each other.8v. conclusion.10references.11an analysis of the character of the heroine in the novel gone with the windan analysis of t

3、he character of the heroine in the novel gone with the windabstract: this thesis comes up with several reasons of forming heroine special character as follows: the special environment creates the special character that is the natural environment and the social character that doomed her special fate.

4、 on the other hand, scarletts love between ashely and rhett is so passionable that she gets nothing at last. the writer writes a story which happened in the civil war of the america. although mitchell never participated in any campaign, this spirit had affected her. this thesis describes the process

5、 and the reason of changing scarletts character in order to show that women should be independent in society. scarletts character in order to show that women should be independent in society. scarlett manages to overcome adversity through brute strength of will. she rebuilds tara after yankee invasi

6、on and works her way up in the new political order, taking care of helpless family members and friends along the way.key words: scarlett; character; love摘 要:这篇论文从以下几个方面来分析主人公性格形成的原因。首先是特殊的环境造就了她特殊的性格自私,狡猾和自负。这个环境包括自然环境和社会环境。其次是特殊性格决定了特殊命运。虽然斯佳丽对爱希礼的感情是那么深,但是最后去没有得到她的爱。作者以美国内战为背景描写了这个故事。虽然作者没有参加任何运动,

7、但是当时的思想却影响着她。这篇论文描述了主人公性格形成的过程来揭示妇女在社会中一个独立的思想。斯佳丽试图用坚强的意志来克服苦难,她在侵略结束后重建了家园,在新的政策下工作,用她自己的方式来照顾无助的家庭成员和她的朋友。关键字:斯佳丽,性格,爱情 i. introduction1. the background of the era and the writeras we all know that the book gone with the wind written by margaret mitchell, the author of america, created a characte

8、r named scarlett who dares to love and keep forging ahead .it depicted her lifes journey and her love as well as displayed the female kept attempts in pursuit of their self-conscious during the civil war, that is the background of the article, the figure in the book through her lifetime of love, fri

9、endship, and affection. and further more, this article showed the american female aspired and sought after their happiness and values and made great efforts and explored new destinations continuously, it is encouraging and touching our heart! it is her only novel. gone with the wind was published in

10、 1936,ten years after mitchell began writing it. a smash success upon publication, gone with the wind becameand remains even nowone of the bestselling novels of all time. it received the 1937 pulitzer prize. margaret mitchell was born in atlanta, georgia, in 1900. her father was a lawyer and the pre

11、sident of the atlanta historical society, and her mother was a suffragette and an advocate of womens rights in general. mitchell grows up listening to people who had lived through the war. in 1926, encouraged by her husband, mitchell began to write the novel that would become gone with the wind. she

12、 went through nine complete drafts of the thousandpage work, setting an epic romance against the civil war background she knew so well. gone with the wind differs from most civil war novels by glorifying the south and demonizing the north. other popular novels about the civil war, such as stephen cr

13、anes the red badge of courage, are told from a northern perspective and tend to exalt the norths values. mitchells novel is unique also for ohara, who shares many characteristics with mitchell herself. the novel is most valuable if read with an understanding of three historical contexts: our own, mi

14、tchells, and scarletts.gone with the wind is both a romance and a meditation of the changes that swept the american south in the 1860s. the novel begins in 1861, in the days before the civil war, and ends in 1871, after the democrats regain power in georgia. the south changes completely during the i

15、ntervening years, and mitchells novel illustrates the struggles of the southern people who live through the civil war era.2. my brief analysis to this novel i think in the novel gone with the wind the biggest attraction between men and women is described as a profound emotional dislocation produced

16、a thrilling. feelings of anxiety to drive computer experts crazy. hero and heroine often miss each other again and the kind of scenes appears particularly want to. and when the public wants them silly. the most heart the end of the novel, one came to their senses, and the other has decided to leave.

17、 maybe everyone here will have seen such an idea: to know how to cherish the people who really love you. this happens to the best way to deal with their feelings straight attitude and position. every one of love, you love a person, you may hope that you know how to cherish, is it not? if you love ea

18、ch other and dislocation, as the first case, what would be your advice to him/her recommendation, to see gone with the wind? even particularly want to double the final chapter of his/her value to me if you want to see: that is not valued. if it is the second case, he/she would recommend to you, look

19、 at the gone with the wind, but also how you want to look at the final chapter double. therefore, in my view, nothing can be attributed to the love. the love dislocation exchanges only when people find love, moreover, the two sides can accurately position can play a wonderful love song. so what is r

20、eal love for one another should be taken real life? not all the people you love, and not all are worthy of your real treasure and make connections. how many people love scarlett? but she is really the only rely on wright and spend one, but she does so cherish. and scarlett has love, show concern for

21、 the podiums that is not suitable for her. so, we encountered some difficulties: facing almost everyone would love me and i love the people, how should we choose? such a phrase: smart woman would marry her love for the men and women will be foolish to marry her love of men. in theory, this is a very

22、 classic judgment. in fact, love, who is not very smart, is all idiots. in love, only luck and bad luck stupid fool it. love a fool, but also unexpectedly found love this fool ourselves, this is simply could not make a fool-fool allocation, of course, they are happy. in gone with the wind, such as w

23、right has shown itself has shown itself extremely smart in love equal to the task of mature men, another angle, and in fact he is a big fool, but to pay for such a woman has never really been able to treat her like ashley feel the same love for many years. but, in the face of love, we can say? the m

24、ystery of love can only realize unspeakable. everyone, if you careful management, there will be singing the same song of love and hope that it is less melancholy and gloom. more joy and happiness. is both tragic love of the civil war and just become only the background, one of the exciting.ii. liter

25、ature reviewthere are lots of comments on this novel such as beye, charles rowan . gone with the wind , andgood riddance. southwest review 78.3(1993) and hawkins, harriett. classics and trash: traditions and taboos in high literature and popular modern genres. london: harvester wheatsheaf,1990.some

26、critics find fault with mitchells novel for focusing entirely on the upper classes, glorifying southern culture and glossing over its faults. mitchell paints a picture of a south victimized by greed and selfishness. margaret mitchells gone with the wind to serve the unique perspective of women in th

27、e american civil war to describe the unique works. although there are monumental works of the war scenes, depictions atlanta destroy the day 2.50 plaza wounded soldiers everywhere. the scary flee, killing and so on. but the writer is always delicate psychological characters depicted in the figure kn

28、own. one colorful author is fluent in the language literary figures under twelve calendar. around the book is a history of the decline of civilization old southern plantations, the history and struggle of a generation; a general review of the whole book. it seems a mournful psychological drama heroi

29、ne drama reveals the strength and inner conflict in the process of maturing. for example, she portrays the plantation owners as helpless in the face of the profiteers opportunism. she condemns hypocritical government contractors and the southerners who stay in the local militia instead of going into

30、 battle farther north. other inhabitants of the south seem to exist in a harmless, happy world. mitchell suggests that their only sin is naivet. however, portraying wealthy southerners as victims of profiteering ignores the history of how the plantation owners accumulated the wealth of which they so

31、on found themselves stripped. gerald, a self-made man, gets his plantation through a poker game, but his success, like the success of every plantation owner in the south, depends upon the exploitation of slaves and the crowding out of poor whites like the slatterys. neither the plantation owners nor

32、 mitchell acknowledge the fact that most rich southerners succeed by oppressing people. consistent with the sentiments of her time and class, mitchell acknowledges only the wrongs committed against the upper class. in one word, the understandings of the hero are different. through this we can see th

33、at the research to the gone with the wind is continuing and the understanding of this novel is more and more profound. a french writer said: temperament is the trademark. if the artists have the real capacity then he will give the number of features on the vision which he has described. temperament

34、is the appearance of meaning, scarlett ohara do not have the deep meaning or the deep-seated sense, even she was a bit shallow and superficial, perhaps precisely because of such a drawbacks can come out the strong lines of his character that is the moving personality and the enchanting charisma. con

35、temporary feminist literary critic, marry eagleton said: aesthetic value is not universal eternal standards, it does not exist in the work itself. rather, it has special cultural and historic, aesthetic value exists in the reading itself. in the minds of readers. scarlett ohara on the vitality of sp

36、irit has become a powerful symbol of the worlds women. the beauty of wild nature in her radiotherapy is a manifestation of her inner world of exuberant energy. the success of the narrative discourse in the breeze again showed that only women can understand complex female character.” and re-integrate

37、d value of the place of women is fiction.iii. different reasons for scarlett to form her characters1. the special natural and social environmentwhen the north was experiencing the drastic change, the south built a cotton kingdom. the different way prosperous land of bustling commerce and expanding i

38、ndependent agriculture and described southerners as unclean and uncivilized. but the south thought itself as genteel, ordered society guided by the aristocratic code of gentleman planter and their vies on northerner was: either they were stingy hypocritical, moralizing puritans, or they were grubby,

39、 slumdwelling, catholic immigrants.therefore, the civil war is the conflict of two spirits, and from of industrialization. the whole story of “gone with the wind” happened in this background of the changing of american.gone with the wind is both a romance and a meditation of the changes that swept t

40、he american south in the 1860s. the novel begins in 1861, in the days before the civil war, and ends in 1871, after the democrats regain power in georgia. the south changes completely during the intervening years, and mitchells novel illustrates the struggles of the southern of the southern people w

41、ho live through the civil war era.because of this special situation scarlett must adapt quickly to keep pace with the quick changes facing the south. starvation, the chaos of the war, and the lack of help transform scarlett from a spoiled coquette into a hardened woman. she stoops to levels she coul

42、d never have imagined in her old life. although she adapts, however, scarlett does not really change. she simply gives free reign to the ten denies once considered shamefully unladylike. in some ways, scarlett has always had a personality ideally suited to the disaster. her old cunning and selfishne

43、ss now serve her well, and by developing traits she always possessed she becomes completely self sufficient and competent. because scarlett has never held to the standards of the old times, she has no trouble dropping them now. she is determined to “change with changing ways, as old miss fontaine pu

44、ts it. scarlett stands out among the novels southern characters for their chameleon-like ability to adapt to a new set of conventions.”actually, the social environment is the most important reason of forming heroines character.2. the changes of scarletts love between ashley and rhett.scarlett lived

45、up the three marriage and countless people pursues her, then who is she really loved? although scarlett went through two marriages, her heart never forgot ashley. and put this feeling into her third marriagewith rhett. the relationship among scarlett, ashely and rhett mirrors the conflict the south

46、is between the old ways and new ways. the civil war breaks out just as scarlett loses ashley to melanie marrying ashley, who represents the pinnacle of southern chivalry, would have cemented scarlett in the wealthy plantation lifestyle. the declaration of war necessitates the pair of hasty marriages

47、 and scarletts loss of ashley. scarletts loss of ashley therefore reflects the souths impending loss of its aristocratic as the life he represents becomes irrecoverable for the south. at this crucial moment, the introduction of rhett, an outcast from aristocratic society, represent a new future for

48、both scarlett and the south. scarlett, with her desire for more personal freedom than her culture allows her finds herself drawn to rhett. later, scarlett finds herself struggling to choose between the honorable southern gentleman ashley wilkes and the opportunistic, irreverent cynic rhett butler, j

49、ust as the south finds itself struggling to choose between its tradition culture and values based on land, inheritance, and slave-driven agriculture, and the new northern way of life driven by the industrial economy and individual freedom.scarlett experiences the three marriage and countless people

50、pursue her, then who is she really loved? scarlett aims to win ashley wilkes, and her failure to do so guides the plot of the novel. ashleys marriage to melanie hamilton and rejection of scarlett drive nearly all of scarletts important subsequent decisions. scarlett marries charles hamilton to hurt

51、ashley, stays by milans side through the war because she promises ashley she will, and loses her true love, rhett butler, because of her persistent desire to win ashley.although scarlett went through two marriages, her heart never forgets ashley. and put this feeling into her third marriagewith rhet

52、t. scarlett married rhett, ended the life of poverty, she started to enjoy extreme extravagance and overspending. building the house, and opening dance party every day to enjoy the luxury life, rich and happy. however, it is the unchanging love to ashley, making wright suffered from the illness and

53、began to orphans. the two peoples feelings have the crisis. after the child died from the horse, such conflicts have reached unmanageable proportions. rhett tolerate one another, find a way to let her forget the memory of ashley and wants to let her know which the true love is. when milan died, scar

54、lett suddenly found that the love between her and rhett is her real love. but it is too late.3. the process of changing characterscarlett is a preeminent girl in gone with the wind. the season of her preeminence is the environment around her. if she was born in the north, she was no more than a comm

55、on girl. but she was in the south, a land cultivated by the gentle mans culture for a long period. it is not everyone that wants or is able to change with the society. changing also needs some characters of a the beginning of the book, before taking part in the wilkes ball, there was a con

56、versation between scarlett and mammy. this conversation first time showed us scarletts rebel character. “dont you suppose men get surprised after theyre married to find that their wives do have sense?” “well, its too late den days already machined sides, gem mums specs dye wives tar have sense.” “so

57、me day i am going to do and say everything i want to do and say, and if people dont like it i dont care.” the last sentence appeared a lot of times in the life of scarlett. dont care about others comment and it best illustrates her rebel spirit.if we say the rebel spirit gifts scarlett the possibility to comprehend the business spirit, then the independent consciousness can be considered as one of the most important component of business spirit. during this period, al


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