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1、 To practise listening strategies for completing notes. To practise clarifying and asking questions. To practise explaining a robot to another person. To discuss the effect of technology and the media on different cultures and language. Objectives Part IBefore you start 1. Look at the pictures on Pa

2、ge 22. Work in pairs and discuss: 1)What science fiction films have you seen that are about intelligent robots or robots that look like humans? 2) How did the robots behave towards humans? 3) Which of these things can robots and computers do now? work in factories, play football, control cars and Pl

3、anes, beat us at chess, write music, give us the news, speak to us, have feelings, have a real conversation with us Terminator I-Robot Transformers ASIMO, a humanoid robot created by Honda, uses sensors (传感器) and intelligent algorithms (运算法则) to avoid obstacles (障 碍物) and navigate (跨跃) stairs. human

4、oid hju:mnid adj. 具有人类特点的 n. 类人动物,人形机,(科幻小说中的)星球人 algorithm 英音:lg,rim 美音:lg,rm n. 【数】互除法;演算法;规则系统 navigate 英音:nvi,geit 美音:nv,get 及物动词及物动词 vt. 1. 航行于;飞行于 The large ship could not navigate the river. 那艘大轮船不能在河里航行。 2. 驾驶;操纵;导航 He navigated the ship to a safe port. 他将船驶进一个安全的港口。 Kismet, a robot with rud

5、imentary (基本的) social skills which was made in the late 1990s at Massachusetts Institute of Technology rudimentary英音:,ru:dmentri: 美音:,rudmntri 形容词形容词 a. 1. 基本的,初步的 I have only a rudimentary grasp of chemistry. 我只掌握了化学的初步知识。 2. 早期的;发展未完全的 3. 退化的;残遗的 TOPIO, a robot that can play table tennis, develope

6、d by TOSY, a robots firm in Vietnam 2. Work out the Chinese meanings of the following phrasal verbs. take over _ walk out _ get across _ give away _ get on fine _ be to do with _ make up for _ come out _ figure out _ get a lot out of _ 接管;控制 离开 传达 告诉;泄露 (秘密等) 与关系很好 与有关 弥补 放映;出来;出版 明白;理解 从得到许多(乐趣) 3.

7、 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs in Exercise 7. 1) We must _ the simple fact that drugs are dangerous. 2) I couldnt _ what I had done to annoy my boss. 3) I dont really believe that their conversation yesterday _ work. get across figure out was to do with 4) It is reported that the mil

8、lionaire has decided to _ all his money to charities. 5) The team will be anxious to _ a disappointing start to the season. 6) It _ that some government officials received payments from the company. give away make up for came out 7) His only reason for investing in the company was to _ it _. 8) Chil

9、dren can _ being involved in volunteer projects. 9) I was so angry that I _, leaving him sitting there shocked and white-faced. 10) How I wish I could _ with my colleagues in the company! take over get a lot out of walked out get on fine Part IIListening-1 1. Listen to the interview with Ananova and

10、 answer the questions. 1)Where can you see and hear her? What does she do? 2) Does Ananova really exist? Can she really talk? 3)Why are there no photos of her as a child? 4) How does she find news stories? 5) What are her plans for the future? 1)Where can you see and hear her? What does she do? 2) D

11、oes Ananova really exist? Can she really talk? On the Internet. No. No. She presents the news 24 hours a day. 3) Why are there no photos of her as a child? 4) How does she find news stories? 5) What are her plans for the future? Because she isnt human and was created in 1999. Shes never been a child

12、. She has her own search engine. Shell be sending news directly to mobile phones. 2. Listen to the interview again. Complete the Function File with these expressions. in other words, is that clear? what I dont quite understand, to put it another way, what I mean is, what that means, so does that mea

13、n, could you explain how, what Im trying to say, what Im getting at, thats a programme which, I mean Function File Clarifying and asking questions And tonight shes in the studio for an interview with us, well, (1) _, shes here on screen, of course, because shes not real, shes a virtual character jus

14、t an image. (2)_. Its not a real interview. (3) _ is that we sent the questions to her programmers in advance. what I mean is Is that clear? What Im trying to say (4) _ your creators decided what you should look like? (5) _, they only receive what they want to know. (6) _, I have no childhood. (7) _

15、 is how you are so quick. (8) _ is how you gather the news so quickly. Could you explain how? To put it another way In other words What I dont quite understand What Im getting at I also have a “Web Spider” (9) _ searches the Internet (10) _ they tell you whether to smile or read in a serious voice? So what nex


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