1、索卡科技电子有限公司PROCESS WORK INSTRUCTIONS 程序工作指导书DOCUMENT NO.: 文件编号SKL-SOP-100EFFECTIVE DATE : 生效 日 期2006/3/10VERSION :版次A0PAGE:页次1 OF 8SUBJECT:主题敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sensitive Device ControlORIGINATOR :起草人APPROVED BY : 核准人DON版次新版生效日期内谷(变更叙述)A02006/3/10初版PAGE NO.1234567891011121314151617181920VERSIONA1A1A1A
2、1A1A1A1A1DATE01/0501/0501/0501/0501/0501/0501/0501/05金舜数码科技有限公司SUBJECT :主题DOC. NO.SKL-SOP-100敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sen sitive Device Con trolPAGE NO2 OF 8VERSIONA0 DATE2006/3/101.0 目的Purpose :为避免敏感组件受潮,影响焊锡品质,而作此规范储存之环境温度,湿度控制.To preve nt and reduce the n egative impact of moisture related failures in
3、the manu facturi ng process.2.0 适用范围Scope :适用于公司所有温湿度敏感的电子组件.Apply to all Moisture Sen sitive Devices used in Lite on.3.0 定义Definition :IQC,电子仓库,生产线必须依规定储存于适当容器及环境内.All MSD comp onents in IQC, Warehouse, and producti on lines must be storedin the appropriate storage en vir onment.4.0 设备Equipme nt :4
4、.1大型防潮箱(20%RH)Large size Dry Storage Cab in et. (=60%RH or Comp onent floor life has expired, and the baking will complied follow form.注意:Package Body Thickness指组件圭寸装厚度Level:即MSL(湿度敏感等级 一般组件标签上有注明)RH:指相对湿度,例如30摄氏度/85%RH表示在30摄氏度时所含的水分为饱和时所含 水分的85%温湿度敏感组件:指的是组件在规定的温湿度范围之外存储将会其功能曲线和焊接的正 常,甚至会损坏组件。6.1烘烤
5、事件必需记录于烘烤记录表中,如项目10.0Bak ing eve nt should be record in“ Bak ing Oven Record ” as item 10.07.0烘烤后必须依5.0之储存条件,否则必须依6.0作烘烤作业.After baking, the materials must be stored according to condition 5.0, or else should follow the bak ing con diti on stated in敏感组件之使用管制MSD Usage Control :8.1未开封之材料储存必须填写
6、组件储存卡(bin card)如”12.0进行管制.Sealed materials storag must be con trolled by Material Storage Con trol Card 金舜数码科技有限公司SUBJECT :主题DOC. NO.SKL-SOP-100敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sen sitive Device Con trolPAGE NO;4 OF 8VERSION 1A0DATE2006/3/108.2有开封之材料储存必须填写组件储存使用记录标签”进行管制.Un sealed materials must be con trolled by
7、 Material Usage Con trol Record.8.3材料拆封后,应立即在组件储存使用记录标签”上填写拆封日期”,拆封时间”及 签名等并将标签贴于敏感组件之外包装上.After the package is unsealed, operator must record the seal-off date, time, quantity, etc on the Material Usage Control Record , and paste it on the package.8.4拆封后未上线使用之组件必须入库保存,并在组件储存使用记录标签”上填写入库日期”入库时间”,累计暴
8、露时间”及入库数量”等相关项目.Un sealed materials that have not bee n used, must be resealed for storage, and record the storage date, time, cumulative exposure time, and qua ntity etc, on the MaterialControl Record .8.5拆封后上线使用之组件需填写组件使用暴露时间记录标贴” (9.2且记录使用3暴露时间并签名,直至组件使用完,累计暴露时间超过72小时未使用完之组件 依6.0烘烤作业.组件使用暴露时间记录标贴
9、”贴于IC TRAY盘侧面.Un sealed materials for manu facturi ng process should fill in the Material Baking &Exposure Con trol Record (9.2), and record -of sme and floor life of the materials un til the producti on completes. If the cumulative exposure time of the material exceed72 hours, should follow the bak
10、 ing procedure stated in 6.0. Material Baking & ExpCon trol Record must be pasted on the side of the IC Tray.8.6每一真空包装袋拆封后必须贴一张组件储存使用记录标签”组件未使用完前不可丢弃或 撕毁标签. Material Usage Con trol Record must be recorded and pasted after the package has bee n un sealed, and it must not be removed before the product
11、i on completes.金舜数码科技有限公司SUBJECT :主题DOC. NO.SKL-SOP-100敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sen sitive Device Con trolPAGE NO.5 OF 8 nVERSIONA0DATE2006/3/109.0标签Con trol Labels9.1组件储存使用记录标签Material Usage Con trol Record组件存储使用记录标签Material Usage Con trol Record料号:品名规格:管控等级:撤封 日期撤封 时间入库 时间暴露 时间累计暴 露 时间入库数量出库数量签名备注SKL-S0
12、P-100-F0RM05-A9.2组件使用暴露时间记录标贴 Material Baking & Exposure Control Record组件使用暴露时间记录标签Material Baki ng & Eeposure Con trol Record零件编号烘烤取出/撤封时间Date:Parts NoBaki ng/Seal-offTime:制造工令Order No有效使用期限Use By: (Floor-Life)数量Qua ntity执行人员Operator工程师Engin eer管控等级Leve:SKL-SOP-100-FORM03-A金舜数码科技有限公司SUBJECT :主题DOC.
13、 NO.SKL-SOP-100敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sen sitive Device Con trolPAGE NO.6 OF 8 :VERSIONA0DATE2006/3/1010.0烘烤记录表Baki ng Ove n Record. (WI-GME-014)烘烤记录表Bak ing Ove n RecordOve n no. :Year :Order No.Parts No.Temp.CIn putOperatorOutputRemai nQtyOperatorDateTimeQtyDateTimeQty/r /r /r /1 /r /1 /r /1 /I /1 /SK
14、L-SOP-100-FORM01-A部门主管:单位主管金舜数码科技有限公司SUBJECT :主题DOC. NO.SKL-SOP-100敏感组件之温湿度控制Moisture Sen sitive Device Con trolPAGE NO.7 OF8 :VERSIONA0DATE2006/3/1011.0 SMT干燥箱温湿度记录表SMT Dry-Box Temperature R Record.索卡科技有限公司干燥箱温度记录SMT Dry-Box Temperature Record月份:线别:日班(D/S)备注夜班(N/S)备注日 期温度(23+-5C )Temperature温度 Humi
15、dity符号Mark记录者Remark温度(23+-5C )Temperature温度 Humidity符号Mark记录者RemarkActualResultActualOKConfirmNGActualResultActualOKConfirmNG12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031备注SKL-SOP-100-FORM04-A1.Actual20%rh :OK2.20%vACTUAL60%RH:NG4. 符号(mark):(a)正常(Normal)V(b)不正常(Abnormal):x4. 当有不正常之温度发生时,应在备注栏说明原因用对策5. (a
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