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1、完美WORD格式一、写出下列动词的过去式1. am/is 2.do 3.go 4.have5.isn t_. aren t spend 8.cook9. read 1O.clea n11.live12.study二、用适当的词完成下列对1 How was your weeke nd? Itgreat.Whatyoulast weeke nd Isome homework.2. Whatshelast weeke nd Sheto the beach.3. Whatthey do last weeke nd? Theyto the movies.三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1. We(enj

2、oy) ourselves at the party last ni ght.2. Jack(study) for the En glish test last Sun day.3. you(go) to the Great Wall last year?4. What day(be) it yesterday?5. The old man(be)ill and went to see a doctor.6. We(have) a party last ni ght.7. We(visit) the museum and went home.8. How(be) the stude nts?

3、They were very frie ndly.9. He ofte n(have) supper at home. Today he(have) supper at school.10. he(have) lunch at nine No, he didn t.11. They(buy) a guitar yesterday.四、句型五、选择填空()1. Leehis mobile phone at home.A. leaveB. leaves C. leaved D. left()2.hea good rest? No, he didn t.A. Do, had B. Did, have

4、 C. Did, had D. Was, had()3. As soon as he, heto his family.A. arrived, writes B. arrived, writte n C. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write()4. Mr. Black was late because hehis way.A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost()5. Whe nLeeschool this morning?A. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got()

5、6. Will you please say it aga in? Iquiteyou.A. didn t, hear B. don t, heard C. didn t, heardD. don t, hear()7.youat six o clock yesterday?A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up()8.What did you see?A. now B. every day C. these days D. just now()9.He went into the room andthe door.A

6、. lockB. locki ngC. locks D. locked()10. Whatyoulast week? I bought a bag.A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought()11. hehis lunch? Yes, he did.A. Does ,has B. Does, have C. Did, have D. Did, had()12. Did the thievesinto the car? No, they.A. fell, didnB.fail(落下),did C. jump (跳),didn D.

7、jump, did()13. -Whe n did May come back from Hong Kong? -She _ from Hong Kong lastFriday.A. come back B. comes back C. retur ned backD. came back()14.shethis dictio nary in the bookshop n earby last week?A. Did, buy B. Does, buy C. Did, bought D. Does, buys()15. Heto the stati on this morni ng and w

8、asfor the train.A. hurry, in time B. hurries, on time C. hurried, in time D. hurried, at time()16. WhereUncle Sun yesterday? A. was B. were C. did D. does()17. Have you see n him today? Yes, Ihim this morni ng.A. see ingB. see C. sees D. saw()18. Heworried whe n he heard the n ews. A. is B. was C. d

9、oesD. did()19. Therea telepho ne call for my brother Steve n yesterday?A. is B. are C. was D. were()20. Liu Fen gweithree yua n for the lost library book.A. paid B. pay C. spe ntD. lost()21. Hein this school in 1958.A. taught B. teach C. teaches D. teach ing()22. Theytired so they stoppeda rest.A. a

10、re, have B. were, have C. were, to have D. are, hav ing()23. Yesterday Iin bed all day because I had a fever.A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lied()24. It was raining hard whe n hehome.A. got B. get C. gets D. was getting()25. She said her brotherin Beiji ng. Heto Japa n on bus in ess lastweek.A. was n t, w

11、ent B. has n wntC. was n t, go D. is n / we nt六、改错题1. How is Jane yesterday?2. He go to school by bus last week.3. He ofte n goes home at 6:00 last mon th.4. I can fly kites seve n years ago.5. Did you saw him just now.6. Tom wasn t watch TV laight.7.1 didn t my homework yesterday.8. He wait for you

12、 three hours ago.9. Who find it just now ?10. What did he last week?七、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Tom and Mary(come) to Chi na last mon th.2. Mike(not go) to bed until12 o clock last night. So I(get ) up late.3. Mary(read) En glish yesterday morni ng.4. There(be) no one here a mome nt ago.5.1 (call) Mike this mo

13、rni ng.6.1 liste ned but(hear) nothing.7. Tom(beg in) to lear n Chin ese last year.8. Last week we(pick) many apples on the farm.9. My mother(not do) housework yesterday.1O.She watches TV every eve ning. But she(not watch) TV last ni ght.11. your father( go ) to work every day last year?12. What tim

14、eyou(get) to Beijing yesterday?We(get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening.13. What(make) him cry 哭)just now?14. Last year the teacher(tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.15. Therea teleph one call for you just now. (be)16. Therenot eno ugh people to pick apples that day. ( be)17. Thereany ho

15、spitals (医院)in my hometow n (家乡)in 1940. ( benot)18. Thereeno ugh milk at home last week, was n t there?19. Elito Japa n last week. ( move)20. Vhe nyou(come) to China? - Last year.21. Did she(have) supper at home?22. Jack(not clea n) the room just now.23. (be) it cold in your city yesterday?24. How

16、many people(be) there in your class last term?25t(be) hot yesterday and most childre n(be) outside.26. There(be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I (have) no time to watch it.27. He ate some bread and(dri nk) some milk.28. he(fini sh) his homework last ni ght?29. I(be) tired yesterday.3

17、0. I(gain ) Arts degree last year.31. Whatyou(do) last n ight?32. My gran dfather(leave) Ho ng Ko ng for New York in 1998.33. Whathe(do) yesterday?34. Last week I(buy) a new bike.35. He(be) here just now.36. He(not find ) his key last night.37. My father(dri nk) a lot of wi ne yesterday.38. you(fini

18、 sh) your homework yesterday?39. I(eat) some eggs and bread this morning.40. Her mother(not give) the girl any prese nt.41. Last year Mr. Smith(go ) to China and Japa n.42. He(have) a won derful time.43. He(do) a lot of differe nt things and(talk) to a great nu mber of differe ntpeople.44. He(eat) C

19、hin ese and Japa nese food and(visit) a lot of in teresti ng places.45. When he(go) back to En gla nd, he(be) very tired.46. A week ago, Kitty and Ben(be) in the coun tryside.47. At first, the wi nd(blow) lightly.48. The leaves(blow) slightly in the wind.49. They(fly) their kite happily in the gen t

20、le breeze.50. Sudde nly, the wind(become) stron ger.51. The clouds in the sky(move) quickly.52. Leaves(fall) from trees.53. The sky became dark. Kitty and Ben(go ) home immediately.54. Kitty and Ben(stay) at home. They(watch) TV65. The big clea n-up(beg in) immediately. Kitty and Ben went outside ag

21、a in.、对划线部分提问二、用所给动词的正确时态填空1. HeTV every eve ning. (watch)2. We alwaysto school on foot. (go)3. Tom, with his classmates, ofte nfootball after school. (play)4. Their classroomfour big win dows. (have)5. Your shoesun der the bed. (be)6. Shefor her friends at the bus stop now. (wait)7. Sorry, Ino eno

22、ugh money with me now. (have)8. The daysIon ger and Ion ger now. (get)9. here andby me. (come, sta nd)10. Look, the bus. (come)11. His uncle usuallyto work by bus. (go)12. Sorry, I rbusy. Ito a friend of mine in Hangzhou. (write)13. Lin Tao and his classmateson a farm next week. (work)14. Weto the G

23、reat Wall if itfine tomorrow. (go, be)15. Look at the cloud. I thi nk it. (rain)16. Marythirteen n ext year. (be)17. Today is Mon day. TomorrowTuesday. (be)18. Thereno hospitals here ten years ago. (be)19. Heyou to the stati on tomorrow morning. (see)20. Itvery hard.We dbetter stay at home. (rain)21

24、. I alwaysup at six in the morning, but Iup a little later yesterday. (get )22. Sheswim very well whe n she was five years old. (ca n)23. Theyin Beiji ng in 1960. (be)24. He alwaysto work by bike whe n he was in Sha nghai. (go)25. Iyou up as soon as Ito Nanjing. (ring, get)26. They n everin the room

25、. (smoke)27. Ito school yesterday because Iill. (not go, be)28. Joh nlike his father. (look)29. Be quiet. The baby.(sleep)30. Some young peoplein the lake right now. (swim)、was did went had wasn weren spent cooked read cleaned lived studied二、1.was did do did 2.did do went 3.did went三、1.enjoyed 2. st

26、udied 3.Did go 4.was 5. was 6.had 7.visited 8.were 9.has had10. Did have 11.bought四、1.didn come 2.Did play did didn 3.Where did go 4. Did watch 5.did homework last ni ght五、1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D18.B 19.C 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.A六、1. is-was2.

27、go-went3. goes-went 4. can-could 5. saw-see 6. wasn -didn t7. didn -didn t do8. wait-waited 9. find-found 10. did he-did he do七、l.came 2. didn t,ggot 3. read 4. was 5. called 6.heard 7.began 8.picked9. didn t ddO.didn t watch 11. Did go 12.did get got 13. made 14. told 15.was 16. were 17.weren t 18.

28、was 19.moved 2O.did come21.have 22.didn dean 23.Was 24.were 25.was were 26.was had 27.drank 28.Did finish 29.was 3O.gained 31.did do 32.left 33.did do 34.bought 35.was 36.didn fin d 37.drank 38.Did finish 39.ate 4O.didn t gi4e.went 42. had 43.did talked 44.ate visited 45.went was 46. were 47. blew 48.blew 49.flew 5O.became 51.moved 52.fell 53.we nt 54.staied watched 55.bega n一、按要求变换句型。1.a new bike for 2.Did read 3.Whats doi ng 4.Why dont you 5.did nt spe nd 6.Where


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