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1、专业词汇内容理解语句通顺排版总分30303010100信息管理专业英语专业文献翻译专 业 信息管理与信息系统本11-1班 姓 名 李胜男 学 号 2011512602 指导教师 李文婧 2013年12月Understand Your Business,Products, Services and CustomersTo gain a competitive advantage and be successful in any business,you must clrarly define the nature of your products and serives, know who yo

2、ur target customers are, and understand how your customers perceive the use of your products and services in their business activities(for the B2B mosel) or in their personal lives(for the B2C model).To create sound business strategies you have to understand the value that your customers place on yo

3、ur products and services.了解你的生意,产品,服务和客户得到一个竞争的有利条件并且在任何生意中获得成功,你必须明确地给你的产品和服务在本质上下一个定义,知道你的目标客户是谁,还要理解你的顾客怎么样察觉到你的产品和服务在他们的商业活动中的作用(为企业对企业模型),或者在他们的个人生活中(为消费者对消费者模型)。创造良好的商业策略你必须理解你的客户在你的产品和服务上投入的价值。There are many worthwhile business activities.But as important as writing a mission statement and pr

4、oducing glitzy marketing brochures may be,what must come first is an objective,very down-to-earth understanding of what your business does.The reality is you cant be all things to all customers.You must answer two questions:(1)Who are your target customers?And(2)What is the value of your products an

5、d services as perceived by your customers?Lets look at each in turn.有许多有价值的商业活动。但是写一个重要任务声明和打造耀眼的销售指南可能同样重要,它必须是第一个目标,非常务实的理解你的工作在做什么。现实就是你不可以提供所有客户需要的所有东西。你必须回答两个问题:(1)谁是你的目标客户?(2)你的产品和服务的价值被你的客户看成了什么?让我们一个一个的轮流看一下。Who Are Your Customers?Just as in a brick-and-mortar business,in the e-commerce worl

6、d you focus you efforts on selling to other businesses,to individual end consumers,or to somecombination of the two.If you were in a business like Gates Rubber Company,which produces mostly rubber and synthetic products primarily for sale to the automotive industry and manufacturers of such products

7、 as boats and bicycles, you would focus almostexclusively on the B2B e-commerce model,with other businesses as your target customers.If,however,you were selling resume writing and job placement services to individuals looking for careers,your customers would be B2C individual end consumers.Finally,

8、you might be like M(), which provides an electronic marketplace catering to both individuals looking for careers and businesses looking for employees.If you were in a business like Monsters,your customer mix would include both end consumers and businesses and youd need to carefully consider both gro

9、ups of customers, their needs,and the value to them of the products and services you sell.谁是你的客户?正如砖块和砂浆的生意,在贸易世界中你必须把你的精力集中在其他商业的销售上,最后的单独消费者,或者一些两个的混合体。如果你在商业中像盖茨橡胶公司,一个主要生产很多橡胶和人造产品卖给汽车工业,并且生产船和自行车这类产品的生产者,你可能把注意力仅仅集中在企业对企业的电子贸易模型上, 把其他生意也作为你的目标客户。如果,然而,你正在继续销售和个人的寻找事业工作服务布置。最后,你可能像一个提供电子餐饮超市给个人的

10、寻找事业和商业雇佣者的怪物网站。如果你在商业中像怪物,你的客户将包括最终消费者和商业,并且你将需要仔细考虑客户的构成,他们的需要和你销售给他们的产品和服务的价值。Many businesses in the travel industry,American Express for example,cater to both businesses and end consumers. As an individual consumer,you might work with American Express to plan and pay for a vacation.At the same t

11、ime,many businesses use the services of American Express to handle all their business travel needs.旅行工业中的很多生意,例如:美国快递,满足生意和最终消费者。作为一个个人消费者,你和美国快递一起工作去为一个假期计划和消费。同时,很多商业使用美国快递服务处理他们的商业旅行需求。Whatever the nature of your business, you must know who your customers are. In the world of e-commerce, that mea

12、ns clearly distinguishing between end consumers(B2C) and other businesses(B2B), even if you target both.As you will see throughout whis chapter,individual end consumers and other businesses have dramatically different needs.不管你的生意本质是什么,你必须知道谁是你的顾客。在电子贸易世界中,意味着你要清楚的辨别最终消费者(企业对消费者)和其他的生意(企业对企业),最然这两个都

13、是你的目标。由于你将贯穿这个章节,单独消费者和其他的生意有戏剧化地不同需求。What Is the Value of Your Products and Services as Perceived by your Customers?If a customer orders a product or service from your organization,it is because that customer perceives some value in what you provide-the customer either wants or needs your product o

14、r service.When we examine wants and needs,the distinctions between end consumers and businesses as customers become increasingly important and clearly evident.Lets look at product/service categories needed by each customer group in turn.你的产品和服务的价值被你的客户理解成了什么?如果一个客户从你的组织里预定了一个产品或者服务,那是因为客户察觉到了你提供的商品的

15、价值,客户希望或者需要你的产品或者服务。当我们检查愿望或者需求,区别最终消费者和企业客户变得越来越重要,显而易见的。让我们逐个来看看产品/服务在各客户群的需要的类别。B2C:Convenience Versus SpecialtyIn many respects, you can differentiate between convenience and specialty merchandise(or services) on the basis of price and consumers frequency of purchase. To end consumers,convenienc

16、e merchandise is typically lower priced but something they often need,usually frequently.Nonperishable food items such as breakfast cereals are a good ecample.From organizations such as Peapod(), you can easily order food items and have them delivered to your home within 24 hours of making the order

17、 or at predetermined time intervals such as weekly. Consumers might pay more for these low-priced items in order to have them “conveniently”.企业对客户:便利对抗专业在许多方面,你可以区分便利与专业商品(或服务)价格和消费者的购买频率的基础上。最终消费者,方便商品通常是低价位的,却是他们的日常需求,经常腐烂的食物。例如谷物早餐就是一个很好的例子。从组织如豌豆荚,你可以很容易的预定到食物,并把它们送到你家以24小时内的时间间隔每周制作订单。消费者会为这些低价

18、项目为他们带来“方便”支付的更多。Specialty merchandise might be such things as home stereo systems,computers,name-brand clothing,furniture,and the like.For consumers,these are higher-priced(than concenience merchandise) items,are typically ordered on a less-frequent basis, and often require some sort of customizati

19、on or feature specification.For specialty merchandise,consumers will spend more time “shopping around,”not only to find the best deal in terms of price but also because value for these items is perceived in terms of customization,warranty,service,and other aftersales features.专业的商品可以作为家庭音响系统,这样的电脑,名

20、牌服饰,家具等。对于消费者来说,这些都是更高的价格(对抗“方便”的商品)的项目,通常预约是在较不频繁的基础之上,常常需要一些定制或者规格。专业的商品,消费者会花更多的时间购物,不仅要在价格上找到最好的交易,也是因为这些项目的价值是定制服务,保修,知觉和其他服务的特点。B2C:Commodity like and DigitalIn B2C e-commerce, as a general rule,the best merchandise to sell is either commoditylike,digital,or a combination of the two.This enabl

21、es you to minimize your merchandise and attract consumers to you site.企业对消费者:商品和数字化在企业对消费者的电子商务中,作为一般规则,销售最好的商品也是有利的,数字,或者两者的组合。这使你减少你的商品并且吸引消费者去你的网站。Commoditylike merchandise, to your customers,is the same regardless of where they purchase it, and it is similar to convenience items in that respect.

22、 Books are a good example.No matter where you buy a particular book,it is the same.As a business,you compete in commoditylike environment on the basis of:Price Ease of orderingEase and speed of delivery Your return policyOf course,commoditylike business environments are typically easy to enter(i.e.

23、they have low barriers to entry) and thus buyer power is high(from Poters Five Forces Model).Your organizations goals in this type of environment would have to include(1)minimizing price to the end consumer and(2)minimizing your internal casts by creating a tight supply chain management system. You

24、also want to create a “sticky”Website that not only attracts consumers but also encourages them to return to your site again and again.Commoditylike商品提供给你的客户不论在哪里,他们购买的是相同的,这是类似于这方面的方便食品。本书是一个很好的例子。不管你在哪里买一本特殊的书,它是相同的。作为一个企业,你的竞争环境在Commoditylike基础上。订购价格 缓解安逸和速度递送 你的退货政策当然,Commoditylike商业环境通常很容易进入(即低进入壁垒),因此买方功率高(从波特的五力量模型)。在这种环境中的阻止目标必须包括(1)最低价格给最终消费者(2)最大限度地减少创建紧密供应链管理系统的花费。你还要创建一个粘性网站,不仅吸引消费者,同时也鼓励他们再次回到你的网站。Digital merchandise offerings are also important in the B2C e-commerce model. The goal here is to eliminate shipping costs by delive


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