



1、9B Unit 3 robotsComic strip中文英文你在干什么,埃迪?What are you doing, Eddie?我正在写信。Im writing a letter.你太懒了。You are too lazy.我在向机器人商店投诉你。rm compla ining about you to the robotshop.哦,亲爱的,我可以解释!Oh dear, I can expla in!不,霍波。迟了。No, Hobo. It s too late.帮我把这个寄了。Post this for me.好吧,埃迪。All right, Eddie.埃迪,我不知道什么时候我帮你寄

2、这封信。Eddie, I dont know when 1 lpost theletter for you.Welcome to the unit中文英文丹尼尔,机器人将来会有大脑吗?Would the robots have brains in thefuture, Dani el?是的,他们会有的。Yes, they would.所以他们可以做任何他们被要求做的事。So they could do whatever they are askedto.这听起来很有用。That sounds useful.机器人如何帮助我们?How could robots help us?他们可以做危险的工

3、作,如火火或在咼楼上工作。They could do dangerous jobs likeputting out fires or working on highbuildi ngs.太好了。机器人能在任何方面帮助你和我吗?Thats great. Could the robots help youand me in any way?当然可以。他们可以帮我们做作业。Of course. They could help us with ourhomework.我想要一个。Wow! I like to have one.Read ing中文英文家庭机器人The home robot江先生是阳光镇

4、一家大公司的经理。Mr Jia ng is a man age of a big compa ny irSun shi ne Town.他总是很忙,没有时间放松。He is always too busy to have any time torelax.我必须头一个机器人,这样我才能有更多的空闲时间,江先生想。“1 have to buy a robot so that I can havemore free time, Mr Jia ng thought.所以他从机器人商店订购了一台。So he ordered one from a robot shop.机器人使江先生的生活容易多了。Th

5、e robot made Mr Jia ngs life mucheasier.早上起床,早餐做好了,西装熨好了,饭盒也准备好了。Whe n he got up in the morning, breakfastwas made, his bus in ess suit was smoothlyironed, and his lunch box was alreadyprepared.这使他非常咼兴。That made him very happy.当江先生在工作时,机器人将做所有的家务。While Mr Jia ng was at work, the robotwould do all th

6、e housework.它也会去超市购物。It would go shopp ing at the supermarketas well.当江先生下班回家时,他的公寓就会焕然一新,一顿美味的晚餐就会为他准备好。When Mr Jia ng returned home fromwork, his flat would look as good as n ew,and a delicious dinner would be ready forhim.晚饭后,机器人会整理。After dinner, the robot would tidy up.这使得江先生可以做喜欢做的事情。That allow

7、ed Mr Jia ng to do whatever heliked.他会看电视或读书。He would watch TV or do some read ing.总的来说,这个机器人似乎满足了江先生的需要。It seemed that in general the robotsatisfied Mr Jia ng s n eeds.然而,在舒适的几周后,事情开始变糟了。After a few comfortable weeks, however,thi ngs started to go wrong.这个机器人感染了病毒,不能正常工作了。The robot caught a virus a

8、nd no Ion gerworked properly.它开始犯愚蠢的错误。It bega n to make stupid mistakes.有时它在早上四点钟把江先生叫醒。Sometimes it woke Mr Jia ng up at fouro clock in the morning.当江先生回到家,他会发现他的公寓一片狼藉:食物被放在床上;牛奶被储存在垃圾箱里;硬币、钞票和他的私人文件撒得满地都是。Whe n Mr Jia ng got home, he would findhis flat in a complete mess: food was laidon the bed

9、; milk was stored in the rubbishbin; coins, bills and his private paperswere spread all over the floor.此外,机器人的轮子移动得太快,经常撞倒东西。Moreover, the robot moved too fast on itswheels and ofte n kno cked thi ngs over.江先生不知道该拿它怎么办。Mr Jia ng did not know what to do with it.最后,江先生决定把机器人还给机器人商店。In the end, Mr Jia

10、ng decided to retur n therobot to the robot shop.机器人可以帮助人们很多,但他们也可能是大麻烦。Robots can help people a lot, but they canalso be too much trouble.In tegrated skillsSpeak up中文英文你好!我能帮你吗?Hello! Can I help you?你好!我想找客服部。Hello! rd like to speak to the CustomerService Departme nt.请稍等,我帮你转接过去。Please hold on and

11、ril put you through.5秒后(5 sec onds later)你好!这里是客服部。Hello! This is the Customer ServiceDepartme nt.我能为您做些什么?What can 1 do for you?我的机器人感染了病毒,出了冋题。My robot has caught a virus and it hasgone wrong.听到这个消息我很难过。Im sorry to hear that.您想让我们检查一下吗?Would you like us to have it checked?是的,请。谢谢。Yes, please. Than

12、 ks.好的。我们的机器人工程师很快就会联系你。OK. Our robot engin eer will con tact yousoon.Task中文英文两周前,我从你的商店买了一个机器人。Two weeks ago, I bought a robot fromyour shop.然而,我一点也不满意。However, Im not satisfied with it at all.首先,我对匕的电池不满意。First of all, Im un happy with its batteries.它们最多持续一个星期。They last for one week at most.所以我必须经

13、常更换它们。So I have to cha nge them ofte n.我想它们至少要用两个月。I think they should last at least 2 mon ths.我认为机器人应该一天工作 24小时,并且我想让我的机器人完成我的家庭作业。I think a robot should work 24 hours aday and I want my robot do myhomework.然而,机器人很懒。However, the robot is very lazy.我需要一直给它指令。I need to give it instructions all the ti

14、me.否那么,我需要自己做所有的事情。Otherwise, I need to do everythingmyself.这个机器人的质量也不合格。The quality of this robot is not up tostandard either.一个好的机器人应该只需要每6个月检查一次。A good robot should only n eed check ingevery 6 mon ths.我的机器人已经元全停止工作了。My robot has already stopped workingcompletely.我不知道它出了什么问题。I do not know what is

15、wrong with it.我懊悔头了一个像这样的机器人。I regret hav ing bought a robot like this.我想要拿回我的钱。I would like to get my money back.听说你对你的机器人不满意,我们感到很遗憾。We are sorry to hear that you are notsatisfied with your robot.我们理解你为什么这么生气。We un dersta nd why you are so an gry.我们想送你一个新机器人。We would like to send you a new robot.你

16、只需要把电池放进去就可以了。You will only n eed to put the batteries into make it work.当然,如果你不接受我们的新产品,你可以拿回你的钱。Of course, you can have your moneyback if you would not accept our newproduct.然而,我们希望你能尝试一下。However, we hope that you will give it atry.我们相信你会喜欢它的。We are sure that you will like it.如果您对我们的效劳不满意,欢送您随时告诉我们。You are welco


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