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1、会计学1 绩效管理绩效管理ppt 2 第1页/共26页 3 第2页/共26页 4 Performance Number of Employees Source: Hay/McBer 第3页/共26页 5 19% 2% 1% 1% 6% 18% 3% 1%1% 8% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% ProfitabilityProductivity HRM Strategy Quality Technology R develop strategy to reduce OT; implement strategy Implement 3 programs aimed at increasi

2、ng customer satisfaction: begin training programs; upgrade call center software; establish a monitoring program Set high goals for yourself and for the team: try to reduce from 50 to 30 per month; communicate to team what needs to be done; “own” this process Identify customer issues: think about and

3、 act on opportunities to address these issues; act as a role model to subordinatesshow them how to work with customers; improve call-center software system TrainingTraining Tactics/StrategiesBehaviors Develop a plan to meet with each of your subordinates and get the “pulse” on how they are doing (re

4、: jobs, projects, expectations); develop career-pathing plans with each of your subordinates; develop ideas around nonmonetary rewards Coach consistently: deliver timely and constructive feedback; address issues immediately; make sure others contribute and have what they need to do the job Tactics/S

5、trategiesBehaviors Business Objectives Career Development Objectives Improve consistency of customers delivery (evidenced by 98% customer satisfaction) Goals set for year Improve employee retention in department by 50% Goals set for next 8 months Reduce overtime from 150 to 50 hours/month (cost not

6、to exceed $12,000) Goals set for year 第23页/共26页 25 Extent of Differentiation 1. Company wide success measures Company revenue Profit ability measures None None 2. Business unit success measures Unit revenue Profitability measures Other measures Annual incentive Some, based on individual contribution

7、 3. Success measurescurrent role Contribution to unit/company measures Salary increase Little 4. Requirementscurrent role Meet “current” job description Live the values None None 5. Success measuresfuture roles Demonstration of success competencies/behaviors Achievement of development goals Future e

8、arnings Salary Annual incentive Long-term incentive Recognition Significant, based on potential Measures First-Level ManagersReward Linkage 1. Company-wide success measures Company revenue Profitability measures Long-term incentive Annual incentive Some, based on role Some, based on role 2. Business

9、 unit success measures Unit revenue Profitability measures Other measures Annual incentive Significant, based on unit performance 3. Success measurescurrent role Contribution to unit/company measures Annual incentive Some discretionary component 4. Requirementscurrent role Meet current job descripti

10、on Live the values None None 5. Success measuresfuture roles Demonstration of success competencies/behaviors Achievement of development goals Future earnings Salary Annual incentive Long-term incentive Recognition Significant, based on potential Salary increase tied to market movement Little Measure

11、s Executives Reward Linkage Extent of Differentiation Extent of Differentiation 第24页/共26页 26 Performance Aligning ProcessesPerformance Coaching/FeedbackDifferentiated Rewards nCEO models desired behaviors lTeaches/coache s lMentors/counsel s high performers nSignificant investment in training/develo

12、ping people to be good coaches nBusinesses ranked at multiple levels and information is publicly shared nHeavy use of incentives (up to 50%, even for first- level managers) nStrong financial and operational processes lCEC lSession C lS1/S2 nSignificant movement of star talent nOpen, candid dialogue

13、that stretches individuals and organizations nFrequent conversations about performance and development nSignificant investment in training/developing people to be good coaches nPerformance measured at multiple levels l20-70-10 plan launched in 1996 lForced ranking system lTop 20% rewarded so likely few leave lBottom 10% given opportunity to improve lApplies at all levels The Prerequisites nAspirational mis


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