已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 81 Escape prisoner (1) n. 囚犯囚犯 jailbird (2) n. 俘虜俘虜 POW:a prisoner of war 戰俘戰俘 去掉去掉er prison 監牢、監獄監牢、監獄 be in prison break prison 越獄越獄 他被释放了。他被释放了。 He has been released from jail. bush (1)灌木丛)灌木丛(比(比tree低而且多枝)低而且多枝) 薔薇薔薇丛丛 a rose bush beat around the bush beat about the bush 繞彎子說話,轉彎抹角地說話繞彎子說

2、話,轉彎抹角地說話 bushy adj. 灌木叢生的;茂密的灌木叢生的;茂密的 rapidly adv. 迅速地迅速地 (反义词反义词slowly) rapid adj. 迅速迅速的的、快速的快速的 、敏捷的(反義詞敏捷的(反義詞slow) 他快速的看了我一眼。他快速的看了我一眼。 He took a rapid glance at me . 她的她的反應很靈敏。反應很靈敏。 Her reaction was rapid. uniform (1) n. 制服制服 在我們的学校所有学生必须穿校服在我們的学校所有学生必须穿校服 All the students must wear uniforms

3、 at our school. (2) adj. 相同的、同行的相同的、同行的 相同重量的箱子相同重量的箱子 The boxes are uniform in weight. shoulder (1) n. 肩肩膀膀 She looked over her shoulder . 她她回過頭向後看。回過頭向後看。 你要自己負起責任來。你要自己負起責任來。 Take the responsibility on your shoulders . (2) 肩部、路肩、肩肩部、路肩、肩 the shoulder of a mountain 山肩山肩 cry on ones shoulder 向某人哭訴向

4、某人哭訴 give someone the shoulder 冷淡地對待某人冷淡地對待某人 shoulder to shoulder 肩並肩肩並肩 march (1)v. 行进行进、進軍、進軍. (2) n. 行進、進軍行進、進軍 行軍路線行軍路線 a line of march (3) n. 音樂進行曲音樂進行曲 婚禮進行曲婚禮進行曲 a wedding march (4) n. 發展、進展發展、進展 科學的進步科學的進步 the march of science boldly adv. 大胆地大胆地、厚顏無恥、厚顏無恥 bold (1) adj. 大膽的、不知害怕的、有勇氣的大膽的、不知害

5、怕的、有勇氣的 bold to do sth 膽敢做某事膽敢做某事 It is bold of sb to do sth 某人某人真大膽,竟然敢做真大膽,竟然敢做 你真大膽竟敢獨自去爬那座山你真大膽竟敢獨自去爬那座山 Youre bold to climb that mountain alone . It is bold of you to climb that mountain alone . (2)adj. (女性)(女性) 厚顏無恥、冒失的厚顏無恥、冒失的 多麼厚顏無恥多麼厚顏無恥的女人!的女人! What a bold woman she is ! (3) adj. 筆畫粗的筆畫粗的

6、用粗体把重点的词强调出来。用粗体把重点的词强调出来。 Highlight the important words in bold blaze (1)v. 燃燒、冒火焰燃燒、冒火焰 火燒了一整火燒了一整天天 。 The fire blazed all day . (2)v. 發怒、激怒發怒、激怒 他怒火中燒。他怒火中燒。 He was blazing with anger. blazing adj. 炎熱的炎熱的 a blazing sun 炙熱的太陽炙熱的太陽 salute (1) v. 行礼行礼、敬禮、問候或歡迎、敬禮、問候或歡迎 salute the flag 向向旗帜旗帜敬禮敬禮 (2)

7、 n. 敬禮敬禮 give a salute 敬禮敬禮 軍官向軍官向将军回将军回了禮了禮. The officer returned the generals salute . elderly adj. 上了年纪的上了年纪的 上了年紀的紳士上了年紀的紳士 an elderly gentleman elder 年紀較長的、年長的年紀較長的、年長的 older(美)(美) 哥哥哥哥/姐姐姐姐 elder brother / sister 年紀較長的兒子年紀較長的兒子 an elder son sharp (1) adj. 猛烈的猛烈的、極劇的、凜冽、極劇的、凜冽 的的 刺骨的寒風刺骨的寒風 a s

8、harp wind 。 blow (1) n. 打击打击、毆打、毆打 他打在我頭上他打在我頭上 He gave me a blow on the head . (2) v.吹、刮吹、刮 blow blew blown 今天風大今天風大 It is blowing hard today . Questions on the text 1.After he had killed the guard,what did the prisoner of war do? 2.What did he hear and see when he marched boldly in front of the ca

9、mp? 3.Where did the large black car stop and who got out? 4.What did the prisoner do to the driver? A:带着四个问题读课文带着四个问题读课文 B:把生词找出把生词找出 C:看翻译了解文章大意看翻译了解文章大意 D找出不理解的地方找出不理解的地方 1.When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. drag into 拖進拖進 他把桌子拖进角落里。他把桌子拖进角落里。 He

10、 dragged the table into the corner. 2.Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead mans clothes. A:change into 換(衣服)換(衣服) 他把西装换成牛仔装。他把西装换成牛仔装。 He changed out of his suit into jeans. B:与与change 有关的短语有关的短语 change for 换成换成 我想把这个裙子换成裤子我想把这个裙子换成裤子 Id like to change this dress for trouse

11、rs . for a change 換個口味換個口味 每天晚上看电视我都厌了,我们去看场电影换换每天晚上看电视我都厌了,我们去看场电影换换 口味吧。口味吧。 I am tired of watching television every night. Lets go to a movie for a change 3.Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. Be dressed

12、in 身穿身穿 up and down (1)上上下下)上上下下 男孩子們男孩子們在在石階石階上上下下走著。上上下下走著。 The boys went up and down the stone steps. (2) 來來去去來來去去 他他在在大廳走來走去大廳走來走去。 He walked up and down the hall. 她在馬路上來回的溜躂。她在馬路上來回的溜躂。 She wandered up and down the street . 4.He could hear shouting in the camp itself. 5.Lights were blazing and

13、men were running here and there: here and there到处,四处到处,四处 他到處他到處乱转乱转不知該如何是好。不知該如何是好。 He walked here and there not knowing what to do . 6.they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. 7.At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. A:stop at 在在.停下來

14、停下來 我们在山区一个迷人的小酒店里逗留了两天。我们在山区一个迷人的小酒店里逗留了两天。 We stopped at a lovely inn in the mountains for two days B 其他拜访的词组其他拜访的词组 stop in stop by 偶然过访偶然过访, 靠近靠近, 访问访问 我们路过你家,所以就想顺便进来坐一会。我们路过你家,所以就想顺便进来坐一会。 We were passing your house, so we thought we would stop by for a few minutes drop in on drop by 順便來訪順便來訪,

15、 非正式訪問非正式訪問 如果你到我们这个地区来,一定要来我们这儿玩玩。如果你到我们这个地区来,一定要来我们这儿玩玩。 If you are ever in our neighborhood, be sure to drop in on us pay sb a short visit 8.The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed. stand to attention 立正立正 Attention !立正!立正 Attention , please ! 請注意!請注意!

16、Stand at ease ! 稍息稍息 9.When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. 10.He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes. Clear (1) adj. 清澈的、透明的清澈的、透明的 小溪中的水十分清澈小溪中的水十分清澈 The water in the stream was very clear . (2) adj. 明瞭的、易了解的明瞭的、易了解的 我说得够清楚

17、了吗我说得够清楚了吗? Do I make myself clear?. (3)clear up 天空放晴天空放晴 雨後天空開始放晴雨後天空開始放晴 The sky cleared up just after the rain . 11.The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. feel sorry for sb 为某人感到遗憾、难过为某人感到遗憾、难过 我为她感到难过我为她感到难过 I feel sorry for her. 12.As the man came near, the pri

18、soner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. knock sb to the ground 把某人打倒在地把某人打倒在地 那拳击手把对手击倒在地上那拳击手把对手击倒在地上 The boxer knocked his opponent to the ground. 13.Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could. jump 跳、蹦、躍跳、蹦、躍 (1) v. 向向跳、躍跳、躍 他從屋頂上跳下來他從屋頂上跳下來 He jumped down from the roof . (2)n. 跳、跳躍跳、跳躍 the high jump 跳高跳高 the long jump 跳遠跳遠 the pole jump 撐竿跳撐竿跳 (3) n. 心跳心跳 give a perso


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