



1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!我的信念双语美文 这是一个节目邀请的人士来讲说自己的故事,这篇文章是其中一个人的个人经受和人生信念。接下来,我给大家预备了我的信念双语美文,欢送大家参考与借鉴。 我的信念双语美文 when the 1)scruffy orange cat showed up in the prison yard, i was one of the first to go out there and 2)pet it. i hadnt touched a cat or a dog in over 20 years. it was an amazing bit of gr

2、ace to feel him under my hand and know that i was enriching the life of another creature with something as simple as my care. i believe that caring for something or someone in need is what makes us human. 当那只脏兮兮的橘黄色猫儿出如今监狱的院子里时,我是第一批走上前去摩挲它的人之一。我已经有二十多年未曾摸过一只猫或狗了。感觉到它在我的手掌下,知道自己只不过用一丝简洁的关心就让另一个生命的日子

3、变得改善起来,这真是一种令人惊叹的恩典。我信任,对有需要的人或物表示关心,是我们作为人所应有的特质。 over the next few days, i watched other prisoners responding to the cat. every yard period, a group of prisoners gathered there. they stood around talking and taking turns petting the cat. these were guys you wouldnt usually find talking to each oth

4、er. several times i saw an officer in the groupnot chasing people away, but just watching and seeming to enjoy it along with the prisoners. 在接下来的几天里,我看到其他犯人纷纷对这只猫表示关注。每次放风的时候,总有一群犯人围在那里。他们站在那里谈天,轮番摩挲着猫儿。平常,你不会看到这些家伙彼此交谈。还有几次,我观察一位狱警也站在人群里不是为了把人们赶开,而是就在那里看着,好像和犯人一起享受这难得的时间。 bowls of milk and water ap

5、peared, along with bread, wisely placed under the edge of the 3)dumpster to keep the seagulls from getting it. the cat was obviously a 4)stray and in pretty bad shape. one prisoner brought out his small, 5)blunt-tipped scissors, and 6)trimmed 7)burrs and 8)matted fur from his 9)coat. 有人放下几碗牛奶和清水,还有面

6、包;它们都被奇妙地放在大垃圾箱边缘的下方,以防海鸥抢食。这明显是一只漂泊猫,安康情况相当糟糕。一名犯人拿出他的钝头小剪刀,给它修剪身上的芒刺和纠缠的毛团。 people said, that cat came to the right place. hes getting treated like a king. this was true. but as i watched, i was also thinking about what the cat was doing for us. 大家都说:这只猫算是来对地方了。我们把它当国王一般款待。的确如此。不过当我看着(人与猫的互动),我也在思

7、索这只猫为我们带来了什么。 theres a lot of talk about whats wrong with prisons in america. we need more programs; we need more 10)psychologists or treatment of various kinds. some even talk about making prisons more kind, but i think what we really need is a chance to practice kindness ourselves. not receive it,

8、 but give it. 很多人在争论美国监狱究竟出了什么问题。我们需要更多(改造)工程;我们需要更多心理学家或各种治疗法。有些人甚至说要让监狱更加人性化,但我认为,我们真正需要的是一个让我们表现好心的时机。不是承受,而是赐予。 after more than two decades here, i know that kindness is not a value thats encouraged. its often seen as weakness. instead, the culture encourages keeping your head down, minding your

9、 own business and never letting yourself be 11)vulnerable. 在这里呆了二十多年后,我知道监狱并不鼓舞好心善行它通常会被视为脆弱。相反,这里提倡的监狱文化是低调做人,别管闲事,而且肯定不能让人觉得你是好欺负的。 for a few days, a 12)raggedy cat 13)disrupted this code of prison culture. theyve taken him away nowhopefully to a 14)decent homebut it 15)did my heart good to see the effect he had on me and the men here. he didnt have a 16)ph.d., he wasnt a 17)criminologist or a psychologist, but by simply saying, i need some help here, he did something important for us. he needed us, and we need to be needed. i believe we all do. 在那几天,一只邋遢的小猫打乱了


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