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1、一般过去时和一般将来时的专项练习NameMark一、按照括号中的要求改写句子。1. Lucy did her homework at home(改否定句)Lucyher homework at home.2. She found some meat in the fr idge.(变一$殳疑I可句)shemeat in the fr idge3. She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)shet here4. There was some orange in the cup (变.一$殳疑问句)thereorange in the cup5. Li Ming

2、is at schooI now.(用 yesterday 改写句子)Li Ming at schoo I yes terday.二、句型转换三、1. The chi Idren had a good time in the park.四、 否定句五、一六、对 划 线 部 分 提 问2. There were about nine hundred peopIe at the concert.(音乐会)否定句:对 划 线 部 分 提 问3. There was only one prob Iem.否定句:般疑肯定/否定回答:4. Ann d id her homework yesterday e

3、ven ing.否定句:对 划 线 部 分 提 问 :5. Last week I read an Engl ish book.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:对 划 线 部 分 提 问 :6. My brother was in the park just now.否定句:一般疑问句:青定/否定回答:对 划 线 部 分 提 问:7. She had some bread for lunch today.否定句:一般疑问句:肯定/否定回答:对 划 线 部 分 提 问三、写出下列动词的三单现.过去式和现在分词goen joybuyeatget wa I k take dancewr i te

4、runsw i mfindbegineatp I ay study 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Tom and Mary(come) t o China I as t mon th.2. M i ke(not go) to bed unti I 12 oclock I ast night.So he(get ) up late.3. Mary (read) Engl i sh yes terday mor ning.4. There(be) no one here a moment ago.5. I (caI I) Mike this morning.6. I I istened but

5、(hear) nothing.7. Tom(begin) to I earnChinese I astyear.8. Last week we(pick) many appIes on thefarm.9. My mot her(no t do) houseworkyesterday.10. She watches TV every evening. But she(not watch) TV I ast n i ght.11 your fat her( go ) to work every day I ast year12. -Wha t timeyou (ge t) to Be i j i

6、 ngyesterday-We (get) to Beijing at 9:00 i n theeve n i ng.13. What (make) him cry (哭)just now14. Last year the teacher (tell) us that theearth moves around the sun.15 Therea te I ephone ca I I for you justnow. (be)16. Therenot eno ugh peop I e to pick app I es that day(be)17. There ( be not) any ho

7、spitals in myhometown (家乡)in 1940.18.Thereenough mi I k at home I ast week,wasn9 t there19.El ito Japan I ast week(move)20.-Whenyou(come) to ch i na Lastyear 21.Did she(have) supper at home22.Jack(not cIean) the room just now.23.(be)it co Id in your city yesterday24.How many peop I e(be) t here in y

8、our c I assI ast term25. It (be) hot yes terday and mos t chi Idren(be) outs i de26. There (be) a foot ba I I match on TVyes terday eve ning, but I (have) notime to watch it.五. 请用正确动词形式填空。1. I(have) an exci ting par ty las t weekend.2. she(prac ti ce) her gui tar yes terday No,she3. WhatTom(do) on S

9、aturday even i ngHe(wa tch)TV and(read) aninteresting book.4. They a I I (go) to the mountains yes terdaymor n i ng.5. She(notvisit) her aunt last weekend. She (st ay) at home and (do) some c I ean i ng.6. Whenyou(wr ite) thi s song I (wr ite)it last year.7. My f r i end, Caro I, (study) for the mat

10、htest and(prac ti ce) Eng I i sh I as t night.8. Mr. Li (do) the projec t on Mon daymorning Yes, he9. How(be) Jim1 s weekend It(be not) bad.(be) your mot her a sa I es ass i s tant las t year No. she1 J im a nd L i Le i(wa tch) the f ootba I I matchthis evening.2. she(have) a Ch i nese I esson to mo

11、rrow3. -一Whatyou (do) to morrow morn i ng- I(see) my grandparents.4 . they ( go ) fishing this Fr idayafternoon5. It(be)a bi rthday party thi s evening.六、将来时练习:改句子。1. Nancy is going to go swimming.(改否定)Nancy going to go swimming.2. I II go with me.(改否定)I go withme.3. Im going to get up at 6:30 to mo

12、rrow (改一为殳疑问句) to get up at 6:30tomorrow?4. We will meet at the bus stat io n at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 10:30 ?5. She is going to I isten to music after schooI.(提问) she after school?6. My fat her and mot her are going totomorrow.(提问)go i ng to see a pI7. We will do our homework at 10:

13、30.(改一彳殳疑问句)do at 10:30(用另一种表达)Wehomework at 10:30 七、用所给词的适当形式填空。see a pI ayay tomorrowhomeworkdo ourpicnic thisi s a sunny day. We (have) aafternoon.2. My brother (go) to Shangha i nextweek.3. Tom often(go) to school on foot. Buttoday is rainy.He(go) to school by bike.4. What do you usuaIly do at w

14、eekendsIusuaI Iy (watch)TVand (p I ay) foot ba I I 5. It s Fr i day to day. Wha tshe(do)th i s weekendShe (watch) TV 6. A: Wha t you (do) I as t Sun dayB: I(pick) appIes on a farm A: Whatyou (do ) next SundayB: I (go) to see a fiIm .17. Mary (vi si t) her grandpare ntstomorrow18 Liu Tao (f Iy) kites

15、 in the playgroundyesterday.19 David (give) a puppet show nextMonday.20. They (ta I k) about my study now.八. 按要求做题1. We are going to have lunch at home 否定句:We going to have Iunch at home .一为殳疑问句: youhave I unch at homeYes,2. Mum isn t going to make a cake tom or row .肯定句:Mummake a cake to morrow .一为殳疑问句:Mummake a cake to morrowNo ,.3. Her fr iends are going to go home at 4:00 提问:her fr iends going to at4:00her fr i ends goi ng togo home4. Wi I I you watch TV at weekend 否定回答:No , 5. Sam wi I I take photos at


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