



1、(1)her elder sister, and thats what matters to me, too.My high school, like many others, was extremely competitive not only in sports but also in academic subjects. The pressure of trying to get excellent grades while joining in extra-curricular activities could be great. Sometimes it seemed like I

2、lived at school! When I was at home my time was spe nt doing homework. Some days I was so busy finishing a project that I could hardly see my families.I have a brother and a sister n amed Sally. She was nine years old. We | used to see each other, but after I graduated from the primary school she at

3、te nded, I saw her less and less.Then one day I came home, an empty house and I found a note from my mom. She was at my brother s baseball gHmsever my sister was at her friend s, and wouldcbrepped off.At five o clock I went to turn on the light on the front porch and saw my sister walk ing towards t

4、he door with her friend and her friend heard them talking.Is anyone at home? the father asked.“ Just my mean elder sister, Sara, and shebly inheproban as1:What kind of life did the author live at high school? ( no more tha n 5 words )2: What does the un derl ined phrase“ dropped off in Paragraph 3me

5、a ns?( no more tha n 3 words )3:Why did the author s sister consider her as a mean sister? (No more than8 words)s father. I4:What happe ned to the two sisters one day accord ing to the passage? ( nomore tha n 5 words )usual, my sister replied. I could nt believe it. I ope ned the door, than the fath

6、er for bringing her home the n shut the door and started to cry.To make a long story short, a huge fight followed that en ded with me drivi ng my sister to her room. But I realized that what was worse tha n the fight was that I really hadn t been a good elder sister.I had lost track of what was impo

7、rta nt, and what really mattered. I had been fallen into a whirlpool(漩涡)of pressure and competition, and it tookmy sister s honest observation to show me that the grades I got didn 丨 matter to everyone- certainly not to her. All that matters to her is that I5:What less on do you lear n from the auth

8、or;s experie nee? ( no more tha n20 words )(2)had done what he wan ted to accomplish.56. What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words)Before he sailed round the world sin gle-ha nded, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to fly round the wo

9、rld but failed. That was in 1931.57. What did Chichester achieve at the age of 58?(No more than 10 words)The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo trans-Atlantic sailing race. His old dream of going ro

10、und the world came back, but this time he would sail. His friends and doctors did not think hecould do it, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determ ined to carry out his pla n. In August, 1966, at the age of n early 65, an age at which many men retire, he bega n his greatest voyage of his li

11、fe.Chichester covered 14,100 miles before stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more tha n twice the dista nee anyone had previously sailed alone.On shore, he could not walk without help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done eno ugh; he must not go any further. But he did not liste n.After r

12、esti ng in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in58. The underlined word “ dissuade in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by .(One word)59. What did Chichester mean by saying the underlined part in Paragraph4 ?(No more tha n 10 words)spite of his friends attetissutode him. The sec ond half

13、 of his voyagewas by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the risky Cape Horn. After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London:I feel as if I had waken up from ahorrible dream. Eve n a wild horse could not drag me dow n to Cape

14、Horn and that rough Souther n Ocea n aga in.Just before 9 o clock on Sun day evening 28 May, 196 he arrived back60. Please expla in how you are in spired by Chichester. (No more tha n 20 words)in En gla nd, where a quarter of a milli on people were wait ing to welcome him. The whole voyage from En g

15、la nd and back had covered 28,500 miles.It had take n him nine mon ths, of which the sail ing time was 226 days. HeWe found out that Jenny was heari ng-impaired(有听觉缺陷的)whe n shewas four and a half years old. Several operations and speech classes later, when she was seven, we found out that Jenny had

16、 Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (风湿性关节炎) .She could not put pressure on the heels of her feet, so she walked on tiptoe.All through grade school, and on into high school, Jenny suffered, yet n ever compla in ed. She took her medic ine, and I would ofte n wrap her feet in towels and hold her un til the

17、 pain eased. But, as soon as she could bear the pain, Jenny immediately carried on, as though she were free of pain.She was very popular and funny, attending every football game and cheeri ng the team on, carry ing her pillow everywhere she went, so that she could reduce the pain. Then came her seni

18、or year. She would be con sidered for scholarships; however, school activities, especially sports, could often mean the differe nee betwee n receivi ng an award and los ing out.So Jenny came to a decision, and in her strange manner, she began to bombard the high school football coach with requests.

19、She promised.Shegot her best friend to sig n up with her. Fin ally, the coach gave in, with the warni ng, “f you miss ONE game, you are out! She carried big buckets of water to her teammates. She ban daged kn ees and ankles before every game. Often, Jenny could be seen carrying a bucket of water in

20、each hand, n early dragg ing them, along with her pillow pressed un der her arms.When asked why he thought that the team was winning all their games, even in the face of injury, one member of Jenny team expla in ed, Well, when you e been knocked down and you can seem to move, you look upand see Jenn

21、y Lewis, limping(跛行)across the field, dragging her bucketsand carry ing her pillow. It makes anything that the rest of us may suffer seem pretty in sig ni fica nt. 56. When Jenny was seven, why did she walk on tiptoe? (No more than15 words.)57. Why did Jenny decide to take part in school activities?

22、 (No more tha n 20 words.)58. What does the underlined word“ bombard in the fourth paragraphmea n? (No more tha n 2 words.)59. What made Jenny eam encouraged in face of difficulties? (No more than 15 words.)60. What have you lear ned from Jenny? (No more tha n 25 words.)71. Whats Peking opera widely

23、 regarded as? (No more than 15 words)(4)72. What does the underlined word extinction in Paragraph 1 mean? (No more tha n 5 words)Peking opera, known as Chin as n atio nal opera, is a comb in atio n of music, dance and art and is widely regarded as a full expressi on of Chin ese culture. Today, this

24、art form is facing the dan ger of extinction as the youn ger gen erati on is mostly in terested in pop culture.73. Why did Chinas Ministry of Education launch a Peking opera project for primary and sec on dary schools? (No more tha n 20 words)A Peking opera project for primary and sec on dary school

25、s was laun ched by Chin as Mini stry of Educati on. But it has met with a cold react ion from the public. More than half of the 1,000 respondents from ten big cities expressed doubts about the practical meaning of the project in the survey con ducted by the Social Survey In stitute of China.74. Why

26、are most music teachers not con fide nt in teachi ng Peking opera pieces? (No more tha n 10 words)75. What do you think of the Peking opera project for schools? (No more than 20 words)The project plans to add 15 Peking opera pieces into music courses in 200 schools in ten provinces. The pilot progra

27、ms will last from March to July next year. At present, teaching materials and video tapes are still in product ion, Chi na News Service reported. The Mi nistry of Educati on hopes that the promotional course can help students better appreciate Chinese culture and cultivate a love for the mother coun

28、try.The surveyed people do recog nize Peking opera as a comprehe nsive ( 综 合性的)art form and a representative of the traditional culture. They also un dersta nd the purpose of the educati onal project. However, they won der whether it is necessary for every student to learn to sing Peking opera, when

29、 they are already stressed from endless exams. In fact, most music teachers themselves know little about this ancient art form, and thus are not con fide nt in arous ing (激起) stude nts in terest in its slow pace and abstruse(深奥的)lyrics.pathologist.Volunteering has given me a purpose and passion-I ca

30、n t recommend ithighly eno ugh.1. What is the passage mainly about? (No more than 10 words)2. For what purpose did the author consider taking a year out?(No more tha n 12 words)3. What did the author think of her job in Africa?(No more than 7 words)4. What does the underlined word “ highlight man?(N

31、o more than 5 words)5. Would you like to be a volunteer when you are free? Why?(No more than20 words)I was studying Arts and considering taking a year our to volunteer abroad and lear n a foreig n Ian guage.I called the EasternVolunteer Resource Center, an organizationprovid ing stude nts with oppor

32、t un ities to volun teer abroad, and they asked to go for an in terview. I told them why I wan ted to volun teer, and they asked if I had ever worked with children with disabilities. I said no, a little nervously, as I hadn t had a lot of experienee with disabled children. The cen ter the n con ducted an in terview for me, and a week later, I was a Thursday volun teer.I was req


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