



1、尾砂坝管理工岗位职责 1.负责好尾砂坝的全面管理维护,堆积和安全生产。 1. Be responsible for the total management, maintenance, stacking and work safety of the tailing dam. 2、管辖范围(从钢丝桥中心分界,经张舍里至尾砂坝(烂泥洞)止,包括尾砂、管道、尾砂分流管、初期坝、排水沟、排水涵门洞、排洪斜槽、周围山坡等。) 2. The administered scope ( is from the center of the steal wire bridge, through Zhangshel

2、i to the tailing dam (slush cave), which includes tailings, pipeline, tailing divider, preliminary dam, drainage ditch, drainage clough, tilted floodway (chute), surrounding hill slope, etc. ) 3、认真执行各项制度,自觉遵守劳动记录,坚持巡回检查、清理、维护,至少每星期向选厂负责人汇报一次,雨季和坝满时应勤检查、勤汇报,对排水斜槽应加强观察,特别是雨季尤其要重视,有排水不当之处,应及时清理,如果工作量较大

3、,应报选厂派人支援。 3. Carefully implement each system and consciously abide by the labor discipline; persist in the patrol inspection, clearance and maintenance, report to the leaders of the dressing plant at least once a week; frequently check and report during rainy season or when the dam is full; strengt

4、hen the observation on the drainage chute, especially during rainy season; when there is any drainage problem, settle it in time; if the work load is heavy, report to the dressing plant for support. 4、检查尾矿管道是否磨损、阻塞、漏矿浆。 4. Check if the tailing pipeline is worn-out, blocked or with pulp leakage. 5、注意

5、初期坝的坝顶和外坡的变化,检查护坡块石松动、风化、尾砂水渗逸、塌方、植物生长等情况。 5. Pay attention to the crest of the preliminary dam and the change of the exterior slope, check the looseness and efflorescence of the block rock on the revetment, penetration or overflow of the tailing water, landslide, vegetation growth, etc. 6、尾砂排放应在靠近坝

6、顶处用分流管流放,分流管伸至坝内坡底部,分配要均匀,尽量使粗砂靠近坝内坡沉降,细砂流向较远的地方,不允许在尾矿坝中部、后部排放尾砂。 6. The tailing shall be discharged through the divider next to the dam crest, the divider extends to the bottom of the inside slope, the distribution shall be even: the harsh sedimentates next to the inside slope and the thin flows t

7、o the farther place; it is not allowed to discharge the tailing in the center and back part of the tailing dam. 7、尾砂坝后部排水斜槽,要经常检查,清理两边的土、石等物防止进入槽内。 7. Frequently check the drainage chute in the back part of the tailing dam, clear away the soil and stone, etc. on its both sides to avoid entry into the chute. 8、尾砂坝坝满后应及时进行尾矿堆坝、堆坝坡度应按设计图纸放线施工。 8. Once the dam is full, it shall be p


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