六下 Unit 2 Good habits 知识点_第1页
六下 Unit 2 Good habits 知识点_第2页
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六下 Unit 2 Good habits 知识点_第5页




1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx六下 Unit 2 Good habits 知识点【精品文档】6B Unit2 Good habits一、四会单词【精品文档】习惯habit干净的;整齐的tidy快的fast 从不never迟的 late完成 finish 把放得井井有条 putin order不好的,坏的bad差地,不好badly昨夜last night走进,走入go into慢速地slowly困的,困倦的sleep二、词组、短语或句子1.try to form good learning habits试着形成好的学习习惯 2. have many good habits有许多好的习惯3. get

2、 up early in the morning早上早早地起床 4. never go to bed late从不晚睡觉5. brush his teeth刷牙 6. before bedtime睡觉前 7. at home在家 8. put his things in order把他的东西整理得得井井有条 9. finish his homework before dinner在晚饭前完他的作业10. listen to his teachers at school在学校听他老师的话 11. do well at home在家做得好12. keep his room clean and ti

3、dy保持他的房间又干净又整齐 13. help his parents帮助他的父母14. have some bad habits有一些坏习惯 15. do his homework late at night晚上很晚做他的作业16. go to bed early早睡觉 17. feel sleepy in the morning早上觉得困 18. know Liu Tao well很了解刘涛 19. went to bed late last night昨晚睡觉很晚 20. Im not sleepy. 我不困。21. What habits do Wang Bing and Liu Ta

4、o have? 王兵和刘涛有什么习惯?22. walk fast in the street在街上走得快 23. have breakfast on time准时吃早饭24. do their homework in the evening晚上做他们的作业 25. pick one选一个26. four short horses四匹矮马 27. run through the grass跑过草地 28. run very fast跑得很快 29. This is the way we wash our face. 这是我们洗脸的方式。 30. come to see her来看她 31. sh

5、ow you around our house带你参观我们的房子 32. Let me show you around our house. 让我带你参观我们的房子。 33. go into the living room进入客厅 34. go into Tinas bedroom进入蒂娜的卧室 35. They are in Bobbys bedroom. 他们在波比的卧室。36. see a lot of books and toys on the floor看见很多书和玩具在地板上37 Whose bedroom is this? 这是谁的卧室? 38. my brothers我哥哥的3

6、9. put your books and toys in order把你的书和玩具放的井井有条40. under the bed在床下 41. loot at the pictures看着图片 42. run slowly跑得慢 43. walk slowly走得慢44. sing badly / well唱得不好/ 好 45. do badly at school在学校做得不好46. get up at six oclock in the morning早上6点起床47. walk fast走得快 48. You shouldnt go to bed late. 你不应该晚睡觉。三、重点句

7、型1.He gets up early in the morning and never goes to bed late.他早上起床早,从来不晚睡。2.My sister brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.我妹妹在早上和睡觉前刷牙。3.I always put my things in order.我总是把我的东西整理得井井有条。4.We usually finish our homework before dinner.我们通常在晚饭之前完成家庭作业。5. They listen to their teachers at

8、 school.他们在学校听老师的话。6.He also does well at home.他在家也表现得好。7.He keeps his room clean and tidy.他保持他的房间既干净又整齐。8.He often does his homework late at night and does not go to bed early.他经常做作业做到深夜并且不早睡。9.He sometimes feels sleepy in the morning.他有时在早上感觉困。10.Wang Bing knows Liu Tao well.王兵很了解刘涛。11.Did you go

9、to bed late last night?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.你昨晚睡得晚吗?是的,我是。/不,我不是。12.Let me show you around our house.让我带你参观我们的房子。13.I always have my lunch on time.我总是准时吃午饭。14. You should put your books and toys in order.你应该把你的书和玩具放得井井有条。15. The man is singing badly.男士正唱歌唱得糟糕。16.The boy is doing well at school.男

10、孩在学校表现得很好。四、语法知识副词状语的顺序:英语副词的分类(1)时间副词:常见的有now, then, soon, ago, late, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, still, already, just等。(2)地点副词:常见的有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home,(3)方式副词:表示行为方式的副词大多以-ly结尾,常见的有quietly, heavily,carefully, happily, angrily等。(4)频度副词:常见的有always, usually, often, sometimes, never等。(5)程度副词:常见的有very, much, too, really等。(6)焦点副词:就是通过强调使之成为人们注意的焦点的副词,常见的有:only, also, just, especially, too,等。(7)疑问副词:就是用于引出特殊疑问句的when, where, why, how等


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