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1、1目的:编制本标准工作程序的目的是制订有效的承包商管理程序,确保仅由核准的合格承包商在东莞沈恒粮油有限公司现场工作。2适用范围:本SWP适用于管理在沈恒粮油工厂和项目中工作的并与沈恒粮油有合同关系的所有承包商和分包商。3定义A类承包商指沈恒粮油雇用(或分包)的独立公司,在我们的设施进行施工、维修、修理活动和仓储车间劳务承包商,例如焊接、一般修理、改造、大修、拆除、基础,打包和装卸承包商等。Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcontracted) to perform construction, maintenance or repair act

2、ivities at our facilities e.g. welding, general repairs, renovations, turnaround, demolitions, foundation drillers, meal package and loading/unloading etc B类承包商指沈恒粮油雇用(或分包)的独立公司,进行的维修、修理或一般服务不在工艺装置上或附近,并且其工作不影响运行部门的安全。例如,办公室设备维护和修理,自助餐厅(餐饮供应),绿化(草地养护)等等。Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcont

3、racted) to perform maintenance, repairs, or general services that are not on or adjacent to a process unit and their work in no way impacts safety in operations. Examples of this include office equipment maintenance and repairs, cafeteria (catering food), landscaping (lawn care), etcC 类承包商所从事的工作仅限于办

4、公室和休息区域。如教室培训,外部培训人员,政府和/或社区领导以及其它的来访者。Independent company hired by Bunge (or subcontracted) only to perform the service in office area and break area, such as classroom, inspection people, outside trainer, personnel from government or/and community and other visitors.工作联系人 Job Contact指沈恒粮油员工或被指定人员,

5、负责联络和要求承包商履行其合同义务。工作联系人应熟悉沈恒粮油政策和程序,并且是“合格人员”。A Bunge employee or designee who is responsible to interface and require contractors to uphold their contractual obligations. The Job Contact shall be familiar with Bunge Policies and Procedures and be a “Qualified Person”. 4任务与责任 Tasks and Responsibilit

6、ies编号No.任务清单Task List责任方Responsible Party*执行工作*Performs Work5.1承包商EHS资格鉴定程序Contractors Qualification Process 中国区EHS经理EHS manager5.2进行承包商EHS资格鉴定Perform Contractors Qualification工厂厂长Plant manager采购部和EHS及生产部/项目/品控等负责人Procurement, EHS, production team and quality etc.5.3贯彻沈恒粮油 关于承包商的EHS要求Implementation

7、of the Bunge EHS Requirements for Contractors工厂厂长Plant manager采购部,EHS负责人和工作联系人Procurement, EHS Leaders & Job Contact5.4在工作现场对承包商的监督Overseeing of Contractors at the Job Site辖区部门负责人Area supervisor员工Employees5.5年度回顾和评估承包商Review and evaluate contractors annually China procurement manager采购部,EHS负责人和工作联系人

8、Procurement, EHS Leaders & Job Contact*负责执行特定任务中大部分工作的人员。Person that performs the majority of the work for this task5. 程序描述 Process Description有意在沈恒粮油现场工作的承包商必须具有符合或超过沈恒粮油标准的EHS程序。任何例外都必须满足承包商资格特殊情况批准表(附件 E)中规定的要求。Contractors wishing to work at Bunge sites must have an EHS process that meets or exce

9、eds Bunge standards. Any exception must meet the requirements specified on the Contractor Qualification Special Case Approval Form (Attachment E). 5.1 承包商资格鉴定程序 Contractors Qualification Process.如第3节所述,有意为沈恒粮油工作的承包商、临时服务提供商(或分包商)必须填写沈恒粮油资格预审调查表(PQQ),参见附件 A;该信息用于评估和选择沈恒粮油 优选的承包商。Contractors, incident

10、al service providers (or subcontractors) as described on section 3, wanting to work for Bunge must complete the Bunge Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) refer to attachment A; this information is used to evaluate and select Bunge preferred contractors.5.1.1 B类和C类服务提供商可豁免资格预审调查表。要求这些服务提供商履行并维护安全大纲

11、以及适合在设施中提供的服务类型的责任保险。Class B and Class C contractor companies may be considered exempt from this policy. The exemption is based on the type of work and EHS systems applicability. Class B and Class C contractor companies are required to implement and maintain a safety program and liability insurances

12、 that are suitable for the type of service rendered at the facilities. 5.1.2 如果承包商对照沈恒粮油资格预审调查表(附件 - A),承包商得分在80%或之上。Contractors scoring 80% or higher against Bunge Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (Attachment - A)现场应保存承包商证书的最新副本。此外,还要求承包商满足沈恒粮油采购要求。An up to date copy of the contractor certifications

13、 shall be maintained at the site. In addition, the Contractor shall be required to meet the Bunge procurement requirements. 5.1.3 现场合格人员(EHS,采购部,工作联系人等)应对核准的承包商进行评审。每三年至少进行一次评审。评审结果将被作为对适用承包商管理的建议并被标识在现场承包商的核准清单中。Site qualified personnel (EHS, Procurement, Job Contact etc) will conduct audits of app

14、roved contractors. Audits will be performed at least once every three years. Audit results will be addressed with the applicable contractor management and identified on the site contractors approved list. 5.1.4 现场EHS人员应审查和核准或拒绝(根据适用情况)承包商打算带入装置的化学品的化学品核准表的请求。Site EHS personnel shall review and appro

15、ve or reject (as applicable) requests for chemical approval forms for chemicals that contractors intend to bring into the plant. 5.2 进行承包商资格鉴定 Perform Contractor Qualification 采购向承包商发放资格预审调查表并保管设施的核准承包商清单;Procurement issue the Pre Qualification Questionnaire to contractors and maintain approved cont

16、ractor list for the facility.要求承包商填写沈恒粮油资格预审调查表(附件 A)。采购部代表、EHS代表、工作联系人和或需要承包商的人员应:Contractors are required to complete the Bunge Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (Attachment A). Representatives from Procurement, EHS, Job Contact, and/or person requesting a contractor shall:5.2.1 审查并确保承包商EHS信息符合沈恒粮油筛

17、选分级。分级标准取决于承包商的EHS大纲和以往绩效结果;共分5级,如下所述:Review and ensure the contractor EHS information complies with Bunge screening grading. The grading criteria is based on the contractors EHS program and past performance results; there are 5 grades as follows: A 获准(得分90 100%),该承包商将被列入沈恒粮油 优选承包商清单。A Approved (sco

18、re 90 100%), the contractor will be on the preferred Bunge Contractor list. B 获准(得分80 89.99%),该承包商可以获得沈恒粮油 评估结果,并被要求解决安全大纲有关问题。该承包商将被列入沈恒粮油 优选承包商清单。B Approved (score 80 89.99%) the contractor will have access to Bunge evaluation results and asked to address Safety programs issues. The contractor wil

19、l be placed on the Bunge preferred contractor list. C 可能获准(得分70 79.99%),特定工作需要取得现场主管核准*。承包商可以获得沈恒粮油 评估结果。除非问题得以解决并符合本SWP的要求,否则该承包商不得被列入沈恒粮油 优选承包商清单。C Contingent approval (score 70 79.99%), requires Site Director approval* for a specific job. The contractor will have access to Bunge evaluation result

20、s. The contractor shall not be placed on the Bunge preferred contractor list unless issues are addressed and in accordance with this SWP. D 可能需要制订计划(得分60 69.99%)。要求承包商制订书面应变计划并取得现场主管核准。 承包商可以获得评估结果。除非问题得以解决并符合本SWP的要求,否则该承包商不得被列入沈恒粮油 优选承包商清单。D Contingent to written plans (score 60 69.99%). Requires C

21、ontractors written contingency plan with plant manager approval*. The contractor may have access to evaluation results. The contractor shall not be placed on the preferred contractor list unless issues are addressed and in accordance with this procedure. F 不合格(得分0 59.99%)。未被核准,除非问题得以解决并符合本SWP的要求,否则该

22、承包商不可在任何沈恒粮油 设施中工作。该承包商可以取得评估结果。F Failed (score 0 59.99%). Unapproved, the contractor may not work at any Bunge Facility unless issues are addressed and in accordance with this SWP. The contractor may have access to the evaluation criteria.5.3 贯彻沈恒粮油 关于承包商的EHS要求Implementation of the Bunge EHS Requir

23、ements for Contractors工作联系人负责贯彻EHS要求并确保承包商及其分包商符合沈恒粮油的承包商管理程序。工作联系人应:The Job Contact is responsible to implement the EHS requirements and to ensure the Contractor and its sub contractors complies with the Bunge Contractor management process. The Job Contact shall:5.3.1 完成承包商管理程序培训并被指定为“合格人员”。Have co

24、mpleted the contractor management process training and be designated as a “qualified person.”5.3.2 在核准承包商方面提供输入。Provide input on the approval of contractors.5.3.3 确保提出关于工作范围的PPE、EHS培训以及设备要求,参见工作特定承包商EHS要求(附件 D)及获准的类似要求。目的是在承包商进入现场之前提出并达到EHS要求。工作联系人应根据需要向EHS部门咨询以解决EHS问题或阐明培训要求。Ensure the PPE, EHS tra

25、ining, and equipment requirements are outlined on the scope of work, refer to Job Specific Contractor EHS Requirements (Attachment D) or approved equivalent. The intent is to outline and accomplish the EHS requirements before the contractor comes to the site. Job contact shall consult the EHS depart

26、ment as needed to resolve EHS concerns or to clarify training requirements. 5.3.4 向承包商主管提供安全完成工作所需的适用沈恒粮油 安全工作程序、政策和制度。Provide to the contractor Supervision the applicable Bunge safety work process, policies and procedures required to complete the work safely.5.3.5 确保在开始工作之前进行开工前安全审查。开工前安全审查的目的是提出沈恒

27、粮油 期望值并确保承包商的主管理解工作范围以及安全进行工作的EHS要求。参见开工前安全审查工作事项( 附件 B)或获准的类似要求。Ensure that a pre-job safety review is conducted prior to beginning work. The objective of the pre job safety review is to outline the Bunge expectations and to ensure the contractors Supervisor understands the scope of the work and th

28、e EHS requirements to perform the job safely. Refer to Pre-Job Safety Review Agenda (Attachment B) or approved equivalent. 5.3.6 确保承包商员工接受现场岗前安全培训,了解工作的危险性或/和具体要求,佩戴适当标识和PPE进入现场。Ensure the contractor employees receive the site safety orientation, understand the hazard of the job, and have the approp

29、riate identification and PPE to enter the site.5.3.7 确保承包商汇报现场发生的所有事故和未遂事故。Ensure contractors working for Bunge report any incidents and near miss.5.3.8 监督承包商的履行情况,确保遵守安全工作惯例。进行定期评估,使用现场评估表(附件 C)或获准的类似表记录现场履行情况。注意:要求每年至少对现用承包商进行一次评估报告。如果承包商使用沈恒粮油 现场的设施,例如车间、拖车、办公室、场地等(租用、租借或借出),应作为履行情况评估的一部分对这些设施进行安

30、全检查。承包商检查评估报告将被用来持续改进承包商的工作,并在承包商核准评审、合同管理审查和或公司评审期间加以审查。Monitor the performance of contractors to ensure that safe work practices are followed. Conduct periodic evaluation to document on site performance-using on site evaluation form (Attachment C) or approved equivalent. NOTE: At least one evaluat

31、ion report is required for active contractors annually. In cases of contractor using facilities such as shop, trailers, offices, yard, etc (leased, rented or loaned) on Bunge sites a safety inspection of these facilities will be performed as part of the performance evaluation. The contractor inspect

32、ion/evaluation report will be utilized for continuous improvement of the contractor and reviewed during contractor approval audits, contract management reviews, and/or during corporate audits. 5.3.9 承包商必须事先告知现场安全主管要带入装置的化学品 Contractor should communicate with saite safety supervisor of bringing chemi

33、cal into the plant in advance.5.3.10 确保遵守所有作业许可证程序。Ensure that all work permit procedures are followed.5.3.11 将与承包商工作及工艺有关的已知潜在火灾、爆炸或安全隐患危害向承包商主管事先告知。Inform contractor supervision of known potential fire, explosion, or potential hazards relating to the contractors work and the process. 5.3.12 确保承包商负

34、责在装置紧急情况期间的应尽责任。注意:当工作联系人不在场时,他她应指定一名合格的被指定人员履行职责。Ensure accountability of contractors during plant emergencies. NOTE: Whenever the Job Contact is not available he/she shall assign a qualified designee to fulfill the responsibility.5.4 在工作现场对承包商的监督Overseeing of Contractors at the Job Site有承包商工作的车间或部

35、门应:The shop floor or department where the contractor is working shall: 5.4.1 向承包商主管提供有关其即将在其中工作的区域中的装置工艺概况。确认承包商主管与其员工检讨工艺概况。Provide the contractor supervisor with the unit process overview for the area in which they will be working. Confirm that contractor supervisor reviews the process overview wi

36、th his/her employees.5.4.2 通报装置工艺中存在的安全问题。审查安全作业许可证要求。Communicate safety issues existing in the unit process. Review Safe Work Permit requirements.5.4.3 需要和车间主管沟通,批准承包商在其辖区部门中搭建脚手架进行工地建设。Communicate requirements and approve contractor staging/siting in their shop floor.5.4.4 制订并签发所需的安全作业许可证。Prepare

37、and issue the required Safe Work Permits.5.4.5 检查工作场地,确保已按计划完成工作且辖区保持干净。Inspect worksite to ensure the work has been completed according to plans and the area is left clean.5.5 年度回顾和评估承包商Review and evaluate contractors annually5.5.1 采购组织在每次续签合同签组织承包商表现回顾会。Procurement organize contractor performance evaluation before renew contract annually.5.5.2 EHS团队和工作联系人表达承包商安全表现的观点。EHS team and job contact deliver comments on


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