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1、八年级(上) Units 78 河北中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.collect(名词)_2confidence(形容词)_3we(反身代词)_4person(形容词)_5.stupid(近义词)_6impossible(反义词)_7slow(副词)_8college(同义词)_9.fail(反义词)_(名词)_10lose(名词)_11weak(名词)_短语互译1.in ones free/spare time _2be interested in doing_3_各种各样的4_不但而且5_开始从事6feel proud _7notanymore _8_由做成9.go thro

2、ugh _10_应该;被期望11_有道理;有意义12continue doing/to do_13dream of being_14believe in oneself_15begin to relax_16_因为17Practice makes perfect._句型温故1.你有一些爱好吗?_you have _?2有许多不同种类的爱好。_ are many _ types of hobbies.3你在业余时间喜欢干什么?_ do you like _ in your spare time?4我确定你将对写作感兴趣。Im sure you would be _ writing.5学习新东西从

3、来不会迟。Its never _ late _ learn something new.6我们应该在报告中描述我们自己。We are _ to describe ourselves in a report.7我犯了太多的拼写错误。I made _ spelling mistakes.8.都是因为你的帮助。Its all _ your help.9我们也给制作最好火箭(的人)奖励。We also _ the bestbuilt rockets.10我们大部分同学也参加了!_ most of our classmates!11甚至当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就梦想着能成为一名京剧演员。Even wh

4、en I was a little girl,I _ an opera singer.12我们老师说园艺很有趣,也很容易学。Our teacher says that gardening is _ and _ learn.13假设你正在和一个朋友交谈。_ you are _ a friend.语法总览1.冠词。2反身代词。3.宾语补足语。话题再现1.Enjoy Your Hobby(享受你的爱好)2.Celebrating Me!(为自己庆祝!)河北五年中考真题演练词汇类( )1.(2011年30题)Cici enjoys dancing.Its one of her _Aprize Bpri

5、zes Chobby Dhobbies语法类( )2.(2015年26题)Look at _ calendar.Its June 22.Aa Ban Cthe D/( )3.(2014年26题)Lets take _ photo!Everyone,cheese!Aa Ban Cthe D不填( )4.(2013年26题) Do you know _ girl in green?She is our monitor.Aa Ban Cthe D不填( )5.(2012年26题)The children stood in _ circle and danced to music.Aa Ban Cth

6、e D不填( )6.(2011年26题)She learned to play _ piano all by herself.Aa Ban Cthe D不填( )7.(2010年26题)Cindy is _ amazing singer.She has lots of fans.Aa Ban Cthe D不填句型类8(2011年89题)way,the,to,knew,park,we,the_.河北中考重难点突破 accept的用法【考点抢测】1他已经接受了我们的邀请。He has _ our _.( )2.My classmates are very friendly.They _ the n

7、ew boy soon.Aaccept BtakeCreceive Dbring【考点剖析】accept的用法(1)accept既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,意思为“接受;认可”。如:Please accept my advice.请接受我的建议。(2)accept指主动或赞许的意味,表示不但收下,而且内心里同意接受。是主观上愿意接受。辨析receive,accept与take(1)receive只表示被动地接受。如:Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra 100 a year!后来他笑了,并且告诉我说,我将一年收到一百英镑

8、的额外收入!(2)accept总表示主动而且高兴地接受如:The villagers have told him that they will not accept the inn even if he gives it away.村民已经告诉过他,即使他把旅馆赠送给村民,他们也不会接受。(3)take所表示的接受包含着有人赠给的意思如:Did you take his advice?你接受了他的建议了吗? be made from/of/in/by的用法【考点抢测】be made of,be made from,be made up of,be made by1The desk _ wood

9、 and the paper is also _ wood.2The coat _ an old woman who is very kind.3Our class _ six small groups.【考点剖析】be made of/from两者都表示“用制造”,但be made of表示原材料往往经过物理变化,仍可看得出材料的原料;而be made from则表示原材料经过化学变化,已看不出其原样子。【考点拓展】be made in“在地方制造”,后接表示地点的名词;be made by“由(被)(人)制作”,后接表示人的名词或代词;be made into“(某物)被制作成”;be m

10、ade with“(某物)是由(某种工具)制作而成的”。 fail的用法【考点抢测】1He felt he would _(失败) his duty if he did not report it.( )2.Though he may _,he will try.Asucceed BcomeCfail Dlose( )3.But for your help,I might have _ in this progress.Afiled BfailedCfilled Dfell【考点剖析】(1)fail是动词,意为“失败,不及格”。当fail意为“失败”时,其反义词是succeed。如:Her p

11、lan failed.(Her plan did not succeed.)她的计划失败了。(2)fail意为“(考试)不及格”时,和pass“及格”相对。如:I passed in maths but failed in English.我数学及格了,但是英语没及格。(3)fail的常用搭配有:fail to do sth.或fail(in) sth./doing sth.意思是“未能做某事,在某方面或做某事遭到失败”。如:I failed to work out/in working out the problem.我没能解出这道题。 be supposed to的用法【考点抢测】1I d

12、ont _(设想) I could have a look at your newspaper,could I?2Its your fault,and you are supposed _(说) sorry to your friends.3Youre not _(打算) to walk on the grass.【考点剖析】be supposed to其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形。(1)当be supposed to的主语是“人”时,意为“应该”;“被期望”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。如:Everyone is suppose

13、d to wear a seatbelt in the car.每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。(2)当be supposed to的主语是“物”时,意为“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。如:The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用。(3)be supposed to的否定结构为be not supposed to,它常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”。如:You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。【考点拓展】be suppos

14、ed to后面接“have过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如:You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now.现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.他应该一小时前就到了。 not onlybut also的用法【考点抢测】not onlybut also,neithernor,eitheror1_Jim _ Linda will be invited to the party.We can get together.2_ the student

15、s _ the teacher was against the plan.So we have to change it.3_ Peter _ Linda comes from England.They are both Americans.4_ you _ your father must see this young man today.5New York attracts _ businessmen _ tourists.( )6.(2016中考预测)To achieve a bright future,we should _ study hard _ keep in good heal

16、th.I agree with you.Anot;butBnot only;but alsoCneither;norDeither;or【考点剖析】(1)not onlybut also表示“不但而且”,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者;其中的also有时可以省略。如:They speak English not only in class but also in the dormitory.他们不仅在课堂上说英语,在宿舍里也说。(2)not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词要根据but also后的主语决定单、复数形式(就近原则)。如:Not only the

17、 students but also the teacher was against the plan.不仅学生们,而且那位老师也反对这个计划。辨析bothand,not onlybut also,eitheror与neithernor 词条含义用法bothand两者都连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。not onlybut also不但而且eitheror或者或者neithernor既不也不连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近原则”。四个词组都可以连接任意的两个并列成分 辨析because和because of【考点抢测】( )(2016中考预测)Scientists say that ba

18、nana trees may disappear(消失) from the world _ banana cancer.Abecause of Binstead ofCas for Dtogether with【考点剖析】用法例句becauseof后常接名词、代词或动名词,其所表示的原因不是很具体。I didnt go to Beijing because of the illness.因为疾病,所以我没有去北京。because后通常接句子,用来表明比较具体的原因。I didnt go to Beijing because I had a cold.因为患了感冒,所以我没有去北京。 辨析voi

19、ce,sound和noise【考点抢测】1声音比光传播得慢。_ travels more slowly than light.2他喜欢远离城市喧闹的乡村生活。He enjoys the country life,away from city _.3他打电话时,我一下子就听出了他的声音。I recognized his _ at once when he phoned.4这音乐使我想起了小溪流水的声音。The music made me think of the _ of a running stream.5不要大声吵闹。Dont make so much _.6我们老师有一副好嗓子。Our t

20、eacher has a good _.【考点剖析】sound,noise,voice三者都与“声音”有关。sound声音泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等,也指自然界的声音。noise嗓音,喧闹指的是人们不愿听到的声音。voice说话声;嗓音指人的声音,如说话、歌唱或发笑的声音。河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( )1. (2015唐山12中模拟)Will you go to Peters party this Saturday evening?I havent decided yet.If you dont go, _.Aso will I Bneither do ICneither wil

21、l I( )2. (2015张家界9中模拟)The students _ wear school uniforms when theyre at school.Aare supposed toBare allowed toCwould like toDlove to( )3.(2015沧州14中模拟)If you dont work hard,you will _ in this exam.Aget BfailCgain Dfall( )4. (2016中考预测)Kunming is really a comfortable city to live in._.The weather is p

22、leasant.ASo it is BSo is itCSo it does DSo does it( )5.Their parents havent _ letters from them for a long time.Areceived BacceptedCreceive Daccept( )6.Dont speak in such a high _.Avoice BsoundCnoise Daccent( )7.(2015保定8中模拟)You are not supposed to _ on the bus.Asmoke BsmokingCsmoked Dhave smoked( )8

23、.This road _ for miles.Alasted BkeptCcontinued Dremained( )9. (2016原创预测)He didnt go to school yesterday _ he was ill.Abecause Bbecause ofCif Dso( )10.The Tshirt feels soft.It _ silk.Ais made of Bis made toCis made by Dis made for.(2016原创)完形填空。When my son, Haley, was nine years old, he was having a t

24、errible time in school. He would cry when the teacher asked him to _1_. He would even hide under the table in order not to do his homework.Then we took Haley to a hospital and _2_ he had dyslexia(读写困难)He _3_ getting help at school and learning ways to read better.At the same time, I tried to do _4_

25、for him at home. I began to tell him _5_When I ran out of stories, Haley asked _6_ to make up a new one.After I told Haley the story I made up, he asked me to write it down.Up to now, I have written five books and Haley has grown up. Haley has become a _7_ good student and a great reader. It wasnt e

26、asy, but I think my son is a hero!Just this year, Haley decided that he wanted to be a(n) _8_ like me. He came into my office a few weeks ago and told me that his own manuscript(手稿) was 500 pages long.That was pretty amazing for a person who didnt want to read when he was very _9_. Ive learned from

27、this that kids with dyslexia _10_be great readers and great writers if they are given the proper help.( )1.A.sing Bdance Cread Drun( )2. Afound out Bput outCthought up Dmade up( )3. Astopped Bimagined Cstarted Dsuggested ( )4. Anothing BsomethingCeverything Danything( )5. Ajokes BstoriesCnews Ddecis

28、ions( )6. Aher Bhim Cus Dme( )7. Apolitely BreallyChardly Dmainly( )8. Awriter BartistCsoldier Ddoctor( )9. Acomplete Byoung Cpatient Dhealthy ( )10. Amust Bneed Cshould Dcan.(2015泰州中考)阅读理解。One day I got in a taxi, and we left for the airport. We were driving in the right lane(车道)when, suddenly, a b

29、lack car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver stopped his car at once. The tire(轮胎) made a very loud noise, and at the very last moment our car stopped just one inch from the back of the other car. I was frightened.But then I couldnt believe what happened next. The driv

30、er of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, turned his head and started yelling at us. I couldnt believe it! But my taxi driver just smiled at the guy. So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This guy almost sent us to hospital. ” This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now ca

31、ll “The Law of the Rubbish Truck(垃圾车法则) ”He explained that many people are like rubbish trucks. They run around full of rubbish, full of anger and full of bad feelings. As their rubbish piles up, they look for a place to throw it away and sometimes theyll throw it at you. Dont take it personally. Ju

32、st smile, wish them well, and move on. Dont take their rubbish and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets. Successful people never let rubbish trucks change their moods. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love those who love you and pray(祈祷) for those

33、who dont.( )1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first paragraph?AThe writer went to the airport by taxi that day.BThe taxi driver stopped his car in time.CThe black car jumped out and crashed into the taxi.DA car accident nearly happened on the writers way to the airport.( )2. The

34、 underlined word yelling in the second paragraph means _ in Chinese.A道歉 B傻笑C吼叫 D告别( )3. Why did the guy get angry so easily?ABecause he was in a bad mood.BBecause his car was full of rubbish.CBecause he was badly hurt by the taxi.DBecause the taxi driver didnt say sorry to him.( )4. From the passage

35、, we can tell that the taxi driver is _Asilly and dishonestBwise and friendlyChelpful but nervous Dmodest but impatient( )5. What does the passage mainly tell us?AFight with people like rubbish trucks.BMake friends with people like rubbish trucks.CHave a quarrel with people like rubbish trucks.DDont

36、 let rubbish trucks change our moods. (2015石家庄42中模拟)任务型阅读。 Four students are talking about the future after class.Deng Tao: In 2050, China will be richer than its now. Shanghai will be getting ready for the 40th Olympic Games in 2052.Well see the blue and clear sky and breathe the fresh air. There w

37、ill be more pandas living happily in China.I believe that 2050 will be the year of China.Lin Hong: A holiday on the moon will no longer be a dream. We can also travel far to other planets and talk with the spacemen, we might also eat something like pills that take the place of todays meals. Everyone

38、 will enjoy a longer life.Wang Jun :Robots will be very popular.Theyll do what people dont want to do.Well build new homes on other planets.By then,Ill be fifty years old.Maybe well have an exciting talk in my new home on another planet!Li Ping:By_the_year_of_2050,cloning(克隆)_will_be_used_in_many_wa

39、ys.Itll bring back animals that _ many years ago.There will be no pollution.The whole world will be one big family.There will be no wars.As time passes,well live a much easier and better life.1题完成句子;2题简略回答问题;3题将文中横线处空缺的单词填写在下面的答题线上;4题找出并写下第二段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1Shanghai will be getting ready for _2Will robots be very popular in 2050?_


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