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1、 2021年全球医学趋势调查报告 g iv entha t2 0 2 0w as ane x tr aordinar yy eargloballyduetothepandemic,mos tcoun tries ar eseeingadecreaseintr endfr om2 0 19to2 0 2 0 .s omecoun triesar ee v ene xpectinga nega tiv etr endf or2 0 2 0 .about thesur v e ywillist o w ersw a ts onconductstheglobalmedic alt r ends sur

2、v e yev eryy earbe t w eenjuly andsep t ember .t w ohundr ed andeigh ty -s ev enleadinginsur ersr epr es en ting7 6coun tries participa t edinour20 21surv e y .globalr esultspr es en t edher e ha vebeenweigh t edusinggdpperc apita.theu . s .medical tr endda taar edr a wnfr omthewillist o w ersw a ts

3、 onna tional t r endsurv e yr es ear ch. figur e1:p ar ticipan tpr o fileov er vie wco vid- 19hasundoub t edlyhadamajorimpactonpr oject ed medicaltr endsf or 2020and20 21.giventha t2020w as ane xtr aor dinaryy eargloballyduet othepandemic,mos t coun triesar es eeingadecr eas eintr endfr om20 19t o 2

4、020 .somecoun triesar eev ene xpectinganega tiv e tr endf or 2020 . man yinsur ersandemplo y ersar er eportingadecr easing tr endinclaimsr a tioin2020 ,as mos tnonur gen ttr ea tmen ts andsur geries w er edela y edespeciallybe t w eenmar chanda ugus t .inturn,thes edela y scr ea t edaneedf or s ome

5、priv a t ef acilitiest omak eupf or los tr ev enuein2020 .the willist o w ersw a ts onco vid- 19claimsmodelersugges ts signific an tvola tilityin20 21r esults,whichar edependen t ontheimpacto fco vid- 19andwhe theror no tavaccine becomesa v ailableearlyinthey ear ,whopa y sf or itand thee x t en to

6、fitsa v ailability .inaddition,ther eisuncertain ty abouthowco vid- 19t es tingandtr ea tmen tcos tsf or 20 21 will con tinuet obesplitbe t w eengov ernmen t ,insur ersandemplo y ers. f urther uncertain tyar oundmedicaltr endliesaheadinfutur e y ears as w es tartt os eethetrueimpacto fdela y edtr ea

7、 tmen t in2020andthelong-t erme ff ectsonthos ewhocon tr act ed co vid- 19 .ne v ertheless, ther eisasilv er liningher e ,as co vid- 19hasgr ea tlyacceler a t edtheadop tionandus eo f t elehealth,which,inturn,couldhelpt oo ff s e tthos epo t en tial2willis to w ers w a t son. com highercos tsandpr o

8、videamor ee fficien tw a yf or insur eds t oaccessandus ehealthc ar einthefutur e .itma yals o ,o f cours e ,incr eas eutiliza tionduet oeas eo faccess.a siap acific ov er all,w ee xpectpr ojectedglobaltr endto dr optobelo w6%in2 0 2 0be f or er ebounding backtoabo v e8%f or2 0 2 1duetothec a tch- u

9、pondela y edtr ea tmen t ,po ten tiallyleading toworseninghealthconditions andsome unexpectedcos tincr eases comingthr ough, such as thosef orpersonal pr o tectiv e equipmen t(ppe). figur e2:howdoy oue xpectthemedic altr endiny ouro v er all booko fbusines stochangeo v erthene x tthr eey earscompar

10、ed tocurr en tr a tes ? 0 global china .co vid- 19hasno thadas muchimpactoncos tor utiliza tioninchinaas ithasino thercoun tries.thecos tso f medicalc ar econ tinuet oincr eas ef or tr ea tmen ts,particularly thos eoutsidethes copeo fs ocials ecuritycov er age . thecen tr algov ernmen tisplanningt o

11、elimina t etheindividual medicalaccoun tanda tthes ametimeo ffer cov er agef or outpa tien te xpens esunders ocials ecurity .theinitiativ ew as announcedinsep t ember2020 ,withmor ede tailst o comeoncov er age .thisise xpect edt oimpactthecos to f tr ea tmen tinthefutur e;how ev er ,itwill pr obably

12、tak eawhile f or theinitiativ et obefully implemen t edgiventhev aria tionin gov ernmen tfundinga tthepr o vincialle v el. hongk ong.thelo wutiliza tiono fmedicals ervicesduringthe pandemicandther ecessionf or ec as t edb ythegov ernmen t ar ethet w omaindriv erso ftheslo w do wninmedicaltr endf orl

13、atinameric aasiap acificeuropemiddleeast anda fric a1%3%1%significantlylowe r4% 1% 2% l owe raboutthesame2020and20 21.demandf or medicalt ourism fr ommainland chinahasals odr oppedduet othetr a v elr es trictionsand s ocialunr es tinhongk ong.highersignificantlyhigher54%globalmedic alt r end 330%63

14、%37 %71%21 %6%39%49%11%11%87%ther egionsho w sasignific an tdr opintr endt o6 .2 % in2020 ,butthiswill spring backabo vethe20 19tr end t oapr oject ed8.5 %in20 21.%20%40%60%80%100%3%4%figur e3: g lobala v er agemedic altr endr a tesb ycoun tr y ,2 0 19 2 0 2 1 c oun tr yg r os scos ttr endne tcos tt

15、r end(o fgener alin flation) 2 01 920202 02 12 01 920202 02 1global7 .1 65.888. 125. 134. 606 .1 7 la tinameric a10 .838 .97 13. 635 .7 56. 6211. 17northameric a5.552 .7 67 .1 33. 652. 155.50a siap acific7. 4 7 6 .22 8.505.885. 106. 78e ur ope5.584.2 45 .7 64 .0 23.274. 15middleeas t/ a fric a8. 658

16、. 661 0.0 17 .396 .9 46 .9 8l a tinameric aar gen tina *56 . 994 7 .2960 .503. 4428.854 7. 7 5barbadosandeas tcaribbean1 0.0 01 0.0 01 0.0 05. 905.548.39br azil*11. 969 .3811.5 18.235.828.21chile*4.883. 184 .072. 63-0 . 191. 14colombia *6 .276. 896. 922 .7 53.383. 71cos taric a *7. 008. 009 .25 4. 9

17、06 .4 67. 00e cuador12. 0012. 0012. 0011. 7312. 0 110 .84elsalv ador *7. 4 31 0.0 07. 7 17 .359. 947 .1 1gua t emala *8. 008.8311.8 04.307. 001 0.0 2hondur as *6 .1 7 7. 9 89 .67 1.8 04.836. 69me xico *9 .3011.5011. 715. 668.8 08. 93nicar agua1 0.0 012. 0015. 004 .6 27 .5311. 04p anama *1 0 .67 11.

18、009 .4 011. 0 211. 918. 90p eru5. 006 .0 08. 002.8 64.296 .21puert orico5. 00-6 . 0018. 004.27-4. 4517 .36t rinidadandt obago1 0.0 01 0.0 01 0.0 09 .0 011. 008. 72v ene zuela85. 00150 . 00250 . 00- 19821. 0 2- 14850 . 00- 14 7 50 . 00nor thameric acanada4. 170 .1 37. 0 32.22- 0.4 85 .7 6unit edstat

19、es#7. 9 17. 2 47 .306 .1 06. 625. 06a siap acifica us tr alia6 .506 .0 06 .0 04.8 94.5 7 4. 18china *8. 689 .1 09 .325 .7 86 .0 66 .7 7 hongk ong*8. 166 . 246 .6 85.304.2 44. 18india *7. 8 012. 001 0.0 03.268. 666 .38indonesia*10 .339 .97 12. 007. 5 17 .1 09 .0 6mala y sia *10 . 6410 .8212.559 .97 1

20、0 . 719 .7 5ne wz ealand5. 60- 2. 002 0.0 03. 98-3.2218. 6 2philippines *7. 7 58.508.825.27 6. 785. 94singapor e *7. 6 7 7. 6 7 8. 177 .1 07 .847. 6 5south k or ea7. 005. 004. 006. 624. 733.55srilank a5. 005. 005. 000 .7 00 .340 .35t aiw an *4. 004. 004. 003. 463.502.50thailand7. 007 .508. 006 .298.

21、567. 44vie tnam *12. 9310 . 1310 . 1510 . 136 .9 36 .25 4willis to w ers w a t son. comc oun tr yg r os scos ttr endne tcos ttr end(o fgener alin flation) 2 01 920202 02 12 01 920202 02 1e ur opeb elgium2. 002.503. 000 .7 52.251. 91cyprus 5. 000.0 01. 004. 44- 0 .7 00.0 0denmark5.506 .504.504 .7 7 5

22、.8 03.30f r ance4. 171. 032.302.8 7 0 .7 51. 60german y5. 007. 007. 003. 656 .6 85.82gr eece4.504.504 .7 53. 984. 963 . 74hungary1 0.0 01 0.0 01 0.0 06 .6 36 .6 66 .83ir eland4 .47 1. 438.333.5 91. 036 .6 3norw a y *5.27 5. 996 .4 33. 103.5 94.23p oland*5.856 .507 .333.543.284 .7 5p ortugal*3 .7 9-

23、1.833 .97 3. 49- 1. 632 .6 2r omania *12. 6 210 .3311.508 .7 98 .0 91 0.0 5russia7.25 1 0.0 011. 002 .7 86 .9 18 .0 1serbia7 .507 .5015. 005. 656 .0 613. 06spain2.851. 934 .7 52. 152.234. 10s w eden9 .0 06 .0 07 .507 .305.545 .97 s witz erland4. 001.501. 003. 641.8 90.4 0t urk e y23.2517 .5016 . 008

24、 .075.504. 00unit edkingdom5 .67 6 .336 .503.885. 154. 96middleeas tanda fric abahr ain7. 007. 007. 006 .0 04. 404.50burkina f as o0 .5015. 001 0.0 03. 7311.8 07. 9 0camer oon *3.506 .25 4. 001. 053. 451 .7 5co t ediv oir e15. 0015. 6 7 18.3314. 1914. 4 7 16 . 93e gyp t*12. 1310 .8812.33-1 . 7 45.0

25、24. 10gabon19 .5021.5025. 0017 . 4818.50 22. 00ghana12. 1714. 6 7 17 . 174. 965.0 18 .6 2guinea1 0.0 05. 003. 000 .53-3.50-5. 00jor dan7. 000.0 04. 006 .7 0-0 .202. 40ke n y a8.506 .509 .0 03.301. 404. 00k uwait5. 007 .501 0.0 03. 907. 007. 7 0madagas c ar25. 002 0.0 03 0.0 019 .3814.5023.50mo zambi

26、que7. 005. 005. 004.22-0 . 19-0 . 71nigeria17 .3314. 6 7 18. 6 7 5. 941.276 .30oman4.504.505.504.3 7 3.502. 10saudiar abia1 0.0 01 0.0 012. 0011.219 .1 31 0.04senegal1 0.0 015. 0015. 008. 9813. 0013. 0 8south a fric a6 .506 .0 06 .0 02.3 7 3.5 7 2.84t ogo5. 008. 001 0.0 04.316 .0 08. 00uganda2 0.0 0

27、1 0.0 015. 0017 . 136 .0 610 . 15unit edar abemir a t es9 .0 08. 008. 0010 . 939 .0 06 .50z ambia15. 002 0.0 025. 005.206 .6 012. 95* coun trieswithsignific an t(5+)participa tion.duet otheh yperin fla tionaryna tur eo fthev ene zuelaneconom y ,v ene zuelahasbeene x cludedfr omla tinameric ar egiona

28、landglobalt o tals.#unit edsta t esda taisfr omv arious y ears o fthewillist o w ersw a ts onna tionalt r endsurv e y .globalmedic alt r end 5a siap acific( con tin u ed)india .indiahasno ts eenthes amer eductionintr endas o ther coun triesha vef or 2020 .whileutiliza tiondecr eas edduring parto fth

29、ey ear(aprilt ojuly ),indiaiscurr en tlyinasitua tion withlo wclaimfr equencyanda v er agecos to fpr ocedur es incr easing( duet othecos timpacto fco vid- 19pr ec autions onnon-co vid- 19claims).a tthes ametime ,thetr ea tmen t andpricingpr o t ocolo fmedicalc ar eisno tr egula t edinindia, andhospi

30、talbillingpr acticescon tinuet opos eachallenge .thegov ernmen tdid,how ev er ,tak es omesmallmeasur es t oissueguidelinesar oundpricingf or co vid- 19t es tsandtr ea tmen ts,whichhelpedwithcos tmanagemen tt oane x t en t . they ear20 21coulds eeanincr eas edr a t eo ftr end,higher thanpr o visional

31、lyr eport ed,as utiliza tions tartst or e turn t onormalle v els;how ev er ,w eals oma ys eeanincr eas ed a w ar enessinthear easo fpr ev en tionandw ellbeing,and arisingtr endinf a v or o fhomec ar er a therthanimmedia t e hospitalizationf or medicaltr ea tmen ts,whichcouldhelp mitiga t ealar gerpo

32、 t en tialincr eas e . indonesia .medic altr endr a t esinindonesiaar epr oject edt o besligh tlylo w er in2020 ,no tonlybec aus eo ftheimpacto f co vid- 19onr educedelectiv epr ocedur esbutals oduet o v arious o therf act ors,includingtheincr eas edutiliza tiono f bp jsk es eha tan( univ ers alheal

33、thinsur ance)especiallyf or chr onic / critic alillness esandongoingcos tlytr ea tmen ts.this allow sinsur erst osplittheirriskwiththegov ernmen tandwill helps tabiliz efutur emedicaltr endr a t es. thebp jsk es eha tan als opr o videscov er ageo fallmedicaltr ea tmen tsr ela t edt o co vid- 19 ,whi

34、chhelpst os tabiliz ethetr endr a t esdespit ethe e xpect edcon tinueddemandf or priv a t ehealthc ar e . mala y sia .medic altr endinmala y siaise xpect edt ocon tinue itsris ealbeita taslo w er pacecompar edwithpr e vious y ears.f or 2020 ,thenumbero fdoct or visitsandadmissions dr oppedsignific a

35、n tlyduringmar chandaprilduet othegov ernmen t -impos edlock do wn(mco),whichhasc aus edthe o v er alltr endt odecr eas e .duringthisperiod,man yelectiv e sur geries w er epos tponed.f or outpa tien tc ar e ,ther ehas beenabigdr opinspecialis tc ar evisits;a ttheprimaryc ar e le v el,ther ehasbeenad

36、r opinlessacutevisits,withpa tien ts turningt ot elemedicine .f or pa tien tswithchr onicconditions, thele v elo fvisitshasbeenlar gelymain tained,as thes ear e gener ally“una voidable .” all o fthismeanstha tther eisapaus ein2020tr end compar edwith20 19 ,butanup tickise xpect edinq4 2020 andin20 2

37、1t oc a t chupondela y edpr ocedur es. 6willis to w ers w a t son. commedic altr endine ur opehasdecr eas edt o4.2 %f or 2020 ,butar eboundise xpect edin20 21t oatr end r a t eclos et othe20 19le v elo f5.8%.philippines .priv a t emedicalc ar einthephilippinesislar gely domina t edb yanhmomodel,whic

38、haccoun tsf or 8 0%o f plans.whilethefr equencyo finpa tien tandoutpa tien tclaims hasde finit elydecr eas edin2020 ,thea v er ageamoun tsper inpa tien tandoutpa tien tclaimsar erising.inaddition,v arious ph ysicianor ganiza tionsnego tia t edwithhmoass ocia tions andw er egr an t eda50%incr eas ein

39、f eescommencingma y 27 ,2020 ,os t ensiblyt ocov er thecos to fppe .thiscos t incr eas eise xpect edt or emaininplacef or thedur a tiono fthe pandemic.ph ysicianf eesar er oughly30%o ft o talspend. ov er allthishelpse xplainwh ytr endr a t esinthephilippines ha veedgedupf or 2020t o8.5 %fr om7 .8%in

40、20 19andar e pr oject edt ocon tinueincr easingf or 20 21,althoughcon tinued dela yintr ea tmen tin2020couldmeananev enlar ger incr eas ein20 21thanpr oject ed. singapor e.insur ersha vetak enquit eaconserv a tiv evie won medicalin fla tionf or 2020and20 21,mainlyduet odela y ed electiv esur gic alp

41、r ocedur esandanemplo y er f ocuson men talhealth,wellbeingandvirtuals olutions.ov er alltr endis s tillho v eringinthe7 %t o8%r angef or 2020and20 21. w ellbeings olutionsincludeensuringemplo y eesar eable t ow orke ff ectiv elyfr omhome ,andqualityt elehealthhas becomeoneo fthek e yprioritiestha templo y ersar ek een t oin tr oducet otheirw ork -fr om-homeemplo yees.some medicalpr o viders ar eo ff eringhomehealths cr eeningsand v accina tionst oemplo y eesas w ellas theirdependen ts. e ur


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