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1、 类型:类型: 英文报道英文报道 典例典例: “如何做一名受欢迎的学生如何做一名受欢迎的学生”主主 题活动题活动 模板:模板: Last Wednesday afternoon, an activity on the theme of “how to become a popular student” was held for the students of Senior Three in the school library. After analyzing some examples, the students had a discussion in groups and some tea

2、chers were invited to give their comments. Finally, we came to a conclusion that a student should be well-behaved and study hard to become popular. Whats more, popular students are supposed to be considerate and polite and get along well with others as well. As a result, we have learned more about o

3、urselves and everyone is determined to be a popular student. 1. _ n. 液体液体 2. _ n. 电电 3. _ n. 结论结论 4. _ n. 目的目的 5. _ vt. 煮;煮沸煮;煮沸boil boil liquidliquid electricityelectricity conclusionconclusion aimaim 6. _ adj.普通的普通的; 平常的平常的 7. _ n. 演讲演讲 8. _ n. (大学大学)科、系科、系 9. expand vi. _ 10. contract vi. _收缩收缩 o

4、rdinaryordinary lecturelecture departmentdepartment 膨胀膨胀 11. substance n. _ 12. electrical adj. _ 13. aluminium n. _ 14. dissolve vi. _ 15. rust vi. _ 16. facility n. _ 设备设备; ;工具工具 物质物质 与电有关的与电有关的; ;用电的用电的 铝铝 溶解溶解; ;分解分解; ;分离分离 生锈生锈 1. _ vt.混合混合, 弄混弄混 _ n.混合,混合物混合,混合物 2. _ vi. 反应,起作用反应,起作用 _ n.反应,感应

5、反应,感应 (A) 按要求写出下列单词的派生词。按要求写出下列单词的派生词。 reaction reaction mixmix mixturemixture reactreact 3. _ vt. 装备装备, 配备配备 _ n. 设备设备; 装备装备; 器材器材 4. _ n. 部分部分 _ adj. 部分的部分的; 局部的局部的 _ adv. 部分地部分地partlypartly equipequip equipmentequipment partpart partialpartial 5. _ vt.使惊讶使惊讶 _ adj.令人惊讶的令人惊讶的 _ adj.吃惊的吃惊的; 惊愕的惊愕的

6、_ n.惊讶惊讶; 令人惊令人惊 讶的事物讶的事物 astonishmentastonishment astonishastonish astonishingastonishing astonishedastonished 1.Our next challenge was to keep the rock _(mix) cold enough. (B) 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 名词修饰名词。名词修饰名词。 mixturemixture 2. Scientists have studied the _(react) of men to one another

7、 during long submarine voyages. 定冠词后面接名词。定冠词后面接名词。 reactionsreactions 3. Over 92% of people who own exercise _ (equip) and 88% of people who own health club memberships do not exercise. 名词修饰名词。名词修饰名词。 equipmentequipment 4. All right. Thats a _(part) answer to this question. 5. To his _(astonish), he

8、 found himself lying on a bench of rock out in the open. 5. “to ones +情感名词情感名词” partialpartial 4. 名词前作定语用形容词。名词前作定语用形容词。 astonishmentastonishment 1. _ 往往加入加入 2. _ 过去过去(常常常常) 3. _ 在在领域领域 4. _ 为为感感到骄傲到骄傲/自豪自豪 5. _ 应当应当; 理应理应 be supposed tobe supposed to used toused to in the area ofin t

9、he area of be proud ofbe proud of 6. _ 配备有配备有; 装备有装备有 7. _ 混淆混淆; 搅合搅合 8. _保持平衡保持平衡 9. _ 按顺序按顺序 10. _在在的底部的底部at the bottom ofat the bottom of be equipped withbe equipped with mix upmix up keep balancedkeep balanced in orderin order 1. 昨天化学老师在学校实验室为昨天化学老师在学校实验室为 我们组织了一个实验。我们组织了一个实验。 Yesterday our chem

10、istry teacher organized an experiment for our class in the school laboratory. 2. 我们学校的实验室配备有各种我们学校的实验室配备有各种 各样先进的设备。各样先进的设备。 Our school laboratory is equipped with all kinds of advanced equipment. 4. 化学老师告诉我们在进实验室的时化学老师告诉我们在进实验室的时 候候, 全班同学都理应按顺序排队。全班同学都理应按顺序排队。 The chemistry teacher told us that the

11、 whole class were supposed to wait in order while entering the laboratory. 3. 我们以学校的实验室而自豪。我们以学校的实验室而自豪。 3. We are all proud of it. 5. 我们的化学老师是位优秀的教我们的化学老师是位优秀的教 师师,在化学这个领域在化学这个领域, 他过去常常有他过去常常有 新的发现。新的发现。 Our chemistry teacher is a good teacher and in the area of chemistry he used to make new discov

12、eries. 6. 实验的目的是看看铁与水、实验的目的是看看铁与水、 空气的反应。空气的反应。 The aim of the experiment was to see how iron reacts with air and with water. 7. 在实验中在实验中, 我们把铁钉放在试我们把铁钉放在试 管的底部管的底部, 然后分别把它们混合然后分别把它们混合 空气、无气水和普通水。空气、无气水和普通水。 During the experiment, we put nails at the bottom of the test tubes and then mixed them up w

13、ith dry air, air-free water and ordinary water. 8. 最后我们得出结论最后我们得出结论, 在干燥的空在干燥的空 气和无气水中气和无气水中, 铁不生锈铁不生锈, 但在普但在普 通水中通水中, 铁会生锈。铁会生锈。 Finally, we came to the conclusion that in the dry air and air-free water, iron does not rust, but in the ordinary water, iron does rust! Truly, we are all proud of our s

14、chool laboratory for it is equipped with all kinds of advanced equipment. Yesterday our chemistry teacher, Mr. Wang, organized an experiment for our class in it and he told us that the whole class were supposed to wait in order while entering the laboratory. 合并:合并: Believe it or not, Mr. Wang is a g

15、ood teacher and in the area of chemistry he used to make many new discoveries. According to Mr. Wangs arrangement, the aim of the experiment was to see how iron reacts with air and with water. During the experiment, with the help of Mr. Wang, we put nails at the bottom of the test tubes and then mix

16、ed them up with dry air, air-free water and ordinary water, and finally we came to the conclusion that in the dry air and air-free water, iron does not rust, but in the ordinary water, iron does rust! 原句原句: Metals like potassium, sodium, calcium and so on burns to form an oxide when heated in oxygen

17、.金属如金属如 钾、钠、钙等钾、钠、钙等, 当在氧气中加热时会当在氧气中加热时会 形成一种氧化物。形成一种氧化物。(B1 M5 P44) 1. form vi.形成形成; 组成组成 n.形式;表格形式;表格 formation n.形成形成; 构造构造 formal adj.正式的正式的 formally adv.正式地正式地 informal adj.非正式的非正式的 拓展拓展 form sth. into sth. 把把做成做成 form a good habit of 养成养成的的 好习惯好习惯 in the form of 以以的形式的形式 in form 在形式上在形式上 搭配搭配

18、我有幸养成了一种良好的学习习惯我有幸养成了一种良好的学习习惯, 这就是我的英语教师称作这就是我的英语教师称作“开口开口”的策的策 略。从一开始我就将其用在英语的学习略。从一开始我就将其用在英语的学习 上上。 Fortunately, I _ _of “Opening the Mouth” a policy advocated by my English teacher since the beginning of my English study. 运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 have formed a goodhave formed a good habithab

19、it 中国政府欢迎现金和物资形中国政府欢迎现金和物资形 式的外国援助。式的外国援助。 China welcomed foreign aid _ material and cash. in the form of in the form of 2. conclusion n.结论结论(B1M5P45) 拓展:拓展:conclude vt.推断推断; 作结作结 论论; 结束结束 in conclusion 总之总之; 最后最后 draw/reach/come to/arrive at a/the conclusion 得出结论得出结论; 作结论作结论 bring to a conclusion 结

20、束结束(使终止使终止); 谈定谈定(买卖等买卖等) to conclude总而言之总而言之; 最后最后 conclude. with. 以以结束结束 搭配搭配 总而言之总而言之, 好公民应该遵守交通规则好公民应该遵守交通规则。 _ , a good citizen should observe traffic regulations. 他们辩论了好几个小时仍没得出结论他们辩论了好几个小时仍没得出结论。 They had been debating for several hours without _. 运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 reaching a conclu

21、sion reaching a conclusion In conclusionIn conclusion keep/lose ones balance 保持保持/失去平衡失去平衡 out of balance 不平衡不平衡; 失去平衡失去平衡 balanced diet均衡的饮食均衡的饮食 balanced development 均衡发展均衡发展 3. balance n.平衡平衡; 天平天平 vt.使平衡使平衡; 权衡权衡 拓展拓展 balanced adj.平衡的;均衡的平衡的;均衡的 搭配搭配 The key to learning skating is to _ (保持平衡保持平衡

22、). Try to _(均衡均衡 饮食饮食)by eating more fruits. 运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 balance your dietbalance your diet keep the balancekeep the balance aim at=take aim at 瞄准瞄准; 针对针对; 旨在旨在 aim to do sth.打算做某事打算做某事; 以做某事以做某事 为目标为目标 aim at doing sth.目的是做目的是做 4. aim n.目标目标; 目的目的 vt.打算打算; 对准目标对准目标 同义同义: object, goa

23、l, purpose, target 搭配搭配 This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed _ young teenagers. This decision, which _ (旨在使旨在使)all indoor public places smoke-free, will come into effect from the first day of 2011. 运用运用 aims to make aims to make atat 原句原句: Add some oil to the water. This will keep air out of t

24、he water. 在水中加些油。这样做可防止空在水中加些油。这样做可防止空 气进入水。气进入水。(B1 M5 P45) 5. add (A) to (B)把把A加到加到B上上 add up 合计合计 add up to 总计共达总计共达 add to=increase增加增加 联想联想 The street lights _ the beauty of the city. The number of people who saw the film in China _ about 25 million. 运用运用 用以上短语完成下列句子。用以上短语完成下列句子。 added up toadd

25、ed up to add toadd to 原句原句: Im going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University, as both are supposed to have good Physics Departments.我要设法去蒙我要设法去蒙 特利尔或渥太华大学特利尔或渥太华大学, 因为它们都应因为它们都应 该有很好的物理系。该有很好的物理系。(B1 M5 P49) 6. be supposed to应当应当; 理应理应(=should/ ought to) 拓展拓展: It is supposed that. 据推测据推

26、测 每个坐在汽车内的人都应该系上每个坐在汽车内的人都应该系上 安全带。安全带。 Everyone _wear a seat belt in the car. 据推测据推测, 月球上没有生命。月球上没有生命。 _ that there is no life on the moon. 运用运用 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 It is supposedIt is supposed is supposed tois supposed to 原句原句: The fact is, Canada has many first-class scientists.事实事实 就是就是, 加拿大有

27、很多一流的科学加拿大有很多一流的科学 家。家。(B1 M5 P49) 句型句型: The fact is (that). 事实事实 就是就是 事实是我们很少阅读英语报纸和杂志事实是我们很少阅读英语报纸和杂志。 _ English newspapers or magazines. 事实是他们大多数并不愿意积极参与事实是他们大多数并不愿意积极参与。 The fact is that most of them _ _. 仿写仿写 根据中文完成英文句子。根据中文完成英文句子。 The fact is that we seldom readThe fact is that we seldom read

28、want to be so involvedwant to be so involved didntdidnt 原句:原句:Our chemistry teacher, Mr. Longford, takes us to public science lectures about four times a term, and these are always very interesting, as the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science.我们我们 的化学老师的化学老师,

29、朗福德先生朗福德先生, 一个学期带我一个学期带我 们去公开科学讲座四次们去公开科学讲座四次, 这些都很有趣这些都很有趣, 因为这些讲师都是在他们的科学领域上因为这些讲师都是在他们的科学领域上 已取得了真正发现的人。已取得了真正发现的人。(B1 M5 P49) 分析分析 整句是一个整句是一个 _句句, 在在and 前的前的 分句中分句中Mr.Longford是是Our chemistry teacher的的_语。语。and 后一分句后一分句 中中as引导的是引导的是 _从句从句, 在这个在这个 状语从句中状语从句中, who 引导的是引导的是_从句。从句。 定语定语 并列复合并列复合 同位语同位

30、语 原因状语原因状语 Stephen Hawking was born on 8 January, 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. When he was eight, his family moved 16_ St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. 17 _ eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his fat

31、hers old college. 16. 表示到表示到去。去。 17. 表示表示“在某人在某人岁时岁时”要用要用at。 AtAt toto Stephen wanted to do mathematics, 18 _ his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he 19 _ (award) a first-cla

32、ss degree in 20 _ (nature) science. 18. 前后句意为让步关系。前后句意为让步关系。 19. 由句意可知用被动语态。由句意可知用被动语态。 20. 名词作定语。名词作定语。 althoughalthough was awardedwas awarded naturalnatural Stephen then went on to Cambridge 21 _ (do) research in cosmology(宇宙学宇宙学), there being no one working in that area in Oxford at the time. Hi

33、s supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he 22 _ (hope) to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. 21. 不定式作状语不定式作状语, 表目的。表目的。 22. 根据句意要根据句意要ongoing过去完成时态过去完成时态, 表表 示示“原希望原希望”。 to doto do had hopedhad hoped Stephen Hawking has worked on the basic laws 23 _ govern the universe. With Roger Penrose

34、24 _ showed that Einsteins General Theory of Relativity would have a beginning in the Big Bang and 25 _ end in black holes. 23. 引导定语从句修饰前面的引导定语从句修饰前面的the basic laws。 24. 指指Stephen Hawking。 25. 不定冠词的基本用法不定冠词的基本用法, 因为后面的名词以因为后面的名词以 原因开头原因开头, 故填故填an。 anan hehe whichwhich 1. 快速阅读,理解大意。快速阅读,理解大意。 首先要重视文章

35、的首句首先要重视文章的首句, 彻底理解第彻底理解第 一句话的意思。其次一句话的意思。其次, 跳过空格跳过空格, 快速阅读快速阅读 全文全文, 从整体上感知理解文章大意从整体上感知理解文章大意, 弄清楚弄清楚 文章的大致结构。文章的大致结构。 技巧点拨技巧点拨 解答完形填空题的四个步骤解答完形填空题的四个步骤 2. 寻找线索,避难就易。寻找线索,避难就易。 边读边结合各选项的意义和用法边读边结合各选项的意义和用法, 遵循先易后难的原则遵循先易后难的原则, 先解决那些自己有先解决那些自己有 把握的题。把握的题。 3. 有的放矢有的放矢, 解决难题。解决难题。 通常在上文中难以判断的题在下文通常在上

36、文中难以判断的题在下文 中可能有暗示中可能有暗示, 我们可以结合已经完成的我们可以结合已经完成的 空格更好地理解文意空格更好地理解文意, 再来集中精力解决再来集中精力解决 剩下的难题。剩下的难题。 4. 还原文章,多方验证。还原文章,多方验证。 全部做好后全部做好后, 结合自己选择结合自己选择 的答案还原文章的答案还原文章, 重新阅读短文重新阅读短文, 确保文意连贯确保文意连贯,多方面验证答案的多方面验证答案的 正确性。正确性。 What are you doing after graduation? Whether your plans include going to college, h

37、eading straight for the workforce, or taking a year off, here are some practical tips to 1 yourself for the journey. 1. A. turn B. make C. prepare D. enjoy C 根据句中的根据句中的Whether your plans及搭配可知。及搭配可知。 prepare与与plan是词语同现。是词语同现。 What are you doing after graduation? Whether your plans include going to co

38、llege, Maybe youve decided that 2 isnt for you right now, anyway. If you want to join the workforce, opportunities are out there for people who dont have 3 . 2. A. work B. college C. life D. money 2. B 根据上段中的根据上段中的include going to college可知。与可知。与 college是原词复现。是原词复现。 3. A. salaryB. knowledge C. degre

39、e D. position 3. C 没上大学自然是没有没上大学自然是没有”学位学位(degree)”,但不能,但不能 说没有知识说没有知识(knowledge)。 One path that some graduates take is 4 the military or a service corps. Some retail or hospitality industry(服务业服务业) organizations 5 training programs to high school graduates. 4. A. joining B. attending C. admittingD.

40、 serving 4. A 根据搭配,由宾语根据搭配,由宾语”the military”(=the army)可可 知用知用join。join与与military是词语同现。是词语同现。 5. A. provide B. employ C. develop D. offer 5. D 这些行业显然是给毕业生这些行业显然是给毕业生“提供提供(offer)”培训课培训课 程,再结合后面的程,再结合后面的“to”可知。可知。 Check out the possibilities in computing, book-keeping and payroll, or sales. 6 to your

41、school advisor or a favorite teacher about the job market in your area. Find the classified 7 in the newspaper and do some Internet research. 6. A. Agree B. Talk C. Attend D. Belong 6. B 指向学校的就业顾问或最喜爱的老师了解就业指向学校的就业顾问或最喜爱的老师了解就业 市场,当然是同他们谈论市场,当然是同他们谈论(talk to)。 7. A. news B. information C. ads D. par

42、ts 7. C 既然是找工作,当然是看报纸上的既然是找工作,当然是看报纸上的“广告广告(ads)” 了。了。ads与与newspaper是词语同现。是词语同现。 Most large companies 8 their job openings on their websites. Dont overlook 9 . Matt studied industrial engineering in college. 8. A. list B. create C. invent D. hire A 许多大公司将需要的职位许多大公司将需要的职位”列举列举(list)”在网站上。在网站上。 9. A.

43、abilities B. opportunities C. experiences D. directions B 不要忽略不要忽略“机会机会(opportunity)”。 Halfway through the first year, he decided that school just wasnt working out, although he stayed for the full year. So he transferred into an apprenticeship(学徒身份学徒身份) program to 10 an electrician. 10. A. turn B.

44、fire C. train D. become D 根据句意根据句意, 指指“成为成为(become)”电工。电工。 “Sometimes you feel that 11 says you have to go to college, 12 if youre a good student, and I went through that 13 in my head,” says Matt. 11. A. society B. parent C. school D. everyone 11. A 指来自指来自“社会社会(society)”的压力,要求你上大学。的压力,要求你上大学。 12. A

45、. naturally B. luckily C. occasionally D. especially D 根据句意根据句意, 这里表示递进或强调这里表示递进或强调, 故用故用especially。 13. A. battle B. idea C. discussion D. decision A 毕业后是上大学还是找工作这两种想法在头脑作斗毕业后是上大学还是找工作这两种想法在头脑作斗 争争,故用故用battle。 “But I knew I had to 14 out what was right for me. And now that I have, I dont regret my

46、15 at all.” 14. A. take B. set C. figure D. give 14. C 固定搭配固定搭配, figure out意为意为“弄清弄清”。 15. A. mind B. choice C. measure D. action B 根据上句中的根据上句中的I had to 14 out what was right 可推出。可推出。Matt不后悔自己的选择不后悔自己的选择(choice)。 workforce劳动力劳动力 payroll工资单工资单 A. the Asian elephant B. the forest elephant C. the savan

47、na elephant D. the mastodon elephant 1.One of the fossils studied by the researchers is that of _. D 细节理解题。由第细节理解题。由第2段的段的when they were examining the genetic relationship between the ancient woolly mammoth ,and African savanna elephant可知。可知。 2.The underlined word “divergence” in Paragraph 4 means “

48、_.” A. EvolutionB. exhibition C. SeparationD. examination C词义猜测题。有上下语境可知此处的词义猜测题。有上下语境可知此处的 divergence应和上文提到的应和上文提到的distinct“差别差别” 是同一个意思。下一段中也提到是同一个意思。下一段中也提到separate 这一词。这一词。 3.The researchers conclusion was based on a study of the African elephants _. A. DNA B. height C. weight D. population A 细节

49、理解题。由第细节理解题。由第3段的段的the team compared them with DNA from modern elephants可知答可知答 案应为案应为A项。项。 A. The conservation of African elephants. B. The purpose of studying African elephants. C. The way to divide African elephants into two units. D. The reason for the distinction of African elephants. 4.What are

50、 Alfred Rocas words mainly about? A 推理判断题。从最后一段的推理判断题。从最后一段的 “.for conservation purposes”可以看出可以看出Alfred Roca 是在号召人们保护非洲大象。是在号召人们保护非洲大象。 A. Naturalists Beliefs about Elephants B. Amazing Experiment about Elephants C. An Unexpected Finding about Elephants D.A Long Scientist Debate about Elephants 5.Wh

51、ich of the following can be the best title for the passage? C 主旨大意题。经研究发现主旨大意题。经研究发现, 人们原以为是同人们原以为是同 一物种的非洲大象属于两个不同的物种。整篇一物种的非洲大象属于两个不同的物种。整篇 文章都是围绕这一发现展开了论述。文章都是围绕这一发现展开了论述。 distinctive与众不同的与众不同的obtain获得获得 detailed genetic analysis详细的基详细的基 因分析因分析 conservation保护保护despite尽管尽管 come up with the unexpec

52、ted conclusion得出意想不到的结论得出意想不到的结论 【助读词汇【助读词汇】 There has long been debate in the scientific community that the two might be separate species, but this is the most convincing scientific evidence so far that they are indeed different species. 【难句理解【难句理解】 【结构分析【结构分析】这个句子包含两个同位语从句,这个句子包含两个同位语从句, 第一个从句的引导词

53、是第一个从句的引导词是debate,第二个从句的,第二个从句的 引导词是引导词是evidence。 【中文大意【中文大意】在科学界一直在争论说这两者可在科学界一直在争论说这两者可 能是不同的物种能是不同的物种, 但他们确实是不同的物种这但他们确实是不同的物种这 一证据到目前为止是最令人信服的。一证据到目前为止是最令人信服的。 及物动词本身需要一个动作的及物动词本身需要一个动作的 接受者接受者(宾语宾语), 才可以表达一个完整才可以表达一个完整 的意思。做宾语的可以是名词、代的意思。做宾语的可以是名词、代 词、不定式等。如:词、不定式等。如: Mary enjoys music. 玛丽喜欢音乐。

54、玛丽喜欢音乐。 (名词名词) 基本句型三:主语基本句型三:主语+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语 He loves her. 他爱她。他爱她。(代词代词) I want to get your help.我想得到您的我想得到您的 帮助。帮助。(不定式短语不定式短语) I dont know what to do.我不知道该我不知道该 怎么办。怎么办。(疑问词不定式疑问词不定式) The old man enjoys living in the countryside. 那老人喜欢住在乡村。那老人喜欢住在乡村。 (动名词短语动名词短语) I dont think hes right. 我认为他我认为他 不对。不对。(宾语从句宾语从句) 1. 常要求接不定式作宾语的动常要求接不定式作宾语的动 词有词有attempt, dare, decide, desire, expe


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