1、Unit 4Part IListening 1In China, education is considered a race. Students have to begin as early as possible and have to proceed as quickly as possible around the track. Success is measuredby howmanystudents cross the finish line in the short time .In America, we recognize the race too, but we feel
2、that the students have a chance to explore things for themselves, even if not all of them reach the finish line. As a result of their exploring, some of the participants may have more to offer by the end of the race.The advantage of the Chinese way is that more students become proficient and reach t
3、he finish line. The disadvantage is that they may have less to say or to show once they get there. The disadvantage of the American way is that some students never finish the race. The advantage, however, is that some who do go all the way have very interesting and original things to say when they g
4、et there.1) race 2) race 3 ) proceed 4) explore things for themselves 5) proficient 6)interesting 7) original 8) less 9) finish the raceListening IIOnce Wealth and Poverty approached a merchant and introduced themselves as Goddesses. The merchant greeted both of them and said, May I ask why you have
5、 cometo myhumble home The Goddess of Wealth said, Wewant you to judge between us who is the most beautiful.The merchant did not know what to say. He knew he was between the devil and the deep blue sea. If he said that Wealth was more beautiful than Poverty, Poverty would curse him. If he said that P
6、overty was more beautiful than Wealth, Wealth would abandon him. However, he became calm and said, I have great respect for you both. Would you please do what I ask of you It is the only way I can judge properly. The Goddesses agreed. He said, Mother Wealth, would you please walk towards my house Mo
7、ther Poverty, Would you please walk away from my house This way I can see you both better, from near and far. The two Goddesses did what the merchant had asked them to do. Then the merchant confidently declared, Mother Wealth! You appear mostbeautiful when you are nearest my house. Mother Poverty! Y
8、ou look most beautiful when you are farthest from my house. The Goddesses appreciated the wit and wisdom of the merchant. The Goddessof Wealth happily stayed in his house while the Goddess of Poverty cheerfully departed.Whenever we have a serious problem, if we look within and think calmly, a soluti
9、on will come in answer to the problem.F T F F F1. Why did the two Goddesses go to the merchant s place C2. What would happen if the merchant declared the Goddess of Wealth to be more beautiful than the Goddess of the Poverty B3. What did the merchant ask the Goddesses to do D4. What was the reaction
10、 of the Goddesses A5. What does the story tell us CListening IIIThere is an old and common saying in the United States that There is nothing new under the sun. I thought of that today when I read an article in a magazine. The article tells about the growing number of people who are building earth-sh
11、eltered houses, which are partly underground. I had known about modern earth-sheltered houses, but I had never thought about their roofs before. Instead of having metal or tiles on the roofs, many of these houses now have living roofs. The wooden top of the house is covered with a special waterproof
12、 plastic material. On top of this there is soil, in which grass and flowers are planted. Such a roof can be very beautiful. But this really is not a newidea. Whenthe early settlers cameto the United States, they often madetheir houses by digging into the ground. Their roofs were madeof wood, and cov
13、ered by large areas of soil with grass or turf. They were warm, though not always waterproof.People replaced these houses and roofs as soon as they could live in regular wooden homes with wooden or metal roofs. Now, 200 years later, some people think of this as a new idea. But I think, There is noth
14、ing new under the sun.1. 1) partly underground 2) living 3 ) digging into the ground 4) grass waterproofQuestions:1. What does the speaker mean by saying There is nothing new under the sun2. What makes the speaker think of earth-sheltered houses3. What is a living roof4. How many years ago did the e
15、arly settlers first build earth-sheltered homes5. Why did People replace these earth-sheltered houses with regular wooden ones2. C D A B DListening IVMan:It is said that the first sandwich was made in 1762 by the Earl of Sandwich. He didnt want to take time away from his card games to eat, so he ord
16、ered his butler to make sandwiches instead.WomanI:s that so Hey, look at this. The first beauty contestMan:was held in Belgium in 1888. Whyin Belgium of all placesWhy not Oh, heres one I bet youre proud of. The electric chair was used for the first time in 1890 in the United States. Yes, youre first
17、 to diagnose AIDS, too. The first recorded case was in New York.WomanP: lus and minus signs were used in 1514 in Holland. Yeah,there was no way we could have guessed that one. Andthe equals sign, youll be pleased to hear, was firstused in Oxford , in 1557. Youd have thought theyd all have been inven
18、ted at the same time.Man:Well, we both got these right .coffee was in Arabia around 1,000 AD, and just before that, playing cards were invented in China.WomanW: ell, I got this one right. First diagram of a flyingMan:machine, was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, as I said, in1492.Yeah, but the first air
19、flight wasnt madeuntil 1903, and it was in the United States.WomanB: ut that wasnt the question, was it Also, England wasMan:also the first to transmit television.Garbage! It was the Italians.WomanN: o, it says here, the first TV transmission was inMan:London, 1925. And here we are again, the first
20、traffic lights were in London, in 1868.But they didnt even have cars then, so why would they have needed traffic lights1 D A A F C E A B B21)1762 2)1888/Belgium 3)1890/the United States4)New York5)1514/Holland 1557 6) 1903 7) 1868Part 4 Further ListeningListening 1Juan comes up to the Mexican border
21、 on his bicycle. Hes got two large bags over his shoulders. The guard stops him and says, Whats in the bagsSand, answered Juan.The guard says, Well just see about that. Get off the bike.The guard takes the two bags and rips them apart; he empties them out and finds nothing in them but sand.He detain
22、s Juan overnight and has the sand analyzed, only to discover that there is nothing but pure sand in the bags.The guard releases Juan, puts the sand into newbags, hefts them onto the mans shoulders and lets him cross the border.A week later, the samething happens. The guard asks, What have you gotSan
23、d, says Juan.The guard does his thorough examination and discovers that the bags contain nothing but sand. He gives the sand back to Juan, and Juan crosses the border on his bicycle.This sequence of events is repeated every week for three years. Finally, Juan doesnt show up one day and the guard mee
24、ts him in a bar in Mexico.Hey, buddy, says the guard. I know you are smuggling something. Its driving me crazy. Its all I think about. I cant sleep. Just between you and me, what are you smugglingJuan sips his beer and says, Bicycles.1) border 2) rips 3) overnight 4) analyzed 5) release 6) cross7) w
25、eekly 8 ) thorough 9) show up 10) bicyclesListening IIPottery has been found in the remains of every ancient civilization. The oldest known piece of pottery was found inChina and dates back to 7,900 BC. Thats almost 10,000 years ago!The first pots were large bowls, formed by taking a lump of clay an
26、d making a bowl shape. Pottery doesnt just include pots, but anything made from clay that can hold things, such as jugs, vases and cups. Pottery was used to hold water, milk, seeds and grains.Later, people learned to mix different clays together to make stronger pottery and to put the pottery in a f
27、ire oven so that the clay would harden faster. The potters wheel was invented in China around 3,100 BC. The wheel spins clay like a top. It allows people to makepottery muchmore quickly and makeshapes that were perfectly symmetrical bowls that were really round, rather than lumpy or uneven.Pottery i
28、s not only consideredone of the first inventions but also one of the first art forms. Most types of pottery have been painted with figures or designs; some even tell a story!1. B A C2. oldestknown piece of pottery was found in china and dates back to 7900 BC(and was made almost 10,000 years ago).2.
29、It was used for holding water ,milk ,seeds, and grains.3. To make stronger pottery and to make the clay harden faster.4. It allowed people to makepottery much more quickly and to make symmetrical shapes.5. Because most types of pottery have been painted withfigures or designs; some even tell a story
30、.Listening III(Students are in a classroom waiting for the teacher to arrive. Two are talking.)Cathy:Ive enjoyed talking about creativity in ourEnglish class. I wish I had been encouraged more when I was in elementary school.Michael:I know what you mean. I always liked drawing, but myteachers and pa
31、rents insisted I was just wasting my time with it. My father said I should work on mathematics.Cathy:Maybeyou still will still use your artistic talent some day.Michael:Oh, I dont know. After all, Im in university now. Perhaps Im too old to be creative.Cathy:I dont think so. I read an interesting ar
32、ticleabout a lady whowanted to be an artist but the whole family wanted her to work in their candy business.Michael:What happenedCathy:Well, Jean, the lady, knew painting was what she wanted to do , not making candy. After graduating from college she tried various jobs to support herself, though non
33、e of her jobs was in the candy business. And she kept painting in her spare time.Michael:Then whatCathy:About 20 years ago a worker in the family candy business quit around Valentines Day, one of their busiest seasons. Her father needed Jean to cometo help with the business.Michael:Did sheCathy:Yes,
34、 although she didnt like it.Michael:So, how did she copeCathy:She got an idea of putting art and candy together.Michael:HowCathy:First she experimented with making an edible paint.She found that powdered food coloring mixed with vodka would work.Michael:Thats quite a combination.Cathy:Then, for her
35、canvas, she melted white chocolate and molded it flat. She even learned how to make chocolate frames.Michael:What kind of art did she createCathy:She copied the works of famous painters. She displayed her candy art in the candy shop and customers would come in just to look at the art.Michael:What di
36、d her family think thenCathy:They didnt take her seriously until the ToledoMuseumof Art heard about her works and paid her to paint 77 reproductions of works in theircollection. That was her first big job. Now she works full-time on her candy creations.Michael:Does she do anything besides copying ar
37、tmasterpiecesCathy:Yes, shes done some portraits. However, peoplelove her reproductions.Michael: What are the prices for her candy art creationsCathy: From $150 to $200 each.Michael: Well, her creativity has brought her success.What did the male speaker like to do BHowdid jean makea living right aft
38、er graduating from college BWhy did she begin to help with the family business CHow did she paint AListening IVFor over 30 years, Sesame Street has been the most popular TV program for young children in the United States. The characters on this show are mainly puppets, and probably the most loved of
39、 the puppets is a gigantic yellow bird called Big Bird.Caroll Spinney has played Big Bird all the years of BigBirds existence on American television. Spinneys love of puppets and his own creativity led him to this career. When he was five years old, he saw his first puppet show. He loved the show and never forgot it. When he was seven he bought a used monkeypuppet for five cents. His mother had madehim a stuffed snake from green material, so he got the idea of making his own puppet show
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