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1、Unit3 I can swim very fast.教学设计增城区新塘镇大敦小学朱少英一、教学目标(一) 语言知识目标 1.词汇:Thats right. far, together, go swimming 2.句型: I can Your hobby is Lets go swimming together.(二)语言技能目标 1.能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。 2.能用“I can”表达自己的能力(三) 学习策略目标 1. 培养小组合作能力,并且从合作中学会分享 2.鼓励学生上台表演,提高其表演力(4) 情感态度目标 培养学生的语感,让学生在学习中交流中更自信(5) 文化意识目标 通过

2、学习,让学生在学习中认识到如何利用英语进行表达和交流,提高他们的交际能力二、教学重点、难点 1.新单词的正确发音,Thats right.的发音 2.情态动词can的用法与表达三、教学媒体 图片,课件,卡纸,多媒体环境等四、教学策略分析 (一)词汇教学:巩固音标教学,帮助学生流利正确认读单词,记忆单词,降低学习的难度,提高记单词的效果的策略。 (二)句型教学:通过情景的创设并运用多媒体,让学生自然地理解和运用句型的策略。 (三)课文话题教学:利用运动图片、声音、课件等创设气氛和情景,通过Games引入话题,采用“H-S-L”听说教学法贯穿全文。 (四)自主探究学习:鼓励学生小组合作,培养自学和

3、合作学习的习惯。5、 教学过程Step 1 Warming up Cames.T: Good morning boys and girls. Lets play games.I say you do. T:Read together and do actions.Step 2 Revision 1.复习旧知,引出新知。(Guess) T:(出示PPT演示)Whos she? What does she like? P1:She is Ms Zhu. P2:She likes singing. P3:She likes dancing. P4:She likes taking photoes.

4、T:Yes ,you are good.And whats her hobby? P1:Her hobby is singing. P2:Her hobby is swimming. T:Oh ,thats right.You are clever.(出示单词卡Thats right.,并且让学生跟读,请部分学生读) So I can swim very fast.Today,we will learn unit3 I can swim very fast.(板题) Because i can swim very fast,so lets go swiming together,ok?(出示单

5、词卡together,贴在黑板上,让学生跟读,请个别学生读) But in the swimming pool a frog says to me “i can swim fast too and ican jump far.”(出示单词卡far,让学生跟读,开火车读) And the boy says to the frog “i can jump very far.” T:read the new words after me. Ask the pupils read the new words in groups. Then ask the pupils read the new wor

6、ds together.Step 3 Presentation 1.教师整理学生的回答,并出示worksheet中的what I hear环节。H (What I Hear)dance wellread well jump farjump very farThats right.go swimming together 2.通过整理此表,引出并学习I can .(板贴) A.出示图片,举例子,让学生知道如何造句 出示句子I can _ very fast/well/high/far. B.出示另外三张图片,让学生自己小组讨论如何造句 C.请学生说出自己的答案,并且全班跟读 3.Play gam

7、es A.Teacher do actions and pupils say“I can” B.someone do actions and pupils say“I can ” C.someone do actions and sonmone say “I can ” 4.课文学习 A.Listen and match B.Read the dialogue after the tape. C.Read the dialogue after the teacher. D.Read the dialogue in groups. E.Act out the dialogue. 5.Lets t

8、ry fill in the blanks.Step 4 Consolidation(出示What I want to say环节) 1.Look .ask and answer the questions . (worksheet) T: Now, listen carefully and answer the questions and read the sentences S (What I want to Say)Whats your hobby? What does she like? I can read very fast. I can run very fast. I can

9、play basketball very well. Step 5 Development1. Practice Look at the pictures and make sentences A: Whats your hobby? B: My hobby is _. I can _ very well /fast/high/far. A: I love _, too. Lets _ together. A:Whats her hobby? B:Her hobby is _.She can _ very well. She likes _ . A:I love _,too.2. Lets s

10、how together. A.Show your picture and talk with your groups. B.Ask someone to show. C.Ask someone to answer the questions about the show.Step 6 总结本节课的主要内容“I can”的用法。 1.请学生自己总结 2.教师统一归纳Step 7 What I learned环节,总结本文的重点。L (What I Learned)We can talk something about Abilities“I can”Step 8 Homeworks 1.Copy the new words. 2.Make a survey about your family. 3.Read the dialogue twice. 六、教学反思 由于本课短语不多,单词也不多,课文对话也很容易上口,在教学中我运用了“H-S-L”听说教学模式,采取先解难后呈现的方法,创设不同的情境,让学生多听多说,充分进行交流。整节课


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