



1、。Describe a natural disaster.Five Steps:1. Which natural disaster?2. Where and when did it take place?3. What were the effects? What happened?4. What was done to improve the situation/help those affected by the disaster?5. How did it make you feel?1. Which natural disaster?Id like to describe a(n)Th

2、e natural disaster that Id like to describe isThe natural disaster that I know about isThe natural disaster that I remember isThe natural disaster that I have experienced isA terrible/devastating natural disaster wasThe most terrible natural disaster that I can remember isTypes of natural disaster?

3、Earthquake? Flood? Volcanic Eruption? Landslide? Tornado? Storm? Hurricane/Typhoon/Tropical Storm/Cyclonic Storm/Tropical Depression/Cyclone? Tsunami? Blizzard (snow storm)? Wildfire/Bushfire-可编辑修改 -。? Famine? Drought? Heat wave? Epidemic2. Where and when did it take place?It took place/happened/str

4、uck/hit/startedThe epicentre of the earthquake waswas affected.was worst affected.Other areas also felt the impact.Some of the effects were even felt as far away as in3. What were the effects? What happened?people were killed.of homes were were destroyed.Many people lost thei

5、r homes.Many families lost loved ones.Many parents lost their children.Many children lost their parents.people slives were ruined.It turned peopleslives upside down.Many buildings were left in ruin.Many people had to flee the country/region/affected area/province.Communications, such as telephone se

6、rvices, were interrupted.Many roads and other infrastructure was destroyed.Disease spread around the affected area.The local economy was badly affected.-可编辑修改 -。There were huge food and water shortages.Many people suffered from malnutrition/dehydration.Chaos and rioting broke out in the affected are

7、a.Looting was a major problem.4. What was done to improve the situation/help those affected by the disaster?Thousands of rescue workers came to help the survivors.Many international rescue teams came to help in the region.Financial aid was offered by many countries.International humanitarian workers

8、 provided support.Many NGOs offered support.The government invested millions of dollars/yuan/pounds in the redevelopment of the region.A fund was set up to help the survivors.New homes were built for the survivors.Many people donated money/clothes/food to the people affected.Medical support/doctors and nurses were sent to the region.The army was sent to restore order.Food parcels/packages were sent to the survivors.5. How did it make you feel?I feltsad/shocked/distressed/scared.I was distressed b


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