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1、19th-Century American Poets Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Walt Whitman (1819-1892) ndemocracy ninternationalism nImmortality nborn on May 31, 1819, on a farm at West Hills, Long Island nmoved to Brooklyn nFrom 1840 to 1845, worked as a printer in New York nwrote sentimental poems for Democratic Review Wa

2、lt Whitman (1819-1892) n1845, returned to Brooklyn as a reporter on the Star n1846, became editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle ntraveled to New Orleans n1848 -1849 The Free Man Walt Whitman (1819-1892) n1855, issued the first of many editions of Leaves of Grass n“commensurate with a people” nthe 1855

3、 edition of Leave of Grass nSong of Myself nThe Sleepers Walt Whitman (1819-1892) n1856, another edition of Leaves of Grass n1856, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry n1860, the third edition nOut of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking nChildren of Adam nCalamus n1866, Drum-taps nSequel to Drum-Taps Walt Whitman (1819

4、-1892) n1871, O Captain! My Captain!, Passage to India n1881-1892, the various editions of Leaves of Grass n1897, Old Age Echoes nDuring the Civil War, worked as a government clerk nlive in Camden, New Jersey. Walt Whitman spent his last few years at his home in Camden, New Jersey. Today, it is open

5、 to the public as the Walt Whitman House Free Verse n结构自由段数行数字数没有一定规格; 语言有自然节奏而不用韵。 1.破除僵化陈腐文言,以白话加入诗行 2.音节韵律上破除旧体诗词的声韵 3.在体式上有意追求一种无拘无束自由自在的 表达方式 4.渴求个性自由解放、独立不阿 5.赞美劳动意义,歌颂劳动人民优良品质,抒 写对理想社会和光明前景憧憬 Free Verse nAlso called open-form poetry, free verse refers to poems characterized by their nonconfor

6、mity to established patterns of meter, rhyme, and stanza. Free verse uses elements such as speech patterns, grammar, emphasis, and breath pauses to decides line break, and usually does not rhyme. Work Appreciation nWalt Whitman and America nPoetics and Physiognomy nArtistic characteristics Ones Self

7、 I Sing n我歌唱一个人的“自己” n我歌唱一个人的“自己”一个单纯的、个别的人; 然而说出“德谟克拉蒂克”这个字, “大众”这个字。 n我歌唱从头到脚的生理学,不单是状貌,不单是头脑值得吟口目, 我说完整的“形体”更远远值得吟唱; 我歌唱和“男性”平等的“女性”。 n有着充沛了热情、脉搏、和力量的“生命”的人, 欢乐的在神圣的法则之下形成的、适于最自由的行动的人, 我歌唱这样的“现代的人”。 一八六七年 Ones Self I Sing n我歌唱一个人的自身 n我歌唱一个人的自身,一个单一的个别的人,不过要用民主这个 词,全体这个词的声音。 n我歌唱从头到脚的生理学, 我说不单只外貌和脑子,整个形体更值得歌吟, 而且,与男性平等,我也歌唱女性。 n我歌唱现代的人, 那情感,意向和能力的巨大生命, 他愉快,能采取合乎神圣法则的最自由的行动。 (选自惠特曼精选集,山东文艺出版社 李野光译,1997,128字) Ones Self I Sing n我歌唱人本身 n我歌唱人本身,一个独特的、纯粹的人, 不过要说出“民主的”这个词,道出“大众”这个词 的声音。 我全心全意地歌唱人的生成, 不仅容貌,不仅头脑,而整个形体更值得歌颂。我歌 唱男性,同样也


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