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1、外语高二英语备课组外语高二英语备课组 Crowd semi-circle Pedestrian passerby violin handle guitar musician pipe handkerchief interval lid plug popcorn relief slide socket tap voluntary Review some words: 1.Not filled or empty. 2.Connect something to the electricity supply. 3.Being full of life and energy. 4.Time betwee

2、n two events. 5.Wipe the face with a handkerchief to remove sweat, tears etc. 6.Acting or done willingly. 7.Removing of pain or anxiety. 8.Become smaller. interval liveliness mop plugrelief vacant voluntary shrink Words study Skimming the main idea of the text A. Music in a recording studio loses so

3、me of its liveliness. B. Different cities have street music of different styles. C. The street music is keeping a culture alive. cathedral 大教堂大教堂 push ones way through a crowd 从人群中挤过去从人群中挤过去 a quartet of 四人一组的四人一组的, 四件一套的四件一套的 slide away 溜走溜走 be grateful for/to/that 感激的感激的, 感谢的感谢的 (=thankful) I am g

4、rateful to you for your help. brief adj. 短暂的短暂的, 简短的简短的 Lets keep this conversation brief; I have a plane to catch. In brief, your work is bad. (简而言之简而言之) affair 公事公事, 政事政事; 个人私事个人私事, 财政问题财政问题(常用复数常用复数); 事务事务, 事情事情; 事件事件, 丑闻丑闻 love affairs 恋爱恋爱, 风流韵事风流韵事 I am not prepared to discuss my financial aff

5、airs with the press. We must try to forget this sad affair. consciously ad. 有意识地有意识地, 自觉地自觉地 pavement (Br.E) = sidewalk (Am.E)人行道人行道 gang n. 帮帮, 伙伙, 群群 a gang of 一帮一帮, 一伙一伙, 一群一群 ignore /ign:/ vt. 不顾不顾, 忽视忽视, 不理睬不理睬 I tried to tell her but she ignored me. Prague /prg/ 布拉格布拉格(捷克共和国首都捷克共和国首都) Milan /

6、miln/ 米兰米兰 (意大利北部城市意大利北部城市) the Andes /ndi:z/ 安第斯山脉安第斯山脉 regulate vt. 控制控制, 管理管理, 调整调整, 调节调节 The prices are regulated by demand and supply. care n. 烦恼烦恼, 忧虑忧虑 context n.语境语境, 上下文上下文 Skimming the main idea of the text A. Music in a recording studio loses some of its liveliness. B. Different cities ha

7、ve street music of different styles. C. The street music is keeping a culture alive. Paragraph 1: street music in _ Paragraph 2: street music in _ Paragraph 3: street music in _, _, _, _, _ and _. Paris Barcelona Prague Vienna Tokyo London New York Milan Scanning the names of cities Careful reading

8、for detail information. placesperformances Peoples feelings A quartet of musicians play a suite of violin classical music. In Paris Play a sound system and theres dancing in the street. In downtown Tokyo In the London underground In a street in Vienna or Prague or Milan In the old district of Barcel

9、ona They are grateful for this brief interval of music as they go shopping. A music man plays his barrel organ and sings songs. In Harlem, New York Young couples eat popcorn and dance to music. A student plays classical guitar music. It lifts the spirits of the passengers. Some pipe musicians fill t

10、he air with the sounds of South American music. Pedestrians or passersby making contributions to the street musician. A street music man turns the handle of a barrel organ. Crowds stand in a semi-circle. A quartet of street musicians play a violin suite of classical music. Scanning the supporting se

11、ntences for the following statements. 1. It is not very easy for the writer to go through the crowd in front of the cathedral. 2. Not every person in Barcelona is willing to give money to a street musician. 3. There used to be a musician below the window of my apartment in Paris, but he left for cer

12、tain reasons. 4. Young couples in downtown Tokyo are very interested in the music played by a rockabilly band. 5. Street music in the London Underground is helpful to the passersby in some way. 6. In the writers opinion, street music can make people energetic and relaxed. Scanning the supporting sen

13、tences for the following statements. 1. It is not very easy for the writer to go through the crowd in front of the cathedral. I push my way through the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music. 2. Not every person in Barcelona is willing to give money to a stre

14、et musician. All contributions are voluntary, no one has to pay, but the crowd shrinks as some people slide away. But others happily throw in a few coins. 3. There used to be a musician below the window of my apartment in Paris, but he left for certain reasons. A musician man takes a place made vaca

15、nt by an earlier musician. 4. Young couples in downtown Tokyo are very interested in the music played by a rockabilly band. Young couples eat popcorn, and dance to the music of a rockabilly band. 5. Street music in the London Underground is helpful to the passersby in some way. In the London Undergr

16、ound a student plays classical guitar music, which echoes along the tunnels. It lifts the spirits of the passengers, who hurry past on their way to work. 6. In the writers opinion, street music can make people energetic and relaxed. Street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief f

17、rom the cares of the day. It keeps_ It gives_ It offers_ Meanings of the street music : alive a culture which has almost disappeared in our lives. life to everyone who listens . relief from the cares of the day. All contributions are voluntary, no one has to pay, but the crowd shrinks as some people

18、 slide away. 所有捐助都是出于自愿,没有人非掏钱不可。但是,随着一些人悄所有捐助都是出于自愿,没有人非掏钱不可。但是,随着一些人悄 悄走开,人群缩小了。悄走开,人群缩小了。 In downtown Tokyo, young couples eat popcorn and dance to the music of a rockabilly band, which plays American music from the Fifties. 在东京市中心,年轻的情侣们一边吃着爆米花,一边随着一个乡村在东京市中心,年轻的情侣们一边吃着爆米花,一边随着一个乡村 摇滚乐团演奏的五十年的美国

19、音乐翩翩起舞。摇滚乐团演奏的五十年的美国音乐翩翩起舞。 Give a proper Chinese translation to the following sentences. The street musician is keeping alive a culture which has almost disappeared in our busy, organised, and regulated lives: the sound of music when you least expect it. 街头音乐家保持了一种在我们的紧张忙碌、组织有序和一成不变的街头音乐家保持了一种在我们的紧

20、张忙碌、组织有序和一成不变的 生活中已近乎消失的文化的生机:在你最意想不到的时候听到的音生活中已近乎消失的文化的生机:在你最意想不到的时候听到的音 乐的声音。乐的声音。 But street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day. It only exists in the present, it only has meaning in the context. It needs space. 但是街头音乐给每一个倾听的人带来活力,令他们在一天的烦但是街头音乐给每

21、一个倾听的人带来活力,令他们在一天的烦 忧中感到宽慰。它只存在于当下,忧中感到宽慰。它只存在于当下,也只有在情境中才具有意义也只有在情境中才具有意义。 它需要空间它需要空间。 Filling blanks I _the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music. All contributions are_, no one has to pay, but the crowd _as some people slide away. push my way through shri

22、nks voluntary 1.lift the spirits 2. voluntary 3. relief 4. vacant 5. give life to 6. shrink 7. push my way through 8. dance to the music Below the window of my apartment in Paris, a music man takes a place made _by an earlier musician. In the London Underground a student plays classical guitar music

23、, which echoes along the tunnels. It _of the passengers, who hurry past on their way to work. vacant lifts the spirits 1.lifts the spirits 2. voluntary 3. dance to the music 4. vacant 5. push my way through 6. shrinks 7. gives life to 8. relief In downtown Tokyo, young couples eat popcorn and _of a

24、rockabilly band, which plays American music from the Fifties. But street music _everyone who listens and offers _from the cares of the day. dance to the music gives life to relief 1.lifts the spirits 2. voluntary 3. dance to the music 4. vacant 5. push my way through 6. shrinks 7. gives life to 8. r

25、elief Street music is a kind of live music that some musicians play _.They only need to find a_ place on the street. While musicians are playing music,the _or_stop to listen to it or walk past with their heads down.Usually they stand in a _around the musicians to enjoy the music.Some people even put

26、 a coin into the cup or_on the ground.But all the contributions are _.The musicians are more concerned with his own music than with money.In many foreign countries such scenes can often be seen. In Harlem,there is dancing on the street _.In Tokyo,young couples eat _and _to the music. In a word,stree

27、t music can _everyone who listens and offers _from the cares of the day. but the recorded music loses its _. Summary Read the passage again and fill in the blanks. on the streetvacant pedestrians passersby semi-circle saucer voluntary all of a sudden popcorndance give life to relief liveliness 街头音乐街

28、头音乐 那是一个温暖的星期六下午,在巴塞罗纳旧街区的那是一个温暖的星期六下午,在巴塞罗纳旧街区的 一条繁忙的小路一条繁忙的小路(side road)上。行人上。行人(pedestrian) 们在大教堂前围成半圆,围观着什么人或什么事。们在大教堂前围成半圆,围观着什么人或什么事。 我挤进人群,发现了一个四重奏乐队我挤进人群,发现了一个四重奏乐队(quartet)正在正在 演奏古典音乐小提琴组曲演奏古典音乐小提琴组曲(suite)。演奏。演奏(session从从 事某项活动的集会或一段时间事某项活动的集会或一段时间)持续了持续了10分钟。然分钟。然 后一名演奏者从地上捡起一个碟子后一名演奏者从地上

29、捡起一个碟子(saucer)要钱。要钱。 所有的捐献都是自愿的所有的捐献都是自愿的(voluntary),没有人非掏钱,没有人非掏钱 不可,但是随着一些人悄悄走开,人群一下子缩小不可,但是随着一些人悄悄走开,人群一下子缩小 (shrink)了。但是其他人非常高兴地扔进去一些硬了。但是其他人非常高兴地扔进去一些硬 币。他们感谢使他们在购物途中为之短暂驻足币。他们感谢使他们在购物途中为之短暂驻足 (interval间隔,空隙间隔,空隙)的音乐。的音乐。 在巴黎我居住的公寓的窗下,一位音乐人占据了早在巴黎我居住的公寓的窗下,一位音乐人占据了早 先另一位音乐家空出来的先另一位音乐家空出来的(vacan

30、t)地方。他打开手地方。他打开手 摇风琴摇风琴(barrel organ)的盖子的盖子(lid),摇动把手,摇动把手 (handle)。然后他开始演唱古巴黎的歌曲,关于人。然后他开始演唱古巴黎的歌曲,关于人 们和他们的爱情故事的歌曲。我仍记得一些歌词们和他们的爱情故事的歌曲。我仍记得一些歌词,虽虽 然我从未特意去记住它们。我用脚打着节拍然我从未特意去记住它们。我用脚打着节拍(tap轻轻 拍拍)跟随他一起唱。沿着人行道很少有过路人跟随他一起唱。沿着人行道很少有过路人 (passerby)停下来。有人微笑,有人低着头走过。停下来。有人微笑,有人低着头走过。 车辆路过,一帮帮的男孩子们聚了又散,有人

31、甚至车辆路过,一帮帮的男孩子们聚了又散,有人甚至 往风琴上的杯子里投硬币。但是这位音乐人不理会往风琴上的杯子里投硬币。但是这位音乐人不理会 所有的这些。在太阳下他很热,所以他用一条脏乎所有的这些。在太阳下他很热,所以他用一条脏乎 乎的乎的(spotted)手帕擦手帕擦(mop)脑袋。他只是一个劲儿脑袋。他只是一个劲儿 地边唱边摇动把手。地边唱边摇动把手。 在纽约哈莱姆,许多当地人将音响设备放在打开在纽约哈莱姆,许多当地人将音响设备放在打开 的窗户旁。他们把音响设备的插头插入的窗户旁。他们把音响设备的插头插入(plug)电源电源 插座,突然间插座,突然间(all of a sudden),街上的人们就跳,街上的人们就跳 起舞来。在东京的市区,年轻的夫妇吃着爆米花起舞来。在东京的市区,年轻的夫妇吃着爆米花 (popcorn)随着乡


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