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1、RiskFactor Sex Age Race TotalCholesterol HDL-Cholesterol SystolicBloodPressure TreatmentforHighBloodPressure Diabetes Smoker Your10-YearASCVDRisk(%) 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone Your Age with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) YourLifetimeASCVDRisk*(%) Lifetime ASCVD Risk (%)

2、 for Someone at Age 50 with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) *ThisisthelifetimeASCVDriskforanindividual atage50yearswithyourriskfactorlevels.Inrare cases,10-yearrisksmayexceedlifetimerisks giventhattheestimatescomefromdifferent approaches.While10-yearriskestimatesare derivedfromm

3、ethodsanddatausingcontinuous variables,thereportedestimateoflifetimeriskis basedonassigningeachpersonintooneof5 mutuallyexclusivesex-specificgroups,asper Lloyd-Jonesetal.,Circulation2006;113(6):791-8. Withineachofthe5groups,eachpersonreceives thesamelifetimeriskestimate.Inotherwords, usingthisapproa

4、ch,thereareonly5possible lifetimeriskestimatesreportedformenandonly 5possiblelifetimeriskestimatesreportedfor women.Insomecases,theaverageriskforthe groupwillunderestimatetheindividualstrue lifetimerisk.Thisfeatureoflifetimerisk estimationwillresultintheestimatedlifetimerisk beinglessthantheestimate

5、d10-yearrisk.In thesecases,the10-yearriskshouldbethe primaryfocusfortheriskdiscussionandrisk reductionefforts.Asfurtherdatabecomes availableandincorporatedandmethodsmature, lifetimeriskestimatesbasedoncontinuous variableswillbepossible. Abbreviations: AA = African American; ASCVD = Atherosclerotic c

6、ardiovascular disease, defined as CHD death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or fatal or nonfatal stroke; F = Female; M = Male; N = No; WH = White; Y = Yes. Enterpatientvalues inthiscolumn UnitsValue M (for males) or F (for females) years AA (for African Americans) or WH (for whites or others) mg/dL

7、 mg/dL mm Hg Y (for yes) or N (for no) Y (for yes) or N (for no) Y (for yes) or N (for no) Thiscalculatoronlyprovides10-yearriskestimatesfor individuals40to79yearsofageEnterMorFfor GenderEnterWHorAAforraceEnter130-320forTC valueEnter20-100forHDLvalueEnter90-200forSBP valueEnterYorNfortreatmentforhyp

8、ertensionEnter YorNforDiabetesEnterYorNforSmoker EnterMorFforGenderThiscalculatoronlyprovides10- yearriskestimatesforindividuals40to79yearsofage EnterWHorAAforrace Thiscalculatoronlyprovideslifetimeriskestimatesfor individuals20to59yearsofageEnterMorFfor GenderEnter130-320forTCvalueEnter90-200forSBP

9、 valueEnterYorNfortreatmentforHypertensionEnter YorNforDiabetesEnterYorNforSmoker EnterMorFforgender 10-Year and Lifetime ASCVD Risks Your 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone Your Age with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) Your Lifetime ASCVD Risk* (%) Lifeti

10、me ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone at Age 50 with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Predicted Risk (%) For patients and the public:*Thisisthelifetime riskofcardiovasculardiseases,includingstroke,foran individualatage50yearswithyourriskfactorl

11、evels.In rarecases,10-yearrisksmayexceedlifetimerisks giventhattheestimatescomefromdifferent mathematicalapproaches.Ifthisisthecase,the10- yearriskshouldbetheprimaryfocusforyourrisk discussionwithyourproviderandforyoureffortsto reduceyourrisk. 10-Year and Lifetime ASCVD Risks Your 10-Year ASCVD Risk

12、 (%) 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone Your Age with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) Your Lifetime ASCVD Risk* (%) Lifetime ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone at Age 50 with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Predicted Risk

13、(%) Acceptable range of valuesOptimal values M or F 20-79 AA or WH 130-320170 20-10050 90-200110 Y or NN Y or NN Y or NN 10-Year and Lifetime ASCVD Risks Your 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone Your Age with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) Your Lifetime AS

14、CVD Risk* (%) Lifetime ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone at Age 50 with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (shown above in column E) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Predicted Risk (%) 10-Year and Lifetime ASCVD Risks Your 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) 10-Year ASCVD Risk (%) for Someone Your Age with Optimal Risk Factor Levels (


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