1、读后续写微技能(11)外貌性格描写 -2- 读后续写微技能(11)外貌性格描写 一、外貌性格描写 1.外貌描写重点在于五官与体型描写 在描写人物外貌时,要注意学会用不同的表达,对人物进行“从上 到下”的细致刻画,包括脸部表情,发型装扮,身体状况,手脚情况,年 龄状态等等,例如: Looking at his weather-worn face, I was surprised. She is of medium height, very slim, but her face is as white as snow. 分析:句中的weather-worn face表示“饱经风霜的脸”;句中 me
2、dium height说明“中等身高”,as white as snow来说明“脸色惨白”。 这两句中,通过扩展对具体人物外貌的修饰,达到了增加描写的作 用。 -3- 2.性格描写要细致突出人物的情绪 对于人物的性格描写,一定要突出人物的个性,尽量避免用过于 笼统的词,而应该采用相对比较细致入微的词汇或句式,来对人物 进行“个性化”描写,例如: He is good-time Charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties.他是乐 天派,从不担忧。 Jerry is a self-possessed man, whose face never betrays
3、 his emotions.Jerry处事冷静,从不喜形于色。 分析:句中,用good-time Charlie来描述他的乐观,用词要比 optimistic更加形象;而句中,用self-possessed和never betrays his emotions来细致描述Jerry的个性,体现细节描写对人物个性的刻画。 -4- 3.外貌性格描写时,可以多采用并列式表达 在进行人物外貌描写时,不一定是单一性的描写,而更多的可以 采用并列式或递进式的表达方式。如: The light showed a pale, square-jawed face with keen eyes, and a lit
4、tle white scar near his left eyebrow. 分析:本句在描写人物外貌时,采用了with和and的并列或伴随结 构,使得表达更加丰富。 -5- 二、外貌性格的素材 1.与“外貌”相关的词块 handsome英俊的,good-looking好看的,athletic健康的,muscular壮 实的,pretty漂亮的,beautiful美丽的,attractive迷人的,plain相貌平平 的,slim苗条的,thin瘦的,fat胖的,overweight肥胖的,skinny瘦骨嶙峋 的,cool酷的,lively活泼的,lovely可爱的,strong强壮的,a g
5、irl with bright big eyes有大而明亮的眼睛的女孩,a boy with glasses戴眼镜 的男孩,be in ones mid-40s四十几岁,be somewhere between 25 and 30 years old 25-30岁之间,be of medium height/of average height/about 5 feet tall中等身高/平均身高/五英尺高, have short hair/medium length hair/long hair/long wavy dark hair/long and straight hair/short
6、and curly hair短发/中等长度的头发/长发/长卷黑 发/长直发/短卷发, have got a baby face /round face/an intelligent face娃娃脸/圆脸/聪明的脸, high/broad/rounded/flat/narrow forehead 前额高/宽/圆/平/窄,big/bright/dark/attractive eyes眼睛大/亮/黑/迷 人,hooked nose and a square chin鹰钩鼻和平下巴 -6- 2.与“性格”等相关的词块 正面描写:confident自信的, modest谦虚的, brave勇敢的, ch
7、eerful开 朗的, kind善良的, friendly友好的, generous大方的, honest诚实的, independent独立的, reliable可靠的, patient耐心的, outgoing外向的, sensitive敏感的, decisive果断的, ambitious雄心勃勃的, punctual守 时的, sociable善于交际的, easygoing随和的, gentle温和的, considerate善解人意的, thoughtful体贴的, understanding理解的, optimistic乐观的, frank坦率的, straightforward
8、直截了当的,helpful乐 于助人的,humorous幽默的,careful仔细的,energetic 精力充沛 的,brave勇敢的,honest诚实的,warm-hearted热心肠的,easy-going容 易相处的 -7- 负面描写:big-headed令人头疼的, bad-tempered脾气很坏的, boring 乏味的, bossy专横的, dull迟钝的, dishonest不诚实的, envious嫉妒 的, fussy挑剔的, impatient不耐烦的, jealous嫉妒的, lazy懒惰的, rude粗鲁的, mean吝啬的, selfish自私的, shy害羞的,
9、 timid胆怯的, stubborn固执的, careless粗心的, clumsy笨拙的, greedy贪婪的, conceited自负的, pessimistic悲观的,aggressive有攻击性的, cruel残 酷的, chickenhearted胆小的 -8- 【迁移应用四】 It was Mothers Day and I was shopping at the local supermarket with my son who is five years old, Tenyson.As we were leaving after finishing our shopping,
10、we realized that only minutes earlier an elderly woman had fallen over at the entrance and hit her head on the ground badly.Her husband was with her,but there was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock.Fortunately,a lot of people stopped to help out. -9- While we were wa
11、lking towards the scene,Tenyson became very worried about what had happened to the elderly couple.He said to me,“Mom,its not much fun falling over in front of everyone.”Seeing that there was a flower stall(摊位) at the front of the supermarket,he added,“Why shouldnt we buy the lady a flower?It will ma
12、ke her feel better.” I was amazed that hed come up with this sweet idea who was only a five-year-old boy.So we went over and told the flower seller what we wanted.“Just take it,”she replied.“I cant take your money for such a wonderful deed.” -10- By now medical staff had arrived,and were looking aft
13、er the injured woman.There we saw the old man was also in great horror,but he tried to comfort his wife and held her hands tightly to encourage her to be strong.We gave the flower to the womans husband and I told him it was from my son.Hearing that,the old man started to cry and said,“Thank you very
14、 much.”He then turned to me,“You have a wonderful son.Happy Mothers Day to you.” The man bent down and gave his wife the flower,telling her who it was from.Regardless of being badly hurt,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love and appreciation in her eyes and gave him a little smile.And my son w
15、ent down his body to the injured lady and tenderly said,“Happy Mothers Day to you,too.” -11- Paragraph 1: After a moment,the elderly lady was taken into an ambulance by medical staff and was sent to hospital. Paragraph 2: One year later, -12- After a moment,the elderly lady was taken into an ambulan
16、ce by medical staff and was sent to hospital.The crowd gradually scattered.Tenyson and I went home.On our way home,he asked me worriedly,“Mom,will the elderly lady be OK since she was too old and sick and she had badly fallen over?”I looked at him patiently and said,“The elderly lady would be fine s
17、ince there were so many kind people coming to help her.And you did a wonderful deed,my boy.” One year later,it was Mothers Day again.As last year,I went shopping,at the local supermarket with Tenyson.Suddenly,Tenyson said excitedly,“Look,Mom.It is that old woman.”I looked that way and saw the elderl
18、y lady and her husband.Although, she began to feel rigid in her legs, it seemed that she had recovered from her injury.We walked towards them and they were happy to meet us,too.The elderly lady hugged my son and whispered to him.“I will never forget the flower you give me,my sweet boy.” -13- 读后续写微技能
19、五环境细节描写 一、环境描写的角度 环境描写分为客观和主观两种角度:客观描写从环境事物本身入 手,主观描写则从观察者角度描写。通常在描写时主客观交替进行, 原则上,主观描写比重可以稍大一点。 1.客观环境描写 客观环境的描写,常从环境本身入手,尽量突出“感官体验”,如强 调“风雨雷电”或“花鸟虫鱼”等自然界所存在的事物本身,以及它们 给人们带来的感受,如声音、气味、颜色、感觉、味道等等。例如: A cold breeze blew through my hair. The water was deep blue and sunlight glittered on its looking gla
20、ss-clear surface. -14- 分析:句中的“冷风吹拂过我的头发”,描述的是风给我带来的感 觉;句中“水是深蓝色的,阳光在仿若透明的玻璃表面闪闪发光”则 是视觉上的感受。 -15- 2.主观环境描写 主观环境描写则从观察者角度入手,表达“景物给人带来何种感 受”,所以在表达上常是“我觉得”;“我看到”,例如: The beautiful scenery in the countryside kept me spellbound. Then I glanced up and saw a pair of kites, red with long blue tails, soaring
21、 in the sky. 分析:句中的“景物使我如此陶醉”,描述的是美景给我的感 受;句中“我抬起头,望见两只红色的风筝,带着长长的蓝色尾巴, 在天空中冉冉升起”也是从观察者的角度来写环境。 -16- 二、环境描写的素材 the blue sky蓝天,the songs of birds鸟鸣,the thundering clouds电闪 雷鸣,the fragile flowers娇嫩的花,the dark, raining evening 雨夜,the green grass青草,the fragrant roses芬芳的玫瑰,the setting/rising sun落 日/冉冉升起的
22、太阳,a gust of wind一阵风,the drooping branches of the weeping willow弯柳的低垂枝条,the soft and cold wind轻柔却寒 冷的风 -17- 【迁移应用五】 In downtown New York, at a somewhat trashy(垃圾似的)apartment, there lived a man named Howard.He was a young man, in his mid- twenties, and had a terrible fear of cockroaches(蟑螂).Well if y
23、ouve been to New York, and maybe live or stay in a trashy hotel, you know how many cockroaches there are.Too many to count! -18- Howard had just come home from work and was looking for a bit of relaxation.All he wanted to do was get a bowl of ice cream, sit down and read the newspaper.He started to
24、try to look for a bowl and a spoon in the messy cabinets(壁橱).He found the bowl, got out the ice cream and opened a drawer to get the spoon when, surprise! Out jumped a big juicy cockroach.After jumping twenty feet in the air and grabbing a spoon out of the drawer, he sat down to calm himself.“God ki
25、ll the cockroaches!” he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach climbed between his feet.“Theres got to be something I can do to get rid of them.” Just then, as he was getting his ice cream and reading ads in the paper, one specific ad caught his eye.“Got Roaches? We have a so
26、lution! Come down to Sams Pet Club today and get yourself the natural enemy of the cockroaches, a gecko(壁虎)!” -19- “What in the world?” Howard thought.He read on: “Thats right!A gecko! Follow the directions below to get your very own live cockroach eliminator(消除器)! Then ask our friendly staff how to
27、 care for and what to do to get rid of your cockroaches.”“Well.That gecko will probably eat me while I sleep,” he said as yet another cockroach escaped across the floor.He felt sick.He thought it was worth a try, so the very next day he followed the directions on the ad to the pet store. There staff
28、 told him what to do with a gecko and how much they were and, soon enough, he was driving home with his very own gecko. -20- Paragraph 1: He thought,“Yet another little creature is going to be wandering around in my house.” Paragraph 2: With fewer and fewer cockroaches, slowly he didnt like the gecko running around his house all the time. -21- He thought “Yet another little creature is going to be wandering around in my house.”On arriving at his dirty, trashy apartment,Howard p
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