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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .PlotAt the beginning ofthe story,StanleyYelnats, a 13-year-old boy whoissupposedly affected by a family curse, has been wrongly accused ofstealingtheshoes of thebaseballplayerClyde Livingstonfrom a charityauction. As punishment for this crime, he is sent to Camp Gr

2、een Lake, ajuvenile detention and correctional facility where convicts of similarage are forced to dig holes to build their character. Warden Walker,real granddaughter of Trout Walker, is actually looking for a buriedtreasurethatoutlawKatherineKissinKate Barlow stole from Stanleysgreat-grandfather.

3、Years ago, Stanleys family got cursed by MadameZeroni,a fortune-tellerand ancestor,due to a promisenotfulfilledbyElya Yelnats,Stanleysgreat-great-grandfather,more popularlyknown inthe novel as a no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealinggreat-great-grandfather.Later in the story, the Wardens decision that th

4、e boys dig moreextensivelyfor treasureleads toseveraldramatic events,latercausinginmate Hector Zero Zeroni, a descendant of Madame Zeroni and one ofStanley s better friends, to flee into the desert. Stanley, in searchof Zero,findshim ina tunneldug underneathan abandoned rowboat bearingthe nameMary L

5、ou,the donkey ofSam the onionman over a centurybefore.Zero had been livingon jarsof veryoldspicedpeaches thathe had foundin theboat,which he calledSploosh.Upon seeing a mountain resemblinga humanfistgiving theThumbssignal/thumbsup sign,StanleyrecallsthestoryofhisancestorStanleyYelnatsI,who findsrefu

6、geon Gods thumb,which Zero and Stanley climb in search of water.Atop the river, Stanleydiscovers a field ofonions, which the boys eat,and a poolofgroundwater,which theydrink,and during theircontentmentStanley sings to Zero that they should return to Camp Green Lake to findthe buriedtreasure.Upon ret

7、urning,Zero stealssome waterand foodfromthe kitchens while Stanley looks for the buried treasure. At this theysucceed,but are apprehended by the Warden and the camp staff,and becomesurroundedby a group oflethalyellow-spottedlizards.Because theboyshave consumed onions, the lizards do not bite them. U

8、nable to leave thehole they occupy, they remain in placeuntilthe next morning,duringwhichan attorney arrives requesting Stanleys release. When the wardendemandsthe suitcase,Zero indicatesthe nameStanley Yelnats writtenon it,itscontentsbeingthejewels,deeds,stocksand promissorynotesstolen from Stanley

9、 Yelnats the first.ProtagonistStanleyIV then uses the bonds tobuy a new house forhisfamily,and Zero hires a team of investigators to find his missing mother;meanwhile, the drought at Green Lake is replaced by rainfall, as if in1文档来源为:从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .response to Stanleysfulfilmentof hisa

10、ncestorspromise (a suggestionleft purposely ambiguous by the narration). In a final scene, ClydeLivingston, along with the Yelnats and Zeroni families, celebrates thesuccess of Stanley s fathers antidote to foot odor, composed ofpreserved and fermented spiced peaches and named Sploosh by Zero. Thewa

11、rden is forced to sellCampGreen Lake to the stategovernment,who turnsit into a Girl Scout camp, a coincidencesince Mr. Sir, a head ofthe camp,told the campers that this isnt a Girl Scout camp, referring to thebackbreaking digging. Then they began to like Mr.Sir.SettingHoles takes place at Camp Green

12、 Lake in Texas. The town used to be by the largest lake in the state, but became a dry lake-bed after Sam was killed on the lake 110 years earlier. However, after Stanley, the great-great-grandson of Elya, carried Zero, a descendant of Madame Zeroni up to the mountaintop, he unknowingly broke the cu

13、rse that had haunted the Yelnats for generations by singing the lullaby to Zero.CharactersStanley YelnatsStanley isthe main characterin Holes.Stanley iswhite and overweight.He is froma poor familyand liveswithhis motherand father.He doesnthave any siblings. Before being sent to Camp Green Lake, Stan

14、ley liveda normal life, except he was bullied at school by Derrick Dunne, and hadno friends. He gets sent to Camp Green Lake because he was in the wrongplace at the wrong time:thepolicethoughthe had stolena pair ofshoesbelonging to a baseball player from a charity auction for the people atthe shelte

15、r. At Camp Green Lake he lives in D Tent with X-Ray, Armpit,Squid, Zig-zag, Zero, and Magnet. His closest friend at Camp is Zero.Stanley teaches Zero toread and write.In his freetimeat Camphe writesletters to his Mom and he receives letters from her. Stanley is a nice,young, and friendly person.He d

16、oes notfightlikethe otherboys atcampdo and he does as he is told most of the time. He is extremely cautiousabout the sides in Tent D and never got on either sides wrong sides.Hector Zero ZeroniHector Zeroni is one of the boys from D Tent. His nickname is Zero, becausethose at the camp believe that n

17、othing is going on in his little brain (as quoted from Mr. Pendanski). The silent boy Zero does not speak to anyone but Stanley. People always look down on him and think he is dumb,but he is a reallybrilliant,prudentialboy. Zero always finishesdigginghis hole first before anyone else because he is s

18、uch a fast digger. Heis younger than Stanley,has dark skin and was homeless before he was sentto camp. He is illiterate at the start of Stanleys time at Camp GreenLake; later,Stanleyoffersto teach Zero how to read in exchange forZero2文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持.diggingpartof Stanleyshole each

19、day. This tradeis met with criticismfrom the other boys at Camp Green Lake. Near the end of the story, Zerorevealsthatitwas he who stoleClyde Livingstonssneakers from a CharityAuctionand put them on top of a parked car.Later the car passed a bridgeand the shoes fell off, where they then landed on St

20、anleys head as he was walking home from school.Elya YelnatsStanleys great great grandfather. While a fifteen-year old boy growingup in Latvia, he had fallen in love with and wanted to marry Myra Menke,the daughterof a wealthy landlord.However, he was unable tocompete witha fellowsuitor,IgorBarkov,wh

21、o had offeredhis largestpig.To get help,he had gone to his friend, Madame Zeroni who, despite warning him thatthe girl he hoped to marry was spoiled and empty-headed, gave him one ofher pigs and, and a way to make it grow larger - he had to carry it upa nearby mountain every day and sing a song to i

22、t as it drank from thestream there. However, he missed the last day, and the pig ended up onlyas bigas thepigIgor offered,and when Elya suggestedthatMyra choose,he is shocked anddisgusted thatshe is asempty-headed as Madame Zeronihad warned, when she had to resort to number games in order to chooseb

23、etween Elya and Igor, despite the fact that Igor was old enough to beher father and quitecrude. As a result, he had gotten on a boat to America- in the process, forgetting to fulfil his promise to Madame Zeroni. As a result, his family and all their descendants were cursed to have bad luck. However,

24、 he was able to translate the song that Madame Zeroni had given him, and it was retained by the family for many years. Stanleys family always blames him for things that go wrong and they say it was because of their no-good-dirty-rotting-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.Madame ZeroniMadameZeroni

25、was a gypsy and close friend of Elya Yelnats in Latvia, the homeland of the Yelnats and the Zeronis. She was believed to be a fortune teller, but also offered help to Elya when he hoped to marry a local girl. In return for her help, he was to carry MadameZeroni up the mountain andsing to her as he h

26、ad done with his pig. However the promise was broken, and she put a curse on the generations of Yelnats.X-RayX-Ray was in Camp Green Lake before the other boys and is the unspokenleader of Tent D. X-rays real nameis Rex Washburn as said in the sequel ( Small Steps ) and is at Camp Green Lake for sel

27、ling oregano to people,3文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持.tellingthem itwas marijuana.He convinced Stanleyto give him whateverhe finds in the holes, so X-Ray can get a day off as a reward. He madeStanley his ally and went along leading Tent D by areward-and-ally-routine. He wears thick glasses and c

28、an hardly seewithoutthe glasses.He names Stanley,Cavemanand also arranges the linefor lining up for water.ArmpitArmpit is one of the boys at Camp Green Lake whose real name is TheodoreJohnson. He is described as big,muscular and dark-skinned. He iscalledArmpit because he gotstung in thearmpitby a sc

29、orpion. Many peoplethinkit is because his armpits stink. He was sent to the camp after gettinginto an altercation withtwo older boysin the Holes movie. When Stanleywas sent to Camp Green Lake, he thought that he was the biggest due tobeing overweight the beginning of the book.Zig ZagZig Zag is one o

30、f the tent D boys at Camp Green Lake. His real name is Ricky. Stanley believes he is a more unstable character. Zigzag isextremely violent andabrupt,and did not show any signs of remorse whenassaulting Stanleyphysically.He has been describedto have wildblondehair, paranoia and an abnormally thick ne

31、ck.The WardenThe Wardenisin charge of CampGreen Lake. She has red hair, and iscoveredwith freckles.She was tall already,but was even more intimidatingwhenshe looks down at the boys, who were in their holes. She is extremelyviolentand abusive,and constantlyattacks the staffand the boys by usingpoison

32、.According to the novel,she has harmed Armpitby jabbing him witha pitchfork. She isextremely selfish,and only rewards those whodo herbidding. She does not care for redemption of the boys, but only findingKissin Kate Barlows treasure.Mr. SirHe is one of the staff in Camp Green Lake. He just quit smok

33、ing and is often seen with a big bag of sunflower seeds, as a replacement to cigarettes. He is demanding, and his motto would be This isnt a GirlScouts camp. He always makes sure everyone is working to the limits of their strength.Mr. Pendanski4文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持.Mr Pendanski is a wor

34、ker in CampGreen Lake and he gives out water to the people who live in CampGreen Lake. Mr Pendanski was Stanleys counselor. The boys in Group D call him Mom as he is motherly to them. He seemed friendly, but is actually very mean, as he mocks Zero and threatens Stanley at gunpoint. He was the camps

35、doctor though at the ending of the novel it turns out he has no qualifications to be one. According to the book,everyone remembers 3 words that will help them remember his name. The 3 words are pen-dance-key. (Sounds like Pendanski)Stanleys familyThe members of Stanleys family mentioned are his mom,

36、 dad, his greatgrandfatherand his greatgreat grandfather.The father,StanleyYelnatsIII, was an inventor, but never had the luck to succeed in inventinganything. Thus the family is poor and lives in an apartment that smeltof old sneakers,as the fatherwas tryingto figureout a new way to recyclesneakers

37、. The father and son sometimes believed that things were never right for them because they were under a curse.The mother was optimistic, and always reminded the father and son that there was no curse at all, and that not all Yelnats were failures. She is also extremely worried about her son, but als

38、o trusts him, as it isobvious that she believes all the lies Stanley had told her in the letters to her.See also Elya Yelnats , thegreat-great-grandfatherof Stanley Yelnats IV.Charlie and the Chocolate Factoryis a 1964childrens bookby BritishauthorRoald Dahl . The story features the adventures of yo

39、ung CharlieBucket inside the chocolatefactoryof eccentricchocolatierWillyWonka.Charlieand the ChocolateFactory was firstpublishedin the UnitedStatesby AlfredA. Knopf,Inc.in1964 and inthe UnitedKingdom by George Allen& Unwin in1967. The book was adapted into two major motion pictures:WillyWonka & the

40、 Chocolate Factoryin 1971, andCharlie and the ChocolateFactoryin2005. The bookssequel, Charlieand theGreatGlass Elevator ,was writtenby Roald Dahl in1972.Dahl had alsoplannedtowritea thirdbook in the series but never finished it.1The storywas originallyinspiredby Roald Dahlsexperienceofchocolatecomp

41、anies during his schooldays.Cadbury would often send test packagesto theschoolchildreninexchange fortheiropinionson thenew products.At that time (around the 1920s), Cadbury andRowntreeswere Englandstwo largest chocolate makers and they each often tried to stealtradesecretsby sendingspies , posing as

42、 employees, intothe othersfactory.5文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持.Because of this, both companies became highly protective of theirchocolate making processes. It was a combination of this secrecy and the elaborate, often gigantic, machines in the factory that inspiredPlotThe story centers around

43、an average and poor boy namedCharlie Bucket ,who livesinextreme povertywith hisextended family,and hisadventuresinside the chocolate factory ofWilly Wonka . Fifteen years prior to thebeginningofthestory,WillyWonkaopened the largestchocolatefactoryin the world, but spies stole his recipes, so he even

44、tually closed thefactory to the public.Although, it wasntclosed forever andone day hedecided to allow fivechildren to visitthe factory. Eachchild will wina lifetimesupplyof chocolateafterthefactorytour.The childrenhaveto find one of the five golden tickets hidden inside the wrapping paperof random W

45、onkabars.Augustus Gloop (a boy who eatsconstantly),VerucaSalt (a girl who is spoiled),Violet Beauregarde(a girl who chews gumall day),Mike Teavee (a boy who is addicted totelevision), andCharlieBucket win tickets and visit the factory.The factory is full of strange and fantastical rooms, including a

46、chocolate-mixingroom thatlooks likea huge garden,where everythingismadeofcandy and there is a chocolatelake in themiddle,a researchanddevelopment room with dozens of complex machines designing new forms ofcandy,a nut-sorting room withan army oftrainedsquirrelsthatsortthegood nuts from the bad, and a

47、 TV studio-like room with a giantWonkavision camera, which can teleport giant bars of chocolate intopeopleshomes throughtheirtelevision.The factoryisstaffedby small,pygmy-like men calledOompa-Loompas.A pink Viking sugar boat and aspecialglasselevator(withwalls covered in buttons)takethe tour groupfr

48、om room toroom; theelevatorcan go up and down, sideways,slantways,and any other ways you can think of.Accidents happen while on the guided tour. Augustus falls in thechocolatelake and gets accidentallysucked up and taken away totheroomwhere they make the most delicious kind of strawberry-flavouredchocolate-coated fudge. Violet, ignoring Wonkas advice, tries some ofhis three-course-dinner gum in the R&D department and swells up like ablueberry upon reaching the blueberr


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