外研版高一英语必修一第六单元 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommuniation讲述_第1页
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1、 Introduction Reading Language points Homework Discussion Do you know any information about the first computer in the world? Whats the first computers name? The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator Who invented the first computer? Dr. Mauchly and his student Eckert Are you good at using th

2、e computer? Do you know how many parts there are in a computer? What are they?What are they? mouse mouse mat printer speaker keyboard screen USB disk Ipad Internet 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. monitor 2. screen 3. mouse 4. CD-ROM 5. keyboard 6. hard disk Label each part 1 A monitor is 2 The screen is 3 A keyboard

3、 is 4 A mouse is 5 A CD-ROM is 6 A hard disk is (a) the part of a computer that stores information. (b) the part of the computer that you type on. (c) the part of the computer that looks like a television (d) something you use to click on things (files, etc.). (e) the part of the monitor that you lo

4、ok at. (f) The separate disk that contains lots of information. Match the items with their meanings. Look at the words listed in the textbook on P51. Do you know them? Answer the questions about other possible meanings of the words. 1. Which word means both (a) to look at different websites on the I

5、nternet? (b) to ride big ocean waves? 2. Which word can you use to describe both (a) an accident in a car? (b) a computer breakdown? surf crash 3. Which word is both (a) a verb meaning to save information on your computer? (b) a noun meaning a place where you can buy things? store 4. Whats the diffe

6、rence between the verb and noun meanings of the word log? A log is a piece of a cut-down tree; To log on means to start working on a computer. 5. What is the difference between computer hardware and computer software? Hardware is the tangible pieces of equipment; Software is the programs one uses on

7、 the computer. source data web network The Internet is the biggest source of information in the world and its accessible through a computer. Tim Berners-Lee In 1991, he invented the World Wide Web. Everyone in the world can access the Internet using his World Wide Web system. Read the passage quickl

8、y and silently, then match the paragraphs with their main ideas. 1. an introduction of the World Wide Web 2. the inventor of the World Wide Web 3. the origin of Internet 4. Berners-lees another contribution -web browser 5. an introduction of Internet Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 1) “Who” devel

9、oped a way for computers to “talk” to each other through the telephone? DARPA, a US defence organization. Tim Berners-Lee. Yes, it has. 3) Has the Internet created thousands of millionaires? 2) Who made it possible for everyone to use the Internet? Para. 2 Did the universities start using the Intern

10、et at the same time as the army? If not, which earlier? No, they didnt. The army started earlier. Para. 3 Check the following sentences true or false. 1. The World Wide Web is a computer network. ( ) 2. It allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. ( ) T

11、T 3. At the moment about 80 percent of web traffic is in Chinese. ( ) 4. The World Wide is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet. ( ) F T Para. 4 Choose the best choice according to the text. 1. The World Wide Web was invented

12、in _ by an English scientist. A. 1991 B. 1990 C. 1992 D. 1993 A 2. Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in _. A. Switzerland B. Swiss C. England D. America A Para. 5 contain包含包含, 容纳容纳; load装载装载, 装货装货; save积攒积攒, 贮存。贮存。 句意为句意为“小约翰尼摸着包小约翰尼摸着包, 很想知道里很想

13、知道里 面是什么。面是什么。” 【辨析辨析】 contain, include, cover contain侧重包含的内容或成分,或全部侧重包含的内容或成分,或全部 包含。包含。 include表示一个整体由几个部分组成,表示一个整体由几个部分组成, 侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。 cover 包括,包含,涉及范围或内容。包括,包含,涉及范围或内容。 e.g. This book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含你所需的一切资料。这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 The class of forty-eight in

14、cludes twenty- seven girls. 全班四十八个人中包括二十七个女生。全班四十八个人中包括二十七个女生。 His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。 2. He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. come up with意为意为“想出,拿出,赶上想出,拿出,赶上”。 Example: 1. He first came up with

15、the good idea of going to visit a factory. 2.How am I supposed to come up with $10,000? 我如何才能拿出一万美元啊?我如何才能拿出一万美元啊? 3.We shall have to work hard to come up with them 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。我们要努力工作,赶上他们。 【考例考例】 Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah. Ill tell you later. A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. co

16、me out with 【点拨点拨】 选选C。come about发生,产生;发生,产生;come into进入;进入;come up with想出;想出;come out with说出。句意为说出。句意为“你想出新的你想出新的 主意了吗?主意了吗?”“”“是的,稍后我会告诉是的,稍后我会告诉 你。你。” What do you want to say to your friends who are addicted to (对对上瘾上瘾) the Internet? 1. 合成词在英语中比较活跃。合成词在英语中比较活跃。合成名词合成名词的的 数量很大,可以在句中数量很大,可以在句中作主语作主

17、语、宾语等、宾语等。 如:如: Sightseeing took up the whole morning. (作(作_) 主语主语(观光)(观光) Finally they reached a cross-roads. ( ) ( 作作_) 十字路口十字路口宾语宾语 Smoking is not allowed during take-off. (_) (作作_)飞机的起飞飞机的起飞 作介词宾语作介词宾语 合成词常见的构词方法如下:合成词常见的构词方法如下: 名词名词:名词名词: earthworm( ) earthquake( ) 蚯蚓蚯蚓地震地震 形容词名词:形容词名词: shortha

18、nd ( ) double-dealer ( ) 速记速记的的, 速记速记 言行不一的人言行不一的人 动名词名词:动名词名词: sleepingpills ( ) waiting-room ( ) 安眠药片安眠药片 候车室候车室 动词名词:动词名词: break-water ( ) pick-pocket ( ) 防波堤防波堤 扒手扒手 名词动名词:名词动名词: sun-bathing( ) hand-writing( ) 日光浴日光浴 手写手写 动词副词:动词副词: get-together( ) break-through ( )聚会聚会突破突破 副词名词:副词名词: downfall (

19、 ) outbreak( ) ) 垮台垮台, 堕落堕落 爆发爆发 另外另外, 还有一些其他方式构成的合成名词还有一些其他方式构成的合成名词: go-between 媒人媒人, 中间人中间人 good-for-nothing 无益的无益的, 无价值的无价值的 by-product 副产品副产品 touch-me-not 含羞草含羞草 2. 合成合成形容词形容词很多很多, 多数多数作作定语定语, 有些也可有些也可 作表语作表语, 如如: They helped us to map out a long-term ( ) plan. ( )长期的长期的作定语作定语 Open-air ( ) exer

20、cises will do you good. ( ) 户外的户外的 作定语作定语 Are you airsick? ( ) ( )晕机的晕机的作作表表语语 He is lively and outgoing. ( ) ( ) 外向的外向的 作表语作表语 合成形容词常见的构此法如下合成形容词常见的构此法如下: 形容词形容词+名词名词+-ed: good-tempered( )好脾气的好脾气的 noble-minded ( ) 高贵的高贵的, 高尚的高尚的 形容词形容词+现在分词现在分词: : good-looking ( ) 长得好看的长得好看的 easy-going ( ) 容易相处的容易相

21、处的 副词副词+现在分词现在分词: hard-working ( ) 努力工作的努力工作的 far-reaching ( )深远的深远的, 广泛的广泛的 名词名词+过去分词过去分词: state-owned ( ) heart-felt ( ) 国有的国有的 衷心的衷心的 名词名词+现在分词现在分词: peace-loving ( ) epoch-making ( ) 爱好和平的爱好和平的 开新纪元的开新纪元的 副词副词+过去分词过去分词 well-known ( ) widespread ( ) 著名的著名的 传播广的传播广的 形容词形容词+过去分词过去分词: kind-hearted (

22、) ready-made ( ) 好心肠的好心肠的 做好的做好的, 现成的现成的 名词名词+形容词形容词: duty-free ( ) self-satisfied ( ) 免税的免税的 自我满足自我满足的的, 自负自负的的 1. Look at these compound words from the module. keyboard Type 1: one word CD-ROM Type 2: two words with“-” mobile phone Type 3: two words Decide what type these words are. hardware high-

23、speed computer system search engine software Type 1: Type 2: Type 3: hardware, software high-speed computer system, search engine hard board site key book traffic web browser ware net disk word note pad work soft 2. Make compound nouns, using words from the boxes. Use words in the left hand box more

24、 than once, if you can. hardware, hardboard, hard disk; keyboard, key board; website; network; notebook, notepad(记事本记事本); software well-being _ has-been _ data-bank _ credit card _ bystander _ 健康;安乐健康;安乐 过时的人或物过时的人或物 数据库数据库 信用卡信用卡 旁观者旁观者 3. Translate the words. chewing gum _ snow-covered _ three-leg

25、ged _ newly-built _ paper-making _ 口香糖口香糖 被雪覆盖的被雪覆盖的 三条腿的三条腿的 新建的新建的 造纸的造纸的 4.选用下面左右方框中的单词构成合选用下面左右方框中的单词构成合 成词并写出汉语意思(每个单词限用成词并写出汉语意思(每个单词限用 一次)。一次)。 post, girl, warm, super, letter, book mark, market, friend, man, box, heart 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ postman 邮递员邮递员 girl friend 女朋友女朋友 warm-hear

26、ted 热心的热心的 supermarket 超市超市 letterbox 信箱信箱 bookmark 书签书签 冠词冠词是置于名词之前、说明名词所是置于名词之前、说明名词所 表示的人或事物的一种虚词。冠词也可表示的人或事物的一种虚词。冠词也可 以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名 词而单独存在。词而单独存在。 冠词有三冠词有三种种: :即定冠词即定冠词(definite article)、不定冠词、不定冠词(indefinite article)和和 零冠零冠(zero article)。 不定冠词有两个形式不定冠词有两个形式, ,一个是一个是a, 另另 一个

27、是一个是an。a用在辅音用在辅音(指的是音标不指的是音标不 是指字母是指字母)开头的词前开头的词前, an用在以元音用在以元音 开头的词前。开头的词前。 a university, an umbrella, a European, an example, a one-act play, an hour Mrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for painting she has won two national prizes. A. a; a B. an; the C. an; a D. the; a 泛指某一类人或事物的一

28、个。泛指某一类人或事物的一个。 A boy is waiting for you. 表示某一类人或事物表示某一类人或事物, 相当于相当于any。 A horse is an animal. 用于首次提到的人或物的单数名词前用于首次提到的人或物的单数名词前 面。面。An old cock is sitting in a tall tree. 用于描写自然现象的名词前,表示用于描写自然现象的名词前,表示“一一 阵阵”、“一场一场”、“一种一种”等。等。例如:例如: Snow a snow 一场雪一场雪 Shower a shower 一阵暴雨一阵暴雨 用在抽象名词之前表示具体介绍用在抽象名词之前表

29、示具体介绍, ,是是 什么样的人,是什么样的事物。什么样的人,是什么样的事物。如:如: The little girl is a joy to her parents. He is a success. It is a pleasure to work with you. He did me a great kindness. What a great surprise you gave me. 用于某些固定的词组。用于某些固定的词组。 a lot of/ a lots 很多很多 a few 有些有些 a little 一些一些 a piece of 一张一张 to have a rest 休

30、息一下休息一下 as a matter of face 事实上事实上 特指某个或某些人或事物特指某个或某些人或事物, 或指谈话或指谈话 双方都知道的人或事物双方都知道的人或事物, 或重复上文或重复上文 提到的人或事物。提到的人或事物。例如:例如: How do you like the film? There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms. The baby is very fat. 指世界上独一无二的事物。指世界上独一无二的事物。 The earth is b

31、iggest than the moon, but smaller than the sun. the sky; the universe; the atmosphere 用在单数可数名词之前用在单数可数名词之前, 表示某一类表示某一类 人或事物。人或事物。如:如: The lion is more fierce than the wolf. The compass was invented in ancient China. 常用在乐器的名称之前。常用在乐器的名称之前。如:如: play the violin/piano 用在某些专有名词用在某些专有名词前:前: the Peoples Re

32、public of China, the Great Wall, the White House; 在在江河、山脉、海洋、湖泊、群岛的江河、山脉、海洋、湖泊、群岛的 名词之前名词之前:the Changjiang River; the Yellow River; the Salt Lake 在在姓氏的复数形式前加定冠词姓氏的复数形式前加定冠词, 表示一表示一 家人。家人。 the Smiths 史密斯一家人史密斯一家人 The Wangs live in the next-door house. 在大多数专有名词、泛指的抽象名在大多数专有名词、泛指的抽象名 词和物质词和物质名词前。名词前。 W

33、e love science. She is fond of music. 在星期、月份、季节或节假日等名在星期、月份、季节或节假日等名 词前。词前。 National Day; New Years Day; Womens Day 在称呼语、表示头衔或职务的在称呼语、表示头衔或职务的名词前。名词前。 Whats wrong with you, Uncle? This is Comrade Yang, chairman of the Students Union. He reported this to Mr Black headmaster of the school. 在三餐饭和球类运动、棋

34、类运动的在三餐饭和球类运动、棋类运动的 名词前。名词前。 I like rice for supper. Lets go and watch them play chess. 国名、人名前面,一般不加国名、人名前面,一般不加定冠词。定冠词。 China, Japan, England, Mary, Henry 等。等。 但但有的国名例外,有的国名例外,如如: the United States, the Philippines, the Peoples Republic of China。 1. Look at the words. We usually use the definite ar

35、ticle (the) with them. Why do you think this is necessary? The Internet/ the World Wide Web/ the head teacher/ the universe the world/ the sun/ the official language/ the moon/ the president the capital Because they are all uniquethere is only one of them. 2. Look at these categories below. The defi

36、nite and indefinite articles (a/an) are not usually used with them. Write two or three examples in each category. Continents: Asia, Europe, Oceania; America, Antarctica Countries: China, Argentina, Australia, India, France (exceptions: The Netherlands, The Netherlands, The Lebanon) Cities: Beijing,

37、London, New York, Sydney, Shanghai (exceptions: The Hague) Plural and uncountable nouns in general statements: Snow is cold. Guns are dangerous. 1) Is there (a/the) computer at your school? 2) Do you have (a/the) lesson in the computer room? _ _ 3. Choose the correct article to complete each questio

38、n. 3) Can you access (an/the) Internet at school? 4) Have you got (a/ the) phone at home? 5) Have you got (a/the) computer at home? _ _ _ 1) Does _ headmaster know how to use a computer? 2) Are_ computers important? 3) Can you access _ Internet at school? the / the 4. Complete the sentences with the

39、 definite article if necessary. 4) You need _ software to use a computer? 5) _ World Wide Web is full of _ websites. / The / 1. My neighbor asked me to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got _ energy. A. a; 不填不填B. the; the C. 不填;不填;the D. a; the 2. Its not _ good idea to drive for four hours withou

40、t _ break. A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. We went right round to the west coast by _ sea instead of driving across _ continent. A. the; theB. 不填;不填;the C. the; 不填不填D. 不填;不填不填;不填 4. Have you heard _ news? The price of _ petrol is going up again! A. the; the B. 不填不填; the C. the; 不填不填 D. 不填

41、不填; 不填不填 5. Could you tell me the way to _ Johnsons, please? Sorry, we dont have _ Johnson here in the village. A. the; the B. the; a C. 不填不填; the D. the; 不填不填 用正确的冠词填空。用正确的冠词填空。 1. _ old man lived in _ small house near _ forest. One day _ old man left _ house and went into _ forest to gather wood.

42、2. Please take care of _ old. a a the the the An the 3. I have read _ tenth chapter of this book. 4. Sue cut herself in _ hand. 5. The teacher asked the question _ second time. the the a Finish the exercises in the workbook. studio fantastic concentrate independent studio 1) workroom of a painter, s

43、culptor, photographer, etc. (画家、雕塑家、画家、雕塑家、 摄影师的摄影师的)工作室。工作室。 2)room from which radio or television programmes are regularly broadcast or in which recordings are made (电台或电视的电台或电视的)播音室,播音室, 演播室演播室, 录制室。录制室。 fantastic 1) excellent 了不起的了不起的,极好的极好的 You passed your test? Fantastic! 你测验及格了你测验及格了, 太棒了。太棒了

44、。 2) wild and strange 荒诞的荒诞的, 奇异的奇异的 fantastic dreams, stories 荒诞的荒诞的梦梦, 故故 事事 to give your all attention to sth and not think about something 集中注意力集中注意力 concentrate+名(名(on/upon)+名名 concentrate He concentrated his energies on studying. 他把注意力专注于研究。他把注意力专注于研究。 I must concentrate on my new task. 我必须专注于

45、我的新工作。我必须专注于我的新工作。 independent 独立的独立的, 自主的自主的; 自立的自立的 old enough to be independent of ones parents 年岁已大不必依靠父母年岁已大不必依靠父母 She never borrows anything; shes far too independent for that. 她从不向别人借她从不向别人借东西东西, 她她很有独立性。很有独立性。 Listen and judge the following statements, write down True (T) or False (F) in the

46、 brackets. 1) A student, his mother and a teacher are now in the studio. ( ) 2) The Internet has useful information about all kinds of things. ( ) T T 3) Students are encouraged to use the Internet during school time. ( ) 4) Tom spends five hours on the Internet per week. ( ) 5) Toms mother doesnt a

47、llow Tom to use the Internet. ( ) T F F 1. Ann, the teacher, think that _. (a) everything on the Internet is useful for students (b) the Internet is a bad thing (c) its important to help students find useful sites on the Internet (c) Listen again and choose their opinions from this list. 2. Tom, the

48、 student, thinks that _. (a) the Internet is the only place to study. (b) the Internet is a good place to study. (c) its important to use the Internet as much as possible. (b) 3. Pat, Toms mother, thinks that _. (a) Tom should only study from books. (b) he spends too much time reading about football

49、 on the Internet. (c) using the Internet is a bad thing. (b) Look at the extract from the interview. Underline the words that you think are important and should be stressed. Interviewer: How often do you use the Internet? Tom: Every day. Interviewer: At school or at home? Tom: At school and at home.

50、 Interviewer: How much time do you spend on the Internet at home? Tom: As much time as I can. About five hours. Interviewer: Five hours a week? Tom: No! Five hours a day. Now listen and check. Interviewer: How often do you use the Internet? Tom: Every day. Interviewer: At school or at home? Tom: At

51、school and at home. Interviewer: How much time do you spend on the Internet at home? Tom: As much time as I can. About five hours. Interviewer: Five hours a week? Tom: No! Five hours a day. Homework Do Ex. 4-7 on Pages 98-99. 1) About 80 percent of web traffic is in English. 2) But this percentage i

52、s going down. 3) In 5 years, the number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million. 1. Read the following sentences. 4) Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan. 6) The average time the Chinese people

53、 spend online is 17 hours per week. 5) In China, the number of Internet users was 55 million in 2002, which rose to 125 million in 2003. Population In 1978In 2003Percentage of increase Total2,500,000 3,800,000 School kids 450,00090% 52% 855,000 2. Now describe the growth of Li Kangs hometown. Use th

54、e expressions for describing percentage and numbers. JH students 420,000790,000 SH students 380,00070% in-service learners 79,000180,000 88% 646,000 128% Useful phrases and sentence patterns compared with(与与比较比较) make up (组成组成); The chart shows statistics relating to We can see from these numbers th

55、at judging by these figures; From this, we can conclude that Its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact that What is shown in the table that dramatic changes have taken place There are two reasons for these changes. From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclu

56、sion that According to the figures in the table, there was an obvious growth in the number of sth. increased rapidly; sth. was on the rise; sth. dropped sharply; sth. has been rising ever since. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another. Write a sh

57、ort passage according to the statistics above. You can begin like this: In Li Kangs hometown education has grown rapidly. We can take school kids for example. The number of school kids in 2003 reached 855,000. The percentage of increase is 90%. Compared with JH students, SH students have a low perce

58、ntage increase, which is 70%. The number of in-service learners is from 79,000 in 1978 to 180,000 in 2003. In the table, percentage of increase of in- service learners is the highest. From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that peoples living standards in Li Kang hometown have b

59、een constantly improved between in 1978 and 2003. 1. Look at these words and expressions for shopping. Good morning, sir/madam How can I help you? What can I do for you? What kind of (mobile phone) would you like/are you looking for? I think/In my opinion/ If you want my personal opinion But I shoul

60、d tell you How would you like to pay? Would you like a bag?/Would you like me to wrap it up? If you need any help, dont hesitate to call us. Thank you very much./ Thank you for shopping here. See you again soon, I hope. /Come back soon. Li Ping wants to buy a short-wave radio to listen to English pr


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