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1、Hello, stranger! It is a very beautiful song, isnt it? I sometimes talk with strangers. This kind of conversation is called small talk 闲聊 I hope you can talk with strangers using what we are going to learn today after class. 希望大家课后能运用今天所学的知识与陌生人交谈。希望大家课后能运用今天所学的知识与陌生人交谈。 How to have small talk?如何开始闲

2、聊? How do you do? Nice to meet you. Not personal enough. 你好,见到你很高兴。你好,见到你很高兴。 Its a nice day, isnt it? We can start like this: Unit 2 Section A(1a-2c) We can have small talk in many public places. (公共场所) on a bus on a train in the park in the shop in the restaurant on the beach in the cinema at the

3、party at the stationat the concert 1 2 3 4 Girl 1: Hes really good, isnt he? Girl 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts. Girl 1: Do you have his new CD? Girl 2: Yes, I do. Conversation 1 Pay attention to your intonation.(注意语调)(注意语调) Girl 3: This line is moving slowly, isnt it? Woman: Yes, it is.

4、 Weve been here for 20 minutes already. Girl 3: I hope the movie is good. Woman: So do I. Do you think its going to rain? Girl 3: I hope not! Woman: Me, too. Conversation 2 Boy: The train is late, isnt it? Man: No, today is Sunday. The trains only run twice an hour on Sunday. Boy: Oh, I didnt know t

5、hat. I usually take the train on the weekdays. Man: Oh, do you take the train to school? Boy: Yes, I do. Conversation 3 Conversation 4 Boy: Take a seat, please! Girl: Thank you. Boy: Im Jack. Girl: Youre Tims cousin, arent you? Boy: Yes, I am. Girl: Im Lily. Nice to meet you, Jack. Groupwork Hes rea

6、lly good, isnt he? This line is moving slowly, isnt it? The train is late, isnt it? Youre Tims cousin, arent you? 观察这四个句子,他们都是由两部分组成的观察这四个句子,他们都是由两部分组成的_+_构成。这样构成。这样 的句子叫做的句子叫做反意疑问句反意疑问句,表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不确定,表示说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不确定, 想通过对方的答语加以肯定或否定。想通过对方的答语加以肯定或否定。 It isnt too hot, _it? 若前面的陈述句为肯定形式,则后

7、面的疑问部分用若前面的陈述句为肯定形式,则后面的疑问部分用_形式形式; 反之,若前面为否定形式,则后面的疑问句为反之,若前面为否定形式,则后面的疑问句为_形式。形式。 陈述句陈述句 简单问句简单问句 否定否定 肯定肯定 is 1.He is a famous pianist, _ _? Yes,he plays the piano very well. 2. They are interested in his works, _ _? No, they arent. They dont like his works. 3. He doesnt like soccer, _ _? Yes, he

8、 does. He likes basketball. 4.Tom and his parents dont exercise, _ _ ? No, they exercise everyday. isnt he arent they does he do they 总之总之: 结构一:结构一:前肯前肯+后否后否 结构二:结构二:前否前否+后肯后肯 回答时,回答时,不管结构是前肯不管结构是前肯+后否,还是前否后否,还是前否+后肯,只后肯,只要事实是肯要事实是肯 定的,就用定的,就用yes, 如果事实是否定的,就用如果事实是否定的,就用no。 例如:例如: Look at the picture

9、s of 1a and make other conversations. You can use the expressions in the box below. (1c) 运用反意疑问句编出自己的对话吧!运用反意疑问句编出自己的对话吧! Pair work 1.The train is always late, isnt it? 2.You love violin music, dont you? 3.It looks like rain, doesnt it? 4.Youre Tims cousin, arent you? A: It looks like rain, doesnt i

10、t? B: Yes, it does. And I forgot my umbrella. Do you know what is the most important to have successful small talk? 如何进行成功地闲聊?如何进行成功地闲聊? Both people need to ask questions. successful A: Its a beautiful day, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. These flowers are beautiful, arent they? A: Yes, they are. unsuccessf

11、ul A: The weather is too hot, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. 2a To have successful small talk, both people need to ask questions. Listen to the three conversations. Are they examples of successful or unsuccessful small talk? Write “S” ( for successful) or “U” ( for unsuccessful) in the blanks. Conversation

12、 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 U U S 2b Listen to Conversation 3 again. Put the sentences and questions below in order. a. I hope so. I want to go swimming. b. Yes. It rains every Saturday! c. At Franklin Lake. d. Oh? Where do you swim? e. Do you think itll stop by noon? f. It always rains on the

13、weekend, doesnt it? g. Do you ever go there? A. (Opening Question) (1) B. (Answer) (2) (Question) (3) A. (Answer) (4) B. (Question) (5) A. (Answer) (6) (Question) (7) 富兰克林湖富兰克林湖 n. 中午中午 f b e a d c g Conversation 1 Boy1: I hate waiting for the bus. Girl1: So do I. Boy1: Im going to be late for schoo

14、l. Girl1: So am I. Cnversation 2 Man1: These shirts are really expensive, arent they? Woman1: Yes, they are. Man1: The prices in this store are too high. Woman1: Yes, they are. Pay attention to the speakers tone. (注意说话人的语气注意说话人的语气) Conversation 3 Girl 2: It always rains on the weekend, doesnt it? Bo

15、y 2: Yes. It rains every Saturday! Do you think itll stop by noon? Girl 2: I hope so. I want to go swimming. Boy 2: Oh? Where do you swim? Girl 2: At Franklin Lake. Do you ever go there? 在中午之前在中午之前 Lets make successful small talk now! Pairwork Imagine you are at a bus stop. Make your own small talk.

16、 You can use the expressions in the box below. 1.Its really cold today, isnt it? 2.The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it? A: Its really cold today, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. I hope the bus comes soon. Pairwork: Look at the picture ,and make successful small talk. A: The No. 15 bus stops here, doesnt it? B: Yes, it does. I usually take/ride A: The weather is,_? B: Yes, it is. I can go A: Good idea! Have a good time! B: Thanks. take the bus, ride a bike weather, sunny, hot go swimming, go shopping, go to the beach Talk in


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