1、Analysis of New English Curriculum Standard in a Specific LessonPlanning摘要:英语在当今社会日趋国际化,很多国家将英语列入中学必修课中。在中国,人们对英 语的重视程度远远超过别的非英语国家。在英语不断普及中小学课程的同时,中国的专家和教师不断反思英语在中国的教育。 本文作者将通过对具体教案的分析来解读中学学科课程标 准。关键字:英语课程标准、教案Topic:l want to be an actorClass: Grade 7Time:45minLess on objectives:1) .Lear n some word
2、s about jobs:shop assista nt doctor actor reporter policema n waiter bank clerk stude ntAnd some description words:exciting, dangerous, busy, fun, difficult, boring2) .Lear n to use the followi ng sentence structure:what do you do? i m an actor.what does he/she do? he s/she s a doctor.what do you wa
3、nt to be? i want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be? he/she wants to be a bank clerk.I want to be a/an .because it s a /an job.3) .Lear n how to talk about jobs.4) .To develop liste ning and speak ing skills.Main and difficult point:i .Main point:1) .Words about jobs and adjectives to descri
4、be jobs2) .the usage of these sentence structureswhat do you do? I m an actor.what does he/she do? He s/she . s a doctorwhat do you want to be? I want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be? he/she wants to be a bank clerk.ii. Difficult point:1) Describ ing differe nt jobs2) To train stude nts a
5、bility to talk about jobs using the target la nguage.3) To train students listening skill.Teach ing procedures:StagesSpecific objectivesMaterial/Teach in g aidsIn teractio nTimePre-stageTo warm up lear ners by a video and lead in the topic of this classJobs.VideoWatch the video.Who is he? ” Do you l
6、ike him?” Whats his job? ”5While-stage1. Talk about jobsA. Lead in some sentence structures and teach them in detail.B. The n stude nts can make up dialogues to develop speak ing skill.C. Dosomeexercisestodevelopstudents listen g skill.2. Readi ngA. A nswerthequesti onsB. Group-work Make ads like th
7、e above on es.Pictures and tape nShort paragraphsTask1:Talk with yourpart nersaboutyourpartner s family member.Task2:Liste n to the tape and an swerthequestio ns.Task3:Please read then ewspaperwant ad.And then guess what the job is.Task4:Ca nyoumake new ones like this in groups and other group can g
8、uess what the job is.1520Post-stageReview thisclass.Form andexampleAsk your part ner like the followi ng con versati on and the n give a report5HomeworkWrite a shortpassageWrite a short passage about your dream.You can use the words、phrases and senten ces we lear ned today.Evaluati onGen erally spea
9、k in g,this class was successful because I thought that we fini shed every objective. However,there were still some disadvantages.First,I ignored some particulars,such as pronunciation. sec on d,my class was kind of bori ng because I am lack of passi on. Third,liste ning is kind of difficult for the
10、 stude nts,l should teach them some liste ning skills and advise them to practice more.1n troduct ionEnglish plays an irreplaceable role in the world today and it is used by a large number of people in Chi na.Therefore,it is made a compulsory course in middle school of Chi na.Ma ny experts and educa
11、tors try to seek a good way to teach English and they made adjustments for English curriculum.The author of this paper would analyze English Curriculum Standard in a specific less on pla nning.2.A nalysis of En glish curriculum2.1Ge neral An alysis of the Less on PlanningThe fun dame ntal aim of the
12、 new curriculum is to develop stude nts comprehe nsive Ian guage compete nce.The five gen eral objectives are Ian guage skills,la nguage kno wledge,attitudes to learnin g,lear ning strategies and cultural aware ness .In this less on pla nin g,the author tried to integrate this five objectives togeth
13、er.For example,this class included listening,speaking,writing in order to develop stude nts la nguage skills. One of the most importa nt objectives was to teach students how to talk about jobs using these sentence structures” what do you do? I m an actor. ” what do you want to be? I want to be an ac
14、tml the words aboutjobs.2.2 Specific An alysisFrom the very begi nning of the class,the author would play a video and stude nts are asked to think about several questio ns.The function of the video is leadi ng the topic and establish a scene for this class.Then the author would explain the Ianguage
15、knowledge this class.( A Ianguage course base on pronun ciati on, vocabulary,a nd grammar ,or on the morecom muni cative ” categories of topicand fun ctio n.However, the most effective teach ing and lear ning result from the comb in ati on of all. ”Therefore,the author put the vocabulary and grammar
16、 into the topic so that stude nts could memory the vocabulary and practice the grammar by making up con versati on.Next the author organized some activities.The aim of these activities is not only a developme nt of stude nts speak in g,but also a good way to be familiar with the kno wledge and in tr
17、igue stude nts in terest in learining En glish. Activities must ben efit the developme nt of stude nts la nguage kno wledge,la nguage skills and ability to use Ian guage for real com muni catio n. ” Ano ther adva ntage was to develop their spirit of cooperati on with others and cultivate their coura
18、ge and determ in ati on to solve problem,help them to know his own adva ntages and disadva ntages .Activities should make stude nts gather,process,a nd use in formati on,using in formatio n,using En glish to com muni cate with others in order to develop their ability to use En glish to solve real pr
19、oblems.The last activity of this part is listening.Students will listen the conversations for twice.Duri ng the first liste nin g,stude nts are asked to nu mber the pictures.Duri ng the sec ond liste nin g,stude nts are asked to complete a chart.Liste ning is a big problem for middle stude nts,but i
20、t is very sig ni fica nt for their En glish lear nin g.For the middle school stude nts, they can un dersta nd stories and narrative spoken at natural speed and take simple notes about what is heard.Therefore,during the first listening,they can connect the pictures with what they are listening easily
21、.Completing the chart is a little difficult for them,so teacher need to teach them strategies of listening and tell them how to write down the useful information.Strategy is very important for stude nts,especially stude nts who do not how to stud y.It will help them in the later study and they can s
22、tudy by themselves after being familiar with the strategy.The second part was reading.Reading is a significant part to improve students English. They could not on ly get some in formatio n from the text but also could in crease their learnin g.However, sometimes readi ng is kind of difficult for mid
23、dle school stude nts. Therefore,I chose several easy and in teresti ng n ewspaper ads for stude nts and they could read with questi on s.Before this part,they have had a deep understanding about jobs,so it would be easy for them. An integration occurs in reading that comb ines the words on the prin
24、ted page with the reader s backgro und kno wledge and experie nee. ”n my less on pla nning, the first part can be the backgro und kno wledge for the stude nts. Although stude nts do not have or experie need a job,they must know many jobs from the people around them.Besides,most of them may have thei
25、r favorite actor or actress and they may want to be an actor or actress,so they are very familiar with this topic and the readi ng is not difficult for them.A no ther adva ntage of this read ing is that stude nts could get some in formati on from it and know about ads.The last part is review and assig ning homework.Review can help stude nts to stre ngthe n the kno wledge they lear ned this class and give them a frame so that they can review after class.The homework is writing a short passage about their dream.Middle students can write a short passage about themselv
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