



1、五年级英语上学期单词拼写专项练习题外研版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填空。Welcome(欢迎) to our school. Let m_show you a_. There are many c_on the first floor. They are very bright(明亮的) and b_. We study in these classrooms. We are happy every day. There is a_art room on the f_floor. We have art l_in it. Theres a computer room, t_. Th

2、ere are many c_in it. On the t_floor, theres a l_. We can read books in it.2. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.YesterdayI_(go)toDamingsschool.2.I_(getup)atfiveoclocktomorrow.3.Lets_(take)myskippingrope.4.Myschool_(start)atnineoclock,andfinishesatfour.5.That_(be)fantastic.Youcanskipverywell.3. 读一读,写一写:根据所给出的图片,在句子的空格中

3、填上适当的单词,将句子补充完整。Welcometomy_.Thisismy_Heisa_.Thisismy_.Heisa_.Thisismy_Shelikes_.Ilike_.Thisismy_andthisismy_.4. 连词成句。(1)speakheEnglishcan_.(2)likewhatsheis_?(3)togotheletspark_.(4)youwhatdoingare_?(5)browntheIjacketlike_.5. 根据要求写单词。1shopping(原形)_2one(序数词)_3by(同音词)_4we(宾格)_5okay(缩写形式)_6let us(缩写形式)_

4、7come(过去式)_6. 按要求写单词。1. room(复数)_ 2. find(过去式)_3. Im(完全形式)_ 4.hide(现在分词)_5. is(否定形式)_ 6.hide-and-seek(中文)_7. 看图片根据提示写出相应的单词。 h_ m_ s_ c_8. 填空。1. loud (副词) _ 2. noisy (反义词) _3. far (反义词) _ 4. careful (副词) _5. should (否定词) _ 6. good (反义词) _7. health (形容词) _ 8. read (现在分词) _9. 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The school

5、 is f_from the zoo. Lets go by bus.2. The restaurant is n_here. Lets walk.3. Lets go to the l_. I want to read books.4. I write with (用) my r_hand.5. Please look at the traffic l_.10. 选用括号内的单词填空。1.Sheoften_(do/does)herhomeworkontheweekend.2.Ican_(sing/sings)Englishsongs.3.Johnoften_(play/plays)ping-

6、pongafterschool.4.Hecan_(do/does)somekungfu.11. 根据汉语提示补全单词。(1)tckt (票) (2)blding (建筑物)(3)port (机场) (4)spk(讲)(5)nervs(紧张的) (6)lght(轻的)(7)hvy(重的) (8)brken (坏的)12. 根据上下文和首字母提示补全句子中的单词。1.When its winter in Beijing, its s_in Sydney. 2.The post office is in f_of the bank. 3.We are going to the s_to buy so

7、me food and school things. 4.There is a short c_from the cinema to my home. 5.Next week, we are going to have an o_day. 6.Do you plan to have a birthday p_?13. 根据中文提示填写所缺单词。(1)My grandpa is 98. He is o(年老的).(2)The man is very f(有意思的).(3)The teacher is old but the students are y(年轻的).(4)My father is

8、very s(严厉的) to us.(5)Our English teacher is very k(和蔼的).14. 根据汉语提示写出单词。(1)A:_ _(多少) cows do you have?B:I have _(30只)(2)A:_(什么) are these?B:They are _(绵羊)(3)He has two _(奶牛) and three _(马)(4)A:Are these _ (西红柿)?B:Yes,_ _(它们是)15. 根据句意,填入句子所缺的单词(第一个字母已给出)。(1)Every weekendIclimb m_(2)I l_fall in Canada.(3)Today is Chen Jie


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