



1、买方公司信头官方公司地址LOI - Letter of Intent意向书Our ref.:XXXXXXXXDate Issued:DD/MM/YYYY 日期:TO: END SELLERVia:FROM: BUYER COMPANY NAM来自:(买方公司名)Dear Sir,尊敬的先生:RE: LETTER OF INTENT TO PURCHASE Product Name回复:购买意向书(产品名)We, BUYER COMPANY NAME acti ng with full corporate respo nsibility, hereby state and represe nt

2、that it is our inten ti on to purchase, and we hereby con firm that we areReady,Willi ng and Able to purchase the followi ng commodity as per the specificati on and qua ntity subject to a mutually agreed price as specified in the terms and con diti ons as stated below.We are with full corporate powe

3、r to produce the acceptable banking in strume nts to activate a valid sales and purchase con tract betwee n the SUPPLIER/END SELLER and ourselves.我们,(买方公司名),能全权代表公司,特此声明并表代表,这是我们的购买意向, 我们特此确认,我们是准备好了的,自愿的并有能力购买以下产品的,产品的每一项规 格和数量是双方协商一致的按下列条款和规定好的。我们是拥有公司完全法人能力的法 定签署人能够生产可接受的银行工具来使供应商或卖家和我们自己签订一个合法有效

4、的 销售购买合同。1) Commodity Type: 产品类型2) Specificatio n:规格3) Origi n:产地4) Total Qua ntity:数量5) Co ntract Period:合同时间6) Target Price:To be mutually agreed目标价格:将有双方协商一致7) Delivery Schedule:发货计划8) Target Delivery Date9) Desti nati on Country10) Desti nation Port目标发货日期 目的地国家 目的地港口11) Payme nt Terms:付款条件12) In

5、 spectio n:检测13) Performa nee Bond:履约担保14) Validity of this LOI:该意向书合法性Buyer Compa ny:买方公司Address 地址Tel:电话Fax:传真Email:邮件Buyer Banking Co-ordinates买方银行坐标Bank Name:银行名称Aeeou nt No.:账户号Address:地址Tel.:电话Fax.: 传真Bank Officer:银行高级职员Swift Code/ABN/Routi ng Code :快捷支付代码、荷兰银行、银行代码We un dersta nd that any off

6、er to purchase is subject to sueeessful/Buyer verifieati on of the availability of fun ds. We hope to get a favourable and prompt atte nti on to this Letter of Intent and look forward to receiving your confirmation on the FCO shortly.我们知悉并明白有关购买能否达成成功合作和买方的资金到位有关。我们希望这份意向 书能得到顺利并快捷的关注。期待尽快收到你在外交联邦事务部的确认。Thank you in an ticipati on谨事先致谢Yours sin cerely,授权签字名字:职位:总经理/首席执行官/董事/ 董事长On beh


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