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1、LESSON 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 Game The Ant and the Dove Anantiswalkingbytheriver.Helooksatthe riverandsaystohimself,“Howniceandcool thiswaterlooks!Imustdrinksomeofit.”But whenheisdrinking,heslipsintotheriver. “Oh.Help!Help!”Theantcries, Adoveissittinginthetree.Shehearshimand throwshi

2、maleaf,“Climbupthatleaf,”she says“andyouwillfloatflut漂浮bank.” Theantclimbsontotheleaf,andthewind blowstheleaftothebank.Andtheantissaved. “Thankyou,Dove.Youresokind,”Theantsaysand runshome,“Youhavesavedmylife,andIwishI coulddosomethingforyou,Goodbye!” “Goodbye!”saysthedove,“Becareful.Nottofall intoth

3、eriveragain.” Afterafewdays,thedoveisbuildinghernestnest 巢.Andamanisraisinghisguntoshoother. Theantseesthis,andrunsquicklytobitethemans leg.“Ouch!Ouch!”Themanfeelspainedanddrops hisgun.Thedovehearsandfliesaway.Sotheman picksuphisgunandleave. Thedovecomestohernest.“Thankyou,mylittle friend,”shesays,“

4、Youhavesavedmylife.” Thelittleantissoglad,becausehecanhelpthedove. Discuss Do you think One good turn deserves another ”(礼尚往来) is good? Why? Questions Who paid for Tonys dinner? The author. More questions: 1.Where were you having dinner? I was having dinner at a restaurant. 2.Did you see Tony Steele

5、 after a while or not? I saw Tony Steele after a while. 3.What does he always borrow from his friends? Money. 4.Did Tony sit at your table, or did he sit somewhere else? He sat at my table. New words and expressions turn n. 行为行为, 举止举止 turnn.(帮助或损害他人的)举动、行为 YesterdayGeorgedidmeagood/anillturn. 乔治昨天做了

6、一件对我有利/不利的事。 Heisalwaysreadytodoaturnforothers. 他总是乐于为他人做好事。 behaviorbhevjn.行为,举止 Payattentiontoyourbehavior. New words and expressions deserve v. 应得到应得到, 值得值得 deserve+n.应得到值得(奖赏、惩罚等) Hedeservespraise. 他应该得到表扬 deservesth./todosth.应该 Shedeservedtobepunished. Goodworkdeservesgoodpay. 多劳多得 Hiswordsdese

7、rveattention. 他的话值得注意。 New words and expressions lawyern.律师 lawyersoffice律师事务所 bank1、n.银行 robthebank抢银行 2、河岸 New words and expressions salary n. 工资工资 pay n. 工资(salary wage,通用) salary n. 薪金,薪水(月薪, 年薪) My salary is paid on the 28th of the month. wage n. 工资,工钱(按小时, 周计算的,一般用复数 形式wages)。 When I worked as

8、 a waiter, the wages were low, but the tips were good. 我当侍者时工资不高,但小费可观。 New words and expressions immediately adv. 立刻立刻 rightaway =atonce =immediately立刻,马上 rightnow现在 Details Onegoodturndeservesanother礼尚往来,善有 善报 Onebadturndeservesanother恶有恶报 workfor强调工作 workin强调in后面的地点 some/severalyearsago 名词-s,前面省略

9、了some Details Hegetsagoodsalary.薪水不错 Theteachersintheneworientalschoolcan getgoodsalary. borrowfrom:从.借 lend,borrow两者都可表示“借”,但 borrow 指“借入”, lend 则指“借出”, 如:Iborrowedthisbookfrom thelibrary. 我从图书馆借到了这本书。我从图书馆借到了这本书。 Helenthisdictionarytome. 他把字典借给我。他把字典借给我。 atthesametable:坐在同一张桌子 旁边 attable:吃饭 atthet

10、able:坐在桌子旁边 asksb.todo请求某人做. tomysurprise:真让我惊讶 Details Details payfor:为.而付钱 askfor:问.要 Ihavepaidforyouadinner. Ihavepaid20dollarsforthebook.(强调) Itsmytreat.我请客 LetsgoDutch.AA制 Thistimeisyourtreat.nexttimeismyturn. Key structures(P53) Exercises A a.what is happening now进行时态 b.what always happens一般时态

11、 c.what happened过去时态 d.what has happened现在完成时态 e.what was happening过去进行时态 A. He is now working at a bank.(现阶段现阶段) We are learning English. B.(现在、过去、将来现在、过去、将来)习惯、反复习惯、反复 He always lent his CD to the others.(过去过去) I will visit you.(将来将来) I visit you(无论现在无论现在, , 过去过去, , 还是将来还是将来) Key structures(P53) C

12、.在过去的时间里, 发生的事情, 不强调对现在的影 响和跟其它时间的比较, 叫一般过去式. 过去的过去过去完成时 有过去发生的动作, 但是还强调对现在的影响 现在完成时 有(yesterday,last night)以前的事情, 没有强调 对现在的影响一般过去时 D.过去的行为对现在产生的影响或者过去的行为一 直延续到现在现在完成时 E.过去某一特定时间发生的动作过去进行时过去进行时 Special Difficulties P51 I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. ask somebody to do something. want to do so

13、mething want somebody to do 会用sb to do sth的动词 : ask; want; tell; order; expect; wish; allow; advise; like; teach; prefer. 一定不能说hope somebody to do 正确用 法 : hope to do (希望自己)或hope that(希 望别人) I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowe


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