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1、r7-杠 *九 珥 露 斗- - - - -与 裕 斗-t- - ii + *: 斗-斗 巧|1Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!Unit 3 Every Jack hashisJill!Part One : Basic Information1. Teachi ng hours教学时数:4hours2. Teachi ng aims and requireme nts教学目的与要求:1 ) To require the students to practise and grasp the skills ofcomfort ing peoplein com muni

2、cati on.2) To improve the students listening and speaking abilities .3. Teachi ng emphasis教学重点:The stude nts are supposed to lear n how to1) ide ntify people or the relati on ship betwee n the speakers.2) comfort people.3) express worries.4) con cede a point.4. Teachi ng difficulties教学难点:1) comfort

3、people.2) express worries.5. Teachi ng methods 教学方法:教学过程中,尽量使用英语组织教学,这是英语教学目的所决定的,也是为了更好地培养学生的口语能力。尽量使用直观手段。如实物、图片、教师的动作、 表情和课文情景等。让学生跳过母语的思维过程。而用英语直接思考。1)学生分组讨论。2)教师启发、鼓励。3)教师讲授交际法。 - - |Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!i4 )教师与学生交谈观点。J5)奖励与惩罚体现于平时成绩的方式。6. Teaching tools 教学工具:II 使用多媒体,演示PPT文稿,在网上进行教师与学

4、生的教学互动。II7. Refere nee Materials本章主要阅读文献资料:彳1 Album U.S.A.湖南音像出版社。J2 Michael Ockenden 著:情景对话(修订版),世界图书出版社,1998年+1月版。j3 英语口语教程,北京外国语学院出版社。|4*1II4 英语语音,外语教学与研究出版社。;!15 秦榕榕主编:标准美语语音突破,江西文化音像出版社。J 王大伟.新视野大学英语视听说教程2.北京:外语教学与研究,2006.II7 王大伟.新视野大学英语视听说教程2教师用书.北京:外语教学与研究,2006.|8 董亚芬.大学英语语法与练习(修订本)(第一至四册).上海

5、:外语教育出版社,JI2002(12).9 董亚芬.大学英语快速阅读(修订本)(第一至四册).上海:外语教育出版社)2002(12).f8. Time Allotment (课时分配):4 periods”1st periods2nd period3rd period4th periodPre-class exercises (10 mi nutes)II. Listening Skills (Liste ning forNames)(20 mi nutes)IV. Speaking Out (50 min utes)V. Let s tal3Q mi nutes)I. Lead-in (30

6、 mi nutes)III. Listening In (30 min utes)VI. Further Listening and Speak ing (30 mi nutes)9. Teachi ng outli ne 授课提纲Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!Pre-classTaskCheckup检查上次课所留作业ILead-in导入部分这是有关爱情和婚姻的 4个冋题的热身练习,先 由学生分组讨论再分别进行回答。IIListe ning听力训练Liste ningSkills短对话听力练习,侧重训练咼难度的听力材料。IIIListe ningIn与爱情和婚姻相

7、关的听力材料。IVSpeak ing口语训练Speak ing Out有关如何使用英语表达宽慰别人的视频对话,训 练学生跟读、模仿、对比。VLets Talk这一段对话较长,是关于爱情和婚姻的,学生效 仿,以说为主,听说结合。VIFurther Liste ning andSpeak ing拓展部分由听力与口语两部分组成。After-class TasksIAssig nment作业作业围绕本单元主题,目的是练习学生交际口语。IITeach ingCon clusi on教学小结对学生的学习情况进行总结,并查找教学过程中 的不足,总结经验。Part TWO: Teach ing Program

8、mePre-class Task (10 mi nutes)Questio ns:1. Do you know that there are some Websites on the In ternet, which are aimed to help people make frie nds?32. Have you ever tried to make friends through the In ternet?I. Lead-in (30 min utes)导入Tell the students to look at the pictures, and then ask several

9、students to answer the questionsbelow the pictures. Work in pairsdiscuss ing the follow ing questio ns, and the n share your an swers with the whole class.2. Useful Expressi ons:2.1 con temporary world2.2 arran ged marriages should not be retored2.3 couple may be physically in compatible2.4 follow n

10、 ature3. Questi ons3.1 Do you thi nk marriages based on love are more successful tha n arran ged marriages?3.2 Do you thi nk a girl should marry some one who is much older or youn ger tha n she is?3.3 Do you think a girl should share the expenses or let the boy pay the bill?3.4 What do you know abou

11、t wedd ing cerem onies in China?IIIIII. Basic Listening Practice(20 minutes)Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!.Objectives:This part is to provide five short dialogues to exam ine the stude nts basic liste ning ability.2. Liste n to the tape.I play the each one for two times. The 1st time is in a usualsp

12、eed in order to make the stude nts grasp main idea. And the 2nd timeis in a slow speed so the students can write down the answers.III . Listening In 听力训练(30 minutes)1. Objectives:与爱情婚姻相关的听力材料In this part you are going to listen to some talksabout love andmarriage.2. ExplainLanguage and Culture Tips

13、and Word Tipsbefore liste n toeach task.3. Liste n and do the exercises.每篇文章播放三遍。4. Word Tipsflame red:(脸)丫张红(tur n red like a flame)chicken:胆小的人(informal)(someone who is notbrave eno ughto do somethi ng)guts:勇气(courage)II7Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!groom:新郎(bridegroom)min ister:牧师(one who is aut

14、horizedto performreligiousfun cti onsin a Christia nchurch,especiallyaProtesta ntchurch)vow: 发誓;誓言(an earnest promise to perform an act)en gage:订婚(promise to marry)bridesmaid:伴娘(a woma n who atte nds the bride at a wedd ing)bouquet:花束(a bunch of flowers)toast:祝酒(wish happ in ess, success, etc. to so

15、mebody bydrinking wine) champagne:香槟酒(a sparkling white wine)certificate:证书(a docume nt proving the truth of somethi ng)5. Activity(活动的设计是为了活跃课堂气氛,更重要的是为学生提供更多地有关这一主题的口语与勇气的练习机会。)IV. Speaking Out 口语训练(50 minutes)1. Objectives:This part is to provide 3 videos to drill the stude nts and con trast abil

16、ity in differe nt sce nes.liste nin g, imitati on(三组交际技能的视频对话,训练学生IIII|L-V_7Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!跟读、模仿、对比。)2. Lear ning Strategies:1) ask the students to listen and view the video 1,2,32) provide useful expressions and then practice them.3) divide the class in to pairs and role-play one of

17、the Models to practice3. Lan guage and Culture Tips:have a crush on: (in formal) have an uncon trollable feeli ng of love forsome onerob the cradle: (in formal) marry some one who is too young4. Do exercisesAfter watching each model, let the students try their best to imitate andpractice the inton a

18、tio n and pronun ciati ons.4.1. Practise the dialogue with your part ner in your group.4.2. Make performa nee on Now You Tur n in front of the class.5. Expla inUseful expressi ons to the class.what s wrong with you? You look so dow n!You must have a broke n heart.Well, you re right. I just broke up

19、with Alice.I thought you two were made for each other.Se-Jin: Well, you n ever kno w. I want to settle dow n, but she wants acareer while she s still young.Unit3 Every Jack has his Jill!it s always difficult to choose between career and family.I don t know what to say to comfort you, but try to chee

20、r up!it s hard to forget her at the moment.There s lots more fish in the sea and you II find your perfect match!I m worried about the cultural differencesboth of you have the same in terests and pers on alitieswhat do you like about him?there s just something about him.I th ink he s for me.He s cert

21、ainly mature, but don t you think he s a little old for you? He salmost twice as old as you are!age shouldn t be something that comes in the way of a person s marriage.It true that age isn the most importantissue, but what would yourpare nts think?I don t care what other people think.6. Create a dia

22、log with your partner in ten minutes according to thegiven situations after each Model in Part IV . You can choose one fromthe threesituatio nsas your assig nment.And the nmake aperforma nee in front of the class.IIV. Let talk 口语训练(30 minutes)II这一段对话较长,是关于爱情和婚姻的,学生效仿,以说为主,听说结合|-2一寸2 : V *V P 吐寸+:* *心P VUnit3 Every Jack has his Jill!.Objec


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