



1、Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: guard, realize, here and there, Thank goodness!2. Master useful expressions in 2b.3. Summarize adverbial clauses of time:After we had lunch, we

2、climbed up the Dragon and Phoenix Gate to take pictures.While we were having fun exploring, I realized Darren was lost.We were so excited and happy when we met again.4. Master how to describe the experiences of different activities and learn to write a diary. Teaching aids 教具录音机/小黑板/幻灯片. Five-finger

3、 Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 7分钟)复习时间状语从句并导入1a。1. (检查Section C的家庭作业,选几位学生读出各自的旅行经历,教师给出激励性评价。)2. (创设情景, 复习时间状语从句。)T:From the passage in Section C, we know that three friends visited the Ming Tombs. And one of them was lost. Do you remember who was lost?Ss:Darren.T:Yes, good! Did Kan

4、gkang and Michael find him at last?Ss:Yes.T:Youre quite right. Now please look at the following questions and answer them.(教师最好用小黑板或幻灯片出示下列问题,加深学生对时间状语从句的理解。)(1) When did they arrive at the Ming Tombs?(2) When did they walk through the passage into Dingling?(3) When did the crowd of people become la

5、rger and larger?(4) When did someone step on Darrens toes?(5) When did Darren notice his friends were out of sight?(6) When did Darren raise his head?(7) When did the boys jump up and down happily?(让学生回答问题,教师给予肯定。如果学生回答有困难,可以参考Section C,1a.)3. (导入新课。)T:Michael wrote a diary of his trip after they ar

6、rived home. Do you want to know more about the trip?Ss:Yes.T:OK, lets come to 1a on Page 39.(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12分钟)呈现1a,处理生词并完成1b。1. (教师指导学生快速阅读并标出时间状语从句。)T: This is Michaels diary of his trip to the Ming Tombs. Please read it quickly and mark the sentences of adverbial clauses

7、 of time.(请几名学生读出文中的时间状语从句,教师给予鼓励。)2. (学生认真阅读短文,完成1b。)T: Read 1a again and finish 1b.(教师时刻关注学生的阅读情况,并给予帮助。)(师生共同核对答案。)T: Please give your answers to the class.S1: 3. (处理短文中的重难点词句。)T: If you have difficulties in reading this passage, put up your hands.(教师鼓励学生自己发现问题,学生没有发现的地方教师要适当补充。教师做好板书。)(板书)New wo

8、rds and phrasesSome other phrasesImportant sentencesbackpackthe Dragon and Phoenix guardrealizehere and thereThank goodness!ride toin the old daysget off/get onstand forshout at sb.have fun doing sth.ask sb. for helpThen we rode to the MingTombs after we checkedour bikes and backpacks.While we were

9、having funexploring, I realized Darrenwas lost.We were so excited and happy when we met again.(让学生掌握:guard, realize, here and there, Thank goodness!理解the Dragon and Phoenix;了解backpack。教师强调重点词组,解释疑难句子。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8分钟)巩固1a的知识。1. (听1a的录音,学生跟读,注意语音语调。)T: Listen and repeat. Pay atten

10、tion to the pronunciation and intonation.2. (根据日志中的时间段,让学生分成4组读1a。)T: Now, Id like to divide the whole class into four groups. Each group read one paragraph. Lets begin to read the diary, and see which group can do the best.GA: .GB: .GC: .GD: .(教师采用评价手段激励学生。)T: GB did a good job. GC did better .3. (

11、教师让学生参照教材第36页的图,和学生一起回顾Michael、Darren和Kangkang的旅游历程,尽量让学生表达。) T:Look at the picture on Page 36. Lets recall the traveling experience of Michael, Darren and Kangkang. First, where did they arrive?Ss:They arrived at the Great Palace Gate.T:Then they rode bikes along theSs:The Sacred Way.T:What are on

12、both sides of the road?Ss:There are many stone animals and stone officials along the road.T:Then what happened?Ss:Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 13分钟)练习巩固本话题中的语言点、语法点,掌握2a和2b。1. (教师采用启发式问答,引导学生复习本话题的时间状语从句。)T:You did very well. Next Ill ask you some questions. Please answer my questions as quickly as yo

13、u can. Are you ready? Go! What grammar did we learn in this topic?S1:Adverbial clauses of time.(学生可以用汉语回答。)T:Which of the words do we use to introduce adverbial clauses of time?S2:Before, after, when.S3:As, notuntil, while.S4:As soon as.T:Can you give some examples?S5:Yes. I have breakfast before I

14、go to school.S6:Kangkang is doing his homework while Darren is playing football.S7:As soon as the bell rings, the students go to the classroom.S8:2. (让学生听2a的录音并跟读,确保学生理解这些句子。完成2a。)T: Well done! Now lets listen to 2a and read after it. Make sure you understand the meanings of the sentences. If you ha

15、ve any problems, you can help each other to solve them or you can ask me for help.3. (让学生听2b的录音并跟读,确保学生理解这些句子的含义。)T: Now Lets come to 2b. Listen to 2b and read after it. Make sure you understand them. If you have any problems, please raise your hands.4. (待学生没有疑问之后,教师用小黑板或幻灯片出示以下连线练习,检测学生是否真正会运用。)1.W

16、ould you like to visit the Great Wall tomorrow? 2. Where is Fujian? 3. How far is it from here to the Ming Tombs? 4. How do you like China? 5. Im going to visit your hometown next week. A. Its about two hours by bus.B. I am very happy with everything in China.C. Its in the southeast of China.D.Sure.

17、 It would be great fun.E. Perfect! I am looking forward to meeting you.T: Look at these sentences, and match them properly.(学生做完后,师生共同核对答案。)T:Now. Lets check the answers. Who can try?S1:S2:(教师给予鼓励并给出正确答案。完成2b。)T: Very good! (The right answers are: 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B, 5-E.)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时

18、间: 5分钟)探究本话题重点活动:迷路。1. T:We all know that it is easy to get lost in a forest. What are your feelings if you are lost? Will you cry? Ss: (鼓励学生大胆发言。)2. (让学生四人一组讨论,完成3。)T: Talk about the pictures in groups of four. Then write down the story and choose one to report to the class.(每组代表发言,引导学生参与评价。)T: Its easy for us to get lost in a strange place. Work in groups of four and talk about your experience of losing your way. The following questions may help you.(板书提示问题。)Did you lose your way in a strange place?When and where were you lost?How did you


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