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1、New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 10 Pre-reading activity: (20ms) . Background Information Robert Schuller, a Christian minister known worldwide for his church, the Crystal Cathedral ( :/) made of glass and steel, and the Hour of Power ( :/) church service which has

2、been on television every week for over 30 years Lead-in Activity Discuss in group the following topics: 1. Have you ever cheated in the exams? While-reading Activity words and phrases: living-room n. a main room for general use in a house 客厅 The living-room is big enough for having a party. 这客厅很大,里面

3、可 以开晚会。 demonstrate vt. 1. show clearly 演示,证明 You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer. 你得演示一下如 何使用这台计算机。 vi. 2. take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands 参加 游行;示威 Some 30,000 angry farmers are demonstrating in the central square.大约 三万愤怒的农民在中央广场举行示威。 integrity n. hones

4、ty 诚实 His integrity is unquestioned. 他的诚实是毋庸置疑的。 morality n. 1. moral values; right or wrong 道德 Its not a question of morality but a question of conscience. 不是道德问 题,而是良心问题。 2. quality; goodness 德行 Ones morality often reflects his conscience. 人的品行常常与良心连在 一起。 boundary n. 1. (figuratively) limit界限;局限 t

5、he boundaries of human thought人类思想的界限 the boundaries of ones knowledge 人的知识的界限 2. dividing line 边界 The river forms the boundary between the two states.这条河是两国的边 界。 convenience n. 1. comfort 舒适;便利 The new house has every modern convenience. 这新房子具有种种现代化的便 利设施。 2. usefulness 方便 Shopping bags are provide

6、d for the customers convenience. 提供购物袋以方 便顾客。 inner a. 1. unexpressed; secret 内心的 The secret was locked in the inner depths of his mind. 这秘密埋藏在他的内心 深处。 2. inside 内在的;内部的 A closet is usually an inner room.壁橱通常是一个墙内的房间。 A group of children were lost in the inner part of the forest. 一群孩子在森林深 处迷失了方向。 co

7、mpass n. 1. an instrument for drawing circles 圆规 2. an instrument for showing direction, with a needle that points to the north 指南针 scarce a. not much or many compared with what is wanted; hard to find 稀少 Nowadays men of integrity are scarce and hard to find.如今诚实的人少了,很难找得 到。 apply v. 1. give or have

8、 an effect; use for a purpose(使)产生作用, 适用于; 运用 The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶的规则适用于每一个人。 He knows the rule but does not know how to apply it to his work. 他知道这条规则, 但不知道如何将它运用到工作中去。 2. request officially 申请 She is applying for a job as secretary. 她正申请做秘书工作。 3. cause to work hard; dev

9、ote 致力于 The reason for his failure in the exam is that he didnt apply himself to his study. 他考 试不及格的原因是学习不用功。 triangle n. a figure or shape with 3 straight sides and 3 corners三角(形) consist vi. (of) be made up of由. 组成 The textbook consists of ten units. 这本教科书由10个单元组成。 assistance n. (U) fml. help or s

10、upport帮助,援助 Unless we receive more financial assistance from the government, the school will have to close.如果我们得不到政府更多的财政援助,这个学校就得停办。 ensure vt. 1. make sure or certain 确保 Come early to ensure getting a good seat. 早些来,以确保有个好座位。 The novel ensured his name as a great writer. 这部小说使他获得了大作家的美誉。 2. make s

11、ure of getting; secure 担保 A letter of introduction will ensure you an interview. 一封介绍信可以使你得到面试的 机会。 This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep. 这药可保你睡个好觉。 surgeon n. a doctor who does surgery 外科医生 The surgeon completed a successful operation on the patient. 这位外科 医生成功地给那病人做了手术。 sponge n. a sim

12、ple sea animal with a rubber-like body; a piece of plastic or rubber material full of holes used for washing, cleaning, etc. 海 绵 He cleaned the table with a sponge. 他用海绵擦桌子。 assure vt. 1. tell positively or confidently 郑重告知 I assure you that this medicine cannot harm you. 我郑重告诉你,这药 对你无害。 2. make (on

13、eself) sure or certain; convince 使确信 Before going to bed she assured herself that the door was locked. 睡觉前, 她确保自己已把门锁上了。 protest v. 1. make complaint, object 反对;抗议 They protested about the bad food at the hotel. 他们抗议旅馆里的食物质量太差。 There was a large crowd in the square, protesting against the war. 广场上聚集

14、了一大 群人,他们是在抗议那场战争。 2. declare seriously 宣称 We urged her to come to the party with us, but she protested that she was too tired. 我 们力劝她和我们一道去参加晚会,但她说自己累了。 n. 1. a statement that declines or objects 抗议 If everyone refused to buy meat in protest, the shops would have to bring their meat prices down.如果大

15、家都拒绝购买肉类以示抗议,商店就得将肉类价格降下来。 2. a serious statement 宣称 The charged man was judged guilty despite his protest of not being at fault. 尽管那个 被指控的男子宣称自己无辜,他还是被判有罪。 concede v. 1. yield 让与 He conceded us the right to walk through his land. 他向我们做出了让 步,同意我们在他的地盘上通过。 2. admit as true, often unwillingly承认 The go

16、vernment conceded defeat as soon as the election results were known. 选举结果一公布,政府就承认失败了。 Im willing to concede that a larger car would have cost more, but I still think we should have bought one. 我承认大轿车花费高,但我仍认为 我们该买一辆。 intelligent a. clever聪明 All human beings are much more intelligent than animals. 人

17、比动物聪 明得多。 clarify vt. make clear; explain 弄清楚;解释 Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position. 感谢你给我写信 并让我解释目前的处境。 appoint vt. choose (someone) for a job, etc. 任命 They appointed him as chairman. 他们任命他为主席。 They appointed him (to be) chairman. 他们任命他为主席。 nest n. a depressed pla

18、ce built or found by a bird for a home and a place to hold its eggs 巢 vi. build or use a nest 筑巢 Most birds nest in trees. 大多数鸟类在树上筑巢。 doll n. a small figure of a person, especially for a child to play with 洋娃娃 Mother gave her a doll as a gift on her birthday. 在她生日那天母亲送给她一个洋娃 娃作礼物。 progressive a. 1.

19、 moving forward continuously or by stages 连续的;一步一步的 We see the progressive development of the city with our own eyes.我们亲眼看到这座城市在一步步地发展。 2. improving or changing according to new ideas 进步的;先进的 This is a progressive firm that uses the most modern methods of operation in its business. 这家公司很先进,采用了最为现代的经

20、营方法。 progressively ad. in a way of going from one to the next; step by step in sequence; bit by bit 逐步;逐渐 Her homework became progressively worse. 她的家庭作业一次比一次差。 The amount of the loan from the bank was progressively reduced. 银行的贷款一次比一次少。 dwarf n. a person of much less than usual size 侏儒 Their second

21、 son is a dwarf. 他们的第二个儿子是个侏儒。 vt. cause to appear small when compared (由于对比)使显得矮小,使相 形见绌 The new tall building dwarfs all the little shops. 这高大的新建筑使所有 的小商店相形见绌。 giant n. 1. a person who is much bigger than is usual 巨人 He is one of the giants in the field of science. 他是科学界的一位巨匠。 2. a person of great

22、 ability 伟人 Shakespeare is a giant among writers. 莎士比亚是一位写作大师。 a. unusually large or important 巨大的;重要的 It is a giant step towards success. 这是迈向成功的一大步。 genuine a. real; true 真实的 Theyre convinced that the picture is genuine. 他们相信这幅画是真品。 If the offer is genuine I will gladly accept it. 如果是真心帮忙,我将 乐于接受。

23、 core n. 1. (figurative) the central or most important part 中心或重要部 分 This is the core of the discussion. 这是讨论的核心内容。 The core subjects are English, mathematics and Chinese. 重点课程是 英语、数学和汉语。 2. the hard, central part, containing the seeds, of fruits like apples and pears 核 Someone threw an apple core.

24、有人扔了颗苹果核。 rely vi. (on) trust; have confidence in依靠,依赖; 信赖 You cant rely on the weather.这天气是靠不住的。 external a. 1. (figurative) easily seen but not essential; on the surface 外在的;表面外在的;表面 的的 Judged by his external appearances he was a quiet man, but he had a violent temper. 从外表看,他是个文静的人,但实际上他脾气很暴躁。从外表看

25、,他是个文静的人,但实际上他脾气很暴躁。 2. outside 外部的;外面的外部的;外面的 an external wound 外伤外伤 The medicine is for external use, not to drink. 这药是外用的,不可内服。这药是外用的,不可内服。 inevitable a. which cannot be prevented from happening不可避免的不可避免的 An angry exchange was inevitable because they hated each other so much. 他们很不喜欢对方,因此争吵不可避免。他们

26、很不喜欢对方,因此争吵不可避免。 inevitably ad. unavoidably; certainly 不可避免地不可避免地 Inevitably, the project is running into difficulties. 这个项目不可避免地遇上这个项目不可避免地遇上 了困难。了困难。 preserve vt. 1. keep; protect保存;保护保存;保护 We need to preserve the forest. 我们需要保护这片森林。我们需要保护这片森林。 I hope that fate may preserve you from all harm. 我祈祷命

27、运保佑你平安。我祈祷命运保佑你平安。 2. store 储存储存 preserved eggs 皮蛋皮蛋 preserved fruit果脯果脯 mask n. a covering for the face, to hide or protect it 面具;面罩面具;面罩 Each motorcycle driver has to wear a mask. 每个摩托车驾驶员都得戴面罩。每个摩托车驾驶员都得戴面罩。 vt. 1. put a mask over 戴面具戴面具 The bank robbers masked their faces. 银行抢劫犯戴了面具。银行抢劫犯戴了面具。 2

28、. hide 掩盖掩盖 She tried to mask her feelings. 她试图掩盖自己的感情。她试图掩盖自己的感情。 A thick cloud masked the sun. 厚厚的云层遮住了厚厚的云层遮住了太阳。太阳。 tough a. 1. hard; difficult 很难的 These days are very tough. 这些日子很苦。 The tough problem is how to raise the money needed. 难题是如何筹集 所需要的钱款。 2. strong 结实的;有力的 He is very tough and can ca

29、rry this huge rock easily.他力气很大,能轻 易地抓起这块大石头。 conscience n. the sense of right and wrong 良心;良知 His conscience would not let him lie. 良心不让他撒谎。 component n. a necessary or essential part 成分;部件 The management plan has four main components. 管理计划有4个组成 部分。 basis n. (pl.: bases) 1. foundation 基础 We judge a

30、 worker on the basis of his performance. 我们判断工人的基 础是看他的表现。 2. the main part; base 主体;基地 The money he got from his father was the basis for a new business. 从他 父亲那里得到的钱是他做新买卖的本金。 enrich vt. 1. improve 改善;改进 It is important to enrich the soil before planting. 种植前先改良土壤是 很重要的。 2. make rich or richer 丰富 A

31、n education enriches your mind. 教育可以丰富你的思想。 TV enriches life in some ways. 电视在某些方面丰富了生活。 Language Points Language Point 1 There was no middle point. (Para. 1) Meaning: You couldnt sit on the fence or in the middle-of-the- road: You were either honest or dishonest. middle point: (figuratively) a posi

32、tion which is between two very different ones You have to decide either to stay at home or to go out with me. There is no middle point. 你要么待在家里,要么跟我走,没 有折中的办法。 Language Point 2 They had a simple saying hanging on their living-room wall: (Para. 1) hang on: hold something or someone tightly Dont hang

33、the picture on that wall as it is facing the sun all day. 别把照片挂在那墙上,因为那墙整天晒着太阳。 Hang on tight; its going to be a rough ride. 抓紧;汽车要颠簸 了。 Language Point 3 Life is like a field of newly fallen snow. Where I choose to walk every step will show. (Para. 1) Meaning: Life is like a field that is covered wi

34、th fresh snow. When I walk on it, the snow shows every step of mine. Please notice that where here is a conjunction, meaning 1. at, to the place (at) which; 在任何地方 Where I live there are plenty of sheep. 在我住的地方有很多羊。 2. or/to any place at all that;去任何地方 Go where you like. 去你喜欢的地方吧。 3. while or whereas

35、; but (=whereas) 而,但是 They want a house, where we would rather live in a flat. 他们想要栋房 子,而我们却宁可住公寓。 Language Point 4 They didnt have to talk about it they demonstrated this truth by their life style. (Para. 1) Meaning: My grandparents didnt have to explain the saying; their life style just proved how

36、 true the saying is. demonstrate: vt. 1. show clearly The teacher demonstrated how to make the experiment. 老师演老师演 示了如何做这个实验。示了如何做这个实验。 The company demonstrated its new solar power system before a large audience. 公司在一大群观众面前演示了新的太阳能系统。公司在一大群观众面前演示了新的太阳能系统。 The amount of sickness in this district demon

37、strates that the water pollution levels are too high. 这地区疾病之多说明这里水这地区疾病之多说明这里水 污染太严重了。污染太严重了。 When demonstrate is used in the sense of taking part in a march, it is an intransitive verb. vi. 2. take part in a march or meeting to protest or to make demands An angry crowd demonstrated in front of the

38、mayors office for more protection of the environment. 一群愤怒一群愤怒 的人群在市长办公室前示威,要求加大环境保护的力的人群在市长办公室前示威,要求加大环境保护的力 度。度。 A large group of people were demonstrating in front of the factory, which had polluted the river. 一大群人在工厂一大群人在工厂 门口抗议该厂污染了河流。门口抗议该厂污染了河流。 Language Point 5 They understood instinctively

39、that integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that do not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. (Para. 2) Meaning: They knew by instinct that being honest means that one should have his own personal standard of right or wrong and k

40、now his limits, and that the personal standard should not be let down for ease or comfort, or altered by the present situation. Please notice that both the second and third that-clause, that is, that does not . and that is not . modify the word standard. Language Point 6 They understood instinctivel

41、y that integrity .(Para. 2) integrity: n. honesty People who lie, cheat, and steal have little integrity. 说谎、欺说谎、欺 骗和偷窃的人都不是诚实的人。骗和偷窃的人都不是诚实的人。 A good judge must act with integrity at all times. 一个好法官一个好法官 在任何时候都必须以诚信办事做人。在任何时候都必须以诚信办事做人。 Language Point 7: .involves having a personal standard of mor

42、ality and boundaries.(Para. 2) morality: n. 1. moral values, right or wrong Im not concerned with the morality of the question. 我不关心这个问题的是非道德。我不关心这个问题的是非道德。 We do not often consider the morality of our daily actions, though that should occupy a high position in our thinking. 虽然道德应在我们心目中占重要位置,可我们很少虽然

43、道德应在我们心目中占重要位置,可我们很少 关心日常行为的道德问题。关心日常行为的道德问题。 2. quality, goodness Its obvious from his cruel behavior that he has no morality. 从他残忍的行为看,他从他残忍的行为看,他 无德行可言。无德行可言。 boundary: n. 1. (figuratively) limit : the boundaries of human thought人类思想的限人类思想的限 度度 the boundaries of ones knowledge 一个人的知识的限度一个人的知识的限度

44、2. dividing line The lake forms part of the boundary between the two countries. 这湖成了两国的部分这湖成了两国的部分 边界。边界。 A fence forms the boundary between my garden and my neighbours. 一道篱笆把我一道篱笆把我 的花园与邻居的花园分隔了开来。的花园与邻居的花园分隔了开来。 Language Point 8 .that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to th

45、e situation at hand. (Para. 2) sell out (to): let down ones cause, ones side (to someone) 背叛背叛 事业或立场事业或立场 They spoke of people who had sold out to the enemy. 他们提到他们提到 了那些背叛投敌的人。了那些背叛投敌的人。 The leaders of the trade union were charged with selling out to the mangers. 工会领导被指责背叛了自己的立场,倒向了雇主。工会领导被指责背叛了自己的

46、立场,倒向了雇主。 convenience: n. 1. comfort Many towns have camping places for the convenience of tourists. 很多城镇为方便游客而设立了野营场所。很多城镇为方便游客而设立了野营场所。 The great convenience of your house is its position. 你的房子最你的房子最 大的便利在于其所处的位置。大的便利在于其所处的位置。 2. usefulness The convenience of buying meat already wrapped in packets

47、 increases its sale. 购买已经包好的肉所提供的购买已经包好的肉所提供的 便利增加了肉的销售量。便利增加了肉的销售量。 When I put these things here I was thinking only of your convenience. 我把这些东西放在这里时,只是考虑了对我把这些东西放在这里时,只是考虑了对 你方便。你方便。 at hand: 1. near in time or place 即将到来;近在手边即将到来;近在手边 The great day is at hand. 伟大的日子即将到来。伟大的日子即将到来。 2. being consid

48、ered 在考虑之中在考虑之中 His question was not related to the question at hand. 他的他的 问题与眼下的问题无关。问题与眼下的问题无关。 Language Point 9 : Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior. (Para. 2) Meaning: Honesty is a compass in your heart that judges your behavior. inner: 1. more confidential; more secret She

49、keeps her inner thought to herself. 她不向别人透露她的她不向别人透露她的 内心思想。内心思想。 2. inside : A closet is usually an inner room. 壁橱通常是墙内壁橱通常是墙内 的一个地方。的一个地方。 The poem with an inner meaning is hard to understand. 这首这首 具有内涵意义的诗很难懂。具有内涵意义的诗很难懂。 The London railway that is under the ground has an inner circle and an outs

50、ide circle. 伦敦地铁有内环线和外环线。伦敦地铁有内环线和外环线。 Language Point 10 : Unfortunately, integrity is in short supply today and getting scarcer. (Para. 3) Meaning: Unfortunately, integrity is in bad need now, and fewer people are honest. in short supply: lacking; not quite available These goods are in short supply

51、; therefore, the price will be high. 这些货正短缺,价格会上涨。这些货正短缺,价格会上涨。 scarce: not much or many compared with what is wanted; hard to find Good fruit is scarce now and costs a lot. 好水果现好水果现 在不多,所以价格贵。在不多,所以价格贵。 Chairs that are older than one hundred years are scarce. 百年以上的旧椅子不多了。百年以上的旧椅子不多了。 Because there

52、is little water in the desert, trees are scarce.由于沙漠中缺水,所以树很少见。由于沙漠中缺水,所以树很少见。 Language Point 11 But it is the real bottom line in every area of society and a discipline we must demand of ourselves. (Para. 3) Meaning: But integrity is very important in every area of society, and it is education that

53、 is necessary to us. the bottom line: the most important factor; the main or essential point 重要因素;关键的东西重要因素;关键的东西 The bottom line is that its not making any money. 关键是这关键是这 不赚钱。不赚钱。 The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of everybody. 关键是这不能使每人都尽力。关键是这不能使每人都尽力。 Forget the detail and giv

54、e me the bottom line. 细细 节就不要说了,说说关键的吧。节就不要说了,说说关键的吧。 demand of: expect (something) from (someone or something) 期待;要求期待;要求 Hard work will be demanded of students in this course. 这门课程要求学生用功去学。这门课程要求学生用功去学。 The increased population is demanding too much of the electricity supply. 人口的增长对电力供人口的增长对电力供 应的

55、需求太高了。应的需求太高了。 Post-reading Activity Exercise: (pp.230-235) Answer the following questions: 1. Why did my grandparents believe that “you were either honest or you were not”? Because, as the saying implies, ones actions demonstrate whether he is honest or dishonest. 2. According to the grandparents,

56、what does integrity involve? Integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out toconvenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. 3. Whats wrong with integrity today? It is in short supply. 4. According to the author what are the three prin

57、ciples that constitute the Integrity Triangle? They are: 1) Stand firmly for your convictions when confronted with personal pressure; 2) Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs; 3) Be honest and open about who you really are. 5. What does the story about the nurse and the surgeon tell us

58、? It tells us that when you know you are right, dont give up. 6. What does the second principle mean? It means that always give other people the praise that they merit. 7. Why do some people rely on external factors in order to feel good about themselves? Because they lack genuine core values. 8. Wh

59、at are the powerful components of integrity and the basis for enriching your relationships with others? They are self-respect and a clear conscience. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Notice that there are more words than needed. 1. He wrote a letter to

60、the company, asking them to send the goods at their earliest convenience. 2. Feeling that the direction for the exercise was difficult to understand, the students asked the teacher to clarify it. 3. After demonstrating how to do it, the chemical experts told the graduates to begin the experiment. 4.


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